Maggie Finson
You know, sometimes life is good, sometimes it’s bad, but most of the time it just is. Then there are those days. You know the kind, I’m sure. Things, no matter how great or awful in your life just kind of get pushed aside by something so outrageous that the event boggles one to the point of hoping you’ve gone completely insane. Unfortunately, in my case that wasn’t what happened at all.
You Don’t have to Believe, After All
The strangest stories I’ve ever heard always seem to start with ‘The day started out pretty much normal.’
Nothing was normal about that day from the time I woke up to discover a fairy sitting on the foot of my bed, glaring at me as if I’d dissed Tinkerbelle in some public forum.
“Huh, What?” Okay, so my response wasn’t all that intelligent, but I ask you, what would your reaction be to waking up to something like that?
“What ya never seen a fairy before, bubba?” She questioned in a sweet little voice that still managed to sound nastily amused. “I know we ain’t that common these days, but things have been tough for da past few hundred years.”
“Uh, I’m still asleep, right?” I questioned hopefully and closed my eyes hoping the hallucination would be gone when I opened them again. No such luck. She was still perched comfortably on the footboard glaring at me.
“Nope.” She answered smugly. “I’m still here and you’ll just have to deal with it.”
“Why?” I questioned thinking that this one was a pretty ragged looking fairy, with wings that appeared a little shredded at the edges, a corset, little skirt — also kind of frayed at the hem, holed fishnet stockings and little high heeled ankle boots. Oh, did I mention that everything she was wearing was black? Her hair was a glossy black and might have been nice if it hadn’t been all spiked and teased out.
“You have to deal with it.” She said the careful way someone addresses a person who has a bit of a mental disadvantage. “Because I’m still here and ain’t goin nowhere for a while.”
“Oh.” That might not have been a bad thing if we had been closer to the same size. She was cute, no, actually pretty, and —umm — well put together. Even sexy for someone that might be six inches tall on her tiptoes. “Well, since you’re here, I’m Chad Stoner.”
“I already know who ya are, bubba!” She grumped back then frowned. “But I’d be careful about just telling anyone who flies in your window what your real name is if I was ya, bucko.”
“That’s my nickname.” I answered while wondering why I was even entertaining this obvious figment of my imagination when I should be looking for something to shake the delusion I was having. And how do you already know who I am?”
“Peeked at your mail.” She smirked. “Ya really should pay that light bill unless ya like hangin out in the dark after sunset.”
“That really isn’t any of your business.” I answered quickly.
“Yeah, yeah, an yer fridge has somethin growin in a bowl I sure wouldn’t get too close to, it might try eating me!” She shot right back then gave a dainty little burp. “But yer beer was cold.”
“Just how long have you been here?” I quietly asked, then added. “And what do I call you other than last night’s pizza?”
“Oh, sorry.” She replied around another belch that would have been even more annoying if she’d been anywhere near normal sized then gave me a lopsided grin. “Call me Thistledown for now. We ain’t near enough intimate for you to know my other use names, let alone my real one.”
“Thistledown.” I sighed. “So what gives me the pleasure of your — umm — company this morning?”
“Got bizness wit ya, Chaddie boy.” She returned while bouncing up and down on my mattress. “Da Queen’s callin in all Faerie Blood fer something she hasn’t seen fit to tell us peons about.”
“Fairy blood.” Shaking my head I watched her get slightly tangled in my bedspread and waited till she freed herself amid a series of curses that would have had me blushing if I had actually believed any of this was happening. “Umm — at the risk of sounding rude, if that’s the case why are you hanging out here drinking my beer, reading my mail, and making fun of what’s in my fridge?”
“Ya could have given a lady a hand there, ya know.” She pouted at me once she extricated herself from the folds of heavy cloth.
“Are you?” I questioned a bit distractedly as she straightened her skirt. “A lady I mean?”
She only glared at me for a moment, without saying anything for once since I’d awakened.
“So.” I encouraged. “Just why are you here? I mean if your queen has recalled all of you Fairies…”
“Dat’s F A E R I E, not F A I R Y, she answered then added. “But I am a Fairy and of Faerie, too.”
“If I don’t believe in you will you just go away?” I asked hopefully while feeling the beginnings of a headache.
“Nah, I ain’t no damned delicate Tinkerbelle who’s so mentally fragile she faints if someone looks at ‘er wrong.” Thistledown actually chuckled.
“All right, it’s been nice meeting you and all — umm — Thistle. But again, why are you bothering me this morning?” I pressed. “And aren’t fairies supposed to be all glittery and flighty?”
“Only da blonde ones. An dat’s Thistledown, thank you.”
“Again, why did you decide to grace my humble home with your presence this morning?!” I pushed again.
“Where is an ogre when you need one?” Thistledown sighed, rolled her eyes and grumbled something that sounded like. “Dumbass almost mortals, gotta hit ‘em wit a two by four ta get the idea across.”
“What idea?” I very carefully reached for something to throw if she didn’t give up and leave within the next minute or so.
“Dat ya got fairy blood in ya, dummy.” She shot back. “So da Queen’s call includes ya even if ya ain’t bright enough to know what ya really are!”
That was enough. I closed my eyes, disbelieved with all my might and hoped when I looked again that I’d be awake and this insane dream would be something to laugh about. “I’ve got Faerie blood?”
“Ya, on yer momma’s side, an dat’s FAIRY not FAERIE.” Thistledown answered almost wearily then muttered. “Why, why do I always get da ones who don’t believe a word I say until they change?
Oh, disbelieve all ya like. I ain’t goin away, or swooning or nuthin. Just get it out of yer system NOW so’s I can get to the important stuff, okay?”
“You’re still here.” I let out a heavy sigh when I opened my eyes to see her lovely, if very tiny form hovering just out of reach with a buzz of wings that reminded me a a dragonfly, or a moth beating itself against a closed window.
“Told ya, bubba.” She smirked at me. “Now on to bizness. Ya ain’t gonna fight me when we do this are ya?”
“Fight what?” I was confused, and more than a little upset by then.
“Da change.” She gave out a sigh that did some really interesting things to her exposed cleavage and the breasts that formed it. “Ya know, wakin up yer Fairy blood!”
“Why fight something I can no way believe is going to happen?” I shot back then sighed. “If I let you do this, and don’t fight, will you leave?”
“Oh sure!” Thistledown beamed and the smile kind of lit up her face. “Now let’s get started. Time’s wasting ya know!”
“Just do it, all right?” I told her.
And she did.
Can I disbelieve this? Please?
Ohhhh, pretty liiights….
Along with the feeling that everything was literally pressing against my body. Air, the bed, sheets and bedspread and hands that just kept getting bigger and were pressing harder as things went on. The pressure got more intense, and yes, it hurt. Especially when it felt like my bones were cracking then rebuilding themselves in some really alien shape.
I tried to scream but nothing other than a long exhalation of air happened. Worse, the pressure got worse and I had a terrible feeling that things were getting bigger around me.
Lot’s bigger.
About then I just gave up and passed out.
I came to lying on my face with some very weird feelings over my whole body. There was something on my back that I had no description for than seemed to start around my shoulders then draped over me like a warm, comforting blanket.
My chest felt all wrong, and uncomfortably squished against the bed. Plus, I was wearing what I took to be clothes of some kind even if they felt unfamiliar.
Then I made the mistake of trying to stand up. And hit the bed with my face again.
My balance was all WRONG. Those things on my back kept trying to pull me down on my butt. Which, by the way, seemed bigger, heavier, and was also doing its best to pull me down on it.
Then there were the weights on my chest that counterbalanced all that.
Soft, yielding, and really sensitive. I so much didn’t want to think about that.
Then there was the clothing that I hadn’t been wearing when all this started.
When I woke up again, I knew — just knew — that things were not what I’d always accepted them as being.
“Hey!” A familiar, unpleasantly so, and sounding much more normal voice interrupted that. “Ya done fallin on yer face yet? We got a schedule to keep, ya know!”
“Don’t know yet.” I mumbled with my face still pushed into the bed. “What am I going to see when I actually look?”
“Looks good ta me.” Thistledown responded then added. “But all I’m seeing right now is your backside.”
“I don’t think I want to know.” I answered, still muffled by the bedding and not nearly ready to try standing up again. “What happened?”
“Get up Deathwing.” Thistledown ordered. “You can’t spend eternity face planting into a mattress, ya know.”
“Who you talking to?” I questioned, worrying about yet another of the insane fairies visiting me.
“You.” My personal nightmare answered succinctly then added. “Nice backside, by the way. If I was into girls, I’d be all over you right now.
“I’m not a girl.” I shot back, my voice still muffled by the sheets, bedspread, and mattress.
“A fairy is ALWAYS a girl.” She answered with a smirk I could hear in her voice even though I wasn’t looking at her.
“I really think ya should stand up and have a good look at yourself.” She advised with a giggle.
“Don, wanna.” I answered, feeling all the strange sensations that told me my body was NOT the way it had been.
“Well, you can see it now, or later.” She answered with a chuckle that seemed very out of place with what I’d heard from her up to that point. “Better now, so you can prepare yourself for what comes later, Deathwing. I’d want to know who I am before I went in front of The Queen, ya know.”
“Why do you keep calling me that?” I asked with a note of hysteria in my voice.
“Your wings.” Thistledown answered simply then added. “Got a nice skull pattern on each one of them. Besides, ‘Deathwing’ is a good, descriptive use name for ya. ”
“My name is Chad.” I argued, but truthfully, given what I was feeling and the sense that whatever had attached to my back was — fluttering, I grimaced.
Thistledown didn’t see that since I was still face down, but she muttered a string of soft curses, grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a standing position to face her.
Another brain fart here. I was looking her in the eyes when before she had been no bigger than a hugely annoying mosquito.
“WHAT?” I questioned while staring her straight in the eye. “Is going on here?!!”
Straight in the eye… That hit me like a wall falling down and catching yours truly under the avalanche. If anything, Thistledown was taller than I was, but I clearly recalled her being six inches tall if she cheated and stood on her tiptoes.
But I was glaring straight into her big violet eyes. I did another face plant then.
“This is gettin old ya know.” She told me. “Now get up and quit messing around.”
“Why am I looking you in the eye instead of down at you?” I asked as I very cautiously stood back up trying to keep my balance in spite of all the unfamiliar sensations that kept trying to unbalance me.
“You’re one of us now.” She answered simply then grinned and added. “A dark fairy.”
“Oh.” I answered intelligently then fainted again. “If I don’t believe will all this go away?”
“Not likely toots.” My personal nightmare answered as the world went mercifully dark.
But I’m NOT a Fairy!
“How many more times are ya goin ta pass out on me?” Thistledown questioned as I woke up again. “This is gettin kind of boring, ya know.”
“As long as it takes.” I answered, still trying to get a handle on the sensations and feelings I was getting from my body. “What happened?”
“I woke up your fairy blood.” She answered with a smirk.
“Am — am I a girl now?” I asked, afraid of the answer but certain of what it would be. “I don’t feel my — umm — dick and balls swinging , or being smushed up because I’m face down.”
“Ain’t ya listenin, Deathwing?” Thistle down snorted. “Ya are a FAIRY now. So yeah. Fairies are always girls!”
“Oh.” I replied, still in some kind of never, never land, though that was far more appropriate to the situation than I was willing to admit at the moment. All I needed was Peter Pan to come along and tell people that they needed to believe.
I fainted again.
Someone was slapping me in the face and it was really, really annoying.
“C’mon, Deathwing!” Thistledown was almost shouting into my face. “This is getting really old! Wake up and face what ya are, already!”
“What am I then?” I asked then added. “Some flitting, inconsequential little Tinkerbelle? I can’t deal with that.”
“Nah.” She answered with a smirk. “You’re a Dark Fairy and that’s a lot of FUN. The Tinkerbelles go somewhere else and they don’t have even close to the fun we do, sis.”
“Define fun.” I answered while slowly and carefully standing up again.
“Ya know, things like pranks, confusing and driving the mortals nuts whenever we can, lots of fun stuff!”
“I’m a mortal.” I shot back then shook my head. “And I’m sure as hell confused while thinking I’m nuts just now.”
“Aww, you aint’ a mortal, Deathwing.” She smirked. “You’re a fairy now.”
“I noticed. Sort of. Though I’m still not willing to admit it or even believe it.”
“Believe it, sweetie.” Thistledown responded while tugging on my hand as she started to hover over the bed. “Come have a look.”
“Ya got wings, little sister, use ‘em.”
“Wings, oh yeah.” I answered distractedly. “But I don’t know how to fly!”
“Sure ya do.” Thistledown grinned with more enthusiasm than I really liked. “It’s kinda instinctive. Just try to lift yourself off the bed and follow me.”
“Think about… Whoa!” I finished with a shout of surprise as the bed and floor suddenly looked like they were a long, long way down and I was hovering in the air with a dragonfly buzz coming from behind me.
“Whoa is right!” Thistledown grumbled while she caught up with me. “Ya took off like a rocket, girl! Warn me next time!”
“I need to warn myself.” I shot back then swallowed as I took another look at the floor that appeared to be three or four stories down. “I don’t feel so good.”
“A fairy doesn’t get airsick!” She assured me just before I threw up and started spiraling to the floor.
My companion/nightmare caught my hand and at least kept me from hitting the floor, though she stayed carefully above me until I’d finished emptying the scant contents of my stomach.
“Well I guess I do.”
She chose to ignore that other than to ask a bit later. “Ya done puking yer guts out yet?”
“Think so.” I answered as the dry heaves finally subsided.
“Good, then come have a look at yerself.” She insisted. “Yer frigging gorgeous!”
“That isn’t exactly what I was wanting to hear, you know.”
“Truth.” Thistledown shot back. “Look now, look later, but get it over with now and ya’ll understand why all the males who see you start drooling and stuff.”
“This is NOT going to be fun.” I sighed.
“Sure it is, sweetie!” She enthused. “A really good looking fairy can do so many cool things!”
“Fairies are CUTE, in a feminine way.” I answered while being pulled towards the mirror. “I don’t want to think about that just now.”
“Ahh, you ain’t goin to be cute.” She assured then ruined that by enthusiastically putting in. “Yer friggin beautiful! Even for a Fairy!”
“Like I needed to hear… That…” I started to shoot back then trailed off twice once I saw our reflection.
Thstledown, I recognized. But the one with her… All I could think when I looked at that one was ‘Oh, shit.’
“Can I cook or can I cook?” She asked proudly.
“Uh, what?” I asked, still staring at the Thistledown’s companion, and not even coming close to believing that was ME.
The fairy hovering next to my nightmare was a babe, no doubt about that at all. In a kind of goth way.
Skin so pale it was almost white. Huge almond shaped ice blue eyes. Delicate heart shaped face with high cheekbones. A little nose, with just a slight uptilt to give the face that bit of a cupie doll look, and lips that looked like they could keep ten men happy in a matter of hours. Then be waiting for more.
And that was only the face.
The body that went with it… OMG!”
She was my ultimate wet dream. Large, firm, full breasts (at least a D cup) with a slim waist and hips that promised more than most men could handle. With an ass that just added to that image.
The fluttering wings just added allure, even if the death’ s head on them showed clearly and the wings were very obviously attached to that delectable body. But who would care?
No man I ever knew.
Worse, that image frowned at me, grimaced, and those huge ice blue eyes widened with horrified understanding as I watched that wet dream in motion.
“That’s me?” I squeaked out.
“That it is little sister.” Thistledown answered with the clear idea that she was preening at the results of her efforts.
“I’m a guy!” I shouted in a much lighter voice that bordered on the soprano range.
“Not any more, you gorgeous thing you.” She answered almost smugly. “You’ll lose that ‘guy thing’ pretty soon, trust me. With your looks, really soon.”
What this ‘vision’ was wearing didn’t help either.
Something that squeezed in her waist and pushed up her already abundant breasts that I later learned was a bustier, in a dark purple, a ragged hemmed skirt that went to her calves while hugging every under the waist curve and flimsy enough to show things under that along with the ragged hem and high heeled ankle boots that added unneeded shape to her calves and the glimpse of thigh the skirt gave.
“That’s me?” I gasped. Where did the clothes come from?”
“It’s you, darling little sister.” Thistledown assured me with a smirk. “The clothes came from what you had on before the transformation. They look GREAT by the way.”
“So what?” I questioned distractedly and with a bit of snark. “I’m a little fairy fuck toy now?”
“Not unless you want to be.” Thistledown answered then gave me a nasty little grin. “But just think of the fun you could have!”
“I’d rather not at the moment.” I answered.
“You’ll get used to it, and after all, you have eternity to get used to the idea, my beautiful, sexy sister.” She returned with a smirk.
I did NOT want to go there. At all. So, I fainted again.
“This is gettin to be a habit, Deathwing.” Thistledown told me between light slaps to my face and muttered curses.
“By dose hurts.” I managed to get out while experimentally touching tha
“Dat’s cause ya did a face plant on the floor from six feet up.” Thistledown snorted. “Don’t worry, it’ll get better quick. Us Fairies heal really fast.”
“How fast?” I questioned as the pain in my face receded, then vanished. “Oh, never mind, I’m better now.”
‘I’m not.” Thistledown grumbled while carefully re-spiking her hair and glowering at me. “Now, is there anything else ya want ta do before we leave? Ya know, like faint one more time, scream in horror at what’s happened to ya, demand I change you back?”
“I’ll take door number three.” I answered with a scowl.
“We aren’t in no game show.” She snorted then shook her head. “By door number three ya of course mean the demand that I change ya back, right?”
“Well, yeah.” I nodded emphatically all the while working to ignore what even that motion did to parts of my new anatomy I so much didn’t want to think about let alone have.
“Can’t.” The aggravating little critter shook her head with a smirk.
“Can’t or won’t?” I demanded.
“Can’t.” She repeated with a shrug. “Once a fairy’s blood is awakened, she’ll always be a fairy. No goin back an all that. Get it?”
“You mean I’ll be like this.” I ran my hands over my drastically changed body, felt my wings flutter in a little buzz I knew was irritation and then rose until I again faced the mirror and pointed at my reflection. “Forever?”
“Barrin accidents, getting caught by a hawk or cat or outright murder, yup, that about covers it.” She answered matter-of-factly.
“Murder?” I gave her a speculative look then chased that idea away. Thistledown was aggravating, had changed me from a relatively happy human male into some fetishisist’s dream of Tinkerbelle gone bad, and really butchered the English language (American version), but she was the only link I had to others, one of which just might be able to change me back to what I had been before this nightmare of a morning got rolling. “Never mind. I think I’ll just settle for a nice fit of hysterics for now and let it go at that.”
“Huh uh, honey.” Thistledown shook her head with an evil little grin playing at peeking out of her lips then ducking back to cover. “That was ‘door number two’ when ya were pickin yer options. Ya picked number 3, so that part is over with. Nope, hysterics are definitely NOT allowed right now.”
“I don’t see how you can stop me.” I pointed out.
“Like this.” She sighed as I drew in a breath preparing to let out a really nice scream. Her fist connecting with my chin kind of stopped that in its tracks.
That’s Really Where Fairy Dust Comes From?
“Uhhnn.” I groaned while my gleefully dancing, okay, carousing thoughts gradually managed to pull themselves into some sense of coherence. I decided that all this fainting was getting out of hand then sat up abruptly as I recalled why I’d lost consciousness the last time around and shouted indignantly. “You HIT me!”
“Figured it’d save time all around.” Thistledown grinned at me and winked. “The time you were out is really miniscule compared to how long a really nice fit of hysterics would have eaten up.”
“Point taken.” I grumbled then gave her a narrowed eyed look. “Hey! Either my brains are scrambled beyond all help — which I wouldn’t doubt — or you’re talking like a normal person!”
“The patter was an act.” She admitted with a sigh. “It goes wit tha look ya know?”
“You’re kidding.”
“No.” She answered firmly. “I’ve been alive longer than humans have had civilization, or their current idea of the term, anyway. I speak hundreds, maybe thousands of languages perfectly, and a lot of those are what humans consider dead languages or have never run across. I happen to like this punk look, it’s different, it’s fun, and perfect elocution just didn’t fit the image, okay?”
“No need to get defensive.” I sighed at her almost belligerent stance and actually chuckled. “Put the way you just said it, things are starting to make more sense to me, a little. Fairies like having fun. You’re a dark fairy and you like having the kind of fun that gets kids in school sent to schools that handle the ‘difficult’ children, only what you do involves magic.”
“Exactly right, Deathwing.” She approved. “I just knew you weren’t as mentally deficient as you seemed to be at first, but I was also making allowances for the shock of your fairy blood awakening and changing you. A little idiocy is allowable in cases like that. For a while.”
“How long is ‘a while’ now that you mentioned it?” I questioned.
“Time’s up hon.” She answered sympathetically. “We have things to do, places to go, people to see, and The Queen doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”
“Queen…” I gave her a questioning look.
“Queen Mab of the Unseelie Court.” Thistledown answered with a shrug. “She has no sense of fun in the fairy sense, but is also a Goddess of Magic and Mischief so it isn’t a really good idea to get on her bad side. Especially when you’re new.”
“Urk.” Is about all I could manage at that revelation. Mab was an ancient Celtic Goddess, and wasn’t known for being merciful even with her favored minions. “I guess we should head that way then.”
“Good idea.” Thistledown agreed with that tone that clearly said ‘See! I knew you were smarter than you were acting!’ clear in her voice and posture.
“But first, I have to — you know — use the toilet.” I told her a little shyly as I headed for the bathroom. “Other dark fairies may not be potty trained — present company not included there since you haven’t left any little piles on my carpet or furniture and you’ve been here half a day — but I am and I really need to go.”
“So float over the bed, think of you as you were when human, and let go.” She told me with a grin I just knew was holding back a secret she thought was hilarious.
“You want me to crap on my own bed?” I almost shouted back at her, but the urge took over and I was over the bed youcan figure out the rest.
What came out was a cloud of sparkling, nice smelling — motes. That’s the only way I can describe it. If glittering little motes of light could make music those would have been doing a really good rendition of Nightwish’s Tenth Man Down just them, and they collected on the bed, ran together, glowed so brightly even my newly enhanced vision, that I would find out about later, couldn’t see through, and left a really good copy of my original body lying in the bed. Only it wasn’t breathing.
“What the Hell was that?!!”
“Fairy dust.” Thistledown was working really hard to hold back the laughter I could tell was trying to pry open her mouth and assault my addled senses and sensibilities.
“Fairy dust?” I asked incredulously.
“Well, yeah.” She chuckled. “What, you think we carry around bags of the stuff to spread around when we want to do something cool and magical?”
My eyes were probably as big as saucers, fairy sized of course, and my mouth had to be hanging open in disbelieving shock before I slammed it shut so I could breathlessly blurt out. “You mean that fairy dust is really fairy po..?”
“You got it, sweetie.” Thistledown gave in and started laughing. She giggled, chuckled, chortled, fell to her back on an invisible floor in the air while kicking her feet, rolling around, and letting out belly laughs so strong anyone having them would hurt for a week before getting hold of herself and wiping the tears from her eyes while getting her breath back. “Oh gods, this is so much fun. I just LOVE showing the newbies where fairy dust really comes from!”
I looked from her to the bed and the very real appearing body lying on it, did it again and couldn’t help myself. I started laughing, too.
At least this time the hysterics weren’t from shock, disbelief, horror at what had happened to me, or anger. It was too funny for any of those. I ended up hugging Thistledown while she hugged me, both of us shaking so hard we needed the support the other could manage to offer. That was mostly providing a body that was trying to fall in the opposite direction you were, and both of us were in tears we were laughing so hard.
“Oh, now that’s the FIRST thing since this all started that actually makes a little sense!” I managed to gasp out.
Which started us both again.
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Hehehe... think of all the
Hehehe... think of all the mischief she could get into now!
Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue
I like where this is
I like where this is going... Its about time fairies caught up with decnt human fashion :D
Good lord, Maggie. What had you indulged in when you came up with this one? Looks like another hit on your hands. I hope you can get more done, quickly, before you come back to this reality. I could almost pass on your other stories to get more of this one. Oh, and just so I can keep the files in order, is it Darkness or Shadow?
Fixed now.
Darkness or Shadow?
Let me think... *chuckle* Oh, yeah, it's Shadow!
Apologies for the confusion, I was tired when I posted this one, and intermixed Darkness and Shadow in the title. It's fixed now to read 'On Wings of Shadow'.
Well, while you're in the fixin' mood, have you noticed you have two 'Chapter 3'. Both seem logical. Maybe it's chapters 1 through 4?
Darkness or Shadow, this story looks like it's going to be another winner.
I am a grain of sand on a near beach; a nova in the sky, distant and long.
In my footprints wash the sea; from my hands flow our universe.
Fact and fiction sing a legendary song.
Trickster/Creator are its divine verse.
--Old Man CoyotePuma
I am a grain of sand on a near beach; a nova in the sky, distant and long.
In my footprints wash the sea; from my hands flow our universe.
Fact and fiction sing a legendary song.
Trickster/Creator are its divine verse.
--Old Man CoyotePuma
Fairy dust is ...
Hi Maggie,
I've been reading your stories for a long time, starting at Sapphire's Place, I think.
Fairy dust is really fairy poo.... That reminds me of "Soylent Green is people".
Oh well, it seemed better in my head than it looks on the page.
Big Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Soylent Green is...
Actually, for those of us who have seen the movie, this looks pretty goog! I got a good chuckle out of it when I read your comment!
More Magic Fun
Hey! This is quite a kick in the pants.
I love the attitude. It sounds like there's much fun to be had.
I have to wonder about Chad's (Deathwing's!) mother. If she's still alive and has fairy blood, shouldn't she be included in the festivities? I'm assuming she's not alive but I think it'd be interesting if she was. Like mother, like son. Heh.
Is Chad's faux body an offering to the coroner? Why leave anything? They'll just think he disappeared, and if his mom is still alive, she'll be transformed into a fairy and join in the fun.
I'm just wonderin'. :)
Thanks and please keep writing this story -- as long as Maiden by Decree isn't neglected.
- Terry
Does Peter Pan Know About
The Dust? Magie, you have most wickedd sense of humor.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Time for My Favorite Guilty Pleasure Writer
Now that I've put Pauline to rest, I can enjoy one of my favorite guilty pleasure, reading your stories. You go girl.
Nancy Cole
P.S. Sorry for the graveyard humor, but I am a rather grave person
"You may be what you resolve to be."
T.J. Jackson
I think Frank Herbert
may have in a way beat you to that one Maggie. In the Dune books, spice, the most valuable substance in the universe is Worm poop! On the other hand Fairies are a whole lot cuter than Sand Worms. I'm wondering how the world did human and Fairie blood mix to start with given how they are only six inches tall.
I shamelessly stole that one from Jack Chalker. I forget which book it was, but that idea always stuck with me for some reason. So when a fairy says she's all pooped out, you know she isn't kidding.
>> Worm poop!
Melange is described as a "fungusoid" growth that forms when water comes into contact with the excretions of the "little makers." While the exact description seems a little hazy*, they seem to be "worm poop" only in the sense that all of us are, and their use in the story is more like a combination of idealised psilocybin and kombucha mushrooms, pseudo-psychedelics combined with extraordinary health benefits. Like ordinary mushrooms, they may be grown on or out of "excretions," but they have their own identity. Honey, on the other hand, is bee vomit...
* Herbert was a little hazy about the science of Dune, since worms feed only on other (smaller) worms and sand plankton (but not, for some reason, sandtrout, a larger form of sandplankton and precursor to the worms), but the sand plankton feed upon melange, which is produced from their excretions, a sort of perpetual motion machine which violates the second law of thermodynamics despite the hand-waving and misdirection.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Lots of humor, light and darkish, Maggie
There were lots of great lines, I'll pick one of my favorites.
Ohhhh, pretty liiights….
Maggie, you have a knack for just the right words to paint the mental image. I imagine that’s what being magically transformed might be like, not having reveled in illicit substances known to college students and other counter culture types. The experienced goth wannabe fairy seems a good match to our neophyte heroine.
Like others here, I wonder if any other blood relatives from his mothers side will be there and why all of fairy or was it faerie blood were summoned. Something big is afoot as Sherlock Holmes might say.
Nice start, love your twisted humor.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. If there was fairy/faerie blood in the females side of his family how did it get there? Can Fairy/faerie mate with humans? Can he be full sized human appearing again but as a female only? Lots of questions.
John in Wauwatosa
Lovely Story!
I mentioned it before, but I say again, awesome storytelling. I hope you show us more soon.
Interesting faeries...
I even like the outfits, Maggie, but the fairy dust...
Their poo doesn't stink?
That is just mavelous darlink.
I am looking forward to chortling my way through this.
Many Blessings
Mab and the gang
Being a big fan of faeries, the legends, stories, etc I am enjoying this a lot. I'm wondering which legends you are using for your story, or if it is more from the Urban Fantasy of today's generation, (Meredith Gentry, Dresden, or the like)
Any way you look at it, Queen Mab wasn't a very nice person. I think I'll just wait and find out, since you always seem to make your worlds all your own.
I'm very eager for more!
Write the story that you most desperately want to read.
Jack Chalker
the story you mean is Vengeance Of The Dancing Gods were Joe The Babarian (you has a were curse he changes into what ever he is nearest to on a fullmoon)has turned into the twin of a pixey called Gimlet,has to remove the cork from a bottle holding the soul of his friend.He was just as suprised!.
So, suggesting someone might be 'full of fairy dust' means...
Hi Maggie,
What a HOOT, very funny. The bumbling around after the change and the origin of pixie dust, masterful or should I say mistress-ful.
"Chad Stoner" hmmm, that has suggestions that there might be some hidden meaning in this story? Perhaps this character 'Deathwing' is more chemical than magical or maybe the magic is IN the chemistry?
Thank you very much for posting this.
with love,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Fairy Dust and magic
and a great deal of laughter. I think this story is going to be a lot of fun and these two are going to make an awesome team!
It's all your fault...
... that I got to bed way too late.
Fun story! I can't wait to see what kind of trouble those two fairies create.
(I'm glad the 'dark' part means unrestrained rather than evil.)
Ray Drouillard
This episode ranks as
... Number Two in my book ! ;-). Next time you will have to enlighten us as to what is Number One in their ( the Fairies ) world 8-).
Like Nancy says, your stories are definitely a guilty pleasure !
and alcohol is piss
Yeast eats sugar, then excretes alcohol and carbon dioxyde (which makes the bubbles in beer and champagne). That's how all alcohol is made, with yeast thrown into sugar water. The rising alcohol content eventually chokes the yeast, and it goes dormant or dies. That happens around 10-21% alcohol content for wine, depending on the yeast variety and temperature. Beer yeast is not as tough, it conks out around 5-6%.
So when you say a beer is piss... you're actually completely correct. All beer is, is fungus piss.
Cool story, I'm a fan of your work, and look forward to seeing where this one goes. :)