When WInding Paths Meet Part VIII (Chapters 33-35 and Epilogue)

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June through December, 2015

Megan grew tired of the hospital routine and in late 2013 opened her own practice initially on weekends and evenings. By early 2015, her practice was doing well enough that she resigned from the hospital to pursue it full-time. While she saw patients a couple of evenings a week, she no longer had the burden of giving up her weekends.

The psychiatrist also enjoyed a close relationship with her parents. They accepted her as their daughter and in spite of all of the years of no communication, Tim and Michaela became part of her life once again. Better still, they relished having Lara as their granddaughter. When Lara’s Corolla S began to suffer from major transmission issues, Michaela purchased another vehicle for her.

Lara graduated from college in May, 2015, magna cum laude. In spite of being offered scholarships at several graduate schools, she elected to attend graduate school and stay in the same city with her mother and grandparents.

The young woman had a succession of boyfriends, virtually all of whom she broke up with when they demanded sex. Lara had decided long ago to follow Megan’s example of ‘no sex before marriage’. But finally, a serious candidate for marriage appeared in Jake Terrill.

He was in medical school to become an otolaryngologist, or better known as an ear, nose, and throat doctor. She knew that this violated hers and Megan’s promise to never date a doctor or a doctor in training. But somehow, this relationship seemed right in spite of a vow.

Jake was the third generation in his family to become a doctor, and after having meeting his parents, Lara was convinced that it was possible to be a doctor and not have a huge ego. At six feet, two inches, he was some six inches taller than Lara, but not so much to be a distraction. Jake’s red hair contrasted with Lara’s brunette – at least when Lara wasn’t putting blond highlights in it. His slender build was a perfect match for the young woman. .

His parents were very happily married, as well, in spite of careers that were hugely different. As a Christian, too, Jake did not pressure Lara to dive into bed with him.

As Jake and Lara began dating steadily with increasing seriousness, Megan found herself jealous of her daughter. She still wanted a man with which to share her life. There were many, many nights, especially after Lara had started college, that she went home to the empty townhouse and inwardly coveted a mate.

Megan’s desire slipped out in a conversation with her daughter. Lara had seemingly sage advice for her. “Mom, I hate to sound trite but I prayed a lot before Jake came along. I didn’t want just some guy that wanted to take me to bed on the first or second date. I wanted someone who would value me. Thank God, Jake is that kind of guy. I think you oughta pray about it and ask God to bring you someone that can accept you for your past. I’m still mad at Mike Templeton. I don’t understand people like him.”

“I think that’s pretty good advice, Miss Phillips. Sometimes, we can’t see our own forest for the trees.”

Megan inwardly still grieved for Matt Belwick. Scarcely a week went by that she didn’t encounter a place where the two had spent time together or even just met for a few minutes. But Lara was right. She was going to have to let the hurts of the past become just that – the past. So Megan began to pray for everything that she sought in a potential mate. She wanted no more hurts like Michael had inflicted on her.

A few weeks later, Megan was attending a medical conference at Metro Hospital, and not looking where she going, slammed head on into another doctor. Sam Willis was a Professor of Medicine in the medical school at the local university.

The collision caused Megan’s glasses to come off. She bumped him yet again when both of them simultaneously reached down for them. This resulted in giggles and laughs from both of them, with Willis commenting, “Are you being a klutz on purpose, Doctor?”

Megan smiled at him, “Doctor, I don’t have to try. I was born a klutz.”

That broke the ice. When Sam found out that she was single, his heart quickened. Also a Christian, Willis was in the same place in his life, longing for a mate and not really knowing how to proceed. Is this an opportunity, he questioned. Sam was eight years older than Megan and had never been married. Prior to becoming a professor, he was ‘married to his job’ in his words. Like Megan, he was ready to settle down and share his life with someone else and make his job a lower priority.

A few phone calls followed, and finally the two agreed to meet for dinner. Sam picked up Megan at her townhouse on a Saturday evening. He was purposefully vague on where he was taking her, telling her only to “dress like you’re going to a rodeo”.

A rodeo, Megan thought. Um-huh. Either this guy has a sense of humor or we’re going somewhere out in the ‘real country’. Since it was cold out, Megan elected to dress in jeans, a flannel shirt, and her riding boots. To top off her outfit, she chose a long tan leather coat. If this isn’t country enough, then so be it, she decided.

“Real country” turned out to be true, as Sam drove Megan to a barbeque restaurant in a small town an hour and a half from the city.

The two used the drive to get better acquainted, and by the time that they arrived, Megan was already having fun with him. She smiled and laughed as they left Sam’s luxury car parked on a dirt and gravel street next to the metal building that housed the restaurant.

Sam unfolded his six feet, four inch body from the car. His height, combined with his stocky build, made it necessary for him to drive something larger than most. Going around to the passenger’s side, he opened the door for Megan. As she got out of the car, she experienced something that had rarely happened – feeling small next to her date. Wow, I can even wear my heels with Sam, Megan decided.

It was obvious that Sam had been here before. He immediately knew where to go, and took Megan’s hand to help her over the railroad ties that separated the entrance from the gravel.

Inside, the smell of the different meats was almost overwhelming. Picnic tables of various sizes were scattered over the concrete floored seating area. Instead of being served at the table, the patrons lined up under a large “Order Here” sign. Next to it was a drink station with several soft drink selections, and next to that was another station with a large “Pick-Up Here” sign. Overhead, several speakers played country music.

After ordering, the pair picked out a small table in a far corner, away from the loudest music and the crowd.

The pair sat and talked until the restaurant closed three hours later. Each of them enjoyed their evening together, so much so that each regretted that it had to end. It was obvious to both that their relationship would be much more than “one and done”.

As the psychiatrist began to examine the possibilities of a relationship, she realized that his hours were much less demanding and more regular than most doctors. That meant more opportunities like this, she reflected.

Within the next few weeks, Megan and Sam had more dates. On one date, Sam had invited the psychiatrist to his home, a sprawling 4,000 square foot house in the suburbs. When she commented on the house, he admitted that it was much more than he needed, but that a real estate broker friend had talked him into it as an “investment”.

On a large Thermador range in the kitchen, Sam had grilled filet mignon for both of them. He had also prepared a salad, steamed some vegetables, and even made a loaf of bread in a bread machine.

“Sam, this is fabulous. I know that this is stereotyping, but I can’t believe that a male doctor could do this well.”

Sam laughed. “I’ve been told that before. But my Mom and Dad both worked, and when I was in high school, they paid me to clean house and prepare the meals as an alternative to having a job. So I’ve had a lot of practice.”

Megan was happy and comfortable when she was around the professor. She found herself relaxed and at ease with him, and decided that there really wasn’t anything that she couldn’t share with him. Except for one thing.

Sensing that things were beginning to get serious, Megan forced herself to consider how she was going to approach “the talk”. If this one goes as badly as it did with Michael, I’m forgetting about dating forever, she told herself.

It was a rainy night when Megan and Sam met for coffee after Megan’s last counseling appointment. The psychiatrist purposely picked out a location close to where she parked, in case that a quick escape was necessary. But before their meeting, she chided herself, once again citing her favorite phrase, “Oh, ye of little faith.” She asked God to give her the right words and explanations.

She arrived first, but within a few minutes, the professor arrived. Unexpectedly, Sam kissed Megan lightly on the cheek as he arrived. Nervously, she smiled and reciprocated.

After ordering and receiving their coffee, the two made their way to one of the back tables, away from the entrance and away from the other patrons.

Immediately after sitting down, Sam could tell that Megan needed to talk. Oh, great, he thought, I’m about to get dumped. But nothing could have been further from the truth.

Reluctantly, she started her speech. “Sam, there’s something that you need to know before we go any further.” Pausing momentarily, she looked in Sam’s eyes. There was only curiosity, and unlike her attempts with Matt and Michael, Sam didn’t make a joke about it.

She continued, sighing as she spoke. “I’m trans, Sam. I was born a boy. I had full surgery at age 22, so I’ve been a woman for a long time. I accepted Christ as a woman. Of course, I can’t have children, and at our age, I don’t think that would be a problem.” Megan’s words were spoken faster and faster with her nervousness and Sam wanted her to stop and calm down. He already knew Megan’s story, having perused her history on the Internet.

“Megan.” He reached down and took her hand with a firm grip. Looking straight into her eyes, he continued, “I know. It doesn’t matter. I know that you’re a woman, through and through. In fact, the way that I look at things, you had a birth defect that was fixed. Big deal.”

Pausing for a moment, the two of them traded serious looks. Sam thought that he detected Megan’s eyes starting to mist, so he hurried his next thoughts.

Quietly, Sam said, “Megan, I love you. There’s never been a woman whose spirit is like yours. I think God has had a hand in our meeting. I know that’s the case for me.”

Sam continued to hold her hand and look into her eyes as he finished. Megan was shaking and as she responded, her voice quivered. “I love you, too, Sam. And yeah, you’ve been an answer to prayer.”

They didn’t leave the coffee house for some time.

As with Megan and Sam, Jake and Lara became closer and closer. In an odd moment, the two couples encountered each other at a local mall one Saturday. For Jake and Sam, it was an “OMG” moment, as the two recognized each other immediately. Sam had taught Jake a year earlier, and the two had become friends outside the classroom, having had lunch together several times. Jake vocationally looked to Sam much as a son looked to a father. But the realization that they were dating a mother and daughter was almost laughable to both.

After their encounter at the mall, Sam and Jake had lunch together a few times to ostensibly “compare notes”. Sam wanted to remind Jake of the life of a doctor, particularly one who had not yet finished his specialty. Lara would have to provide a living for both of them, and the long hours of a specialty resident would mean significant time apart. There would also be the question of when Lara would finish school. But Jake and Lara had already decided that it was workable, that their love could handle the stress with God’s help.

After a time, it became apparent that Jake was going to marry Lara, and Sam was going to marry Megan. It was only a matter of when the men were going to ask the ladies “the question”.

Jake and Sam met yet again for lunch. This time, they discussed the question of when each was going to “pop the question”. Since it was already after Thanksgiving, the two wanted to hurry and “pop the question” before Christmas. Because the two women were so close, they decided that they had to do it the same evening, preferably close to the same time so that neither Lara nor Megan would feel slighted.

The two men made their plans, and the evening soon came where each was to take his future wife to different, high class fine restaurants for dinner. Both had bought rings and were ready. To Lara and Megan, it seemed to be just another date, in spite of their quiet speculation that things were getting close to a conclusion.

Jake handled “the big evening” with aplomb. Before having dinner, he handed off the ring to the person who was to be their server and asked him to dunk it in the water before filling the glass. Jake knew the restaurant and the fact that they used frosted glasses for water, thus making it harder to see.

While Jake and Lara were looking at their menus, Lara stuck a straw in the glass. When it didn’t reach all the way to the bottom, she looked down to see something in the bottom of the glass that didn’t look like ice.

“Jake, ewww, there’s something in my water. Could you have them bring me another glass?”

“Em, honey, it’s not just a bug or anything. You need to move your straw and take a closer look.”

Lara’s heart began pounding, as she guessed what it was. After she took another drink, she quietly shrieked. “Oh, my God, Jake!” Using the straw, she carefully fished the ring from the bottom of the water glass. Meanwhile, Jake carefully got up from his chair and kneeling before her, began his proposal.

“Lara Phillips, will you be my wife, the one I want to be with until the day that the Lord calls me home?”

“Oh, yes, oh, yes!!” Throwing her arms around his neck, the couple celebrated with a kiss. Meanwhile, she slipped the ring onto her finger. Their dinner became celebratory, and the restaurant obliged by providing a large chocolate dessert with a lit “birthday” candle.

Meanwhile, across town at another restaurant, the same thing was going on with Megan and Sam. The older doctor, however, decided to keep the ring himself and bring it out only after he asked Megan to marry him.

Megan and Sam entered the restaurant, and Megan could tell that the professor was nervous about something. It was opposite of the coffee house when the psychiatrist “outed” herself to Sam. She wondered what was going on. Could this be “the night” that he would ask for Megan’s hand? No, it’s too soon, he probably just wants to give me some kind of gift, she told herself.

After ordering, Sam and Megan began to make casual conversation. But when a lull in the conversation occurred, Sam reached for his pocket and palming the engagement ring, began his proposal..

“Megan Phillips, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, however much time that God gives us.”

He exposed the ring so that Megan could see it. Her eyes practically bugged out as she looked first at the ring, then at Sam’s face.

Megan began to tear up as Sam asked her, “Doctor Megan Phillips, will you marry me?”

By this time, her throat had tightened so that she could barely whisper. “Yes, yes!”

The celebration for Sam and Megan waited until they were back in Sam’s car, then Megan delivered a huge and passionate kiss to Sam on the lips. “I love you,” she whispered, “and I’m keeping you forever, you softie, you.”

A few minutes later, Megan heard her cell phone buzz in her purse indicating a message. Picking it up, she noticed on the screen that it was from Lara. “Jake asked me to marry him! I said yes!”

Megan thought to herself, good grief, Sam and Jake planned this together.

Megan told Sam as she looked down at the phone, “Excuse me, it’s Lara. I need to text her back.”

Sam asked, “Are you gonna give her the big news?”

Grinning at him, she coyly asked, “Did you and Jake plan this together so that Lara and I wouldn’t be disappointed?”

Looking down, the professor answered, “I plead the Fifth.”

Megan laughed, “You guys are a mess. I have a feeling that you two aren’t done yet, either.” Then she replied to her daughter’s text, writing, “Congratulations! I have news, too. You weren’t the only one to answer “yes” to a question tonight.” After pressing the Send button, she couldn’t wait until her daughter replied to her mother’s news.

It was less than a minute later that “WHAAATTTT? You’re kidding!” appeared on the display. Jake and Sam had managed to make a mother and daughter both very, very happy in the same evening.

After appropriate celebrations with their men, Megan and Lara were dropped off back at the townhouse. Jake dropped off Lara first, but only ten minutes later, Sam dropped off Megan at the townhouse.

Lara retreated to her bedroom in case that Megan came in with Sam to wish him goodnight. But Sam and Megan took care of things in Sam’s car, and Megan calmly made her way to the front door and after punching in the code to unlock the door, entered it.

“Lara?” Megan called from the bottom of the stairs that led to the second, main level.

Flinging her bedroom door open, Lara shouted, “Mom?”

“Just me”, Megan replied.

Lara and Megan met at the top of the stairs. Both held out their left hands and said almost simultaneously, “Look at my ring!” The two then broke down in laughter.

In spite of their weariness, the pair was too excited to sleep. Though the initial ecstasy of comparing engagement rings had worn off, the two were still thrilled that they had been asked to marry their gentlemen in the same evening.

The more that arrangements and finances for individual ceremonies were discussed, the more overwhelmed they became. Finally, Lara broke the mood by saying, “Why don’t we get married in a double ceremony? You know, one wedding venue, one set of flowers, one reception, but two cakes, two ministers if you want, it just makes sense.”

“Now wait a minute. There’s something else to be considered here. You know, like the men? What will they think?”

“I know that Jake will be happy to get married in a double ceremony. One of his sisters did it with her cousin just a few years ago, and he’s always talked about how the family loved it. Everyone was together and had a great time, like a family reunion without all of the negatives.”

“Well, I’ll talk to Sam tomorrow. You talk to Jake and make sure that he’s OK with it. Considering how God threw us together, it makes sense that we separate into our individual lives again with a celebration. I’ve read that the main thing about a double wedding is to communicate, communicate, and communicate.”

“And can’t I talk better than anybody? Except for maybe the family psychiatrist?”

Megan smiled. “You stop. See what I do with a piece of YOUR wedding cake.”

“Nuh-uh, Mom. No fair sabotaging. You wouldn’t do that to your own daughter, would you”, Lara retorted.

Finally, the two wound down. There would be a million decisions ahead, but the day that Megan always wanted, and the day that Lara had always dreamed about, would finally happen. And like so many other things in their lives, it would happen the same day and the same hour.


January, 2016

Immediately after Christmas, planning for the wedding began in earnest. The couples decided for simplicity that they would forgo attendants and act as best man and maid of honor for each other. The men would carry both sets of rings in the pocket of their tuxes.

They also decided to use the same minister, although both vows would still be delivered separately. The ceremony would take place at Trinity, in deference to Megan and Lara’s wishes. Decisions on the flowers and other decorations were also made.

Sam and Jake insisted on having control of the reception venue and the music. Megan and Lara acquiesced, relieved of that particular part of the ceremony.

It was a Saturday morning, and Lara and Megan were together in Megan’s X3 to go shopping for wedding dresses.

A familiar song came on the radio, one that Lara had heard many times while with Megan. Curious about it, she asked, “What’s that song, Mom? You’ve played it like a million times at home and sometimes while we’re riding together.”

“It’s Moonlight Serenade, written by Glenn Miller just after the start of World War Two. It’s just romantic. I’ve always dreamed of having it played on my wedding day. Maybe if we get a DJ, he can play it for my dance with Sam and your grandfather.” Lara made a mental note to tell her future husband.

“Just wondering. It’s pretty, especially when it’s played by a big orchestra.”

The two women arrived at the dress shop, anticipating the kind of dress that they had always dreamed of having. Even though Megan was fully capable of paying for them, Tim had written a big check to her to subsidize them. There were other expenses that Megan’s father had paid, some directly, some indirectly. Maybe he’s trying to make up for all the years when he didn’t spend any money on me, she thought.

Lara and Megan picked out dresses that were quite different, reflecting the difference in their taste and age. Megan’s was considerably more modest than Lara’s strapless one. But both dresses reflected class and distinction.

The big day was fixed for just over four months’ away. It would be two more weeks before Lara and Megan realized that their marriage day was the seventh anniversary of the month and day that Lara came to the townhouse to become Megan’s daughter.

After making deposits for their dresses, Lara and Megan stopped at a café for a snack. Feigning a need to use the bathroom, Lara headed toward the bathroom, but took a side door and went out into an alley. Taking the phone from her purse, she placed a call to her future stepfather, who she knew was on the Symphony Board along with her grandfather.

Sam Willis answered almost immediately. Knowing that she had to be quick, Lara began talking almost in a babble.

“Sam, hi, this is Lara. Listen, I had this idea for the music for the wedding.”

Laughing heartily, Sam answered, “OK, Lara. What is it, honey?”

“Mom loves orchestra music, and she really likes big band stuff played by the Boston Pops, too. There’s this song, “Moonlight Serenade”, that she really loves and I thought it would be cool to have it played at our reception for the first dance. It’s the perfect tempo.”

Sam agreed with Lara. Would it be possible to have the symphony to play their wedding reception? If Megan loved “Moonlight Serenade” as much as Lara claimed, she would faint at having a live orchestra.

Sam told Lara that he would see what he could do, and then let Lara go back inside to her Mom so that she wouldn’t suspect anything. Thankfully, Lara breathed a sigh of relief that Megan hadn’t suspected anything.

Within the next few days, Sam called Tim, and with a few other phone calls, the orchestra had been secured in exchange for a substantial donation. And an opening had been planned that would be guaranteed to stun the future Dr. Megan Willis.

So that there wouldn’t be shock on the part of the younger groom, Sam called Jake and let him in on the secret. Other than Tim, Sam, and Jake, no one in the wedding party knew for certain what was going to happen. In reality, it would turn out to be better than anything that anyone could have envisioned.

Overall, the wedding would come together easier than any of the four could have wished for.


Late April, 2016 - The “big” day

Megan and Lara met in the kitchen shortly after awakening. The townhouse was a sea of boxes and bags as Megan was moving to Sam’s house. Lara was preparing to take over the townhouse, as she and Jake had agreed to buy it from Megan. Megan had given them terms that were impossible to turn down – they could stay there “rent free” until both had finished their schooling, then pay her back at a sliding scale commensurate with their earnings.

There was an air of sadness but anticipation as they met for breakfast for the last time. They realized that things would be different from here forward.

“Mom, can you believe it? It’s been seven years today since I came here to live with you.”

“It seems like yesterday. You were this teenager who I didn’t have any idea how to raise..”

“And look where we’ve come”, Lara interrupted.

“We’ve been blessed, haven’t we?”

“You’re talking like we’re going to be thousands of miles apart or something.”

“I know, but you and Jake are going to have your own lives. You won’t want Sam and me interfering.”

“You won’t interfere, Mom. I promise. You’re my mother, remember?”

Megan looked away, obviously thinking about the time that had past and all that had happened in their joint lives. Suddenly, her eyes began to mist.

“Mom, what is it?” Lara asked, obviously alarmed.

“Oh, it’s nothing. I just remember the first time that you called me Mom. I remember thinking for years that I would probably never hear that word.”

“And now you’ve heard me say it, what, a gazillion times?”

“Every one of them is special. Especially that time you were cramping so bad before you had your surgery. I felt so helpless. I was a mother and a doctor and couldn’t do anything about it in either role.”

“But you got me the help that I needed. And if everything works out, you’ll be called “Grandma” one day.”

“Wow.” Megan nodded at the thought.

“All because you decided that this orphaned teenager was worth taking a chance on.”

“No, God insisted that I adopt you. He told me so.”

“He did? You never told me that story before.”

“Well, you were younger.”

“And you wanted to me sure that I could understand.”

“Yeah, something like that. I’ve never heard such distinct words before or since.”

“But think about it. You obeyed God, and look where it led us. I’ve had this wonderful woman who has loved me so much for all this time.”

“As you have loved me, honey. I couldn’t have survived Susie’s death without you.”

“Oh, one thing that I’ve always wanted to ask you. Did you love Susie, I mean..” Megan had long anticipated this question, and by some miracle, Lara hadn’t asked. I guess it’s time to set the record straight, she decided.

“Ours wasn’t that kind of attraction. We were just two people who happened to meet. We had so much in common in spite of our different occupations. We were both driven. We both had well-to-do parents who expected a lot of us. We were both only children.”

“That’s amazing. I don’t think that it was an accident that you found her standing there when you came back from Grandpa and Grandma rejecting you.”

“No. God steered a lot of things in both our lives.” Megan’s mind began to drift and remember the tragedy of the last wedding that she attended. I just wish that God had let Susie live for this day, she silently thought.

Megan sensed all of a sudden that quite a bit of time had passed – something that they couldn’t spare on this very busy day.

“Oh, my gosh” Megan exclaimed. “We need to get going!”

“Right, Mom!”

And the two were off running again.

The time of their wedding, 7:00 p.m., allowed them at least a little luxury as far as getting ready. But in spite of having extra time, there were lots of details to be handled, and before long, much of the day was spent. By the time they left the salon where they had their hair and makeup done, they had to drive immediately to the church and get ready.

The ceremony itself went off without a hitch, even though it was longer than a ‘normal’ wedding because of two couples. Fortunately, the reception was close by, and both women had elected to leave their dresses on for their departure from the church.

The choice of the reception hall was something that Sam and Jake had insisted that they control. They had chosen Symphony Hall, whose lower level seating featured a large flat area at the front of the auditorium that would be suitable for dancing. The hall was also had an open area that was normally set up with a number of large tables so that guests could be seated immediately adjacent to the dance area.

As for music, Sam had asserted himself. Whenever Megan asked him about it, he would only say “I’ve taken care of it.” After receiving the same answer several times, Megan dropped her interest. But upon arrival at Symphony Hall, Megan quickly noted that there was no DJ to be found. Because of the press of people, the realization only lasted a couple of seconds before more people were greeting her and normal “bride” duties intervened.

As both women had decided, there were separate cakes, but the couples cut them individually. This gave the crowd a double laugh as Sam attempted to cram a large piece of cake into Megan’s mouth, with hilarious results. But Jake fumbled and dropped the cake that he attempted to feed to Lara, causing an even louder swell of laughter.

Finally, it was time for the music to be cued for the dance. Megan realized that she still didn’t see a DJ anywhere in the hall. Sam still grabbed her hand and led her to the floor in front of the group of tables. As they walked, Megan gave a look to Sam and started to whisper. Sam smiled at her at as he took her hand.

At that moment, the stage drape, which had been closed, began to slowly open as the Metropolitan Symphony began to play the opening notes of “Moonlight Serenade” in the arrangement made famous by the Boston Pops. Megan’s mouth dropped and tears streamed down her face.

Sam took Megan’s other hand and they began to slowly dance to the beat of the song.

After they had taken a few steps, it was obvious that Megan’s tears were blurring her vision. Removing a handkerchief that he had in his pocket, Sam carefully dabbed at her face. Megan was grateful that the woman who did hers and Lara’s makeup had opted for waterproof mascara. Quickly returning the handkerchief to his pocket, Sam once again picked up the beat of the song as Megan whispered to him.

“You’ve made me the happiest woman on the planet, Dr. Willis.”

“I know. By design” he whispered back.

By now, Jake had also led Lara onto the dance floor and they began to dance. But before the song was halfway done, Tim interrupted Sam to take Megan’s hand. She smiled at her Dad, then she realized how this had happened. Tim was on the Symphony Board with Sam. The two had to have worked together to pull this off, she laughingly concluded.

The rest of the evening became a flurry of dancing, talking, laughing, in general a large party that happened to have live music from the big band era, all with arrangements suitable for a symphony.

As the reception dwindled, it came time for Megan and Sam to go to their hotel. As Megan approached Lara, the latter smiled and spread open her arms. A winding path had brought them together, and now the winding path was taking them in separate ways once again. There would be many experiences ahead, but the time up to now had been nothing short of a special miracle.

As the women hugged, albeit awkwardly due to the volume of their dresses, Megan whispered, “I love you, Lara. Don’t be a stranger!” Lara answered, “I won’t be a stranger! Thank you, Mom. I love you, too.”


April, 2044

Megan Phillips Willis was celebrating her seventieth birthday with her family as well as a few friends. The only unfortunate thing about the occasion was the absence of her husband, Sam. After suffering a severe stroke two years earlier, he languished and had died just weeks earlier. Megan was grieving, as Sam was truly her soulmate. She looked forward to being able to see him again in heaven.

But the retired psychiatrist was trying her best to not let this day be a sad one. In spite of Lara’s protests, she had arrived early at the Terrill home, wanting to help set up even though she was the guest of honor.

The only problem in her life, according to her, was her driverless car. Megan could hardly sit still while the computers quietly drove her from the “big house” (as they called Sam and Megan’s home) to the more modest home that Lara and Jake had purchased years earlier.

There was another reason for her early arrival – her grandchildren were home from their higher education institutions. Almost from the time that they were born, Megan had played the “grandma” role well, taking care of them to the point of spoiling them when their parents were unavailable or busy.

Jake, Jr. (known to the family as “JJ”) was in a college pre-med program with intentions of joining his father’s practice after finishing medical school. Ever since JJ was a young child, he sat in rapt attention as Jake talked to Lara about his cases. His interest never wavered and in high school, he took every advanced placement class in the sciences that was offered. Blessed with a strong work ethic, too, he became valedictorian of his high school class.

Susan, the older of the two, was named after Megan’s late best friend. A no-nonsense young woman, (“Call me Susan, not Sue or Susie”) she wanted to become a surgeon like her great-grandfather. She became intrigued with the prospect of specializing in women’s urological issues, particularly as aging and childbirth created issues. Susan was currently in medical school, and had just started resident rotations.

This day was to be a treat for their parents, as well. Lara and Jake rarely saw their children, given their children’s heavy schedules. That, and the fact that the parents had a full load in their occupations. Jake had become one of the most sought-after ENT’s in the area. His schedule was booked out at least three months for new patients. Lara’s schedule was less intense, but counseling eating disorder patients took up a large part of her time. She had interrupted her career to raise JJ and Susan, but was able to pick up almost where she left off after almost ten years off.

Eventually, some close mutual friends of Megan and her daughter and son-in-law arrived. Their enthusiasm for the occasion helped to make the mood even more uplifting.

Finally, it was time for the celebration to begin. Lara pulled the half-sheet cake from the refrigerator. Megan noted that it had only seven candles instead of seventy.

“Does this mean I get to be seven again?”

The banter between mother and daughter continued much as it had for the previous 36 years.

“No, Mom, it just means that I don’t want to burn the house down! You know how wildfires create their own draft? We’d have a lab version of that right here!”

Laughter erupted. Lara used a grill lighter to light all of the candles. As soon as her daughter had the complement lit, Megan blew them out with a vengeance. But after a few seconds, each candle began to light again, as Lara had used trick candles.

Trying not to laugh, Megan exclaimed, “What did you do? Now I don’t get my wish!”

Lara teased her mother once again. “That’s not true! You’ve had everything you’ve ever wished for, Doctor!”

The group sang “Happy Birthday” to Megan. As the “mature” woman looked around the room, tears formed in her eyes. It was beyond her immediate grasp to understand the love that was being expressed. She remembered all too well the feelings of being alone in her journey from Michael to Megan. There was no way that she could have ever dreamed about her life eventually arriving at this point. Thankful was an inadequate word to express her feelings.

After the song was sung, Lara cut Megan’s cake. It was her favorite, a chocolate fudge cake with mocha icing. It had been a tradition to have it on Megan’s birthday since Susan and JJ had been small children. It was even more special this year in light of Sam’s demise.

As everyone was eating, Megan paused to tell everyone how she felt.

“Everyone, especially Lara and Jake, thank you for this. I want to thank you, Susan and JJ, for taking time to show up. While I wish that Sam was here to celebrate with us, God had other plans for him, and that’s OK. But if a seventy year old woman can take just a bit of your time, I’d like to pass along a little wisdom.”

Megan paused and looked around the room to see everyone with rapt attention. She continued.

“When I started to college, I had no idea what life would have for me. I just knew that I had to live it in the best way that I could. I was alone and pretty scared. But God blesses us with the right people and the right resources at the right time, if we let Him. Before I even knew Him, He was steering everything. But I tell you, the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me was an opportunity that I never dreamed of – the chance to adopt a wonderful teen-age young woman. Along the way, too, was a husband. Then I picked up a son-in-law and later still, two grandchildren. All of this to say, keep your ears open to God and your eyes open to opportunities. Take the challenges as they come. If you fail, don’t take it personally – call it a life lesson, praise God, and get back on the track, as they say.”

With tears in her eyes, Megan looked around the room, thankful for being alive and for having all that she had. She paused once again, then quietly said, “Thank you all so much. I love each and every one of you.”

A flurry of people surrounded Megan, telling her that they loved her, and thanking her for the part that she had in their lives. It was a day that none who were there would ever forget.

Megan would go on to live another eighteen years. JJ and Susan both started their practices, got married, and each had three children. It was a treat for Megan to meet her great-grandchildren, and for them to get to know her.

Not long after she celebrated her 88th birthday, Megan began to feel drained each day. Long one to ignore her own health, she waited until the symptoms of a problem got much worse. In spite of medical advances, science was still unable to effect a cure for pancreatic cancer. Unfortunately, the form that she had was very aggressive, and not one to wreck her quality of life, Megan said no to chemotherapy and radiation.

Slowly and inexorably, her body succumbed to its ravages, but not before her whole family came to gather around her hospital bed one last time. After praying and singing hymns, the group witnessed one last miracle as Megan opened her eyes and smiled as she saw everyone gathered around. But just a couple of minutes later, after everyone had one last chance to say goodbye, she closed her eyes and breathed a long breath that would not be followed.

Her path came to an abrupt end, but many more had sprung from its roots. Life continued on.


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Thank you


Thank you for such a wonderful story. It was a very heartfelt story - well I felt it in my heart anyway. It made me happy to see Megan to find that all her wishes came true.

Wonderful Story!

Jeri Elaine

Homonyms, synonyms, heterographs, contractions, slang, colloquialisms, clichés, spoonerisms, and plain old misspellings are the bane of writers, but the art and magic of the story is in the telling not in the spelling.

You're so welcome!

Jeri, thank you for your kind words. I'm so glad that it brought some joy into someone's life. Being trans is so hard, but just having a reminder that success is possible (even though it was fiction) helps to mitigate the bad, I believe. Thanks for bringing a warm fuzzy to my heart.

To my readers

Thank you for taking time to read this book. I would be most interested in reading any comments that you could offer. This story was a labor of love and was written in 30 minute or one hour segments over the last two to three years. Many times, I would think of a situation not covered in the story and would find myself inseting it long after thinking that a particular part of the story was complete. I had so much fun writing this. You may have wondered about my background. I'm an MTF that due to life circumstances will never transition. I'm in my early 60's and have known about my differences since I was 7 or 8. I often dreamed about life as a wonan, but I got married, raised children and now grandchildren. My spouse would be devastated if I ever came out and wanted to live as "Marie" 24/7. So I make do with occasional crossdressing to keep the dysphoria in check. To transitioners, either MTF or FTM, I admire your drive and your persistence. How different life would have been if only whar is known now, would have been known then. That's OK - at least I can have trans friends and not be put in prison or killed. I have another book forming in my mind - we'll see how this second one proceeds. Thanks again.

I loved the story. Thank you

I loved the story. Thank you so much I myself am trans and due to my circumstances can never dress or even lead the life I want. Fortunately I found a place called Second Life. While SL is not real and is a virtual world it has really helped me. Thanks again for the wonderful story and I hope we see more from you.


God bless


Loved the story. Megan lived to an older age though sadly the cancer got to her. At least she got to see great grandchildren.

Thanks for sharing a really great story


Beautiful story

Jamie Lee's picture

This story had all the elements which captured the attention of the reader, making the reader want to read more.

Like RL, this story had heart ache, tragedy, death, rejection, and an abundance of love. And it was well written.

It isn't the road blocks which we face in life that should be considered, but how we respond to them. How we respond to them not only test our character, but reveals our true character.

Others have feelings too.

The author has raised the

The author has raised the standard of writing our collective story. It will be a challenge to duplicate the beauty of this story in any future writing, but her reliance on God just might allow her to do so. I can't wait to be surprised.