Katie Leone's blog


I can't believe how excited I am. I have just been given the opportunity of a lifetime. A very influential member of the trans community has asked me to help write their biography. And when I say influential, I'm talking on a national level. So for the next 5 days or so she will be crashing on my couch and I will be putting in 8-10 hour days at the keyboard. Not only is their a major publisher already involved, but a movie coming out in March (so we're rushing to print).

It's finally here

I know people have been interested in this and waiting for the rest of the artwork. The children's book "But, I'm not a boy" is alive and kicking.

i feel like a scam artist

Sometimes I really do feel like I'm a scam artist with all this writing stuff going on. It's the end of the month and end of the quarter so I am getting money from both Amazon and Smashwords. I don't know why but I always feel like it is found money, like I didn't do anything to deserve it. Sure, I strung a few sentences together in a semi-coherent way to make a story, but that's not work, it's fun. I think I need to put my writing in a different light because thinking that getting paid is scamming people really is belittle what I do.

2013 book of the year and escaping the T

I am an egotistical person. I know that. You know that. People who never met me assume that. So, what does an egotistical person do? The put their name in google and search for themselves. And, that's what I did. In my defense, I was looking for reviews of Unreachable. Last week I sold 500 copies (which is a lot for a week) and I was curious if blogs had anything nice (or nasty) to say about me.

Then I come across this link:


Writing smut

For the most part, I've avoided writing any graphic sexual content. It's not that I don't think that there is a place for it, just not in my writing. Mostly it's been because I write about kids and that's just icky and wrong. In the past if I wrote anything sexual it was to show the true horrors of sexual abuse and was never intended to be for arousal.

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Is there interest?

So, before I tackle another major novel I am writing a smaller piece (which will soon get away from me and be a mid sized novel). But, is there any interest in this community to see a mtf/ftm romance. I am currently working on one, but mostly it's so Felix doesn't feel left out of my writing (which he doesn't read anyway, so that goes to show how good of an author I am, I can't get my own BF to read my work).

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Saved a ton of money on SRS

I always thought that Sexual Reassignment Surgery would be out of reach for me because of the cost. Thankfully that problem was solved and I was able to get a majority of the surgery done at no cost at all. Thanks to my job, while delivering the papers last night I froze my balls off. Now, I'm half way there.


I'll be here all week.

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Taking my leave

I know that there are some who are concerned about me and really care. As I often do, I will be taking my leave from the site for a while. Unless something major happens or I will the Nobel Prize for transgender literature, I will have nothing much to offer for a while. I am going to be starting on my next story sometime in the beginning of January. I plan on making Growing Up Jenny into a paperback as well after a major overhaul.

Just to give you a heads up of what is planned for 2014:

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Car accident

So on Black Friday I bought myself a Prius. It was silver. Now it's denty. I hit a deer. Bumper no long bumps, hood no longer covers engine, radiator bleeding some weird red liquid. My neck and back hurt. No airbags deployed. Geico needs me to get a police report and I don't know who to contact for the Florida Highway Patrol. Not happy.

For animal lovers: The deer lived, but I hope it gets eaten by a hungry rabbit.

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My first ever raffle - Win something today (well in a week)

This is my very first giveaway and using Rafflecopter, so I hope it all goes well. In celebration of hitting 10,000 sales on Amazon I am giving away a hardcover autographed copy of God Bless the Child (the book that got this whole ball of fun rolling). Sign up today, let's have some fun. Only one winner this time, but more fun to come in the upcoming months.

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Dickens? Seriously?

I heard this comparison twice in the last two days and by two completely different unattached people talking about two different stories, one not even a member of the transgender community. I've heard this comparison before as well and I wonder if there is credence to it. I figured I would bring it up here and hopefully people will weigh in on the matter.

I have been, on occasion, compared to Charles Dickens.

There, I said it.

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What do our stories say about us

Ever since I sat down and decided that I was going to give being a published author a try, I have been very conscientious about the choices that I make and what I put down on paper. I know I am only a self published author using technology to my advantage, but certain questions should be raised.

What is transgender literature saying about the community as a whole?

Are you happy with the message?

How do you feel about terms like Sissy, Tranny, Shemale, Ladyboi, Slut, Bimbo?

Do you think the majority of stories accurately represent your struggles?

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