Do You Believe In Magic? Chapter 11

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Yasmine looked tired when she came downstairs for breakfast. She had stayed up late last night talking about striking against the HSL and the Hunter organization. Ava and Courtney were all for it. Ava’s sister Kelly thought they should talk with her mother and the council. Justine sided with the teenage girl on that as well. So, all the heads of the different packs, prides and covens were going to get together to discuss the problem and make some sort of battle plan to attack them.

She had helped Kelly make a portal to their home last night. She was still feeling the effects of the drain of magical energies she had used yesterday during the attack and helping Kelly late last night. Ava and Gabe had reinforced the magical defenses on the house and strengthen the perimeter alarms and defenses.

Lily comes walking in looking a little paler then she normally did.

“Rough night Lily?”

“Yes, I’m surprised you are up right now. I thought you would had stayed in bed to recover after everything last night.”

“I wanted too, but my body had a mind of its own. My bladder was threatening to burst if I didn’t get up fast. As a guy, I could had held out a
little longer, but as a girl, I swear my bladder is smaller.”

Lily just giggles at that.

“I wouldn’t know anything about that. I’ve always had a girl’s body.”

“To answer your question sweetie.” As Lydia comes walking into the kitchen.

“Is yes. Women have smaller bladder compare to men.”

Lily looks surprised at that.

“Mind explaining why, oh mighty High Priestess?”

“Because of the position of our uterus. A person’s bladder expands when it gets full. Since men down have a uterus, they can store more then
we can. They have more room for their bladder to expand, where we don’t. So, when you became a full functional woman, Yasmine. You gave up some of the benefits to being a male.”

“You mean not having to remember to take my birth control pills and being able to have a bigger bladder?”

“Yep, beside. Being a woman is a lot funnier than being a male. You get to experience a lot more things than you do as a male. You also have more choices of clothing you can wear, where as a male you don’t. You can only make men’s shirts and pants so many ways.”

“So, what brought this line of conversion on?”

Lydia fixes her coffee.

“Your daughter was complaining about having to get up and use the bathroom this morning, when she wanted to sleep in.”

“Well, if you want to Yasmine. You could always wear baby diapers to bed. That way you could sleep longer and not have to worry about having to get up.”

“Yuck, no thank you mom. I rather get out of bed and use the toilet like a big girl.”

Yasmine shivers just from the thought.

“Good, you’re a little big to be carried around. Even if you look like a ten-year-old girl.”

“Well, I guess I could be to blame for that mom. The witch I made for a game was older, but look young. I was basing the characters looks off a girl I saw in school and didn’t know she was ten years old.”

“Ah, that explains things now. So, how are you feeling today?”

“Like someone plugged me in and drain all my magical energies. I can’t even form a scout.”

“Making portals does take a lot of energies out of you. The way Kelly did it last night using two trees standing next to each other is the way the Fae do it. Considering who her teacher and mother is, it’s no wonder she did it that way.”

“I didn’t know Maggie had a daughter or a niece.”

“Ava is Roger’s daughter, Maggie’s twin brother. As for Kelly, she is the off-spring of another fae that was killed and sold into slavery by her
human mother. Ava and her life partner Courtney fought him and took Kelly from him. So, now she is part of the Vreeland family.”

“Isn’t it against the rules for other fae’s to challenge the Vreeland family?”

“Why would it be against the rules?”

Yasmine was curious now.

“Because the Vreeland family are the direct descendants of Titania herself or the Queen of the Fairies. They have Royal Fae blood running in their veins. To attack one is to ask for the entire clan to come after you. That is why Fae are forbidden to challenge a Vreeland. Because, if the person they challenged doesn’t get you. The whole family clan will and that will cause a Fae war. The Vreeland’s have at least six different Fae family bloodlines in their blood, along with Were-Cat and Were-Wolf. It is rare for one of their children to be born normal, but it does happen. Victoria Brown was a prime example, till a were-wolf attacked her and activated her latent genes.”

“Who’s Victoria Brown?”

“She’s the wife of an Immortal council member and the third cousin of Ava’s.”

“I remember her. She’s told the council to kiss her ass when she married Tom and if I remember right. Tom told them to take a long walk off a short bridge. When Vicky became a Were-Wolf and the council member of the wolves try to stamp his control over her, it flowed off because she is protected by her husband.”

“Actually, it was because any one that has Vreeland blood or is a descendant of a Vreeland can’t be controlled by anyone. They are too wild and unpredictable. Plus, Vicky is protected by Mistress Selena.”

“Who’s Mistress Selena?”

Yasmine was getting frustrated. Here was stuff she needed to know about, but haven’t learned yet.

“Mistress Selena is THE Royal Vampire here in the states. She is the oldest and the most powerful of the vampires. The reason Vicky is protected by her, is Vicky saved her life and the life of her pet, Kitten. Kitten is a prime example of playing with magic more powerful than your able to weld. She tried to summon the Goddess Bast and the way she went about it, pissed the Goddess off. So, the Goddess turned her into a half-human/half-cat person. Sometimes, some of her humanity peeks through, but mostly she acts like a cat. Mistress Selena keeps her as a pet and really does care for her. Any of her vampires or other caught drinking blood from her is killed, no question asked. The same goes for Victoria as well. No vampire can attack her, unless she attacks them and even then, they better run away.”

“So, don’t piss off Mistress Selena then?”

“You might get away with it, because your abilities are god given. However, I recommend you talk to her first. She can be helpful and a good resource. Another thing you need to know about Yasmine is Ruby, and Sapphire dust.”

“Okay, what is Ruby and Sapphire dust?”

“Ruby is dry crystalline vampire blood. The dust gives you the abilities of a vampire, depending on how old the vampire was that it was made from is how powerful you'll be. The older the vampire, the more powerful the dust. The drawback is, the more you use it. The more dependent you become, the more hooked you are on it. It gets to the point that you will die from taking too much or you become a mindless vampire. Which, at that time it’s the vampire’s problem to put you down before you become a problem. Sapphire is the opposite of Ruby. Sapphire, is made from Fae blood and makes you extremely desirable and beautiful. Once you start taking it, you’re hooked. It laterally destroys your self-confidence and makes you want to be beautiful all the time. If your old, it turns the clock back ten years and halts your ageing for a while. The drawback to it, besides being hooked on it, is getting it in the first place. It can only be made from the blood of a fae. The second problem is, when you stop taking it and get over the drug itself, your body starts ageing till you get to the age you should be. So, if you take it when you are twenty years old and use it till your fifty. You’ll still look like you are twenty, but if you stop taking it. You make up all those lost years and you don’t know what will happen. Your body might not be able to withstand the stress of ageing so fast. So, most people who take it. Take small doses of it. You can mix Ruby and Sapphire together and get the effects of both, but I wouldn’t recommend it.”

“Wow! Can people who are half Fae like Carmen and Kelly’s blood be used to make Sapphire?”

“Yep, but it will only be half as strong and you’ll have some pissed off half-faes after you. I would rather face a pissed off vampire then those two. Fae’s can be very vengeful. That’s why it’s hard to get Sapphire. Some vampires make their own Ruby, but not Fae unless you want to be in debt to them for the rest of your life. I wouldn’t try it with any one that is a true Immortal like Vicky’s husband Tom. His blood was drunk once by a Roman Emperor and it drove him insane.”

“Okay, so when are we going to be meeting with everyone about the HSL and Hunter problem?”

Yasmine wanted to get revenge for what they did.

“Next Wednesday. I just got word before I came down here to get my coffee. We are meeting with the leaders of every Were, Witch, Fae and Supernatural group in existence. That includes a few Gargoyles that are still around.”

“Wow, that’s unusual for Gargoyles to get involve. They normally, stay out of other supernatural affairs.”

“I know, but the one that is Victoria friends is going to be there. She’s their representative.”

Yasmine drinks her orange juice and wonders what she has gotten herself into. She gets up and walks around the table and climb onto her mother’s lap.

“To much for you sweetie?”


“Welcome to the club, Yasmine.”

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Sounds to me like several

Sounds to me like several groups of "others" you don't want to piss off and go after. Not good for your continued health in the long run.

Yep, which makes me wonder

Just how stupid the HSL and Hunters are for going after people with that much influence and power. Death wishes, maybe? LOL