
Search results

  1. I Love Amazon Prime

    I love Amazon Prime! I use it for my business and for my home. I order everything I can through it. Books, movies, clothes, toiletries, etc. I probably spend $10,000 a year on Amazon. Recently I found out that Erin gets a very nice percentage of the sale ...

    - 2017/08/14 - 8:48pm - 8 comments

  2. BigCloset down time

    As Erin mentioned in her blog we are moving things around at the data center, as a result the website will be offline as we power servers down and one by one bring them back online. There is no firm ETA for everything to be back running so please be patie ...

    - 2016/10/04 - 10:16pm - 1 comment

  3. February 2012 Short Story Contest Winners

    Voting for the Short Story Month February 2012 Contest is over. I debated leaving the voting open another day to see if we could get 150 voters but we need 20 more and we did not get 20 voters on the last day of voting and I don't think we would get ...

    - 2014/02/19 - 6:24pm - 6 comments

  4. This is a hard thing to do...

    As you can see in the Hatbox graphic on the side, I'm asking for $2000 in donations and income again for the month of February. Part of this is because we are going to have to replace a server soon, since the one bought last month did not work out as ...

    - 2014/02/19 - 6:23pm - 16 comments

  5. Contributions for March

    February contributions exceeded expectations and allowed me to pay down some old bills related to expanding our server installations. The renewals of a number of domains also came due and I was able to extend them for another two years in most cases. One ...

    - 2014/02/19 - 6:23pm - 2 comments

  6. Bad News About the Good News

    We seem to have solved the memory leak problem by replacing a faulty module in the compiled version of... I forget? Apache or Linux. Then we solved another memory leak by downgrading PHP to 5.2x since some modules we are using have problems with 5.3 and a ...

    - 2014/02/19 - 6:23pm - 42 comments

  7. Hatbox Updated! New Premium Story!

    The sidebar with the kitty has been updated for April, we've already raised $690 dollars for this month's goal. And, we have a new story in the Hatbox Premium directory, Angela Rasch donated a story called "Alleviate Suffering." Here&# ...

    - 2014/02/19 - 6:23pm - 7 comments

  8. Upgrade Equipment Ordered

    We couldn't wait any longer so today I ordered drives and memory to upgrade our three servers that do most of the work of running BigCloset and other sites so important to our community. It cost $840 dollars and we will have a small shipping cost to ...

    - 2014/02/19 - 6:23pm - 6 comments

  9. Using Search

    I'm going to use this as a place to discuss search, how to use it and what people want to use it for. A few things: When you use multiple words in a search, the default is to perform an OR search. Searching for curly perm will turn up both curly and ...

    - 2014/02/24 - 8:17am - 7 comments

  10. How to Complain...

    Got a problem or an urgent question about the site? Best way to get an answer is to send a PM to Erin. Click here. Hugs, Erin Author:  Administrator ...

    - 2013/10/22 - 12:37pm

  11. Rule Three- It's not about you

    If you have a problem with someone else on the site, understand that that is not the site's problem as long as that person is obeying the very simple rule of keeping it friendly. "BigCloset is a friendly place to read, write and discuss Transgen ...

    - 2014/07/25 - 3:14pm

  12. The Future of BigCloset-- We Are Janglewood LLC

    We Are Janglewood LLC As of last week, Piper, Cat and I have incorporated as Janglewood, LLC. This is mostly to keep the taxman happy but it offers some advantages, too. We are not a non-profit, at least, not yet. We may do that next year but that's ...

    - 2015/08/28 - 8:02pm - 40 comments

  13. Yes, We're Back!

    Doesn't look like the same place, does it? New paint, some new furnishings....:) It's been a bit of a struggle but here we are in the new digs. If you're visiting on a mobile device, a phone or tablet, you may notice more good changes. We&# ...

    - 2014/09/30 - 3:26pm - 105 comments

  14. Logging in with email addresses

    We have turned logging in with email addresses off for security reasons. If you have been using your email addy to login, please use your username. If you had set up your username the same as your email, you will have to change that and you may not be abl ...

    - 2014/10/14 - 7:53pm

  15. We're Back! (Updated)

    We'll be working on problems here for most of the weekend it looks like, so be patient and be kind.:) Here's a list of known problems. Site going up and down. Working on this, software optimizations will help but really, we are limping along on ...

    - 2014/03/06 - 12:52am - 40 comments

  16. Rule One- Keep it Friendly

    Rule One This is a friendly place... What this means is that if something offends you, you are polite about it or you keep quiet. You can talk to me or one of the other admins but if it is a story that has offended you, you're probably not going to b ...

    - 2023/02/22 - 1:55pm - 2 comments

  17. Rule Two- Give Everyone the Benefit of the Doubt

    This is just as important as Rule One. If you think someone has deliberately offended you, think a second time. What if you're wrong? Of course you're sure they were talking about you even though they did not mention your name, but what if you&# ...

    - 2023/02/22 - 1:59pm - 2 comments

  18. Rule Three: It's Not About You...

    I first posted this about another topic some months ago but there is a new need for it and I have therefore edited it. If you have a problem with someone else on the site, understand that that is not the site's problem as long as that person is obeyi ...

    - 2023/02/22 - 2:01pm - 8 comments

  19. Downtime Today (for BigCloset)

    Hi Everyone, For the last two days, I've been trying to get a test site setup for future BigCloset upgrades. We've stretched the current software to it's limits and we aren't sure how much we can extend it, so it's time for us to ...

    - 2014/02/19 - 6:23pm - 3 comments

  20. Limping By

    Hi Everyone! As you've probably noticed the last couple days, we've been having a few issues. We're trying to track down what's actually going on, and trying to fix things as we find them, but it's hard to do when we have to keep ...

    - 2014/02/19 - 6:23pm
