Changing Gears (Part 3 of 8)

Crysalis Book 1 - third cover.jpg

Sam has hid from the world for most of his life but a chance encounter has burst everything open. Complications arise when an old acquaintance appears. Things may not be what they seem.

Chapter 5

“Who the fuck are you?”

The woman’s voice sounded like a dream in Sam’s head. Then he heard her shout again.

“And what the fuck are you doing in my house?”

Sam jumped out of bed. A petite blonde stood in the doorway.

“Danielle?” Tommy's ex-wife looked like she hadn't aged a day since college.

Danielle gave him a curious look before breaking into a smile. “Are you wearing my nightgown?”

Sam looked down. Shit. “I can explain.”

Danielle shook her head. “No need. I’m not an idiot.”

Sam hurried across the floor, seeing himself in the mirror as he walked. The nightgown didn’t cover much, his frame was too big for the silken woman’s garment. Bronze skin covered him from head to toe. The remains of last night’s make-up covered his face. Between the folds of the nightgown stood the biggest hard-on Sam remembered in a long time.

“It’s not what you think.”

Danielle grinned, “I’m guessing it’s exactly what I think. Good dream, princess?”

“Screw you, Danielle.”

She laughed, her eyes looking at Sam’s face then drifting again to Sam’s waist, “You’re certainly got the tool to back up that statement.”

“Fuck you.”

“Come on, Sam. This is the first time you’ve seen me in ten years and that’s your best insult?” The look on Danielle’s face showed a person having fun. “I know the things you said about me to your frat buddies in college. I know you can do better.”

Sam looked at himself in the mirror. “I … uhh ... ”

“Tell you what …” Danielle put a finger to her lips. “... you’re still half asleep.” Her face softened, “You go take a shower. I’ll make breakfast. Deal?”

Sam tried to think of a witty response as she turned around and disappeared down the hall.


The shower felt great as Sam watched the color on his face washing down the drain. “Are those … abs?” Sam couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen his stomach. Probably never.

“What the hell is going on!?!?”

No one could puke as much as he had the last few days and not lose a little weight but the changes he’d experience belonged in the realm of make believe. Despite this, as Sam looked in the mirror he couldn’t help the smile forming on his face. A look at his legs showed a definition he hadn’t seen in years.

“This isn’t possible.” The improvement he saw in the mirror should have taken months or maybe a year but it wasn’t the only change. His hair was longer, and the irritation on his chest hadn’t gone away. In fact, it had gotten worse. He pressed a hand to his breast and winced in pain.

Even his dick looked bigger.

“I need to talk to Tracy.”


Danielle said, “You look good.”

Sam tried to think of something sarcastic to say in response but instead smiled at her compliment. Over the years, he’d learned the art of smiling even when it didn’t come naturally. The learned art of a false grin and a firm handshake closed many sales at his old company.


Danielle pointed to the dining room table which held two steaming cups of coffee. “Sit. I’m almost finished here.” As she finished her words the toaster popped up with four pieces of bread.

The clock showed 8:15AM. “I need to leave soon.”

Danielle nodded. “Me too. The scrambled eggs are almost done.”

“So Danielle…” Sam said, “... about what you saw in the bedroom.”

“I apologize for calling you princess. It was out of line.”

“Can you not be a bitch … what?.” Sam blushed, expecting Danielle to say something different.

Danielle turned over an egg frying in the skillet. “Have you told Tommy?”

Sam took a sip of coffee. “Told him what?”

“Come on Sam.” Sam noticed Danielle staring at his chest. “You always looked effeminate. I always assumed you were gay.”

Sam said, “I’m not gay.”

“I know that now.” She stared at Sam with a look that verged on pity.

“Don’t patronize me.”

“I’m not.” Danielle placed a plate full of eggs and bacon on the table in front of Sam. “Tommy is a better cook than me but I’m not half bad. Dig in.”

Sam closed his eyes as the smell of bacon filled the air. He’d barely eaten since Tommy left town and it did smell good. He took one bite and then another. “This is good.” He didn’t say another word until he cleaned the plate.

“Do you want the rest of mine? I can’t finish this.” Danielle grabbed a piece of bacon then pushed the plate towards Sam.

Sam stuck a fork in the eggs then grabbed the remaining pieces of bacon stuffing both in his mouth. Danielle watched the display without comment.

“Sorry. I’m really hungry.”

“So it seems.”

Sam said, “I’ve been bike riding the last few days. I’m going again today.”

She pointed at Sam’s tight fitting jersey. “Maxus? That’s top end stuff.”

“You know them?”

Danielle nodded. “I’ve worked with them in the past. You meet all sorts of interesting people in the consulting business. How’d you meet them?”

“Lucky coincidence. I met one of their reps in the park. She’s been helping me.” Sam looked at the clock. “Matter of fact, I need to leave soon to meet her.”

“That’s too bad … I’d love to catch up.”

Sam nodded, “Me too.” His voice sounded more genuine than he could believe.

“I gotta ask one thing before you go.”


“What’s up with putting the bubble bath in the hot tub? You do know that’s not a good idea.”

Shit. Sam had forgot about the mess he’d left. “I can explain.”

Danielle smiled. “Don’t worry about it. I called the hot tub guy. He’’ll be out later today to fix it.”

“You did?”

“What are friends for?”

“Danielle… we’re not…”

“Look Sam, I know you don’t like me. I understand. I always suspected your feelings for Tommy were more than as friends. I love him even if things didn’t work out in our marriage and I know you’re his friend.” Danielle held out her hand. “Do you think … maybe … you and I can be friends too?”

Sam took her hand on instinct. Danielle’s firm grip belied her small nature.

“We should start over.” Danielle smiled, “Hi. I’m Danielle. What’s your name?”

Sam shook back. “Hi Danielle. I’m Sam.”

Danielle nodded. “I’m glad I came over today.”

Sam asked, “Why did you come over today?”

“I had to pick up a few things.”

Sam’s suspicion rose, “What did you come to get? This isn’t your house.”

“Who told you this isn’t my house?” Danielle thought for a second then laughed. “Tommy. Of course.”

“Yeah … I mean … this house isn’t his?”

“We’re separated, not divorced. I came here because I needed to pick up a few things from the garage and I heard he was out of town.”

“Oh.” Sam stared at Danielle. It was easy to see why Tommy fell for her. So pretty. So smart. And separated … not divorced? Sam wasn’t the only one living in this house with a secret.

Sam looked at the clock and finished his coffee then stood up and started heading towards the front door, “I hate to eat and run but I do need to leave.”

“Ohhh … ok.” Danielle frowned as she started putting dishes in the sink. Sam almost made it to the door when she spoke again, “Hey Sam?”


“You never answered the question. Does Tommy know?” She didn’t need to specify details. Sam knew without asking.


Danielle nodded, “It’ll be our secret then.”

Sam said, “Thanks, Danielle. I appreciate it.”

“Of course, Sam. It was good to see you.”

Chapter 6

Sam arrived ten minutes late and found Tracy sitting on her bike next to two other riders. Sam pulled the bike from his trunk and hurried to join them.

Tracy gave him a queer look as her eyes scanned his body, “I was getting worried about you.”

Sam returned a sheepish grin. He'd gone through a lot of changes in the past few days. “We need to talk.”

“Of course.” Sam thought he saw a hint of a smile. Tracy pointed, “This is one of my co-workers, Crystal.”

Sam waved a gloved hand.

A beautiful blonde woman waved back, “Nice to meet you, Sam.” She pointed to the woman next to her. “This is Aimee. She’s racing against you this weekend. I thought it might be fun if we trained together.”

Aimee didn’t look up as she returned a shy wave. Sam looked at Tracy but her face betrayed no emotion.

“Do you think I’m up to it, Tracy?”

“There’s only one way to find out.” She passed him a couple of energy drinks, a packet of gel, and a handful of power bars.

Sam’s full stomach rumbled at the sight of more food. “Do you mind if we do some stretching?”

Tracy smiled then looked at Crystal, “Of course. We’ll spread out by the picnic table.”

Sam set his bike by the table, and tried to ignore the jealous stares of passersby. All three women were gorgeous. Their presence started another unconscious response which presented an immediate problem as he sat in biking tights. Crystal smiled as they started their stretch forcing Sam to close his eyes. He’d never been good with women. He’d never been good at talking to one let alone three. Tracy's melodic voice brought a sense of calm. Sam felt a familiar falling sensation. When he opened his eyes, Tracy and Crystal stood over him.

“Are you ready to go?”

Sam found himself sitting in a full lotus position, his impending problem now disappeared. Sam took a bite of his energy bar, then looked at Aimee as she went through a series of standing stretches.

She didn’t look like much at first glance when compared to Crystal or Tracy. She appeared to be in her early twenties, shorter than him at around 5’6” tall and couldn’t weigh more than 120 lbs. She had brunette hair, though her head scarf made it impossible to tell the length. And while he’d dismissed her at first, Sam now saw the telltale legs of a well-tuned biker.

“Have you biked long?”

Aimee looked over, giving an almost embarrassed reply. “Um.. yeah… for about 15 years.”

“Wow, you must have started young. I didn’t start riding until I was in college.”

Aimee nodded and her voice was soft, “Yeah ... I started early.”

A look at Tracy and Crystal showed the two in heated discussion. “Have you been in many races?”

Aimee’s face brightened as she spoke. “I ran in the junior circuits. I got ranked for a while. I rode with a professional team in college but it eventually quit.”

“Yeah.” Sam took a deep breath. “I’m trying to get back in shape. Tracy has been a great help. Have you worked with Crystal for a long time?”

Aimee gave him an uncomfortable stare then looked over at Crystal, who was headed towards them.

“Are you two ready to roll?”

Aimee stood and Sam did the same. “Ready when you are.”

Tracy joined seconds later. “Crystal is going to lead the pack followed by Aimee, then me, and Sam in the rear.”

Crystal laughed. “I’d take Sam in the rear.”

Both Sam and Aimee blushed. Tracy didn’t look happy.. “I told you Crystal … if we’re going to do this, you need to behave.”

“Sorry.” Crystal didn’t look sorry.

Sam smiled to himself as he took his spot at the rear of the peloton. The group started slow and gathered speed as they went. Men passing on bikes from the other direction didn’t hide their stares. A couple even stopped and called out. A few unfortunates tried to catch them but to no avail. Sam could hardly blame them for their efforts. All three women ahead of him were good looking in their own way but Crystal in the lead drew the most attention. She had platinum blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, and her body looked ready for a runway. She was the tallest of the three, at least 5’9” though her body had the lithe look of someone that exercised a lot. Oddly, she’d decided to wear makeup for the ride. The combination made her stand out.

“Focus Sam.”

Tracy’s voice rang in his head. He’d fallen two bike lengths behind the pack.

“Listen to my voice.”

Sam tried to catch the trio but they started moving faster. Panic set it as a breeze hit. Tracy’s voice gave him strength.

“Focus. Relax. Smooth.”

He picked up his cadence, shifting the gears to move faster. The image of Crystal fell from his mind as his cadence got smoother. He focused on Tracy’s back tire as things fell into place. His mind fell into a familiar zone as his feet moved faster and faster.


Sam looked up to see they’d returned to the parking lot. A check of his pockets showed he’d eaten both energy bars and energy gel. A check of the odometer showed they had gone 124 miles at an average speed of 24mph.

“Holy shit!”

“Calm down, Sam. Don’t make a scene.”

He had never ridden that fast for that long, even in college. Sam whispered under his voice. “We need to talk. There’s something happening.”

Tracy nodded, “I know.” She looked over at Crystal who was walking towards them. “Not now.”

Crystal asked, “Do you want to join us for dinner tonight?”

Crystal loosened her head band, allowing long blonde locks to fall past her shoulders. Sam felt himself harden when she smiled at him. It’d been years since he’d been seen in public with a woman let alone three.

Tracy said, “We can’t. We’re training.”

“You aren’t training all night.” Crystal opened an energy drink and winked at Sam as she gave it to him.

“I’ve got Sam on a tight schedule and my plan doesn’t include you Crystal.”

Crystal laughed playfully then tousled her hair, “Are you his jailer, Tracy? We’re at the Claremont hotel if you want to have some fun, Sam. You can find us at the bar.”

Sam took a sip of the oddly flavored drink. It had a strong taste of pineapple and another flavor he couldn’t quite place. A second drink made him shiver and as he puckered his lips. His problem down below grew a bit more.

Tracy said, “Not happening Crystal.”

“Why not?” Sam spoke without thinking.

“See, Tracy? Sam wants to join us. We could get some dinner and then have some drinks after. Let’s say we meet around 6PM in the lobby?”

Sam nodded. He’d come to Chicago looking for change. Dinner and drinks with a woman like Crystal was too good to pass up. He’d need to get pictures or Tommy would never believe it. “Sounds like fun. Can I get your number, Crystal?”

“Of course.” She pushed a button and a second later Sam got a notification. “I’m sending a couple of pictures too.”
Sam looked at his phone and blushed. Crystal was anything but shy.

Tracy’s face clouded as she stared at Sam, “You’re at a critical stage in your training, Sam. This is not a good idea. Remember, you told me we need to talk about the effects of your training.” Tracy’s gaze lingered on the energy drink in Sam’s hand.

“Oh, yeah.” Sam nodded, “Sorry, Crystal. I don’t have any clothes to wear.”

Crystal nodded, “Makes sense. Our workouts are famous for rapid weight loss. Maybe you could convince Tracy to take you shopping.”

Tracy said, “We don’t have time for clothes shopping, Crystal.”

“Huh…” Crystal smiled, “If you don’t have time then Aimee and I could get you something. I bet I can guess your size. Do you want to go shopping, Aimee?”

Aimee returned an awkward shrug.

Crystal grinned. “It’s a plan then. You two finish your training. We’ll meet at the hotel with some clothes. 6PM sound good?”

Sam said, “Sounds fun.”

Tracy sighed. “6PM?”

Sam watched Crystal speed off. He knew he’d upset Tracy but didn’t care as he took another sip of the energy drink.

Tracy watched Crystal as well, only speaking when she’d left their sight. “Crystal can’t be trusted.”

“She seemed nice.”

“She’s too nice.” Tracy grabbed the drink in Sam’s hand.

“Hey … I wasn’t finished with that.”

“Oh yes, you are.” She poured it on the ground. “Stay away from Camitas brand drinks.”

Sam stared at the label. It had the word Camitas written in script across the top with a hand-drawn picture of a run-down colonial villa. A beautiful woman stood on the front porch. “Is Maxus different?”



“It’s not the right time to talk about this Sam. Do you trust me?”

Sam said, “I’m trusting you less and less.”

Tracy sighed as she stared at the problem between Sam’s legs. “Go take care of that so we can finish today’s training.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Nevermind.” Tracy shook her head. “Forget it. Men and their penises. It makes them so easy to manipulate. You’re clearly in no shape for any more training. We should get to the hotel ASAP.”

“So we’re going out tonight?”

Tracy said, “Only dinner. No drinks.”

“Thank you … thank you … thank you …” Sam shouted at the top of his lungs. “You’re the best Tracy. Do you know the last time I’ve gone out with a woman?”

Tracy sighed, “I’m sure it’s been a long time.”

As stared at Tracy, he felt a twitch in his thigh. “Oh shit.”

“Feeling sick?” Tracy gave Sam a knowing smile.

Sam nodded.

“I was afraid of that.” Tracy said, “Put your bike in my van. You’re in no shape to drive.”

Sam ran to Tracy’s van. By the time they left the parking lot, the spasms had started.

Tracy said, “Calm yourself. Remember your breathing.”

Sam nodded.

“In and out.”

“In and out.”

“In and out.”

Tracy parked under the hotel’s front entrance, and helped Sam through the lobby. The familiar feeling of queasiness hit when they got into the elevator.

“I don’t think I’m going to make it.”

Tracy said, “You’ll make it. Keep your focus.”

The pair sprinted down the hallway, Tracy pressed open the door in a flash.

Sam dove for the toilet as the first wave of nausea hit. He tried to keep it as quiet as he could with Tracy listening in the next room. The process took over an hour. His embarrassment kept him in for a few minutes more. When it felt safe, Sam exited to find Tracy seated on the bed.

“All done?”

Sam reddened, “I think so.”

Tracy passed Sam a Maxus energy drink. “Drink this. It will make you feel better.”

“I thought you said energy drinks were bad.”

“Camitas is different.”

Sam stared at Tracy. “What does that mean?”

“You’ve got to trust me.”

Sam said, “You ask for trust but you don’t tell me anything. Something weird is happening to my body. I’ve lost an impossible amount of weight and you won’t explain it.”

Tracy shook her head, “I have reasons Sam. The sickness was one of the reasons I didn’t want to go to dinner tonight.”

“You’ve known I’ve been getting sick all week?”

“Of course.” Tracy nodded, “Maxus training is intense. We use the latest tech. The energy gel I’ve been giving you is a specialized elixir meant to induce rapid weight loss. Vomiting is one of the side effects.” Tracy paused a second, “Getting sick is how fat cells leave your body.”

“Uggh. So gross.” Sam took another sip of energy drink hoping to get the taste out of his mouth.

"Sorry." Tracy shrugged. “It’s how it works.”

Sam looked down at his stomach. It looked like he’d lost a little more weight. It was hard to be mad when looking at the results. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“In my experience the training goes easier if the subject doesn’t know. You know the old saying – sometimes it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission.” Tracy put her arm around Sam. “If you’d known, you would have spent our rides the last few days worrying about vomiting and that would have affected the training.”

“I thought you lived in Chicago.” Sam looked around the room. It was clear Tracy had been living here for a while. “You didn’t tell me you were staying in a hotel room.”

Tracy said, “I didn’t lie to you, Sam. You assumed and I didn’t bother to correct you. I’m from Boston.”

“Boston?” Sam gave a surprised look, "You don’t sound like you’re from Boston.”

“I’ve lived in a lot of places, Sam. Do you want to know my life story?”


“Not happening. At least not today.” Tracy put her hand on Sam’s shoulder, “Look … I travel for business a lot. I’m sorry for not telling you the whole truth. Trust me. I have my reasons.”

Sam asked, “Should I assume you aren’t going to tell me the reasons before dinner?”

Tracy said, “It’s better that way.”

A knock on the door interrupted the conversation. Tracy burst in a few seconds later. Aimee followed behind holding a bag from a clothing store.

Crystal looked through the doorway to Sam, “I saw your van outside. I figured we’d stop by.”

Tracy glanced at Sam, “No problem. Sam and I were done chatting.”

Crystal barged into the room. “Great. Aimee brought some clothes I think you’ll like. We guessed on the size but it should be close.”

Sam looked at Tracy and gave him a shrug.

Sam took the bag from Aimee, not saying a word as he entered the bathroom. The dress pants were sized 32x34, eight inches thinner than the clothes he’d brought with him from St. Louis. Even so, the belt was the only thing to keep them from falling.

A look in the mirror showed a confused mess. His hair looked longer, his frame thinner, and his face different. Seeing the image gave a funny feeling in the pit of his stomach while his eyes focused on his chest. All the other things could be explained. The tiny bumps couldn’t.

He’d read numerous stories about girl’s breasts. He knew all about the Tanner stages. He’d spent countless nights laying awake in bed wondering if he should see a specialist to inquire about hormones so his outsides matched his insides.

Sam’s practical knowledge of a woman’s body was less thorough. He’d never dated a girl long enough to get an extensive understanding of her mammaries and yet somehow he felt different as he pressed the darkened areolas over and over.

A look in the mirror showed a person who could pass easily in this body with a little makeup.

“Are you done in there?” Crystal spoke in a sing-song voice.

Sam shouted back. “Almost.”

He pulled on the dress shirt which hung loose on his frame. A turn to the side showed the loose shirt made his ‘pecs’ impossible to see. Sam opened the door.

Crystal said, “Ready to go?”

Sam nodded but didn’t say a word.


Everyone in the bar waved at Crystal and Aimee as they passed as Tracy hurried him through the mob. She pointed to a private room in the back. “Go in there and don’t leave. I need to do something but I’ll be back soon.” Tracy looked at Crystal. “Remember your promise.”

Crystal said, “I remember.”

Crystal waved Aimee to their table and motioned to a bartender.

Crystal said, “How are you liking your training so far?”

Sam wasn’t sure what to say. “I’ve lost a lot of weight. The puking sucks.”

“I bet…” Crystal laughed, “It’s an unfortunate side effect of the training gel but the weight loss suits you.”

“Thanks.” Sam nodded, “You guys should market that stuff.”

The bartender arrived with four beers. Crystal passed one to Sam, “Selling it is complicated but you should ask Tracy. She can explain. She left me with clear instructions. I am not to interfere with your training or she’ll go to our CEO.”

Sam took a long pull on his beer. It tasted amazing. “This is really good.”

“Glad you like it.” Crystal’s smile grew bigger. “Camitas is huge out west. I got a job working for them out of college. I have a few friends in upper management. They stocked the bar for us so feel free to drink as many as you like. We’ve got plenty.”

Sam read the label. Camitas Beer. The picture showed the same old run-down house with a beautiful woman sitting on the porch. “Camitas? Wasn’t the energy drink you gave me made by these same people?”

“Yep. Same one.”

“They make beer and energy drinks? That’s an odd combo.” Sam placed an empty bottle on the table and picked up another.

“Maxus has a clothing line, makes bikes, energy bars, tanning lotion, and energy drinks. That’s an odd combo too.” As Crystal spoke the music blared from the next room, “It sounds like the party is starting early tonight.”

Sam said, “Maxus takes their competitions seriously.”

“You have no idea.” Crystal put her hand on Sam’s thigh. “Do you want to join them, Aimee?”

Aimee shook her head.

“It’ll be fun, Aimee. You should join the others.”

Aimee stood and looked at Sam. “Do you want to come with me?”

Sam felt Crystal move her hand further up his thigh. Crystal said, “I think Sam wants to stay here. Isn’t that right, Sam?”

Sam nodded his head while trying to keep under control.

Aimee gave Sam a look then sighed before turning away.

Sam asked, “Is Aimee okay?”

“She’s a bit of a stick in the mud, but she’s the best rider here. You saw that today.” Tracy’s hand began to move back and forth. “Unfortunately for her, this competition depends on more than riding skill.”

“It does?”

Crystal shrugged, “I’d say more but…”

“Yeah… yeah… I need to talk to Tracy.”

Crystal laughed a melodic laugh. “These competitions are important to the company. Maxus brings in our best salespeople for the race. Tracy is one of our best. You’ll have to talk to her to get details.” Crystal finished off her beer and held up two fingers to the bartender who promptly returned with two more, placing one in front of Sam.

Crystal drank half her bottle in a single pull then sucked on the bottle’s neck. “Of course ... if you and I go someplace private. I might be able to tell you a few things away from prying ears. Totally your choice, of course. No pressure from this gal.” Crystal moved her hand higher.

Crystal didn’t need to ask Sam twice. “Oh yeah … yeah. I’d like to go.”

Crystal smiled, grabbing her purse and both beers, then pointing to a back exit out of the bar. “Follow me.”

Sam’s heart skipped a beat. He knew Tracy would be furious but it had been a long time. No mortal man could stand up to this kind of assault from a girl as good looking as Crystal. Sam snuck through the back door which opened up in the lobby. People stared as he and Crystal walked through the lobby hanging on each other but he didn’t care. The elevator moved at a crawl between floors. Sam downed the rest of his Camitas as they waited.

Crystal smiled but said nothing. Eventually the doors opened.

She pointed him down the hall with a well-manicured finger. When they got in her room, Crystal handed him another Camitas. “Training is thirsty work, Sam. I’m sure Tracy has told you it is important for trainees to remain hydrated.”

Sam smiled, “I doubt she meant beer.”

Crystal lay on the bed, motioning with a finger for Sam to join her. Sam’s heart skipped a beat as he sat and unbuttoned his shirt. Sam closed his eyes as she began to massage his shoulders before removing the shirt completely. Her hands moved lower to his chest causing Sam to let out a soft moan.

“My .. my … aren’t we full of surprises. I see your training is ahead of schedule.”

Crystal’s lips felt amazing on his neck. He nearly lost control as she moved further down.

“Lay back.”

Sam did as she asked, seconds later the belt came off and then pants followed. Both stared at the tower standing between them.

“Move further on the bed.”

Sam shook his head as he followed her orders. “I haven’t done this in a long time.”

Crystal gave a reassuring look, “Don’t worry, Sam. I’m good at this.” The way she spoke reminded him of Tracy, but all coherent thoughts left him after Crystal pulled her dress over her shoulders. It didn’t seem possible a body so small could have breasts so big. He reached out to touch them.

“No … no.” Crystal smacked his hand. “Not yet.” She leaned forward allowing him to press against her belly. She continued to move forward until his member wedged itself between her tits. She moved forward and backward. Forward and backward. Forward and backward.

Sam begged, “Go slower … I can’t…”

“It’s ok, Sam. Let go.”

Sam did as she asked though it wasn’t like he had much choice. His pent up abstinence of the past decade let loose all at once all over her chest.

“Good … good.” Crystal said, grabbing Sam’s hands.

“What are you doing?”

“You want these?” Sam’s hands soon grew wet with a mixture of Crystal’s sweat and his own seed. Crystal moved Sam’s hand back and forth, until the mixture covered her breasts. “Lick them.”


“You heard me.”

“I can’t do that.”

Crystal wiggled her way up to make it easier for Sam to fondle her. “You can. According to the reports you’ve dreamed of little else for the past decade.”

“Reports? What reports?”

“Ask Tracy.”

“Tracy has reports on me?”

Crystal spoke as if reading from a paper. “Subject exhibits all the markers of gender dysphoria. Request permission for gender reassignment.” Crystal looked at Sam. “Tracy filed that report last night.”

Sam asked, “Tracy wants to turn me into a girl?”

Crystal said, “Her report said you wanted to be turned into a girl. Are you saying you don’t want that?”

“No … no ….” Sam shook his head, “I don’t know. Is that sort of thing even possible?”

“It looks like you’ve already started.” Crystal placed a finger on Sam’s nipple and moved it back and forth. “Or are you telling me you haven’t noticed this?”

Crystal moved Sam’s hands to his breast, causing a sticky mess. Crystal leaned forward and licked the area clean.

She smiled. “Now do me.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“Because every guy deserves at least one good fuck in his life.” She smiled as she placed a hand between Sam’s legs. “A shame I didn’t find you first. We might have had a lot of fun together.”

Sam struggled to keep control. If someone had suggested to him a few days ago he would find himself in this position with a woman, any woman, but especially one as beautiful as Crystal, he would have called them crazy. As Crystal pressed herself forward, she moved his head to her breast.

Sam’s world exploded in a flash of color, the room taking on strange hues while bursts of light emanated from both Crystal and himself. Shouts of ecstasy filled his ears as the colors danced on. When Sam opened his eyes he found himself holding Crystal.

She cooed. “Was I good?”

Sam’s brain faded in and out like a wire with a short. “You were… amazing.”

Crystal beamed. “I never tire of hearing that.”

Sam didn’t notice the door open as Tracy entered. He didn’t hear the shouting when Crystal got up. He had no idea how long he lay there until Tracy’s voice shouted through the fog.

“Get dressed, Sam.”

Sam did as she asked but the smile wouldn’t leave his face.. Crystal smiled back as Sam walked to the door. Sam asked, “Will I see you tomorrow?”

Crystal shook her head, “Not unless Mommy lets you come out to play. Either way, I had a good time tonight. I hope you did too.” She winked at Tracy who slammed the door shut.

Tracy didn’t say a word as they walked to the elevator. Sam broke the silence. “I’m sorry Tracy. I didn’t think it would make you this mad. I wanted to do it.”

“I know. I’m disappointed, that’s all.”

“Oh.” Sam nodded, then thought about what he’d done. “Disappointed?” Sam had been overlooked his entire life. He’d always been the beta, never the alpha but now, in this body… “You know … we could … you know … do it … if you want.”

Sam’s comment caused Tracy to stop walking. “You think you and I should have sex??”

As Sam stared at Tracy, he saw a beauty he hadn’t noticed before. Her muscular legs, the lack of makeup, her short cropped hair. “Don’t you?”

Tracy’s guffaws caused people down the hall to turn around and look. “Get over yourself lover boy. We have a lot of things to discuss tonight and your actions have made everything much more complicated.”

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