
Annie, Get Your Gun! Chapter 9 – Epilogue

I developed a much closer bond with my Mom after our special “mother-daughter” time together.

On the following Sunday morning, I came downstairs early, knowing that she would be preparing a big breakfast while my father and younger brothers slept.

She was lost in thought and clearly surprised to see me so early, and I startled her a bit.

“Goodness!” She exclaimed. “Oh, Good morning, Honey Bunny!”

“Morning Mom…I was wondering if I could help you get everything ready for our breakfast this morning?”

Annie, Get Your Gun! Chapter 8 – Heeeere’s Annie!

The next couple weeks leading up to the book report were pretty normal, aside from my new wardrobe options. As the day I would make my debut as Annie Oakley at school drew nearer, I started to anticipate the event and harbored a mix of anxiety, excitement, and hope that my decision to go “all-in” would be well received. As I finished typing up my report, I had a little bit of trouble concentrating as I thought about all of this, but ultimately buckled down and got it done.

Mom had me practice my presentation with her, and even gave me a few pointers.

Annie, Get Your Gun! Chapter 4 - Preparing for a shopping trip with Mom

Chapter 4 – Preparing for a shopping trip with Mom

The rest of the week turned out to be pretty normal. School, homework, video games, and family dinners. Well, that and the decision I was wrestling with. On Saturday, after breakfast when my brothers went out to play in the back yard, and my Dad went to have some specialty engine modifications done on his antique car (a 1968 Plymouth Fury), I decided to help my Mom clean up the dishes.

Annie, Get Your Gun! Chapter 2 - Decisions, decisions…

Chapter 2: Decisions, decisions…

“Uh, Miss Russo,” I muttered and stammered, “I uh, well uh…”

“It’s OK Mike, no need to get all nervous! Who did you pick?”

“Annie Oakley?” I answered sheepishly.

Just about the whole class busted a gut laughing. I wanted to end it all right there and disappear into the deepest, darkest hole I could find.
“Settle down kids, settle down!”

Annie, Get Your Gun! Chapter 1 - An introduction, and into the wayback machine we go!

Annie, Get Your Gun!

By: Renee Elysse

Chapter 1 – An introduction, and into the wayback machine we go!

Most of my friends and family know me as Mike Jacobs. What I now think of as my “male persona” involves being a successful executive, outdoorsman, handyman, and one of the “guys’ guys,” so to speak. I enjoy the company of beautiful women, wine, and song, as well as hunting, guns, cars, watching football, and playing hockey, among other things.

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