Mein Manifesto

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Blog About: 

It has taken me eight decades to find the truth.

I’ve long suspected and only recently realized, that anyone who does things that are different than the way I live my life . . . is wrong.

It would be great if I could cut you a break and allow for variances depending on your individual circumstances, but that would prove foolhardy and dangerous for both of us.

Simply put – everything you do that is not something I would do, so should be terminated immediately before it’s too late.

In the future, you should add one simply step to your decision-making process.

Try to imagine yourself as me and act according to my morals.

If it’s easier just use the acronym WWJD.

What Would Jill Do?

Thank you.

There, the world just got a whole lot better!



You got it all wrong.

As far as I remember myself (and due to some some strange bug in firmware it is longer than I live by about 3 months) I knew that right way to do things is my way.
Your only hope is if your way and my way are one and the same ;-)

Of Course

Fear not. I'm sure your ideals and mine are in accord. Now stare into this spinning orb and repeat after me. "Jill is always right. Jill is always right. etc."


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

"Jill is only right when she

"Jill is only right when she's not left"

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Why we do what we do

Is a mystery that has occupied the minds of people like Freud and Jung etc for centuries.
We sometimes do things for no discernable reason. When asked why we can't say for sure.
"It seemed the right thing to do at the time..."
Impulse or whatever it is, is part of what makes us humans.
We are not the people portrayed in "Metroplolis" (1922) but individuals.
We act and react much like Newtons laws
but ask us why and we can't say why we did what we did but we learn to live by those decisions good or bad. We adapt to things in ways most other types of life on this planet just can't
There is no real right or wrong just 50000 shades of grey.
That is what 'being human' is all about.


Uhmmmm I'm Superhuman

Long before DC there was Metropolis.

In fact, it was a clue on Jeopardy two days ago so we know that to be a fact.

Should you find Jillism to be offensive, you might try Trebekism, which can be a bit unctuous -- in the same realm as Flemingism.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Grape KoolAid

The official libation of Jillism is Grape KoolAid and is used for all transubstantiations.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Jill,that's a concept I must

Jill,that's a concept I must give thought to. So far, I was taught WWJWD, JW being John Wayne. The hardest part was walking like he did. It becomes harder and harder to live by WWJWD these days, however, WWJD seems easier. So, what color should I have my house painted?

Karen ;-)

Silly Girl

John Wayne lot all rights to followers when he embraced McCarythyism. He was kicked in a sensitive area for being such a political toady and walked funny, ever after. You should paint your house whatever color someone will paint it for free. For special guidance see this youtube


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Are you related to ...

the Great Spaghetti Monster?

If not, I might not be able to fully adhere to the tennants of Jillism.
Regardless, I will try.

Red MacDonald


Although we share many of the same tenets, a schism occurred years ago over the sanctity of Paul Newman's Own versus Bertolli. I will not divulge which side of the plate I favored.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Major decision, need help!

Never having had guidance before, I find myself frozen in indecision and in desparate need of help.

Which cereal should I buy: Syrupy-Loon Happy Toroids or Hauptmann Absturz?

Please hurry. The store manager is looking at me weird. O.o

Signed, Lost in Aisle 4

Frozen in Indecision

That can be so painful. I prefer being suspended in animation. I haven't purchased cereal in fifty years other than oatmeal. Which might be why I'm starting to look like the Quaker Oats guy.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Giggle snort!

WillowD's picture

Did I get it right? Confronted with a message like this from someone else would Jill giggle snort?




Angela Rasch (Jill M I)


Andrea Lena's picture

We thought about getting a collar with a tag for our late doggie Harley - WWJC What Would Jesus Chew?


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Chocolate Covered Cotton Balls

I checked with the good book and found that he would chew chocolate covered cotton balls, due to an unfortunate over buy by Milo.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

I've always wondered about

I've always wondered about WWJD. I mean, Jesus is one of my customers - he runs a custom residential door and gate company. What does that have to do with what some urban yuppie or DINC should do with their lives?

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.


Jillism is only open to Rhinestone Cowboys and anyone else who can sing like Glen Campbell.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Darn. I'm only good at Neil

Darn. I'm only good at Neil Diamond.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

OMG! Me Too

From now and forever the official standard will be the ability to sing Neil Diamond and the official potion will be "Cracklin Rose' ".


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

For just a good 'rousing'

For just a good 'rousing' song, I've always liked "Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show"

Pack up the babies and grab your old ladies and everyone goes...

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Can't make up my mind

Should I breathe or exhale, breathe or exhale. Or is it exhale then breathe, exhale then breathe? Or should I even be exhaling at all when I breathe?

WWJWD? or even WWJCD? I can't decide Mein Cumquat

Exhale When You Draw Your Club Back

And Vice Versa. Or Verse about Vice. Whichever strikes your fancy.

Jill (Who Never Has Struck a Fancy in Anger)

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

I struck Fancy

And Reba got mad. She.... she blew up my boat..... WAAAAAAA RIIIIICCCCCCKKKKYYYYY!!!!!!!!

you missed a step

I'm afraid you may not have improved the world as much as you may think. You missed the step, of using your charisma to gather a mass of non thinking followers. (see DJT as example.) As it stands the non-thinking will not add the critical step, and the thinking will think for themselves.

I Shudder at the Thought of Twitter

Please . . . please . . . never mention me in the same paragraph as the Orange One, again. Thank You.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

There is one important part lacking

Where is the authorative, ultimate text that we can consult?
In my library I have the Bible, the Quran, the Bhagavad-Gita, the Edda, the Upanishads, the Epic of Gilgamesh, I Ching, Mao's little red book, Gadaffi's green book and Das Kapital as well as the Kama Sutra and Mein Kampf but it's sadly lacking in WWJD authorative texts (including the inevitable conflicting interpretations).

Catch - 22

If you need guidance check the lessons taught in Catch - 22. Jillism is based in the teachings of Joseph Heller.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)