Trenner’s Garage Chap. 17

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Kat, Paul, Brittney, August, and Rebecca watch as the Golden Eagle squad boards a black cargo plane that had a large wolf face superimposed over a shield. Chaos Armor was written beneath the image.

“So, where are they off too, this time?” Brittney looks at August for an answer.

“Washington D.C., I don’t know what their assignment is, but their flight plan is to a private airfield near Washington D.C.” August had to file the flight plan for the private cargo plane that arrived a few hours ago.

The plane was registered to the armor company Jack owned. The private plane Gina, her husband, and her assistant came on was following behind them. The team had taken all their gear with them.

“Where did Mr. Blackwell and his crew disappeared too?” Kat was curious about that.

“They left to investigate a long-forgotten graveyard. The place dated back to before Kansas was settled.” August looks at her aunt.

“I wonder how dangerous their job is?” Rebecca was curious.

“I don’t know, but messing with the paranormal, that’s suicidal.” Paul would never mess with the paranormal. He has heard a lot of stories of people being hunted by the people they killed.

“Well, isn’t being a bounty hunter dangerous as well?” August looks at Paul.

“Yeah, but it's so much fun.” An evil smile appears on Kat’s face.

“So, what are you guys going to do today?” Rebecca looks at Kat.

“We’re taking mom and dad to see the location for the Kansas office.” Brittney hopes her mother and dad likes the place.

Crystal, Valentina, and Piper went grocery shopping. They were going to be staying for a while in Kansas to set up the new office.

“Have you found where you want to set up shop?” Rebecca knew the girls have been looking at several locations.

“We have several locations picked out, Aunt Rebecca.” Brittney looks at her aunt.

“Let me know which location you choose. I know a realtor that has his car service here.” Rebecca was thinking about Darrel.

He was a former soldier and went into real estate when he got out. Rebecca has done some business with him for her employees and the customers he sent her way. She liked dealing with him and if he could help her sister with the location they were looking at. That would be a good help for them.

“That will be a good help. Why don’t you call him and have him meet us at our first stop?” Kat figures it would be helpful.

“Okay, you guys have fun building shopping.” Rebecca turns to head back to her office.

August follows behind her sister. Her son and the twins were with the babysitter they recently hired. Kat did a full background search on the person for them.

“Alright, sweetie. Let’s go into town and check out some of these places.” Kat looks at Brittney.

“Okay, mom.” Brittney leads her mother and father over to a jeep Rebecca was letting them use.

The ride into town didn’t take them too long. Brittney takes her parents to the first building, which was a stand-alone office building. The realtor agent Rebecca told them about was waiting for them. He was an older black man, dressed in a nice suit.

Darrel spots an old fashion military jeep entering the parking lot. He noticed that the driver was a young teenage girl and sitting next to her was a cat-looking woman. Sitting behind her, was an older-looking man. Something about him screamed dangerous.

He watches as the jeep pulls up next to his SUV and park. All three occupants get out of the Jeep and walk up to him. When they get close to him “Hi, you must be Mr. and Mrs. Romano. I’m Darrel Spector.” He holds his hand out to them.

Paul shakes Darrel’s hand “I’m Paul Romano, and this is my wife Kat Romano and our daughter, Brittney.”

“It’s nice to meet you all.” Darrel shakes Kat and Brittney’s hand.

Brittney and Kat return his handshake. Kat smiles at him as she shakes his hand.

“It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Spector.”

“What type of business do you do, Mr. and Mrs. Romano?”

“Please, call us Paul and Kat.” Paul smiles at Mr. Spector.

“Alright, Paul.” Darrel had a smile on his face.

“As for what type of business we do, Mr. Spector. We run a bounty hunter and private investigation company. We’re thinking about opening an office out here in Kansas.” Kat was watching Mr. Spector.

“Well, let's go inside and see if this is what you are looking for.” Darrel leads everyone inside the building.

The next hour, Kat, Paul, and Brittney explore the building. There were advantages and disadvantages to the office building. The price for the building was more than Kat wanted to spend for it.

Kat steps aside to talk with Paul “this place is nice, but it's too much for our second office.” Kat watches her husband for what he thought.

“I agree with you, sweetie. It’s too much for what we need here.” Paul had to agree with his wife on the place.

The two of them walk back to where Brittney and Mr. Spector were standing. Paul looks at Mr. Spector “we would like to check out the other two locations if we could.”

“No problem, Paul.” Mr. Spector leads everyone out of the office building and locks the place up.

They head to the second building. The second one was an old credit union building. It had some features they liked, but Kat didn’t like it or where it was located at. The location would take too long to get to the sheriff’s office.

The third location was an old newspaper office. It had a garage door they could bring the company SUV through. It also had a second floor, with offices. They could take their customers upstairs for the private investigation aspect of their business. Also, it was cheaper than the other two buildings they looked at.

“So, what do you think mom and dad?” Brittney looks at her parents for their thoughts.

“I think this office would be good. Let’s look at a few more before we purchase this building.” Kat wanted to look at a few more before they decided.

“Mr. Spector, do you have any building that we might be interested in?” Kat looks at Mr. Spector.

“I have a few I think you might like.” Darrel figures Kat and Paul might like a few buildings he was trying to sell.

“Well, let’s go and see them.” Kat wanted to see them.

“If you’ll follow me, please.” Darrel escorts everyone out of the building and locks it up.

He heads towards his SUV and has Kat and Paul follow him.

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Real-estate shopping

Samantha Heart's picture

Sounds like a lot of fun, but necessary for what they are looking for.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.