On the Bounce (part 3)

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Darvel High, Darvel Washington
"Are you sure you're ready for this Leigh?" Mom said.

She'd pulled up right outside the front gate of Darvel High. It was a warm day, and many of the students where still sitting on the front lawn, waiting for the bell to ring.

I smoothed down my skirt and gave my mom a smile before opeing the door. The Darvel schoolboard had voted in uniforms over a decade ago, and I'd worn them since my first day. For boys, all the schools in the area had the same tan shorts or trousers and a button down shirt. At the High school level, it was white, though I'd worn navy blue in middle school.

But for girls, well, that was another story. The girls uniform was a skirt with optional tights for cooler weather. Right now I was wearing both, and I was very aware of it. The tights pressed against my skin in a way that trousers didn't. I fussed with the back of the skirt as I got out of the car, making sure the hem wasn't folded over or anything. the way it brushed against my thighs as I walked still felt strange.

"OK, don't forget I'm picking you up straight after school. "

"I won't forget, bye mom," I said before closing the door. At least she didn't ask for a goodbye kiss. Mom had been acting weird ever since we got back, almost as if she'd forgotten that I was sixteen and not ten. Looking like a kid was going to suck.

I'd come in early to avoid the bell time rush, but dodging the jocks in the corridor was still a chalange. That and the confused looks, from everyone who noticed me. The new girl who looked like she belonged in elementary school. I passed Dave and the usual suspects in our regular spot outside the library. Adam Wiliams and his twin sister where there too, which was unusual. The star of the school basketball team rarely hung with us second sringers. And as for Rebbeca, she was one of the school's 'it' girls. She noticed me, and pealed away from the group. "Hay there, are you lost?"

"No I'm fine," I said, trying to smile up at her.

"It's just this is the high school, you know that right?"

I nod, at that and weave past her, "I'm older than I look, thanks anyway."

She watches me walk down the hall, then shakes her head. I disappeared round the corner and slip into my Homeroom, Mr Crane's history classroom. The man himself was at his desk, reading through some paper work. He glanced at me over his reading glasses, "So Miss Jones, how would you like to handle things?"

"um, quietly," I said, " just call my name as normal I guess."

He nodded and went back to his reading, while I dragged the chair out and climbed onto it. It was too high, damn it. When I sat comfortably, my feet couldn't reach the ground. Five minutes later I understood why mom had insisted I get slip on shoes. Sitting with my feet dangling for six hours was not going to be fun. I toed my shoes off and crossed my legs instead, taking care to smooth down the skirt.

I was missing Suzie already. Uncle Todd had made his view on the twisted quite clear, with his meandering religious rant. He said something about Lilith and the curse of Ham. Then he started blaming dad and saying none of this would have happened, if Dad hadn't turned his back on Jesus.

Mom had called a taxi as soon as she realised what was happening, and when it arrived he was still going. Suzie had been banished inside by then, and we hadn't been able to say bye properly. Which was a pity. She had accepted the new me so easily, and I only hoped my friends here would do the same.

We ended up finding a room at the hotel where dad's conference was being held. Neither mom nor I felt like more sight seeing, so I spent the next few days hanging around by the pool. Turns out that a racing suit is close enough to a leotard to make me feel comfortable.

When we finally got back to Darvel Mom had to go in and talk to the principal, and then the school board, and the lawyers. All up it took two days before they agreed to let me attend classes. So here I was, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

A few other kids showed up before the bell giving me curious looks before finding their seats. Finally, the warning bell rang, and the room started filling rapidly. Dave came in and sat at the table next to me, giving me a curious look, before raising his hand. "Um sir, there's a ..."

"I'm aware," Mr Crane said.

I stifled a giggle, and sat still, watching the blackboard as if it was the most fascinating thing I'd ever seen. I couldn't wait to see the look on Dave's face. I figured I would be the centre of attention anyway, so I might as well get a laugh out of it.

The second bell rang and Mr Crane started running down the roll. As usual, he did it without bothering to look up. Not that it meant he wasn't paying attention mind you, Dave and I had tried answering each other's names once. And that little stunt ended in lunchtime detention.

"Leigh Jones." Mr Crane said.

I looked over at Dave, with a huge smile on my face, "Present."

Dave's mouth dropped open as he looked back at me. Whispered conversations started all over the room. Mr Crane gave them about 30 seconds before clearing his throat. "Miss Jones underwent her twist during the midterm break. I trust you will all remember that Darvel High has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to bullying. And that you will do whatever you can to make her adjustment as easy as possible. I'm sure she will be happy to answer your questions after class."

The room was dead silent, as everybody absorbed this. Mr Crane continued marking off the remaining few people on the list, then moved on to announcements. Everyone was invited to the pep rally on Thursday night. And Friday was the big Basketball game. Darvel High was through to the quarter finals for the first time in years, and I was going to miss it.

The first-period bell rang, and I slipped of the chair to pull my shoes back on. Dave paused beside me, his books clutched in front of him, "Dude, seriously why didn't you text me or something."

"What and spoil the surprise," I said," the look on your face was priceless, I wish I'd had a camera."

We headed out of the room, and towards English class. "I didn't even know one of your parents was twisted, so does your dad like have a cool trick or something?"

"Nope, Its mom and her trick is that she doesn't stand out. Even I had trouble remembering about it half the time." I said, dropping into my regular seat. The Williams twins were in this class and both of them were giving me the stink eye.

"I can't believe he tricked me like that," Rebbeca said to her twin brother. The Williams twins had always stuck together. Back in Elementary school they even dressed up as each other one Halloween. Of course, now that Adam had hit six foot that was no-longer an option.

"Freak," Adam whispered, soft enough that it wouldn't carry. I looked away from him focusing on the blackboard again. Miss Brice was sure to embrace me when she got to class. She did it any time we have a new kid in class, and I suspected I'd count as new.

I was right, she made me stand up, and tell the story of How I'd twisted. I certaintly got some incredulous looks when I got to the bit about falling into the grand canyon. At least until Dave remembered hearing about it on the news.

By Maths class the shock was reduced as pretty well everyone int the room had already heard of my Twist. Solving a problem on the board got embarrassing, Mrs Norris had written it near the top, which was a bit out of my reach. Then it was time for Gym.

I skulked into the girl's locker room. It was a mirror image of the boys one on the other side of the wall. Same benches, with hooks to hand your regular clothes on, no lockers, and a row of showers at the back.

I immediately spotted Karen, on account of her being half a foot taller than any other girl in the class. OK, the snow white hair was noteworthy too, I remember her complaining that she couldn't even dye it. She smiled at me and waved.

Amanda was next to her and was also now looking at me, her nose scrunched up. I'd forgotten I'd have gym class with Amanda. We'd been out a couple of times before the break, but that was before I started looking like this.

"Hey Leigh, is the girls change room everything you expected?" Amanda said.

I dumped my bag at an empty spot near the door. Then made a show of looking around. Just like on the boy's side this was always the last spot taken on account of the air conditioning vent right above it.
"Mirror world," I said.

Conversation resumed. I focused on getting changed until a shadow fell over me. Rebeca, glared down at me, her hands on her hips. "What are you doing in here you pervert."

I finished rolling my tights down, and stood up to face her in my panties, "I'm kind of a girl now, as you can see."

"And I bet you get off on it too," she said, knocking on my head with a knuckle. "what about up here ha?"

"leave off Becca," Karen said, from the other bench, "let her get changed in peace already."

"Seriously, you're defending this fake, how are we supposed to shower with him ogling us?

By then several more girls had finished and were crowding around me. Amanda gave Rebecca a death stare. "Well, she's defiantly not hiding anything in thouse panties, leave her alone."

Outnumbered, Rebecca huffed and stomped out of the room. "I'm going to talk to Mrs Green about this."

Most of the girls have a tee shirt, and wrap around skirt, with gym shorts underneath. But not me, I had something better, a school Leotard. It was regulation, tan, black and yellow and even had the school crest sewn on the front. Hardly any of the girls ever wore it, but it was still in the uniform guide. I slipped it on with a sigh of pleasure. Then sat down to put on sports socks and sneakers. When I looked up again, everyone was silent. "What?"

Amanda shook her head, staring at me. "OK, that settles it, no boy would willingly wear that."

"It's a compulsion, I'm kind of into gymnastic now."

Karen nodded in sympathy. "When I shifted I had to learn Elvish, from the Lord of the RIngs Books." she said, "English feels like a foreign language to me now."

Amanda held out a hand to me, and smiled, "Come on Leigh, let's get out there before Mrs Green comes in here to get us."

When we got out into the gym I could see Rebecca talking to Mrs Green. Her face was streaked with tears and she was twisting her hands, and pointing towards me. Mrs Green looked over, then turned back to Rebecca and decidedly shook her head. "The school is satisfied that Leigh is a girl," she was saying as we approached. "If you don't like it miss Williams, you can wait outside until she is done."

With that, Mrs Green clapped her hands and surveyed the rest of us. "Seeing as we have a new student, we should do another round of fitness tests. So we'll start with a timed one-mile run, line up girls."

There were several groans as we lined up for the fitness test. Normally we only had to do this once per term, but I guess Mrs Green wanted a new baseline for my new body. "Sorry" I whispered to everybody within hearing.

"This isn't over freak," Rebbeca hissed back at me.

I surprised myself. My running time was still respectable, not as fast as it had been, but come on I'd lost a foot and a half in height. Still, I wasn't at all winded at the end of it. And the strength exercises were a breeze. I was fastest at the rope climb and when it came to chin-ups, Mrs Green stopped me at a hundred. I felt like I could have kept going.

As we filed back into the change room I was getting a few more glowers from the other girls in the class, but they seemed reasonably good natured. I stripped off and headed for a shower, trying to ignore the fact that most of the girls were watching me.

"Honestly, she looks like my kid sister," Amanda said, pulling off her own underwear and heading for the next shower over.

I couldn't help looking. After all, I'd been dreaming of getting into Amanda's pants since freshman year. She was slim, hand some nice curves developing, and perky breasts. In my head, I knew I should be aroused, but I felt nothing. Not that I really know what being aroused was supposed to feel like as a girl. But still, i should have felt something. "Hay don't compare me to the brat."

"Hey, only I'm allowed to call her that," Amanda said.

By this point the showers were filling up. Karen had taken the other shower beside mine, "Be Honest Amanda, your little sister is a brat." she said joining our conversation.

I bit my lip and started soaping under my arms, looking at the white tiles in front of me. Finishing up didn't take long. I heard the other girls getting on with things, but kept my head down. Soon enough I was dried off and dressed again.

Rebecca was waiting outside, talking to Adam. Still, in her sports uniform, she gave me a cold glare, before heading in to change. The way Adam was looking at me now, sent a shiver down my spine.

The lunch bell still hadn't sounded but the Gym teachers were pretty relaxed on that score. I headed towards the cafeteria, not noticing that Adam was following me until he shoved me into an empty classroom.

The door banged shut, and he shoved me again."I'm going to give you a lesson you perverted scum," he hissed.

I half fell, half ran across the room, grabbing the end of the empty teachers desk. My heart thudded in my chest, and it felt like I needed to pee.

Adam loomed above me, fists clenched, and eyebrows drawn together over his eyes. "No one perves on my sister."

"I didn't and I wouldn't, and I don't think I even feel that way about girls anymore."

"So you're a poofter as well as a freak. They should sterilise the lot of you." he snarled and lunged forward, his right fist aimed at my face with every ounce of his weight and strength behind it.

I flinched, and closed my eyes, unable to dodge out of the way. And then time seemed to stand still. And something unfurled inside my head. It was like seeing for the first time, only not with my eyes but my skin. I could feel Adams fist an inch before it touched me, feel the force of the blow. And then it dissipated, flowing over and around, and never touching me. By the time his knuckles connected with my cheek, there was no force left, nothing but a feather touch.

My eyes snapped open and I screamed, a high pitched girls scream, that made my own ears hurt. The force of the punch reversed, flowing back from where ever it had gone and back into Adam's hand.

I heard his knuckles crack. His hand moved away from my face leaving a trail of blood behind. It fell on my blouse collar, my shoes and the floor. A heart beat later Adam was staggering away from me cradling his hand. His eyes wide with shock and fear.

Then the door swung open, revealing Coach Smith, still panting from having run up the corridor. Mr Smith was an excellent coach, but for a gym teacher, he wasn't exactly fit. He had a distinctive beer gut under his polo shirt. "What the devil is going on here."

my hands shook, and my knees seemed to collapse under me, I slid down the wall. "He tried. He tried to kill me." I said.

Coach looked at me and Adam and his bleeding knuckles. I'd never seen him so angry before. He grabbed Adam by the bicep and pulled him towards the door, ignoring his moans of pain at having his hand jarred. "Principal's Office, now, and stop whining you, baby, that's what you get from punching a brick wall. Leigh, you too."

It took me two attempts to scramble to my feet I was still shaking so much. That must be my trick, I could redirect kinetic energy. Finally, I knew how I'd survived falling down a cliff. "yes sir," I said.

As we walked I tried focusing on my hand, but the field I felt earlier wouldn't come back, no matter how hard I tried to concentrate. Before I knew it we were in the front office. Coach Smith pointed towards the hard wooden bench in the hall. "Wait here, Leigh."

He knocked on the door but didn't wait for an answer before pushing Adam inside. The school nurse showed up a few minutes later, and then the paramedics. Adam was playing up the moaning as they took him away. You'd think he'd busted every bone in his body rather than a knuckle or two.

I waited, still trying to feel the air around me, like I had for that one second, but without success. By the time mom arrived I had a headache, and my stomach burned. I'd missed lunch. Mom took one look at me and pulled me into an embarrassing hug. Luckily there was no one there to see it other than Principal Davis. "Mrs Jones, Leigh, please come in."

The principal's office showed signs of being well used but organised. The only loose paper being in designated in and out trays on one corner of her desk. She sat behind the desk and waited for us to get as comfortable as the hard wooden chairs on our side would allow. "Leigh please tell me what happened after Gym class."

"Adam pulled me into a classroom, and he said, I was filth. He accused me of perving on his sister, I didn't honest, she wasn't even in the change room. And then he tried to punch me in the face."

Mrs Davis frowned, leaning forward on her elbows, "Did you use a trick on Adam Williams."

"Well, Um, Not really, I mean I didn't know I had a trick, and it's not like an attack or anything," I said, looking at mom, instead of the principal. This wasn't working. I took a deep breath, and met the principal's gaze, "I think my trick lets me reflect kinetic energy. So when he punched me, all the force he put into it got reflected back at him.

"I see, and can you use this force to hit people?"

"I don't know, I don't think so. When it happened I could sort of feel the air around me, but I can't make it come back, I've been trying while I was waiting."

Mrs Davis walked over to the book case. she pulled down a thick leather bound volume but didn't open it. "In the last hour, I have spoken with Adams and the head of the school board."

"It is perfectly clear that what we have here is a case of bullying, and that Leigh is unquestionably the victim. However, the active use of a trick complicates matters. Until Leigh's abilities have been fully tested and certified I can not allow her to return to school."

"Are you telling me that my daughter is being suspended for being assaulted by another student?" mom said.

Mrs Davis sighed. She put down the book, unopened, and picked up several sheets of paper from her out tray. "Unfortunately yes. Now let me be clear I know that Leigh did not start this, and I believe that she is not a danger to anyone. But my opinion is not enough to sway the School board. Here is the necessary paperwork. I've also included contact details for a clinic in Seattle, If they sign off on Leighs Trick, she can return to school."

Mom took the papers and motioned me to stand. "Thank you for your time, Principal Davis. Leigh lets go home."

Dave and Amanda were waiting at the cross corridor, both looking worried, as we passed. I gave them a little wave but didn't say anything.

"hay Leigh, I'll bring your homework round after school," Dave called.

Mom stopped and put a smile on her face before looking at my friend. "That's very kind of you David, but Leigh will be out this afternoon, maybe tomorrow."

The car was parked directly in front of the school again, I got into the passenger seat. Then heard moms door slam closed. "I'm sorry mom, I didn't know."

She pulled me into another hug. I didn't fight it this time. "Oh Leigh honey, it's not your fault, none of this is your fault."

I felt the sobs building up inside me, and I just couldn't keep them in any longer. The tears came first, hot on my face, and then I was shaking, as mom held me tight. I don't think I'd ever cried this much, not even the time I'd broken my arm. I hadn't done anything to Adam, or Rebecca. I'd never asked to be twisted or to be a girl. And it was so hard.

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Yeah, it's hard......

D. Eden's picture

None of us ever asked to be what and who we are, we just are. And yes, it's hard, and yes, it sucks. I can't tell you how many times I lay in bed awake at night just praying and begging anyone or anything to fix me - to make me one or the other, and I didn't care which - just not in between like I was.

We are all born the way we are and no one asks us what we want - what we want to be, how we want to look, or anything. There are some choices in life as to who you are - good or bad, educated or not, things like that. But gender is unfortunately not one of those. Male or female gender is coded into us in the womb, and there isn't a single thing that can be done to change what is in your brain.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Poor Leigh...

I can imagine if something like this was real, conservatives really would act this way. I hate it too. I hate how hateful Christians can be, some of the most hateful people on the planet. I recently came back to Christianity and it just saddens me how much hate they have in their hearts. And how they think they're better than everyone else. And it's just... their arrogance and everything is what turned me away the first time but this time I chose to be a Christian on my own will after trying several different religions out. Reconciling everything I've learned with my beliefs has been hard but... I just want Christians to be full of love and stop with all the hate. Stop with all the "sinners" and other crap we were never supposed to internalize. *sigh*

I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D

Use a spell checker

Aine of Chaos's picture

A spell checker is something you need to look "The second bell rang and Mr Crane started running down the role" correct term is roll. Don't us principle when it should be principal.

An old fart of a lady who is still full of p & v!

I would say

I would say a spell checker would just role write on by it. And Grammy checkers are overrated.

Automated spell checkers ...

Eye awl ways use spill chick four any thing i right (like this four instants)!

Nah, automated are no help. Need a human spell checker and grammarian. Maybe not in 5 years, tho...

Words may be false and full of art;
Sighs are the natural language of the heart.
-Thomas Shadwell

Run everything I write

I run everything I write through multiple checking programs including Grammarly, which does do spell checking. It even picks up quite a few incorrect words. Unfortunately English has so many homonyms, that no computer program is going to pick up every mistake of this kind. It did actually highlight principle as a potential error in several sentences, I guess it missed one or two too.

The words have been corrected now, so thanks for letting me know.

The trick tto properly using

Brooke Erickson's picture

The trick tto properly using a spelling checker is that any time it flags a word that isn't an *obvious* typo, look up the word it suggests before accepting it. And by "obvious", I mean that it's a word you use all the time and know how to spell.

If it's a word you don't use it writing a lot or one you haven't seen written out frequently, you need to double check.

For example you have "defiantly" where what you meant was "definitely".

It also helps to read a lot of *published* books, preferably from before 1980 or so. That's because back then they had human proofreaders, starting in the 80s publishers started using more spelling checkers and fewer human proofreaders, and thus a lot of incorrect words started slipping through.

And stuff on the net is great (not!) for training you to accept wrongly spelled words or improper word choices. Sad but true.

I'm a pretty good speller, but I find myself having to fight to not misspell things that are misspelled a lot on the web. Seeing the misspellings "trains" your brain. :-(

Brooke brooke at shadowgard dot com
Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls
It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world
"Lola", the Kinks

Score one to nothing, AH's losing

Jamie Lee's picture

Religious twits always show their true hypocritical selves. They think because they now have "God," everyone else is beneath them.

Todd, Rebecca and Adam, are such twits, blind to the fact that they are no better than anyone else in God's eyes. But they'd never be convinced of that.

These three are not representative of most people, as the other girls in the gym demonstrate. But because they are vocal, they get the attention, and at the same time, turn others off to the possibility of getting to know God.

Would Lee have twisted had he not been dumb enough to cross that safety barrier? Or would it have happened regardless? And why punish him for something out of his control? Should Rebecca be punished because she's taller than most of the other girls? Should she and her brother be punished for being stupid--jury is out on this one.

Point being, which escapes those three, people are different regardless of how the same they look. If you punish people who twist, something happening beyond their control, then people must be punished for everything that happens which is out of their control.

Surprise surprise, Leigh has an unknown before power, saving her from Adam's attack and giving Adam what he deserved. Now if someone would take his sister out back and apply the same lesson.

But suspending Leigh because Adam and his sister are arse? Had they not have been arse, Leigh's power wouldn't have been discovered, and Adam's had wouldn't have been hurt. The hypocrites at the school board come to light, giving the approval for Leigh to attend school then pulling the rug out from under her because of two twits.

Sure hope this fun story has more chapters coming.

Others have feelings too.

Being Twisted is genetic,

Being Twisted is genetic, again see the setting page for details. I've been trying to avoid the standard Twisted Universe info-dump, on the assumption that most readers coming to this story will already be familiar with Morpheus's original stories.

If you haven't read the original Twisted stories you really should they are awesome. Heck, all of Morphius's stories are awesome and he is a very prolific author.


Any school board is going to react pretty defensively to something like this - it's all about the legal system these days. Are we going to get sued? Especially is you think that the negotiations for getting Leigh back in school took a couple of days and the lawyers were involved.

Moreover remember - there were no witnesses to the actual attack on Leigh, and the only one injured was the attacker. Leigh wasn't physically injured (mentally, yes). Is there any real evidence?

In fairness, they are giving the Joneses an out - get cleared by a clinic. It's a pain, and unfair and a further torture of Leigh, but for a school board that may worry that she could be a risk to other students? Not that shocking.

Nice Start

On the Bounce 1-3 is an interesting start, though we really haven't had a chance to get into Leigh's head yet. I look forward to more development of the story.

Great start to another Twisted Story

Great intro to another Twisted Story.
Hope you write more chapters

"May you live in Interesting Times" is a promise, not a threat!

I was just...

Aine Sabine's picture

Getting in to this story and there was nothing more. Bah!
