Apocalypse Dawn: First Light - Part 8

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Does a happy dance. I think this is a real place and Moira really is the high elf queen of the Autumn court she kept slipping and referencing the backstory for the so called game I bet it is based on real events. Either it’s a real place and the I think their bodies are really changing in real life. Or Moira is prepping for veil to tear in real life. I bet Moira is going to love being a mom again. I wonder what the real punishment is going to be for them?
I’ve lost my whole world once, I will not allow it to happen again.
Probably means the game is based on history.
I should have known not to trust those H… She almost said humans implying she isn’t one
We found her too late and the p… paramedics couldn’t revive her
I think she was going to say priests or something else.

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna

Glad you're happy

Amethyst's picture

Moira did seem to be slipping a bit in her emotional state. It's possible that there is some truth to what's in the game, but she could also be a sign that she's slipping mentally and dragging all the players along through a scenario that she's hoping will bring back her lost daughter. As for punishment, well that could be anything, and Moira certainly seems out for blood, but Taelya as the princess and wronged party may have something to say about it too.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

The Fae

I wonder if all the fae are still trapped in the veil and are based on Moira’s memories of them, or the game is reaching into the veil. I wonder what the punishment will be life as nymphs since they have a very poor and sexist opinion of women. I bet after several months she starts calling Moira mom.

hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna

It seems so

Amethyst's picture

But it looks like there's plenty of healing still needed to go around. I was a bit worried that this chapter might be a bit emotionally heavy, but hopefully it came off right.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

Emotionally heavy

Emotionally heavy is good.

I, too, am wondering how much of the game's world is real. And if the princess awakens with her princess body instead of her male body, I hope she is happy with it. I'm sure that, if she likes it, her fiance' will be ecstatic -- having a shape shifting body that will allow him/her to match body to mood.

And if the queen turns into the real queen. she may just have something to say about the investors' plans to turn her work into a weapon.

And... H3lls-Pwn... I'm looking forward to the entertainment. I wonder what shape they will be in after the Wild Hunt. Hopefully, the individual fey of the queendom will be able to control their anger enough to keep the reprobates alive.

We'll have to wait and see

Amethyst's picture

I like to think that the emotions in such a situation make Taelya more relatable and realistic.

If it does end up being real Taelya will likely have some mixed feelings about being stuck as a Fae princess, but she would be happy for both Lissany and Rei for being able to be the genders that they identify with, especially in Rei's case. She would adjust though since she's the practical type and would realize that bitching and moaning wouldn't get her old life back, she might even decide that she enjoys her new self and that having magic makes it all worth it.

Fae Queen or not, Moira isn't going to take this laying down and will have her justice. She's not thee type to let anyone or anything stop her when she has a goal.

The Wild Hunt will likely be rough on our problem-causers. But none of the Fae will want their suffering to end to soon, Fae like to drag the Wild Hunt on as long as they can and cause the most amount of suffering possible before presenting what's left to the Queen for whatever punishment she thinks appropriate (and usually ironic), and we've seen that Moira seems to be in a particularly vengeful mood.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3


Mama bear is none-too-happy with those fools. I'm genuinely curious to see what the punishment looks like here... I hope we don't have to wait too long to see!

I genuinely am impressed with how you've built the world dynamics here!

Mama bear

Amethyst's picture

Is a very apt description for Moira (Amoiraishe). You do not want to screw with her cub. We should be seeing the punishment(s) fairly soon, worry not.

Aww thanks Tiffany I really enjoy the world building as much as the storytelling sometimes, and it's nice that my readers can appreciate the work that goes into it.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

Well this was definitely an

Well this was definitely an interesting chapter! I'm very curious what the future holds for our group here


Amethyst's picture

Things went off the rails a bit, but Taelya is healing and got some answers and we're getting a better insight into Moira and what might be motivating her. The future should be very interesting ;)

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

Milestone chapter, I think

Nyssa's picture

While there is still clearly a lot more for us and our princess to learn, it seems like we are still building to the real challenges. H3lls pwn wasn't intended to be a challenge so the game structure must have something else in mind to prepare the players on this server for the final competition against the the other servers. Servers that have othe high elf magic users. If this server, Moira's favored, is to win she must have a plan. Not sure how that plan doesn't play right into the military plans unless the final combat and the dominant players are mostly based on magic. Even then, it might not matter.

Then, of course, there's the possibility that the system could turn ordinary soldiers into elves for jungle combat, or (yikes) ogres for massive earwax production (and battle).

Fun stuff Ame, and getting more and more epic.


Amethyst's picture

There is sill a lot for everyone involved to learn and do and they've only been in the game about two days so far, so maybe six to seven hours real-time. Moira also did confirm the presence of high-elves on those other servers and with their skills they'd have to be fools not to pick magic-related classes. She plans to show that her Court (server) can stand against the others and win, so she'll nee a plan if she's to do that at what might possibly be a disadvantage.

Moira will do everything she can to keep her system from falling into what she considers the wrong hands. Most people seem to be seeing this from the magical transformation angle, but even from a purely real-world perspective the military would see uses for this tech. Three months of training in 2 weeks, new skills learned in an instant, and if the F.I.Ts do play with the minds of those inside to accomplish those things, what's to rule out a little "mental conditioning" as well? That tech in the hands of a military could be truly frightening.

Glad you're enjoying it Nyssa

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

Some thoughts

One of the American investors wants to sell the technology to their military for training soldiers.

Maybe H3lls-Pwn are agents of this investor and they are here to test technology and how it applies to this world. To this effect, they could come back with heavier military ware (tanks, copters, ...)

The way you weave real life and fantasy life is well done and very interesting.

Thank you for this story.


Counter thoughts

Amethyst's picture

There are four servers, and Autumn is located in Vancouver, Canada. If the American military, or an investor with their interests at heart, wished to infiltrate the game and figure out real world applications it would probably be far easier for them to infiltrate the Spring Server which is located in New York City.

I'm glad that you're enjoying this, it's been a lot of work, but it's a labor of love so far ;)

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

The American investor must be

The American investor must be a very poor businessman. If he was a good businessman, he'd want to sell the military on buying _access_ to the technology. That leads to long term income.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Or a pawn

Amethyst's picture

From a business standpoint, access to the tech would be the way to increase profits in the long term, but any military is going to want sole rights, to keep the militaries of other nations from getting that same access and giving away what could be a very big advantage. If this got out it could be bad and Moira wouldn't want a project that she's put so much effort into being turned into some sort of weapon to be used by warring nations. The whole point of the game is cooperation between different peoples and it would go against that, which is something that she personally feels very strongly about.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

Usually the contract would

Usually the contract would include either first refusal on offering access to a foreign country, or a list of countries to not do business with, so that's a wash. It's done a lot in the business world. That way, it could be limited to training, war games, education, etc. By controlling the tech itself, "conditioning" would require both her company and the military to be in agreement. (For example, mental conditioning normally required for learning how to use equipment, or react during emergencies, would be fine - that's done the hard way right now. )

Heck, even on the small scale, being able to learn the basics of carpentry, plumbing, and normal trades would be enormously helpful. Groups like the SCA would go nuts over being able to learn "medieval" skills in a weekend - and they often have LOTS of money. Selling outright to any government entity would be a short term money maker, but a mid and long term loser.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Yeah, the contract would

Amethyst's picture

Yeah, the contract would include such things, but that isn't a road that Moira wants to travel down unless she's in full control of who has access to the tech and how it is used. She certainly doesn't want to sell the tech to the military outright as the investor seems to be suggesting, so that's why she's got an army of lawyers starting to look into options.

If anything it would be far more profitable and more controlled for them to create company training outlets where people could get training and/or learn what they needed or wanted to, but under the watchful eyes of people she trusts so it couldn't be misused by anyone. Access for a price on a sliding scale depending on need, purpose, intent and what skills and training are required. They could sell package deals, single skill training, hourly rates for virtual training sessions, virtual vacations, government training contracts, etc. There are ways to make it profitable, and under their control, keeping it in their hands without having any military directly involved and trying to run the show. As for mental conditioning they could do that, but there would be consent forms and anything like that would be limited to 'positive conditioning'.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3


they weren't able to keep the atomic bomb technology secret either. Moira better have a pocket demesne she can hide it in.


Amethyst's picture

Moira may find herself in a position where she has to try to either control how and why the technology is used so that others don't abuse it or destroy it completely. Because really, those are the only two choices that she would allow if given a choice.


Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

Not quite the same thing. A

Not quite the same thing. A number of countries were working on atomic energy at the same time - including Germany. At the core, a nuclear bomb is insanely simple to make. Refining from that to higher efficiency isn't even so much the realm of physicists, but engineers.

With something like this, you have the support hardware, the system hardware, the software, and the support wetware. If you don't have _all four_, you're sunk. (by support wetware, I'm talking about the neural translation interfaces required to go between electronics and electrochemical reactions)

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

I think you have done a great job

describing the real world and the virtual world characters, while keeping my suspension of belief awareness very low. I too believe there is a hidden motivation involved in the storyline where the virtual world experiences will bleed over into the real world. I anticipate I will enjoy reading the rest of the story as much as I have enjoyed it so far. Thank you.

Thanks Wendy

Amethyst's picture

Sometimes less is more and I really like to give just enough so the readers' have a pretty good idea while letting their imaginations to fill in the blanks. A lot of people seem to be expecting spillover of the virtual world into the real world and I'm not going to give spoilers, but I hope that regardless of how things end that my readers enjoy the journey there. I'm glad you've been enjoying it so far and I hope that you keep enjoying it until the end :)

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3


Wendy Jean's picture

their are now 4 people who give the game negative reviews.

Wild hunt

Would not shush that on any one.

Lost one world already?

dun re dun dun

Thank you for the tale so far

Wild hunt

Would not shush that on any one.

Lost one world already?

dun re dun dun

Thank you for the tale so far