Corey Needs A Babysitter

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"Mom! I already told you! I'm too old for a babysitter!" I groaned.

"Come on Corey, you know we just want you to be safe, okay?" His mom said before getting her coat on and getting ready to leave, "Your Babysitter should be here any minute now, oh wait, here she is!"

I fought the temptation to scream into my pillow in frustation. M relationship with my parents had always been... troublesome at best, especially ever since my 11th birthday last year, I was rebellious as ever. Ever my parents had grown sick of my antics, silently wishing that they had had a daughter instead of a son.

I peeked from the top of the 2nd floor stairs as a cute, short, 14 year old girl stepped into the house with a enormous smile, "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Poarch!"

"Karlee! Oh it's so nice to finally meet you." My mom exclaimed before quickly glancing at her watch, "My, look at the time! Corey's upstairs, the dinner is the in microwave. Oh you two are going to have so much fun together!" 

"No worries! Have a good time!" Karlee laughed before waving my mom out and closing the door, "Corey? Hey, it's your babysitter, you wanna come down?" 

Rolling my eyes, I slammed my bedroom door shut, completely ignoring my new 'babysitter', "Babysitter... I'm not a baby..." I muttered under my breath before laying down on my bed and closing my eyes, ready to try to sleep through the weird babysitter who was currently sitting in my kitchen.

I awoke thirty minutes later by the sound of my grumbling stomach. I tossed in bed, trying to fall asleep again, only to grab at my stomach as it growled once more. I groaned, rubbing my eyes, 'I'll just run downstairs, I'll grab something to eat, and ignore Karlee or whatever her name is.' I threw on a white t shirt and shorts before opening his door as slowly and silently as possible before slowly tip toeing all the way down to my stairs and sneaking into the kitchen. Much to my relief, Karlee was sitting in my living room now, eyes glued to some TV show. I carefully crawled over to the cabinet to grab a few bags of chips, only to gasp audibly as I accidentally dropped several bags on the group.

Karlee's head instantly craned to the area of the noise, and her eyes lit up when she noticed me standing there, "Oh! Corey you didn't tell me you came downstairs. Let me get your dinner ready honey."

"No, wait I don't want dinner. I'm going upstairs." I said, grabbing my chips as fast as possible, I tried to go up but Karlee quickly stepped in my way, and forced me to stop, even though she was much shorter then me.

"Wait! I brought games for us to play with!" Karlee grinned.

'Are you serious, something to play with?' I stifled my remark and just rolled my eyes instead, trying to wait past Karlee again.

As if on point, Karlee laughed, but her eyes looked intense as ever "I know it sounds dumb. But you have promise me to try it first!"

"Look, I'm not playing with you!" I said, growing a bit frustrated, Karen pouted, but listened, "I'm a boy, and I'm too old to play little girl games." He scoffed.

"Oh, why didn't you tell me before? I can fix that!" Karlee said excitedly, she snapped her fingers and quickly spoke a very strange sounding language before looking back with me with a huge grin.

I raised an eyebrow, "Whatever. I'm going now." However, as soon as I stood up, I realized something was very wrong.

The first thing wrong was his clothing. I felt like I was swimming in them! I quickly tripped over my shorts. My entire body was shrinking, and at a pace that I could hardly keep track of. My t-shirt looked more like a dress then a shirt at this point. Looking up at Karlee, I gasped as she began to tower over me, looking down with that creepy, sly smile. Pain hit his body like a strike of lighting, and instantly, my body shifted, I felt like my joints stiffened and locked in place.


At first, I gasped at the sudden crushing pressure that I could feel in my chest, but let out a oddly high pitched moan as the pain disappeared, only to be replaced with the sensation of two round, A-cup sized breasts appearing on my chest. My shock only grew when I watched strands of long dark brown hair cascade down my forehead, then shoulders, finally ending at shoulder length. I touched my face, recoiling when my fingers stung, my mind was overwhelmed as his hands, face and lower body all began to change at the same time.

My hands cracked painfully, growing slender and thinner, while sparkling pink polish was applied on his growing nails, 'No way! This is has got to be a dream...!'

My eyes suddenly watered, both from the sensation of them changing color from brown to baby blur, like my mom's but also as my crotch boiled with pain, I was only able to gasp momentarily before My crotch suddenly became flat, and as my feminine hand explored, I gasped at the alien sensation that filled me, with the realization that I was now completely a girl.

"Mmm. Much more pretty now!" Karlee giggled, pulling out her phone from her pocket and showing my new reflection to me.

"Ho-how is this even possible?! Did you do this?!" I screamed in horror, my now dainty hands flying to examine my teenage feminized face, brushing the long silky strands away from my new blue eyes.

Karlee just giggled and flashed a sly smile, "Of course I did silly!" Playfully patting me on her head, then slyly looking at her watch, "Well, are you ready to play now Courtney?"

"No! You can't do this to me!" I yelled defiantly, only for Karlee to whisper another series of words.

My body shrunk even further, until I was left only to have around 9 years old, and tiny by now. Her clothes even shrunk to fit her body, melting and changing into a one piece cute, pink nightie that hung loosely off of my flat body. I struggled with the nightie for a moment before remembering what she was going to do. Now terrified of Karlee's power, I tried to run as fast as her small body could take her, bolting up the stairs, albeit with much difficulty, and then trying to open the door to her bedroom.

"Whats wrong little Courtney?" Karlee teased in a cutesy voice, easily picking me up and holding me upside down, "Can the widdwe girl not reach her door?"

"SHUT UP! Turn me back, or else!" I said, she tried to sounded threatening but with my prepubescent voice I sounded much more whiny then scary. 

Karlee giggled, "Or what...?" She said as she began shaking me while she held me upside down.

I gasped as I felt myself regressing one last time, and this time I couldn't control myself at all, I began wailing as loud as I could despite not wanting too, the fact that my voice sounded eerily close to a toddler's only made me cry even more. I squirmed helplessly, pudgy limbs wriggled as I tried to get myself free, to no avail of course. I did however manage to score a few harmless slaps on Karlee's face causing to tut loudly.

"Tsk, tsk... Naughty little girl..." Karlee said with a stern look of disapproval, she put me down, but only for a moment.

Karlee effortlessly scooped me up and set me over her knee before smacking my butt harshly until it was red. I couldn't help but bawl even louder then before, this time I cried uncontrollably, "S-stop! L-let me go!" I sobbed as I was until to resist.

"Not until you promise to be a good girl for me Courtney!" Karlee said with a final sharp pain on her butt, I couldn't help but nod right away, "Good. I suppose you can't eat the dinner that mommy and daddy made for you."

I sniffled, "P-please. T-urn back...? My parents can't see me like this!" I nervously stuttered in a trembling voice, though I wasn't quite sure why. My head was starting to hurt a little too, it made me feel very sleepy.

"Mhm. Don't worry honey, I think they'll be just fine." Karlee snapped her fingers and instantly, I heard the sound of a doorbell, my parents were finally home!

"MOMMY. DADDY! Look what the meanie sitter did to me!" I exclaimed, not even realizing how whiny and childish she sounded.

My mom scooped me up and smiled, "How's my little girl doing?" She said, kissing me on the cheek.

"S-she hit me!" I cried out, for some reason I knew that was doing to say something, but  I couldn't even remember anymore! I just felt comforted by the presence of her mom and dad.

"Sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Poarch. Little Courtney had a bit of a tantrum." Karlee said sounding remorseful.

My mom chuckled, "It's fine dear. You were just doing your job, we can't thank you enough!" She said, handing Karlee a large check.

Why am I so sleepy...' I furrowed my small face as I struggled to repeal my growing headache and try to figure out why I was so mad before.

"Well Courtney, it looks like its time for bed time!"

"Yes mommy..." I said, no matter how much I wanted to resist, it just felt so natural.

And so, I finally fell asleep on my daddy's shoulder, unable to resist the headache for any longer. I dozed off to a dreamless sleep, where upon waking up I would be blissfully unaware of my parents whole plan all along.

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Every ten years?

Daphne Xu's picture

Do they age-regress her child every ten years? Does he/she eventually catch on and somehow stop it?

-- Daphne Xu