
Writer's Journal


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Abigail Drew's Writer's Journal


The following blog entries are all related to Abigail Drew's efforts at sharing the stories of the characters who come to her for release to the world. Also any other writing efforts, in the case of the few milieu driven stories she may write. Further included is a file on Abigail's personal diary.

Janegirl Camp Map

Janegirl Camp Map
Copyright 2021 by Heather Rose Brown

This is a map I created for my story, Janegirl Camp. It shows most of the major structures there. I may add more to this map later, as the story progresses, but I think this map, for the most part, is complete. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to add a comment to this post, or send me a private message.

Character List - Bobby's Rainy Day Adventure

I was re-reading this story, when I started noticing how many characters I had introduced in it. To make things a little easier to keep track of everyone, I decided to create the list below. I know it's been a pretty long time since I originally posted this story, so there probably won't be a lotta folk using this list, but I do see a few hits on a pretty regular basis, so I decided to post the list anyway. If you have any questions, please feel free to comment below, or send me a private message. Thank you! :)

For Want of a Comma - Character List

horseshoe & comma

Below is a list of the characters who have appeared in my story so far. When new chapters are posted, all new names will be added to this list. If you have any questions about the list, feel free to send me a private message, or add a comment here. :)

Kronos Lore


by Aurum

Copyright © 2020 Aurum
All Rights Reserved.

What if you could process more information in one second than most people can in a month? For starters, in one minute you would experience more subjective time than other people experience in five years. In fifteen minutes, you’d have thought more thoughts than most people have in a lifetime, just over 81 years’ worth to be precise.

What if I told you that’s just the power of augmenting the human mind? What if instead of augmenting a human mind we used the power of a small star? In one second, that Matrioshka Brain would have more ‘thoughts’ than even an augmented human would have in 75,000 years.

At these absurd limits what isn’t possible?

A Note from Redneck Rob

A Note from Redneck Rob

I found this website “Big Closet” by accident. I thought maybe it like a big closet was for storing stuff that you didn’t want your wife to know about like beer, guns and other hunting stuff, etc. It thought that was cool … kinda like a mini-Mancave. Come to find out, it’s a bunch of guys who wanna be girls and vicea versa. I’m a real liberal guy when it comes to some of that stuff, but these guys are nuckin’ futs!!!

Magic is... [Season 1 Catch-up]

The following pages were 'borrowed' from the desk of Hannah Cooper for your voyeuristic pleasure.
All slurs and 'stupids' given are the opinion of Hannah Cooper and in no-way represent my own personal opinions or even reality itself sometimes.

Hannah's first Log-Book


Swap at Failure (one page RPG)

Swap By Failure is designed as a one-page pen and paper that has all necessary rules to play it on just one page. For this game, there is no general setting, but I recommend a normal non-magical world on the height of our current civilization and normal everyday people as player characters.

The Winjkte and the Warrior - Glossary

Please bear with me in this endeavor. For some common English phrases, there are no translations (at least none of which I'm aware, anyway), so I took a few liberties, although the translations are (I hope) as accurate as possible. Any error in translation is mine alone, and if you know of a better translation, please PM me and I'll make the necessary changes.

First, the characters themselves:

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