Accidental Magic - Chapter 13: A Conspiracy?

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Synopsis: Terri is in-over her head and angry to boot. Her mother is the latest in the list of people who know her secret. Who else knows? Is her life ever going to stop getting more complicated?


Accidental Magic

Allystra Krane
edited by Sephrena Miller
Chapter Thirteen
A Conspiracy?


Terry was currently male, in clothes he normally only sported in his female form, in the middle of the mall's lingerie store. This in and of itself was cause of concern, but that didn't matter much to him.

The fact that, in a moment of rage caused by a few choice words by a seemingly light-hearted, but naive clerk, Terri had angered, morphing into His radically muscled state. He had completely forgotten that his mother was still close by, but when the clerk happily pointed out the oversight, Terry had spun around only to find her looking him over.

"Muh muh... Mom?" was all he could get out. He was too stunned to know exactly what to say. Not only did his mother know what had happened, she hadn't admitted it. Terry was suddenly hurt because his mother could have made last weekend's hysterics much less potent and lengthy if she had just outed herself. A cold, heavy, feeling pressed into his chest.

Terry turned back to face the clerk, feeling the presence of eyes on the back of his head. Said clerk was grinning at him, which rang of familiarity. "Are you involved in this too?" he asked.

"I knew she hadn't recognized you Jenni." Terry's mother commented from behind, a large smile on her face as well. "I could hear you spurning her on, even from over there. She has developed a bit of a short fuse, at least when it comes to her gender identity. But, other than that, how did she look?"

"I am so jealous, even more than before." Jennifer replied. "Though I do have to appreciate the beefcake in front of me now."

"Before?" Terri asked as she composed herself and shifted back. "I don't remember being female at any time before last week, is there something I'm missing?"

"You mean you don't remember back when we were preschoolers? Our mothers used to babysit us, taking turns. We have the pool in my backyard and after swimming I used to get you in my dresses for tea parties."

Terri's cheeks turned a vivid shade of red, making Jenni laugh. "I guess I am partially to blame for your easy acceptance of your situation."

Terri was starting to remember but, to her, it felt like a life long ago. The face of a little girl with hair pulled back into a ponytail, complete with evil grin, barely resembled the beauty before her.

Brown hair, highlighted with reds and blond strands, framed Jenni's face before resting on her shoulders. A tiny, almost nonexistent, bump of a nose, poked out from between her soft, blush-covered cheeks. Eyes sparkled like cobalt blue stones encased in ice.

Jenni snaked her arms around the taller girl's waist. "It's so good to see you, especially not being depressed or afraid of being touched," she said. "I haven't seen you in years."

"How did you know it was me?" Terri asked. "How did you remember? Heck, I didn't recognize you and you didn't spontaneously have a sex change."

"I got a frantic phone call from Jenni a week ago yesterday," interrupted Terri's mother. “She told me that something tried to tell her brain that you were a girl on Friday night..."

"But I knew better. I mean how could I have been jealous of a girl in boys' swimming trunks?"

"WHAT?!" Terri nearly shouted. "What are you talking about?"

"Frankly," commented Terri's mother, "I want to hear this. I never got the whole story the first time. Three-year olds don't have a great grasp on telling the facts."

Jenni blushed just slightly. "Don't you remember when we were kids? I was a little conniver and I guess you liked me, because I could get you to do anything I asked you to."

Terri began to blush as Jenni relayed her tale. She could recall several events where Jenni had talked him into what now she considered very embarrassing situations.

Terri snapped back to reality just as her mother jumped in and finished up the story with, "... so that's why, when I came to pick him up, you had finagled his clothes and his swimming trucks off him. He was wearing a little girl's bathing suit under a cute little pink dress."

"Yeah," Jenni said with smile. "We switched almost as soon as my mom got us home. She asked him if he wanted to make me switch back, but he said he was fine in my girly suit. Mom just totally went with it."

Jenni turned to look at Terri, whose cheeks were the brightest shade of red, then gave the taller girl a tight squeeze. "I'm so glad to see you!" she wheezed out as she let Terri go. "You're skin isn't sensitive anymore, is it?"

Terri smiled back. "Do you think I would have let you do that if I was?"

Jenni's smile instantly vanished. "Please forgive me."

"For what?" Terri asked.

"She won't remember, dear," answered Terri's mother. "She lost the memories from that day, probably while she recovered."

Jenni broke into tears. "It was the last time I saw you. It was a few months after your condition began..."

Terri had put her finger over Jenni's lips. "If I don't remember, then I'm sure that I don't want to dig it up. Just let it go. I don't need to be reminded about my old self. I may not look the same, but it’s definitely better."

Jenni nodded, her own thoughts capturing her attention for a few moments, the memory only causing her to embrace Terri again, only stronger.

Terri was deep in thought herself, but on a different topic. Led into a trapped situation by her mother, confused and angered by an old friend who seemed generally concerned but still willing to mess with her, left her wondering what other secrets were being kept from her.

Jenni's gaze had refocused during this time and a smile crept across her face.

"You ok?" Terri asked.

"Excuse me," Jenni said, turning toward Terri's mother, "May I be allowed to take your daughter out to dinner?"

"Oh, you want to take Terri on a date?" Terri's mother asked, with a grin on her face. "Hmm, I don't know young lady. I expect anyone who dates my daughter to be on their best behavior, including romantic activity."

Both girls blushed heavily again. "Mother!" Terri snapped. "You're embarrassing me."

"I suppose so, but I felt I needed to say it."

"I promise that we will be virtuous in all deeds, if not in word and thought."

"Alright," Terri's mother nodded in approval. "When shall we expect you?"

"About seven, as I will need a few minutes to get home and freshen up."

"We had best be going then, as my daughter will need time to get ready for her date."

"Mom, it's not a date."

"Still dear, you must look your best."

"I never said yes," Terri protested. "What if I say no?"

Terri looked at them, having quieted them both with a single phrase. She was momentarily smug, satisfied with her successful blocking of attempts to ruin her day, that is until she noticed the pouting on Jenni's face and the scowl on her mother.

"Alright, I'll go," Terri relented. "Just stop giving me those dirty looks."

"Well, I need to get back to work," Jenni sighed. "Be ready by seven, Ok?"

"She will, don't worry," replied Terri's mother as she pushed her daughter out of the store.


"Mom, when did you figure it out?" Terri asked, sitting again in the passenger seat, on the way home.

"I always knew dear. Your Grandmother told me, many years ago, to expect something drastic to happen to you but she didn't say what. She said your condition would be cured, but with a price."

"What else did she say?"

"She told me that you'd have some trouble adjusting, but that I should play along for your sake," she replied. "I'm sorry."

"I just wish that she would have told me what the Fuck she had planned for me."

"Check the glove box dear," her mother replied. "And watch your mouth. No son...-turned-daughter of mine will swear like a sailor," she added with a smile.

Terri opened the glove box, only to see a letter addressed to her.

"Freaky, the way she always did that," her mother commented as she watched Terri remove the letter, turning it over.

Terri tore open the envelope with fervor, a tear already running from her eye.

"To my dearest granddaughter," the letter began, penned in ink. "I am sorry for everything that has happened to you so far, that is partially or in whole my fault. Mostly, I am sorry that I couldn't be there for you those last eight years, when you needed me most."

"I know the question that is on your mind most, but I can't yet tell you why I have done all this. Knowing the future changes the future, but your friend is right, that everything I have done is ultimately to keep you alive."

"On to your biggest fear yet, and no it's not being crushed by a building. Your mother will confirm that you were born a healthy baby boy. It was the vortex seal I had put on you that screwed things up."

"Due to the seal and the vortex interacting upon you, your body was in a state of flux that only reared its head during puberty. Parts of your body attempted to mature as different genders, but you already figured that out too, didn't you."

"Why did I make you female when I broke the seal? Why did I even bother breaking it? You and your new friends already figured out the answer for yourself. The only answer you don't have is the one that makes this letter harder to write with each passing second.

"Sealing you up was killing you, literally. If you didn't end your own life from depression, the constant pain was taking its toll on your nervous system and your internal organs in turn. You would not have made it to your twentieth birthday, just falling asleep one night and never waking up. I love you too much to let that happen.

As I write this, your parents are on their way home, to relieve me from sitting for you. You turned ten, just three days ago. I will only get to see you one more time before I leave this world."

"I know you won't get this for many years, but I hope you can forgive this senile old woman for all I've done to you."

Terri had trouble finishing. Her mind was realizing in many different directions. In the end, however, all paths crossed back together, leaving her with a single, overwhelming realization.

Terri crumpled the paper together in one hand while fighting with the tears.

"I forgot to tell her goodbye," Terri choked out. "I went to bed before she left and I never got to say goodbye."

Terri's mother pulled the car off the road, put it in park, then leaned over and held her child.

Terri didn't outright cry, she just quietly sobbed and returned the embrace.


Terri stood in front of her mirror in a provocative, little black dress or "LBD" as her mother had called it.

It had a high neck in the front that left her arms and shoulders exposed, but with a dark mesh in the back to hold everything up.

Light caramel nylons accented her legs before dipping into strapped pumps with a modest heel.

After having upset her mother when she had suggested she would just wear what she had on, her closet had been raided and subsequently tossed, as a thief would look for hidden valuables.

Terri had let slip that her clothes were magic too, then, demonstrating her point, caused her mother to squeal in glee before sitting down at the computer.

Google's responses for “little black dress” were a number of dress sites which had ultimately resulted in getting an image of the items she now wore.

The combination of Terri's photographic memory, the suit's willingness to please and a stern look from her mother was the reason she looked as she did now.

"How come Grandma never mentioned my suit?" Terri asked, as she was handed one of the new black thongs. "And why are you making me wear this underwear?"

"You're in a dress now dear and you've hardy trained to walk in heels," her mother replied. "I refuse to let you expose yourself if you were to happen to trip and fall onto your hands and knees. As for your grandmother, well, she didn't tell me many things."

"The suit can just cover this up too, ya know," Terri quipped back as she pulled her dress back down, having situated her underwear on her hips.

"I'd rather you not let some sort of malleable, creature-ish substance have the freedom to molest your... naughty bits."

"A little late for that, I'm afraid," replied Terri with a smile. "Last Friday night in the tub. I was floored, well... until I went under and inhaled a lung-full of water."

"That's so nasty! I can't believe you let it penetrate you!"

"First you call them naughty bits, but you use words like penetration. Just say it Mom. 'Did the creature fuck me?' Go ahead and say it."

"Well, did it?"

"No... it wouldn't do that. It just swirled itself around on the surface, playing with my knob, well what left of it anyway."

"I just want to make sure you aren't hurt dear." her mother asked, as she rubbed Terri's shoulders. "How did it make you feel?"

Terri just blushed. She likely couldn't put it to words, or she was just embarrassed. "I liked it, mom. It was an amazing feeling."

Her mother smiled as she looked over her daughter’s shoulder, into the mirror. "So, anything else I need to know about your first time?"

"I am soooo not ready to be on a date like this," Terri said. "I can't believe that you two talked me into this."

"But you're going to enjoy this so much. Much more than orgasming in a bathtub, thanks to your suit. Which reminds me, anything else you want to tell me about that thing?"

"Well," Terri, replied, "Allyssa told me that someday I would be asked by my 'malleable, creature-ish substance' to carry its baby creature-ish substance inside me."

"NOW?!" her mother exclaimed, with wide eyes. "Are you pregnant?"

"No, no!" Terri retorted, indignantly. "Only someday, unless I go back to being male full time."

"I'm going to be a grandmother to a blob!" her mother wailed in a mocking manner, obviously making light of the situation.

Terri rolled her eyes. "Yeah, it's not going to be for a loonnng time. Trust me. I am nowhere near ready to carry any baby, human or blob."

Terri decided to change the topic, for curiosity had gotten the best of her.

"So, since you know and Lexi knows, does that mean Dad does as well?"

"Your father has no idea. He is as clueless as ever."

"But you knew that Lexi knew, huh?"

"Oh yes, we discussed it on Monday, while you were at school."

"How come you didn't tell me?" Terri implored.

The conversation abruptly ended by the sounds of the doorbell. It was a repeating in eight different manners like a mutating echo from different electronic chimes about the house. Terri's father had picked up several random chimes from different shops, placing them along all the hallways and public rooms in the house.

"Oh, that's probably Jenni now," said Terri's mother happily. "Stay up here for a few minutes while I distract her. You'll make a better impression by strolling down the steps.

"Yeah," Terri replied. "It'll take me that long to get used to walking in these heels."

Terri's mother left, hurrying downstairs, leaving Terri to stare at herself in the mirror. She lifted her breasts a few times with her hands, to watch them jiggle.

"Well, I AM sexy," she commented to herself, before walking out her door.

Terri crouched, so she could peek to the bottom of the stairs without walking down first. She could see her mother's slacks facing a bare pair of legs that disappeared into a lightweight scarlet skirt. Terri couldn't see more than two inches of the bottom of it, but she could hear the voice.

Jenni was much less confident than before, the wavering in her voice apparent from Terri's vantage point at the top of the stairs.

Terri took a deep breath and then slowly began to descend the stairs, putting one unsteady foot in front of the other.

It was both her nerves and the raised heel that made her take her time and watch as she planted each foot.


To Be Continued...

End of Chapter Thirteen

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Lost Loves Found

terrynaut's picture

I knew Terri had to know the clerk from somewhere. Now they're going on a date? Wow. Jennifer works fast, and she's bisexual? Terri/Terry will be a dream come true for her. :)

So Terri's mom knows all about Terri and has been even talking with Lexi? The title doesn't do this chapter justice. Sheesh!

You dole out the hints and clues so slowly. I'm going be haunted by this story for a long time.

Thanks and please keep it up. I'm adding this story to my favorites list and I sincerely hope I don't jinx it.

- Terry

Good to Get Some Explanation

It's really nice to have this chapter posted relatively soon after the last chapter. The synopsis is a big help too. Thank you for adding it.

I'm extremely disappointed

That Terri has allowed herself to be so blatantly manipulated by her mother and this new/old friend. This feels like another bit of the "witching" (and I don't mean that in a nice way) that has been put on her, no doubt, and there is some hidden reason for all this; but "it's for your own good" has always sucked in my opinion as a reason for leading somebody around blindly by the nose.

Terri didn't maintain her anger nearly long enough, no doubt she is being pushed around like this to keep her off-balance and suitably confused to make even more manipulation possible. Were I Terri, I would have to be wondering if the short but normal life would not have been preferably to being "sealed up", etc. Is this the way a truly loving family treats somebody? I don't think so.

This is a great story, but what is going on has me really riled up.

Karen J.

"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

I understand, Karen, why this upsets you

From our emails and from your stories/coments on stories I know you have a great distrust of those who manipulate children or others weeker than themselves. IE Abuse of power or abuse of privalge pushes your buttons. It pushes mine too, though not at severely.

Mom is only letting Teri know after Terri has figured things out. Those who supposedly know the truth are only giving it to Terri in dribbles at best. Do they really know best? Who is manipulating who?

Mom is still lying in that she admits Lexi knows Terri was a boy changed by magic but has not told Terri that Lexi is Terri's daughter from the future. And how did grandmother know she was soon to die? Plus was it an error on her part or was sealing the vortex a desperate and temporary stopgap towards a long-term plan to save her grandchild. Grandmother in the letter seems heartbroken over the pain she caused her grandkid, but if Lexi and Mom’s conversation is true, this is the lull before the storm.

A big key was given to us when Lexi and Mom spoke in a previous chapter and some things said earlier in this chapter. The gist is if Terri knows the future, that will alter her own futures so much she may die. But why must Mom and Lexi and a few others know part or all of the truth that Terri does not? Why is that necessary and why does it not alter the future? Did Terri herself arrange all this from the future? A complex and compelling story with many loose ends to tie up. And what did Jennifer do that so hurt the former boy?

I also wonder, she was manipulative almost to the point of evil, Jennifer as a little girl, Terri recalled her grin as such. Is Jennifer tied to the painful time ahead for Terry they knew of but dare not warn her of? Is Jennifer still manipulative and evil or amoral and will try to gain control over the vortex. She shook of the spell that made most people believe Terry was always a girl and had not seen Terri in years. Is she a witch too and if so a good or evil witch?

A truely well told tale.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

Grandma's letter

Says her sealing up Terry was what caused all the pain, and the eventual gender switch. What I really wonder is, is this life Terri has now so superior to what life Terry would have had if nothing had been done at all? A short but happy life vs. a potentially longer one which has already been filled with years of pain and depression. Frankly, it sounds to me as if Terry might have been as well if not better off had grandmother & company not done anything. Sometimes doing anything to preserve a life is not the best alternative.

As for the rest, you pretty much got it, John.

"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

With Terri's Power, There Is A Possibility

That she can fix everything so that nothing happens and she lives a normal and happy life in the gender of her choice.
May Your Light Forever Shine

May Your Light Forever Shine

Have my doubts

Is it going to go back and change the miserable childhood Terry had because of what was done to him by his "loving" family? I haven't seen any indication that is even possible. Everybody seems to have a personal agenda to run, and consideration for Terry/Terri seems to be the last thing on their mind.


"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

Where's Lexi? I really did

Where's Lexi?

I really did love this chapter! Just like I adored all the previous chapters. Though I must tell you that Lexi is my favorite character, and I was missing her in this part. lol.


Stumbled onto this series the other day

I bookmarked it, and came back to it today. I am astonished at how good it is. The characters are interesting, especially Lexi. I'm very interested in her. I can't wait to discover her story! Well done!


I could have misunderstood but...

enb4448's picture

...The impression I gained from earlier chapters is that a vortex life was short due to everyone in the magical community taking advantage of their powers. Also the probability of someone taking control of their life against their will, thus forcing the rest of the magical community to fight and even kill them. (see the house falling on her head quote.) Good story, I'm enjoying it.

Iam enjoying this but; me

Iam enjoying this but; me thinks that I missed the boat!
With who did Teri conceive Lexi with and, how did she
manage to get ahead of her present time?
Darn! Guess that I will find out in time. : )



I find myself re-reading a lot of my favorites lately. This bit o' magic included.
This is every bit a good read as the first go-round! : )
mmm paired responses!!!


the forget spell

seems like there were a lot of exceptions
