Rasufelle's blog

Book Cover

I'm in the final stages of prepping my collective book for sending to Katie to make sure it'll work as a Kindle eBook. In fact, give me another hour and the final rewrite of the final story will be complete!

On the other hand, there is one thing I need for it that I still don't have yet...

The cover.

I've decided on the title "Josie's Con Stories And Other Tales," but the cover design I want for it is based on "The Voice On The Line," consisting of a bouquet of yellow roses lying on a set of steps next to a cane.

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Stories For Transgendered Teens

I was reading a blog post earlier wherein one of the commenters mentioned that this site is not appropriate for teens.

She's right. That's why we have the age warning on the very first page after typing in the address, after all.

But, how hard would it be to do something that WAS specifically for transgendered teens?

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Awkward Moments In Gender Presentation

I'm sure that nearly everyone here is familiar with the uncomfortable feeling of having to put up with your gender presentation and physical sex not matching exactly at one point or another. For me, it's a problem I used to have a lot.

Then I got fat again.

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Inspiration! Precipitation! Perspiration!

It's here, it's here!

You know that next part of Princess For Hire: The Second Semester that I promised, like, months ago?

It's finally written!

I've just sent it off to my official reviewer to read over before I post it, so expect it sometime late today/early tomorrow I guess, depending on how it is received by she.

No, it's not up to my old quality. Yes, it will get better. Heck, to be honest, I'm just glad I managed to sit down and churn out about five and a half pages in one sitting!

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