Ignorance is No Excuse for Hating Someone Part 30

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Larson and Amy face off against each other. Larson had taken off his dress shirt and was wearing a white muscle shirt underneath. He watches Amy trying to judge what she was going to do. He has watched all her training sessions and knew every move she knew.

Amy watches Larson as they circled each other. She knew he was analyzing her, trying to guess how she was going to react. A smile appears on her face, as she stops and attacks. She moves quickly to strike him with her left hand.

Larson sidesteps quickly out of the way, as Amy moves. He goes to strike her but misses as she leans back and slides on her feet past him. He tries to strike again, but feel his hand brushed aside by hers.

Amy turns to face Larson, as she spins on her left heel. She moves again to strike his chest area. She feels her hand connect with his chest area. Her strike doesn’t do much to his tough skin. She does manage to knock the wind out of him.

Larson manages to hit Amy’s left shoulder, at the same time her fist connected with his chest. The blow to his chest knocks the wind out of him. His blow to her shoulder doesn’t slow her down.

Amy spins around and jumps up and kicks Larson behind his head. Her small foot connects with his head, sending him stumbling forward. She spins in the air and kicks him with her other foot. Her foot connects with his shoulder.

Larson stumbles forward from the blow he felt to the back of his head. Just as he was turning around to attack Amy, he feels her other foot connect with his right shoulder. He feels the area she hit, go a little numb.

Jack and Cheshire were observing the combat between Larson and Amy. Neither one of them could believe how fast they were moving. Even in their prime, they didn’t have the type of reaction they were seeing.

Julia, Gina, and Tizzy couldn’t believe the reaction they were seeing between the two combatants. Tizzy was amazed at how fast they were moving.

“Those two are moving faster than anyone I have ever seen.” Tizzy has never seen anyone move so fast.

Troy and Samuel were paying attention to the fight going on between Amy and Larson. Troy noticed that Larson was using some of Amy’s fighting style. He has been training with her to recognize her unique style. He listens to the comments from Jack and his people.

The fighting between Amy and Larson has taken on a life of its own. They were moving fast and furious against each other. Each of them had injuries, but it wasn’t slowing either one of them down.

Amy looks at Larson as she tried to block out the pain she was feeling. Larson had gotten lucky and struck her hard on her right shoulder. Her right arm was useless, and her left ankle was hurting her. She looks at Larson and notices he wasn’t doing any better. She notices he was having a hard time breathing and his left leg and arm was useless as well.

“This is your last chance to surrender.” Amy summons her energy to give her the strength she needs to finish this fight.

“What’s wrong? Are you not capable of finishing this fight?” Larson centers himself and taps the last of his energy reserve.

“Finish this fight, Larson.” Mr. Hunger was getting impatient.

Amy charges towards Larson and just as his fist connects with her body. Her fist goes straight through his chest, with his beating heart in her
hand. She crushes his heart in her hand.

She looks up at Larson “you lose.”

Just as Amy says those words, there is an extremely blinding bright flash of light. One of the Knights pull his sword and tries to run it through Jack’s chest. Instead of running it through Jack’s chest, it goes through Cheshire’s chest instead. She had stepped in front of it to protect Jack.

“MOM!” Tizzy pulls her guns and starts shooting the knight that just put his sword through her mother’s body.

Jack catches Cheshire in his arms. He looks down at her face, as the anger in him surfaces. He looks up and notices Tizzy standing over the Knight she just killed. Tears were sliding down her cheeks as her guns hung by her side.

Jack looks at Mr. Hunger “you just fucked up, royally. Kill them all!” As he lifts Cheshire’s body and heads towards the mansion.

“You heard dad, people.” Julia pulls her guns and starts shooting at Mr. Hunger.

Amy runs towards Jack before his snipers start shooting. She sends a mental message to her mother and aunt telling them they were needed immediately.

“Mr. Bounty, I might be able to save her.” Amy stops near Jack. She had to be careful because she saw the anger in his eyes.

“How?” Jack stops to look at Amy.

“My mother and aunt can heal people. If they can’t bring her back, there is one other who can, but it will require a price.” Amy knew Leto could bring Cheshire back, but there is always a price to play.

“I’ll pay the price.” Jack still loved Cheshire very much. He knew she felt the same, but they never acted on it. He loved his wife as well.
When Jack gave the order to kill the Hunter organization members. Rachel opened up with her sniper rifle at the knights. The first one she shot, was still standing. She keeps firing and after the fifth round, the knight goes.

She spots Bear and Carla was busy fighting the knights, they had covered. The bullets from their guns were bouncing off the body armor. Carla looks over at Bear while dodging a sword swipe “Their armor is enchanted. Our bullets are just going to bounce off them.” Carla dodges another swipe from her attacker.

“Anika, switch to the new rounds and take these punks out.” Bear looks in Anika’s direction.

Rachel heard what Bear said and does it. She knew the rest of the snipers were doing the same. She looks through her scope and notices Julia and Gina were on the ground holding their sides. There was a pool of blood under them.

Mr. Hunger had managed to seriously injury Julia and Gina before they could do any serious harm to him. However, their wolves were faster than he counted on. He managed to fight them off, but not before they managed to crush his shoulder and right leg with their powerful bite. He was slowly bleeding to death.

He looks over and notices that Ted was dead. One of the wolves had killed him. He watches as Troy and Samuel come walking over to him.

“Well, it looks like you are slowly dying, Mr. Hunger. Maybe we should have the wolves come back and finish the job?”

“Go to hell. At least I managed to kill one of those bastards.”

“But you started a war, you can’t win.” Gina fires a bullet right between the eyes of Mr. Hunger.

Troy goes over to help Gina, while Samuel helps Julia. Tizzy had followed her uncle into the mansion. Just as she entered the room where he took her mother, there is a charge in the air as a magical portal opens and two women come walking out of it.

“What the fuck and who are you?” She had her guns trained on them.

“They’re here to heal your mother, Tizzy.” Amy moves to stand between Tizzy and her relatives.

Tizzy puts her guns down. She steps aside to let them pass her.

“Quick mom, we don’t have much time.” Amy escort her mom and aunt to where Cheshire was laying.

Tizzy follows behind them. The sword was still sticking out of her. April and Joyce walk over to Cheshire’s prone body. There was still a pulse, but it was really weak. They noticed the man standing near her and they could feel his concern and anger.

Tizzy walks over and stands next to her uncle. She takes his hand and holds it. She feels Jack give her hand a little squeeze.

April and Joyce examine Cheshire and could feel that the spirit of the cat was strong in her. It wasn’t that she was a Were, but the Cat goddess has claimed this one as one of her own.

“Can you save her?” Jack looks at the two women.

“Yes, but not here. We need to take her back to our place.” Joyce looks at the young woman standing next to Jack and could tell she was related to the woman.

Jack looks at Tizzy “she’s your mother, sweetie. It’s your decision.”

“Can I go with her?” Tizzy looks at the two women.

“Yes, you can come with your mother.”

“Then, let's save my mother.” Tizzy didn’t want to lose her mother.

Lady Joyce opens a portal, while Lady April picks Cheshire up off the table, being careful of the sword. Lady April looks at Amy “just let me know when you want to come home.”

“I will mom.” Amy kisses her mother on the cheek. She also kisses her aunt as well.

After they leave, Haylee and Arabella come running into the room. They look over towards their grandfather “granddad, mom has been hurt.”

“Alright, Haylee and Arabella. I’ll go check on your mothers. You two get back into the safe room.” Jack knew the girls were concerned about their mothers.

“Yes sir.”

Arabella leads Haylee and their pets back to the safe room. They were worried about their mothers.

“Thank you, Amy.” Jack hopes everything will be okay.

“Don’t thank me yet, sir. Your friend is knocking on heaven’s door.” Amy turns and heads back outside.

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I have a feeling

Samantha Heart's picture

Cheshire will be fine & like the cat goddess has smiled on Cheshire & made here one of her own. I have a feeling the wolf God did the same with Jack. As for Gena & Julia they will be out of commission for a while.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.

I like this story.

WillowD's picture

It has a lot of characters in it I like. And a few I love to detest. :)

Home field advantage

Jamie Lee's picture

Yeah, the Hunters have the brain the size of a pea, fighting Jack and the others on Jack's home turf. But because they're arrogant, they think little of advantage.

Larson should have given up, he'd have lived a little longer. Instead, he loses his heart to Amy, she is ravishing.

Those morons made a big mistake trying to kill Jack. They made an even bigger mistake hurting Cheshire instead. Hope their lives were worth it.

Others have feelings too.