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By SaraUK
Part 23
Chapter 59
Mandy and Jayden were sat at the kitchen table on the Saturday morning watching Amy and Amber make breakfast.
“Don’t make any for Chrissy or Becky. They won’t be joining us this morning.” Mandy said as she flicked through the morning paper.
“How come? Did they not come home last night?” Amy asked looking worried.
“No, they came home, but I had a word with Becky and told her you and I could handle the shop today, so Chrissy can rest up and help out with setting up for the barbecue tomorrow.” Mandy said as she closed the paper and put it down on the table so she could talk to Amy and the others.
“Does Chrissy know about any of this?” Amber asked.
“Do you really think Chrissy would let me get away with that if I told her what I was planning to do?” Mandy asked with a frown.
They all giggled as they thought of what Chrissy would do if she knew Mandy had tricked her into having a day off while Mandy and Amy went into the shop without her.
Amber and Amy soon had breakfast on the table, and they all ate it before Amy finished getting ready for work, while Jayden and Amber got the dishes washed and put away.
“Amber, do you think I’ll be able to help you do some of the cooking today?” Jayden asked as she dried the dishes. “I know I’m not very good in the kitchen, but I’d really like to learn.” She added with some pleading in her voice.
“Sure you can help, but I’m still only learning myself.” Amber smiled. “Chrissy and Becky will be doing most the cooking later, but I’m willing to share my duties with you.” Amber added with a grin.
“Thanks Amber. I’m hoping to learn enough to be able to cook Callum a nice meal one of these nights over at his place.” Jayden said looking hopeful. “Do you think I stand a chance of ever doing that?” Jayden asked.
“Chrissy will jump at the chance to help you impress Callum with your cooking skills.” Amber said with a grin. “She’ll teach you how to cook a nice meal that will have Callum thinking you’re a world class cook.” Amber added.
“Do you really think so? I’m not very good at all.” Jayden said, not looking very confident in herself.
“She showed Becky how to cook, and she’s helped me come a long way, and she even helps to bring out the best in Amy, but Chrissy won’t have any of that if you ask her.” Amber giggled as she rolled her eyes.
“Does it not bother you that two girl’s that haven’t been girls all that long can look so amazing and also do makeup and cook better than you and me, who’ve been girls all our lives?” Jayden asked with a sigh.
“Nope. They have always been girls in their hearts, and that is where it counts.” Amber smiled. “We took what we are for granted from an early age, but Chrissy and Amy were girls trapped in a boy’s world growing up. Imagine how odd that must have been for them.” Amber added.
Jayden stopped to think what it must have been like, wanting to play with dolls, and play dress up in your mums clothes, but all the time being hit from all directions to play soccer and act rough like all the other boys around you.
“I’m amazed they made it through when you put it like that.” Jayden said with a pained look.
“Amy had Ann to help her stay strong, but Chrissy had it hard being an only child, and then being rejected so painfully by her father when he found Chrissy for the first time.” Amber had a tear in her eye as she finished.
“I’m glad they both found you and Becky to love them for who they really are.” Jayden smiled as she gave Amber a hug. “They deserve all the happiness you can give them.” Jayden added.
“I think we all do, but Chrissy and Amy are the glue that holds us all together.” Amber giggled as she thought about how much like real sisters Chrissy and Amy were most the time.
“They do seem to have a special bond.” Jayden said now she thought about it. “Doesn’t that make you jealous seeing that?” Jayden asked.
“Not for a second. I know that Chrissy and Amy can talk about things on a level none of us could ever understand. They both went through the same thing growing up, which means they help each other cope when life tries to push them down.” Amber said with pride.
“They both just look like two normal girls to me.” Jayden said with a shrug.
“They’d be happy to hear you say that Jayden, at the end of the day what more can they wish for than to be seen as just a couple of very cute girls.” Amber was grinning by the end of what she said.
Amber and Jayden didn’t get to say much more due to Amy and Mandy walking back into the kitchen. Amber thought that Amy would be giving Mandy some trouble over her giving Chrissy the day off, but Amy seemed glad that Chrissy would be having a little time off.
Mandy and Amy gave Jayden a hug in the kitchen before they left to head out to Mandy’s car with Amber following close behind Amy. Mandy stepped out the house and left Amy saying goodbye to Amber at the door.
“Jayden was just saying you and Chrissy just look like a couple of normal girls to her.” Amber said as she wrapped her arms around Amy and pulled her into a hug.
“We are just a couple of normal girls silly.” Amy giggled.
“You are both girl’s, but you’re far from being normal.” Amber said with a grin just before kissing Amy.
“Normal’s overrated anyway.” Amy said sounding all blasé about it.
“Normal’s boring, why would anybody want normal.” Amber said it like it was a bad taste in her mouth.
“I better see about going, or Mandy will be going without me.” Amy said just before giving Amber another kiss and running over to get in Mandy’s car.
Amber waved them off and then returned to the kitchen to carry on cleaning the kitchen up with Jayden.
Becky woke up and lay in bed watching Chrissy sleep. She knew just how tired Chrissy must be by the fact that Becky had kissed her three times and Chrissy was still fast asleep.
“Mandy was right to let Chrissy have a lie in today.” Becky thought to herself as she slipped out of bed to use the bathroom.
Becky thought it would be nice to run a bubble bath for her and Chrissy, so they could relax while they soaked. Becky finished on the toilet and then started filling the bath before she went back to the bedroom to start the process of waking Chrissy up.
Chrissy was having a strange dream where she was a spy and she had to fight her way through a group of guys to rescue Becky. She’d just beat the last of the bad guys and had reached Becky when they started kissing. Chrissy thought the kissing felt really good, and soon she realised that Becky was kissing her for real, so she slowly opened her eyes and found herself looking right into Becky’s eyes.
“Good morning sleepy head.” Becky smiled.
“Morning. What time is it?” Chrissy asked as she had a stretch.
“It’s just gone ten thirty.” Becky said as she looked at the clock on the bedside table.
Chrissy sat up so fast that Becky almost rolled off the bed as Chrissy pulled the covers with her. “Oh crap! Why didn’t you wake me sooner Becky?” Chrissy shouted as she threw back the covers and went to get out of bed.
Becky had got her balance back, and hadn’t fallen of the bed, so she grabbed Chrissy’s arm and pulled her back onto the bed. “I didn’t forget to call you baby. Mandy and I planned it this way.” Becky said.
Chrissy stopped trying to break free of Becky’s grip and sat down on the bed waiting to hear the reason for her not being woken so she could get ready for work. “What’s going on Becky?” Chrissy asked using Becky’s name to show she wasn’t happy with being forced to do things she didn’t want to do.
“Mandy and I knew you’d never let her give you a day off while her and Amy went into work, so we came up with the plan of turning off your alarm clock so you got a lie in.” Becky smiled, not bothered that Chrissy still looked angry with her.
“It’s not fair that I get a day off while Mandy and Amy have to go and work.” Chrissy whined, as she realised that she was stuck with taking the day off just like Mandy and Becky had planned.
“I don’t care what you think is fair baby.” Becky purred as she slid over to Chrissy and kissed her. “I’m running us a bubble bath, and then I’m going to relax while wrapped in your arms.” Becky added as she slid off the bed and pulled Chrissy along with her to the bathroom.
Becky soon had Chrissy naked, and then Chrissy helped to get Becky looking the same way. Chrissy smiled as she ran her hands over the bump forming on Becky’s belly. Becky smiled as she saw the same look on Chrissy’s face. They were soon lying in the bath, Chrissy with her back against one end with Becky resting against her.
Chrissy couldn’t be angry with either of them for what they did, it did feel nice to have a day off. Chrissy let out a sigh as she put her head back and she closed her eyes while she let the warm water soak into her bones. Chrissy knew she must have fallen sleep because the next thing she remembered was Becky calling her name.
“Chrissy, Chrissy, we better see about getting out now.” Becky said softly, it seemed like Becky didn’t really want to bother Chrissy, but if they stopped in the bath any longer they would look like prunes.
“Sorry, I must have nodded off.” Chrissy said as she rubbed her eyes, but managed to cover her nose and eyes in bubbles. Chrissy flinched and then sneezed as the bubbles went up her nose when she breathed in through her nose.
Becky sat in the bath giggling as she watched Chrissy try and wipe the bubbles away from her face. “I think someone forgot where they were.” Becky said with a giggle.
“I must have been more tired than I first thought.” Chrissy said looking sheepish, and not having any argument to use against Becky, or Mandy now.
“You can see now why we did what we did.” Becky said as she cuddled up to Chrissy again before they got out the bath. “Just because I’m the one that needs to rest more with being pregnant, it doesn’t mean you’re okay to keep working all the hours you are.” Becky added in a child like voice.
“Point taken, my love. I’ll try and take it a little easier.” Chrissy smiled as she wrapped her arms around Becky while they lay in the bath.
Becky never said anything, she knew it was rare for Chrissy to own up to being proved wrong, so she wasn’t about to rub her nose in it. They lay there cuddling each other for a couple more minutes, then Becky sat up and helped Chrissy to do the same.
Once they were out the bath and dried off, they got dressed in simple skirts and T-shirts, and then they headed down to have some breakfast before making a start on sorting things out ready for the barbecue tomorrow.
Amber and Jayden were sat at the kitchen table having a glass of juice when Chrissy and Becky walked into the kitchen looking for food.
“Morning Chrissy, Becky.” Amber said as she got up from the table and gave them both a hug. “What do you want for lunch?” Amber asked.
“Morning Amber.” Chrissy said as she hugged Amber back. “What do you mean, lunch?” Chrissy asked with a puzzled look.
Amber turned her head to look at the clock on the wall, and Chrissy looked over at the clock as well. Chrissy then realised what Amber was getting at. Chrissy had fallen asleep in the bath, so it was only just before midday now.
“It’s a little late to still call it breakfast.” Amber giggled.
“You don’t need to make us breakfast Amber, I can sort it out.” Chrissy said as she broke the hug and went to walk over to the fridge.
Amber stopped Chrissy from walking away, then she led Chrissy over to the table and forced her to sit down, then Amber helped Becky take a seat next to her. “Jayden and I will make you something to eat; we just need to know what you fancy eating.” Amber asked as she helped Jayden get up from the table.
Jayden got up from the table with a worried look on her face. Unless Chrissy and Becky wanted a bowl of cereal, or a slice of toast, they would be taking their life into their own hands. “Morning Chrissy, Becky.” Was all Jayden squeaked out as she stood up.
“Don’t look so worried Jayden; I’ll talk you through it.” Amber said grinning. “Well what do you fancy for your breakfast?” Amber asked again.
“I really would like a BLT, but I’ll settle for toast if that helps.” Chrissy said looking worried now herself.
“Jayden will be fine doing you BLT’s.” Amber smiled as she grabbed Jayden’s arm and dragged her off to make the BLT’s. “Do you know this was the first thing Chrissy, Becky and Amy taught me to make when I first came here.
Jayden to nervous to speak now, just let Amber talk her through making the food for Chrissy and Becky. While Jayden was keeping an eye on the bacon being grilled, Amber made a pot of tea, and then she poured Chrissy and Becky a cup out before going back to carry on supervising Jayden as she made lunch for Chrissy and Becky.
Amber had Jayden make enough for them all to have some by the time they’d finished. Jayden walked over to the table with a large plate of sandwiches.
“I hope they don’t taste too bad, but I’ll understand if you don’t want to eat them.” Jayden said looking worried as she saw the others all take a sandwich and start eating it.
“MMM, these are really good.” Chrissy said around a mouth full of food. “I think you’ve been lying to us about not being able to cook.” Chrissy added with a raised eyebrow.
Jayden thought Chrissy was just being polite about the food tasting good, but she thought it better if she at least eat some of it herself, even if it did taste that bad. Jayden was shocked when she took a bite and it did taste really good.
“They do taste good.” Jayden said with a grin after swallowing her first bite, and just before taking her second.
“Did you expect them to taste any other way?” Amber asked. “I was taught by the best remember.” Amber added with a grin as she looked across the table at Chrissy and Becky.
“I’m sorry that I’ve been busy sorting other things out Jayden, and I’ve not had the time to show you how to cook, like I said I would.” Chrissy said looking a little sad for not keeping her promise to Jayden.
“Don’t be Chrissy, I can see that you’ve been really busy, what with working at the shop, and the club as well.” Jayden said with pleading in her voice for Chrissy to not feel bad about not showing her anything yet. “I’ll pick up what I can, when I can.” Jayden added with a grin, just before taking another sandwich off the plate in the middle of the table.
“Jayden was telling me earlier, that she wants to learn how to cook Callum a nice meal at his place one day.” Amber smiled. “I told her that you two would be the best to show her.” Amber added.
“I’m sure you and Amy could show her just as easy now Amber.” Chrissy shot back at her. “You’ve got really good these past couple of months.” Chrissy added.
“I didn’t have much choice in the matter. I wasn’t going to leave it all for Amy to sort out.” Amber said before she realised what she was saying.
Chrissy looked at Amber with a puzzled look, but then she got a pained look when she realised what Amber was getting at. Amber was talking about the time she was away and Becky was too upset to do the cooking. Amy had told Chrissy that she was getting home from working at the shop, then starting dinner. Amber was getting home and then helping her.
“I didn’t mean it like that Chrissy.” Amber said with a pained look on her face. “I can be so stupid. Please forgive me.” Amber pleaded.
“Don’t worry about it Amber.” Chrissy smiled. “I’m glad something good came from me running away.” Chrissy added.
“You found me.” Jayden said with a grin. “So that’s two good things that happened.” She added, trying to lighten the mood again.
“True, so I did achieve something then.” Chrissy giggled, glad that everyone was able to smile about it now.
“Don’t go getting her upset you two, or she might just teach you a lesson.” Becky said as she tried to change the subject.
Chrissy could see where Becky was going with this, and she’d have been happy to leave them talking about her running away. At least she was used to them talking about that, but Becky was going to tell them about the man she sorted out at the night club after he slapped Becky on the backside. “Please don’t start on about that now.” Chrissy pleaded.
“I’m sorry baby, but you were to amazing last night to keep it a secret, and I’m sure that Ann or Brad would tell them when they get here.” Becky said with a grin.
“What did Chrissy get up to last night?” Amber asked, hanging on every word Becky was about to say.
“Some guy slapped my behind while I was trying to sort out a problem with his friend having a drink thrown all over him.” Becky said with a wince as she thought about the pain she felt when she got slapped.
“What did you do Chrissy?” Amber and Jayden asked at the same time.
“Nothing much.” Chrissy said looking shy all of a sudden.
“Nothing much! Nothing much?” Becky asked with wide eyes. “She only grabbed the guys hand and then had him on his knees with his hand pushed up his back in a second.” Becky waved her hands around in an attempt to copy what Chrissy had done the night before. “The guy couldn’t do a thing until Chrissy let his arm loose again.” Becky added with pride.
“You tackled some guy to the ground while at the club?” Amber asked with amazement. “Did you use one of them moves Jo showed you and Amy?” Amber asked as she remembered Amy showing her and Ann some of the special moves Jo had taught her and Chrissy.
“Yes I did, but I wasn’t thinking about what I was doing.” Chrissy said in a whisper. “I just saw the smug look on his face as his hand hit Becky’s bottom and I lost it. The next thing I knew, I was stood behind him and I had his arm pushed up behind his back with two of his fingers bent back.” Chrissy added with a shrug.
“Remind me to never slap Becky on the bottom.” Jayden said with a worried look.
Chrissy just cuddled into Becky as she filled them in on how she had made a joke of Brad and Mark really throwing him out the club to see if they could beat their record from the last one they threw out. Becky even told them about Chrissy’s knew nickname of Nikita.
“I wish we could have seen it.” Amber whined. “Why don’t you do this fun stuff while Amy and I are there?” Amber asked.
“Oh I forgot to tell you, you can watch it later. I’ll put it on later when Mandy and Amy get home.” Becky sat grinning as she saw the shocked look on Chrissy’s face.
“How are you going to show anyone what I did last night?” Chrissy asked. “I’m not doing it again to one of you, I might hurt you.” Chrissy added looking worried now.
“Don’t worry baby, you won’t have to do it again.” Becky said in a calming voice as she stroked the side of Chrissy’s face. “We caught it on video last night, and I brought a copy of it home for the others to see.” Becky added just as calmly.
“You got it on tape?” Chrissy asked just before swallowing very loudly.
“Well on hard disk, but yes we have it for all to see.” Becky smiled.
“Now you’re just splitting hairs Becky and you know it.” Chrissy said looking a little angry now. “Was that the disk you put in your purse last night when you came out your office at the club?” Chrissy asked, suddenly understanding what Becky had been doing the night before, and why Vicky was grinning when she came out the office just in front of Becky the night before.
“Yes it was, sorry for lying to you, but I didn’t think the disk would last the night if I told you the truth.” Becky said with a pout.
“You guessed right, but I gather you’d just burn another copy and bring that home for them all to watch?” Chrissy asked.
“Yep I would.” Becky grinned. “I think you looked amazing, and I want everyone to see you in action.” Becky added as she pulled Chrissy into another hug with her.
“You think I look sexy all the time.” Chrissy giggled as she let Becky hug her.
“True, but you just looked really hot last night.” Becky added as she hugged Chrissy even tighter.
Chrissy not wanting to talk about last night any more got up and made a start on sorting out things for the barbecue the next day. She dragged Jayden up off her seat, so she could help her. Amber and Becky were soon jumping up to help as well. Chrissy was soon showing Jayden how to make homemade beef burgers among other things. Amber and Becky had made up some saucers to soak some of the steaks in ready for them going on the barbecue tomorrow.
Brad and Ann turned up to help out where they could. Brad was set to work sorting out the bouncy castle to make sure it would be okay for the next day. Chrissy had to put up with some more stick about her defending Becky’s honour, but she took it in good sport like it was meant to be. Chrissy was happy to hear them talking about that, rather than her running away now she thought about it.
They soon had everything done that they wanted to get done. Everything else would have to be done tomorrow morning before people started turning up.
Amy and Mandy had been busy all morning at the shop, but they both smiled when they saw Carl enter the shop with a basket of food in his hands for their lunch. Mandy skipped off down the shop to meet him half way and wrapped her arms around his neck before kissing him.
“Hi baby. I’m surprised to see you here today.” Mandy smiled as they stopped kissing.
“I worked late into the night, so I’m taking the weekend off.” Carl smiled back as she led Mandy back up the shop and into the back room where Amy had gone to set up the plates for them to have their lunch.
“Hi Amy. I hope Mandy’s not working you to hard?” Carl asked with a grin as he put the basket down on the table so Amy could start to dish it up. “Isn’t Chrissy working today?” Carl asked looking around, shocked not to see Chrissy stood with Amy.
“Hi Carl.” Amy smiled. “Mandy and Chrissy work just as hard as I do, if not harder most the time.” Amy added.
“Becky and I tricked Chrissy into taking the day off. We both thought she was looking tired and needed a lie in.” Mandy said in reply to the second part of Carl’s question.
“I was worried she’d hurt herself after hearing what happened at the club last night.” Carl said with a sigh.
“Why. What happened at the club last night that would leave Chrissy hurt?” Mandy asked looking worried.
Carl went on to explain what he knew about the incident at the club, and reassured them that Chrissy wasn’t hurt while at the club, but not seeing her at work now, had worried him for a second.
“Chrissy really did that to some guy at the club last night?” Amy asked looking shocked.
“Yep. Becky even has it on disk for you all to watch. According to what Vic told me earlier this morning.” Carl said with a shrug.
“This I’ve got to see.” Mandy said looking just as shocked as Amy just had.
Carl couldn’t give them much more info on the attack, and what Chrissy had done, so they started talking about other stuff. Carl had collected all the baps and fresh food that would be needed tomorrow, and he was going to hang around in the shop helping out, then follow Mandy and Amy home, so it could all be put away ready for tomorrow.
Once lunch was finished, Amy got up and tided everything away while Mandy spent some time cuddling with Carl. Then they all got back to work and Mandy put Carl to good use taking some boxes of stock up to the flat for storage until it was needed.
Amy and Mandy were glad to be finishing by two o’clock, they wanted to go home and get another couple of hours sleep before getting ready for a night out at the club. Carl helped them lock up the shop then he waited for Mandy to pull away before he did the same and followed them back home.
Carl had just popped the trunk on his car after he pulled up outside Mandy’s, when Brad came out the house to help him carry all the boxes and bags of food into the house and then into the kitchen where Amber and Ann were ready to help put it all away. Carl had got all the stuff they needed to make the salad to go with the barbecue, and he’d also got some fresh fruit so Chrissy could make a fruit salad desert for later in the afternoon. Becky had already grabbed some jelly mixes for Cathleen and Kat. They were going to make extra, so some of the bigger kids could have some jelly and ice cream as well.
Chrissy and Becky had gone back to bed some time ago, and even Jayden had gone up to have a lay down ready for a fun night of dancing at the club, and then more fun with Kara when they got back.
Ann had been sat with Brad in the front room, just chatting about this and that, while Amber waited for Amy to get home so they could go up to bed for a couple of hours.
“What are we going to do about dinner?” Amy asked as she was being dragged out the room by Amber.
“Ann said she was going to sort it out.” Amber said in a dismissive way.
“Ann’s going to cook for us all.” Amy said looking worried and she stopped dead in her tracks, pulling Amber back a couple of steps.
“No she’s not cooking.” Amber said with a frown. “Do I look that stupid?” Amber asked with a chuckle.
“Well, now you mention it...” Amy said before Amber cut her off again.
“Don’t even think about finished that missy.” Amber said pointing a finger at Amy. “I was about to add that she was going to ring and order pizza for us all later, just before she comes to give us all a call.” Amber added with a grin when she saw both Amy and Mandy relax knowing that Ann wasn’t going to be cooking.
Amy never got time to say anything else, due to Amber pulling her out the living room and up the stairs to their bedroom.
“I think you could use a couple more hours sleep my love.” Mandy purred as she wrapped her arms around Carl’s neck, just before kissing him.
“I think you better make sure I get it then nurse Mandy.” Carl smiled.
Mandy was soon dragging Carl up to her room so they could get some more sleep, later she hoped.
Ann and Brad laughed at how fast everyone had vanished. They took their seats on the sofa again and then found some action film to watch. Ann was soon fast asleep tucked into Brad’s side, so he turned off the telly and then put his head back. He was soon fast asleep as well, still with Ann cuddled up to him.
Chapter 60
Carl, Brad and all the girl’s were sat in the living room with two large open pizza boxes sat on the coffee table in front of them, and they all had a slice in their hands ready to eat. The only one not eating yet was Becky; she was busy putting a DVD in the player so they could all watch what Chrissy did to the guy at the club the night before.
Once Becky had the disk in, Mandy pressed play as she had the remote. Becky went and sat back down next to Chrissy and took a bite from the piece of pizza Chrissy was holding.
“Everybody ready for the big fight then?” Mandy asked with a grin as she skipped through the footage until she got to the part where Chrissy and Becky were stood near the bar in question trying to sort out the problem between a girl and a man dripping wet from the drink she’d thrown over him.
They all let out a gasp when they saw another man slap Becky on the backside, but before any of them could speak, they saw Chrissy grab the guys hand, then she grabbed a couple of his fingers and bent them back as she twisted his arm in such a way that he had no choice but to go in the direction Chrissy was forcing him. Then they watched as she twisted his arm behind his back and forced it high up between his shoulder blades.
Chrissy was feeling the same anger she’d felt the night before, when the guy had first slapped Becky’s bottom right in front of her, but she calmed down again when she heard Amy speaking to her.
“I wish there was sound, I’d love to know what you’re saying to him now.” Amy whined. “You look really pissed off with him.” Amy added.
“I was pissed off with him.” Chrissy said through gritted teeth. “I can’t remember what I said now.” Chrissy added taking a deep breath to calm herself down a little more.
Becky, Ann and Brad could remember though, so they told the others about Chrissy asking the man not to call her a crazy bitch, and then how she said Brad and Mark could try to break their record for how far they can throw someone out the club. This had them all laughing, even Amber and Jayden laughed and they’d already heard it earlier.
Chrissy smiled as she watched Amy doing some silly kung fu style dance as she reinacted the move she’d used on the guy, but on Amber. The two of them ended up in a pile on the sofa giggling. Chrissy was glad she hadn’t ended up like that with the man at the club, this made her shudder.
“You okay baby?” Becky asked, feeling the shiver come from Chrissy.
“Yes, I’m fine.” Chrissy smiled. “Just glad that didn’t happen to me last night.” Chrissy added as she looked over and Amy and Amber still tangled up together on the other sofa.
“Me too baby.” Becky said with a frown. “I wouldn’t be happy to see you making out with anyone else, especially a man.” Becky added with a disgusted look on her face.
Chrissy looked shocked at Becky’s choice of words, but soon giggled when she looked at Amy and Amber again, just to find the two of them now kissing each other as they rolled around on the sofa.
“Did you have any more trouble from them after this happened?” Carl asked, as he watched Chrissy once again restraining the man. Mandy was still finding it hard to believe that her baby sister was the same one doing what she was doing on the TV screen.
“No, him and his friend left the club, under their own power, and ran off down the road.” Brad said, pointing out that no one threw them out. Frank had wanted to when Brad told him what he was being escorted out the club for, but he had already ran off by that time.
“Don’t you have anything to add Sis?” Chrissy asked as she looked at Mandy again skipping the DVD back to see Chrissy tackling the man to the ground before Brad and Mark took him away.
Chrissy was worried that Mandy might be upset with her for not acting like a lady should, but she wasn’t going to let some thug get away with touching her wife like he did and then get away with it. The only flaw Chrissy could see in her argument with Mandy would be the fact Brad and Mark were stood close by ready to act.
“I’m not sure what to say Sis.” Mandy said as she shook her head to clear it a little before turning to look at Chrissy fully. “I never realised you could do something like that.” Mandy added as she pointed at the paused image of Chrissy with the man on his knees while she had his arm pinned behind his back.
“I’m sorry if I’ve disappointed you Mandy, but I wasn’t going to let him get away with doing that to my wife.” Chrissy said, not sounding sorry at all really.
“I’m not disappointed Sis.” Mandy said with shock in her voice. “I’m impressed!” Mandy shouted as she pulled Chrissy closer for a hug.
Chrissy and Becky were sat on the same sofa as Mandy and Carl, so it was easy for Mandy to show Chrissy that she wasn’t upset with her one bit.
“I’ll have to be having a word with Jo; I want to ask her to show me some of them moves you and Amy seem to know now.” Mandy giggled.
“I was scared you’d be upset with me for not acting like a lady.” Chrissy mumbled from where her head was buried in Mandy’s shoulder while they hugged.
“I’m proud of you for showing that sexist pig that he can’t just look at some cute backside, and think it’s okay to slap or grab it.” Mandy said with some anger in her voice. “I’m sure he’ll think twice before trying that again.” Mandy added with more humor in her voice now.
“I’d be amazed if he ever touches another woman’s backside ever again.” Ann said as she thought about the look of shock on the man’s face when he saw the size of the woman that had tackled him to the ground.
“He did look pretty scared as we led him out the club.” Brad chuckled.
Once the pizza was all gone, they got up and then made their way up stairs to get ready for a night out at the club. Carl had brought his stuff with him, so he was going up to Mandy’s room to become Carla. Brad had come over to Mandy’s already dressed for work, so he just went to the kitchen and washed what dishes there were while waiting for Ann to come back down with the others.
Mandy was excited to sit and watch Carl turn himself into the sexy woman she knew as Carla. It never took Mandy long to get ready, so she was happy to sit on the bed and Watch Carl vanish as Carla started to show through more and more.
“Do you think you’ll ever get sick of dressing up as Carla?” Mandy asked, as she watched him doing his makeup.
“I hope not.” Carl said as he gave it some thought. “I like to think of Carla being a very important part of who I am. I can relax and be someone else for a couple of hours while she’s around.” Carl smiled as he turned to look at Mandy sat on the bed smiling back at him.
“I like having Carla around too.” Mandy said with a grin.
“Well there’s another reason for me to keep dressing as Carla then.” Carl grinned back at her. “I find Carla to be a great stress relief as well. I can just let all my feeling flow out when I’m her.” Carl added with a wave of his arms.
Mandy could see what Carl was getting at; he did always seem more relaxed and open to her when he was Carla. He’d talk about stuff with her that Carl wouldn’t, and the love making was so nice when he still had the breast forms attached.
While Mandy had been daydreaming about making love to Carl as Carla, he’d finished with his makeup and had put on a long blonde wig. Now he was getting up and removing his bathrobe to reveal the sexy underwear and corset he had on, or more she had on. It was Carla now stood in the room, no sign of Carl left. He’d attached the breast forms and hid the edges, and he was now slipping into a sexy looking red evening dress. The dress had a mesh upper body piece with long sleeves; Carla slid her arms into them and then turned to let Mandy pull the zip up the back for her.
“Do you mind doing the honours baby?” Carla asked in her husky female voice that Mandy loved so much.
Mandy was soon jumping up and then stepping over to take hold of the zip and pulling it up Carla’s back. Mandy smiled as she saw the dress closing and starting to show off the wonderful hour glass shape the corset gave against the extra padding Carl had used to give Carla her large plump bottom. Once Mandy had finished closing Carla into her dress, she turned Carla around to face her, and then Mandy started kissing her, while running her hand up and down Carla’s sides and bottom.
“I don’t know why, but watching you become Carla, just makes me want to throw you on the bed and make love to you.” Mandy said, sounding out of breath from the kiss she’d just given Carla.
Carla smiled a cheeky smile before speaking. “You could do that, and I wouldn’t stop you, but the others would have to go to the club without us.”
“Tempting, but you look to good, and I want to show you off, just like Becky does with Chrissy.” Mandy grinned just before kissing Carla again.
“It will give you something to look forward to later though.” Carla smiled. “You’ll be able to unwrap me like a present once we get back from the club.” Carla said in her best sexy voice.
“Hasn’t anyone ever warned you about me?” Mandy asked still grinning. “Even as a child, I never liked waiting until Christmas morning to open my presents.” Mandy added with a warning smile as she moved her hand up to the zip on the back of Carla’s dress.
“I was warned.” Carla smiled as she stopped Mandy pulling the zip down. “And you’ll just have to wait until later, I want to go out and do some dancing.” Carla added with a grin.
“Can’t I even take a quick peep?” Mandy asked with a pout.
“Nope, you’ve already had a peep.” Carla let out a little giggle.
“Meany!” Mandy said pouting. “I’ll be sure to let Chrissy and Amy know about you wanting to spend the night dancing then.” Mandy added with a grin.
Carla looked worried, hearing what Mandy was going to tell Chrissy and Amy. Carla already knew that Chrissy and Amy could spend hours on the dance floor at the club. “You can do that my love, but I’ll be making sure that you’re with me every time I’m dragged down there.”
“We’ll see.” Was all Mandy said with a smug look on her face as she walked off to do her makeup and get dressed herself.
Chrissy had done Becky’s, Jayden’s and her own makeup, while Amy had done hers, Amber’s and Ann’s. Amber knocked on Chrissy’s bedroom door on the way down stairs, and smiled when they saw Chrissy, Jayden and Becky step out the room to join them in the hallway.
“Ready for a night of partying then girls?” Amber asked with a grin as she did a silly little shuffle like dance.
“Sure am, lead the way sis.” Chrissy smiled as she waved her hand for Amber, Amy and Ann to lead the way.
Brad had finished washing and drying the dishes they’d used at dinner and was sat in the living room again when he heard the girl’s coming back into the room. Six sets of heels walking on a marble floor made quite the racket, so he knew they were on their way.
Ann entered the room first and ran over to Brad and dropped down onto his lap before planting a kiss on his lips in greeting.
“You look beautiful tonight Ann.” Brad said with a smile when they broke the kiss.
“I hope I look beautiful to you every night.” Ann pouted.
“Yes you do princess, but tonight you just look even more beautiful for some reason.” Brad said, not really knowing the reason why.
“My baby sister did my makeup tonight. She’s becoming quite the talented artist.” Ann smiled as she looked over at Amy sat next to Amber on one of the other sofas.
Amy smiled at Ann, and was just about to speak when Ann, Amber, Becky and even Brad spoke at the same time. “You didn’t do anything special. You had a good subject to work with.” They said at the same time word perfect with each other. Amy and Chrissy just looked at each other, then they both started giggling when they realised that Amy was about to use the same response Chrissy would have.
“Used that one before have I?” Amy asked with a grin.
“Yes, you and Chrissy have both used that one before.” Ann said with a roll of her eyes. “I find it scary sometimes the way you and Chrissy are so much alike.” Ann added with a giggle.
“Well we are sisters after all.” Amy smiled back at her.
Ann couldn’t argue with her on that. Chrissy and Amy were sisters in more ways than one; they had both been born with defects, girls trapped in a male body. Ann had tried a number of times to work out what they must have felt like to look in the mirror and see a stranger looking back at you. Ann thought it must have been like wearing a Halloween costume they couldn’t take off. It’s not like thinking you need to lose some weight, or your hair needs a trim, no, all the problems that Chrissy and Amy would have seen, would have been beyond there means to fix it. Ann was glad to see her baby sister happy sat on the sofa next to her wife, and Ann’s best friend. Mandy and Carla entered the living room, breaking Ann out of her daydreams.
“We were beginning to think you and Carla were going to be stopping here tonight sis.” Chrissy smiled up at Mandy.
“You have no idea how close we came to doing just that.” Mandy giggled. “But Carla said she wanted to spend the night dancing, so here we are.” Mandy added with a dramatic sigh.
Carla suddenly looked worried again when she saw the predatory look Chrissy and Amy gave each other before looking up at Carla. “I was only teasing you baby.” Carla said looking at Mandy, just to have a reason to not look at Chrissy and Amy, but when he looked back at the two of them sat next to their wife’s, Chrissy and Amy were still sat grinning up at Carla.
The sound of the doorbell broke the moment; Mandy turned and left the room to answer it. She knew it was going to be Vicky, so she just opened it to let her into the house.
“Hi Vicky.” Mandy smiled happily as she let Vicky enter the house.
“Hi Mandy, I trust everyone is ready?” Vicky asked as she gave Mandy a quick hug.
Mandy turned around to see that all the others had got up and followed her out into the hallway so they could get to the club.
Vicky was in a minibus tonight with one of the hotel drivers behind the wheel. Jenna was sat in the first set of seats behind the driver when all the girls got out there.
“Jenna!” Chrissy shouted as she got in the minibus and gave Jenna a big hug. “Cathleen’s letting you have a night out?” Chrissy asked with a grin.
“Hi everyone, yes she is. I left her decorating cakes in the kitchen with Mable and Holly.” Jenna smiled. “Holly and Greg are both amazing with her.” Jenna added.
Everyone had got on the minibus while Chrissy and Jenna spoke, so Vicky was soon taking the empty seat next to Jenna, and the driver pulled out the driveway again, heading off towards the club.
“I can see where you get your talent for cooking from Chrissy.” Jenna smiled as she turned in the seat to look at Chrissy sat in the set of seats behind her with Becky sat beside her.
“That’s one of the things I’m not sad about learning, with not going out much growing up.” Chrissy smiled back as she thought about all the time she’d spent helping her mum in the kitchen growing up.
“I hear you’ve got another hidden talent as well.” Jenna said with a grin. “And I’m not talking about the makeup artist part either.” Jenna added when she saw the puzzled look on Chrissy’s face.
“I have no idea what that could be Jenna.” Chrissy said, still not sure what Jenna was getting at.
“Vicky was telling me that you were trying to put Brad out of a job last night.” Jenna said with a grin.
“Oh that.” Chrissy said with a roll of her eyes. “Brad’s job is safe. I didn’t like the uniform, and the other bouncers weren’t happy about my idea to change it, and add some pink.” Chrissy added as she looked at Brad sat next to Ann.
The look on Brad’s face said it all and this set everyone off in fits of giggles. “Pink really isn’t my colour.” Brad said in his defence, but even he had to chuckle at the thought of seeing some of the other guys wearing pink polo shirts. Brad thought Frank would work naked before wearing anything pink.
The minibus pulled into the drive at Sara’s house and Vicky got out and walked over to the front door. Sara was soon stepping out the house looking as stunning as she always did. Chrissy smiled when she saw Sara almost running out to the minibus. This Sara was very different to the Sara she’d first met when they were sorting out the wedding dresses for her and Becky’s wedding. That Sara never left the house due to her once being raped and then being left thinking she was the one to blame for it.
Sara jumped into the minibus and made a b-line straight for Chrissy and hugged her first, just like she always did. Chrissy wondered if Sara still saw her as the reason for the life she now had. No one ever spoke about the reason for Sara not leaving her house before she met Chrissy, but they all thought the same thing when they saw Sara hug Chrissy.
“Hi Sara. Why do you always save the best dresses for yourself?” Chrissy asked, as they broke the hug, so she could take a better look at the sexy red dress Sara was wearing.
“This old thing? It was the first thing I could find to wear.” Sara said dismissively with a wave of her hand as she took a seat just across from Chrissy and Becky.
The strange sound that sounded like a snigger coming from Amber’s direction said that this was anything but an old dress Sara had on now.
“Thanks Amber.” Sara said with a cheeky grin. “Remind me never to trust you with any big secrets.” Sara added giggling.
“Don’t tell me you and Cathy have been arguing again?” Chrissy asked looking worried about the reason for Sara trying to impress Cathy.
“No, Cathy and I are doing just fine.” Sara said with a hurt look. “I just wanted to look nice for my wife.” Sara added with a grin now.
“Mission accomplished. I just hope you weren’t planning on being out long.” Chrissy giggled. “Cathy will be taking you straight back home again when she sees you in that sexy little number.” Chrissy added as she looked up and down the red dress Sara had on.
Sara was happy that they all liked her dress; this was a big step for her. Sara normally stuck to trouser suits when she went out, but this was a much better look for her.
Cathy was working late, just like she always did on a Saturday, so she was going to meet Sara at the club once she got finished at the changing service. Cathy knew that Sara was in safe hands with Chrissy and the others.
Once at the club, Brad jumped out and then helped all the others get out the minibus before closing the door so the driver could return to the hotel. He’d be back later to take them all home again.
Everyone waited until Chrissy and Amy had done their normal look up and down the street and across the road to make sure they weren’t missing someone watching them. Not because they were paranoid, but because they didn’t want to miss another poor soul like Amy being left out in the cold feeling unloved and lost. It was clear, just like it always was, so they entered the club and made their way up to the VIP section.
Chrissy could see some of the girls pointing at her and then whispering in their friends ears. She had a pretty good idea it was to do with how she dealt with that man the night before, but she wasn’t bothered about it too much. Chrissy thought it would be good to let everyone know that Becky was a look but don’t touch item from now on.
“I think you’re being talked about baby.” Becky leaned over and whispered in Chrissy’s ear.
“I kind of expected it after last night.” Chrissy said in a matter of fact way as she walked arm in arm with Becky through the club.
“Doesn’t it bother you knowing that everyone is looking at the two of us?” Becky asked with a little surprise in her voice.
“No, not at all.” Chrissy smiled as she looked at Becky. “I want everyone to know that I’m going to be fighting for you from now on. No more running away or hiding when I think we have a problem.” Chrissy said with a grin this time. “I feel sorry for anyone that tries to come between us, or hurt you.” Chrissy stopped walking and turned Becky to face her, then Chrissy kissed her very deeply in the middle of the club, still with everyone looking at them.
“I’ve never wanted anybody else baby, and I never will.” Becky said with a raspy breath, as she tried to get her heart under control again and her breath back. Becky liked this new side to Chrissy, very take charge and do as I say.
Once Becky had herself under control again, she led Chrissy the rest of the way to the VIP section. Brad had already relieved Mark and was stood with Ann at his side. Becky nodded to them both as she walked past pulling Chrissy along behind her. Carla, Mandy, Jayden, Sara, Amy and Amber had already gone up the stairs while Chrissy and Becky had stopped to kiss each other.
Jayden was stood with her arms wrapped around Kara’s neck as they kissed each other in a form of greeting. Carla and Mandy had taken a seat at the sofas. Sara was also sat on one of the sofas with her arms wrapped around Cathy. Amy and Amber were stood talking to Jo and another girl Chrissy and Becky had never seen before.
“Well if it isn’t little miss bad ass.” Jo said with a grin as she looked at Chrissy and Becky walking towards her.
“Hi Jo, I think I have quite a cute ass if you must know.” Chrissy said as she turned to wiggle her bottom at Jo with a giggle. “I guess you heard about last night then?” Chrissy asked with a smile.
“You bet I heard about it.” Jo said as she gave Chrissy and Becky a hug. “Vic called me this morning and told me the whole story. He even said Becky had it on video as well.” Jo added grinning at Becky.
“Yep got the whole thing on disk, would you like a copy?” Becky asked.
“Yes please Becky.” Jo pleaded. “I told Dan you’d use them moves if I showed them to you.” Jo added as she looked at Chrissy again.
“Speaking of Dan, you having a night out without him?” Chrissy asked. “And who’s your friend?” Chrissy asked looking around Jo at the girl Chrissy had seen Jo stood with next to Amy and Amber..
Chrissy could see that the girl was really a man, but it was nothing new for Chrissy to see here at the club, and Chrissy treated them all the same. She even got asked by some of them to help do their makeup better most nights she was here.
“Funny you should mention Dan, Chrissy.” Jo smiled. “You see he was foolish enough to make a bet with me when I showed you some of them moves you used last night on that guy who slapped Becky’s backside.” Jo added, grinning now.
“What kind of a bet?” Chrissy asked with a puzzled look, not wanting to think about that man slapping Becky’s bottom.
“He bet me that if you ever used any of them moves, he’d let me take him to get a makeover with Cathy, then he’d let me bring him here for a night of dancing and having fun with you girl’s.” Jo giggled. “So I’d like you to all meet Danni.” Jo added as she turned to wave a hand up and down her friend’s body.
“Dan! Is that really you?” Chrissy asked as she took a closer look at the Girl that had been stood next to Jo, and was now stood with Amy and Amber.
Dan didn’t make the most beautiful woman, but Cathy had done an amazing job with what she had to work with. Dan was now sporting a nice set of breasts glued on and concealed by the looks of it. He also had long pink finger nails to make his hands look more feminine. Cathy had also used a corset and padding to give him a nice sexy shape, and he was wearing a beautiful blue cocktail dress and matching heels that looked to have a three inch heel on them. He was also sporting long red hair and perfect makeup.
“Hi Chrissy, guess I should have known better than to make a stupid bet against you.” Dan said with a shrug. “Nice work by the way. I’m glad Jo’s training helped you out.” Dan added with a smile.
Chrissy found it strange to hear Dan’s voice coming out of this woman’s mouth. “Sorry you lost the bet Dan. I wouldn’t have done anything if I’d known.” Chrissy said with a sad smile.
“Don’t worry about it Chrissy and the name’s Danni tonight.” Dan said with a grin. He leaned forward and put his lips close to Chrissy’s ear before he whispered to her. “I think it’s kind of sexy being dressed like this, Jo can’t keep her hands off me.” Dan was grinning even more when he moved his head away.
“What did he just tell you?” Jo asked.
“Nothing much Jo, just some girl talk.” Chrissy smiled at Jo before looking back at Dan and winking at him. “But I will say that we may be seeing Danni a little more often in the future.” Chrissy added as she went back to hugging Becky while they stood talking.
Jo wrapped her arms around Dan and smiled at him. “Will you really come out as Danni again?” Jo asked.
“I might, its fun so far. I do like the feel of the clothes.” Dan said as he ran his hand down his side, feeling the shape of the corset and letting his hand run down over his flared out hip and then down to his stocking covered leg that was showing through the slit running up one side of the dress.
“I know I could get used to seeing you dressed like this a little more.” Jo purred just before planting a kiss on his lips. Jo liked the way her lips stuck to his due to all the lipstick they were both wearing.
Danni was still unsteady on the heels, but Chrissy. Amy, Becky and Amber had him walking up and down the VIP section until he had a sexy little walk going, then they all decided to go for a walk around the club, so Jo could show off her new girlfriend. Jo had also had a makeover by Cathy, and she too looked really hot tonight. Jo was more a jeans a T-shirt sort of girl, so seeing her out in a sexy little purple dress was a shock to Chrissy and the other’s, but she knew how to work it when she had it on show.
None of the other girl’s or guys in the club even came close to touching any of the girl’s bottoms. Chrissy and the others had worked out word must have gotten around the club.
Carla had sat and smiled as she watched Becky leave the VIP section with Chrissy on her arm and being followed by Jo, Danni, Jayden, Kara, Amy and Amber. “You really out did yourself this time Cathy. Danni looks amazing.” Carla said as she turned to look at Cathy sat facing her with Sara cuddled up next to her.
“Thanks Carla. Dan was a good sport about it all, I’ll give him that.” Cathy smiled. “I got the feeling he liked the feel of the clothes as well.” Cathy added with a knowing look at Carla.
“Do you think he’ll dress as Danni again then after tonight?” Sara asked as she looked up from where her head was resting on Cathy’s shoulder.
“I’m sure he’ll come up with another silly reason to make a bet with Jo, just so he can lose it.” Carla chuckled.
“So it’s true then? Chrissy really did set some guy straight about how to treat a lady?” Cathy asked. She’d heard some of the girls talking while she did their makeovers, but thought it was all just people making something small out to be bigger than it really was.
“Yes it’s all true Cathy. We’ve all watched the video of it.” Carla said as she looked at Mandy to back her up.
“Yes Chrissy really did tackle some guy to the ground.” Mandy said looking shocked by it all still.
“She tackled him to the ground?” Cathy asked looking surprised with what Mandy just said.
“Well not tackled, but she did something with the man’s hand then twisted his arm up behind his back before forcing him down on his knees so she could talk into his ear.” Mandy corrected herself.
“Chrissy did all that?” Sara asked with an amazed look on her face. “Where did she learn to do that?” Sara asked.
“Jo and Dan showed her and Amy a couple of things.” Cathy said. “Dan said Jo was wasting her time showing them anything, as they would never use any of it. Jo made a bet they would, and as you can see, he lost.” Cathy added.
“Do you think they could show me some of them move’s as well?” Sara asked looking hopeful.
“I’m sure they would Sara, but why would you want to learn anything like that?” Carla asked looking puzzled as to why she would put herself in a position to need them.
“You know why Carla.” Sara shot back at her. “I hope I never need to use any of it, but it would be nice to have the option.” Sara added in a much calmer voice this time.
“Okay, I can see your point.” Carla put her hands up as a sigh of surrender. “I’ll have a word with Jo and Dan, and set up a date for them to start showing you. I’m sure some of the others will want to join you as well, now they’ve seen Chrissy in action.” Carla added with a grin to lighten the mood again. It worked because Cathy and Sara both started grinning as well.
Mandy wanting to change the subject pointed out the sexy red dress Sara was wearing because Cathy hadn’t said anything about it, and Mandy could see that Sara was a little upset about that. “I really do love that dress Sara.”
“Thanks Mandy, I’m glad someone thinks I look good in it.” Sara replied with a sigh. “Sometimes I think I waste my time coming up with theses dresses for myself.” Sara added as she looked around the club and then at Mandy and Carla again. She looked everywhere except at Cathy.
“I was waiting until we were alone to tell you how sexy I think you look tonight.” Cathy said with a hurt look. “You know I love to see you in red my love.” Cathy added, just before leaning over to kiss her.
Sara wrapped her arms around the back of Cathy’s head and kissed her back. “You should never wait to let your wife know how good she looks.” Sara smiled when they broke the kiss.
“I’ll remember that for next time.” Cathy smiled back as she ran her tongue across her lips to taste Sara’s lipstick still on them.
“What makes you think they’ll be a next time?” Sara asked with a little grin showing at the corners of her mouth.
“With you baby, there will always be a next time.” Cathy said just before kissing her again.
Becky had done a walk around the main club and was just leading the others back to the VIP section when a song came on that she knew Chrissy, Amy and Amber loved, so she wasn’t surprised to find herself being pulled towards the dance floor by Chrissy.
Danni looked worried when she found herself being pulled along behind the others by Jo. Dan couldn’t dance, so the chances of a dress and heels suddenly making Danni a good dancer were impossible.
“There was nothing in the bet about me trying to dance Jo.” Danni said as she was dragged along. Dan was still finding it odd having the extra weight bouncing up and down on his chest, but he did like the feel of it still.
“The bet was for you to have a makeover and be my girlfriend for the evening.” Jo shouted back at him over the music as they got onto the dance floor. “And my girlfriends like to dance.” Jo added with a grin.
Danni could see that Jo was having fun, and she looked really happy, so he took a deep breath and then started moving around like Jo and the others were. Jo gave him a smile and a nod to let him know he was doing fine, which made him relax even more and he started having fun.
They all stayed on the dance floor for a couple more song and then went back to the VIP section to have a drink and a sit down.
“How do you people walk around on these things all the time?” Danni asked as she went to take her heels off, but Jo stopped her.
“Years of practice babe, and you need more of it, so leave them on.” Jo said as she slapped his hands away and made her sit back so she could cuddle.
Jenna was sat on one of the other sofas cuddled up to Vicky; they had joined them on the dance floor and were now taking a break and enjoying a drink as well. Jenna had some sort of a cocktail and Vicky had a glass of cola.
They hadn’t been sat their long when they saw Brad and Mark enter the VIP section with a couple of men in suits enter just behind them. The men looked out of place as they both looked around with shocked open mouths.
Brad walked over to where Becky was sat with Chrissy and bent down to tell her something. “Hi boss, sorry to bother you, but these two police officers need to have a word with Chrissy about what happened last night.” Brad said looking worried. Brad had said it loud enough for everyone to hear, and they all had worried looks on their faces now as well.
Becky kept a calm look on her face as she spoke. “We’ll talk in my office then. Follow me please.” Becky got up off the sofa and then helped Chrissy to her feet before leading the way to the office.
Carla got up and also followed them, but she gestured for the others to stay where they were. Becky had sat Chrissy down on the sofa in the office by the time Carla got in there. Brad and Mark had also followed Becky and the officers into the room, but they were stood off to one side.
“What’s all this about?” Becky asked with some anger in her voice. “My wife has done nothing wrong.” Becky added.
The two police officers looked a little shocked to hear Becky refer to Chrissy as her wife, but given the club they were in, they didn’t dwell on it for too long.
“We’re here to investigate a charge of assault. Two men have claimed they were set upon by two women and two bouncers here in this club last night and were threatened just before being assaulted by a blond haired woman.” The first officer said.
“We assaulted them?” Chrissy shouted. “One of them slapped my wife’s bottom and I stopped him.” Chrissy added sounding angry.
“Calm down baby.” Becky said as she sat down next to Chrissy and wrapped her arms around her to stop her from shaking.
“So you admit to assaulting one of the two men then miss?” The second officer asked.
“She didn’t assault him. She just stopped him from doing anything else to her wife.” Brad said through gritted teeth.
“It doesn’t matter how you put it sir, she still assaulted him, and so I’m going to have to ask you to come with us for further questioning.” The second officer said.
Becky wrapped her arms around Chrissy even tighter when she heard him say that. Becky was just about to speak when she heard Carla’s voice.
“What is the charge for wasting police time?” Carla asked. “Do you like having your time wasted? Because that is what these two men have done, and I can prove it right now in this room.” Carla added in a calm voice as she walked over to the desk and picked up a remote and pointed in towards the far wall.
The officers watched as a large TV screen slid down from the ceiling. Carla then sat at the desk and started typing on the keyboard until the TV screen was showing eight different views of the club from the night before.
“After having some trouble a couple of weeks back, we had the video system for monitoring the club updated so we could bring charges against anyone trying to spike or drug another club member. So we caught the whole incident on video last night. Carla added as she brought up the view they had all watched earlier at home.
Carla had started running the video from where the first man had grabbed the girl’s bottom and had the drink thrown at him, and then let it play on as you saw Becky and Chrissy arrive to sort out the problem. Then they watched as the second man slapped Becky’s bottom, and then Chrissy grabbed his fingers and bent them back before twisting his hand around and up behind his back.
“Now I’m no lawyer, but I’d say if anyone was assaulted here last night, it would have been Becky.” Carla said in a calm but firm voice. “I can make a quick call and have my lawyer down here to prove me right, or you can leave and do whatever you want with the two men that have wasted your time this evening.” Carla added with a smile.
“Would it be possible to get a copy of this?” The first office said looking upset that his time had been wasted by some drunken slob with no respect for women. “I’m sorry we wasted your time miss, and we’d be happy to press charges against the two men if you want us too.” He added looking worried that this could blow up in his face if he didn’t play it right.
“No, I don’t want to press charges.” Becky said with a sigh, Happy that is wasn’t going to end up with Chrissy being arrested. “Please just show the men what happened and let them know that I won’t be pressing charges.” Becky added as she went back to hugging Chrissy again.
“I think once they see this video, they will just want to forget the whole thing.” The officer said with a chuckle. “Getting dropped like that by such a little thing isn’t something I’d want anyone to know about.” He added with even more chuckles.
“I hope you show a little more respect to women than they did in the first place.” Carla said with a stern look at the two officers.
Becky had a new found respect for Carla and Carl after what she just saw. The fact that she was talking to the police didn’t seem to face her one bit. Carla was almost talking down to them like they had tried to do to Chrissy and Becky when they first entered the office.
“Once again I’m sorry we wasted your time, and I hope we haven’t spoiled your evening.” The first officer said as he took the DVD off Carla and then left the office as quick as he could with his partner close behind. Brad and Mark followed the two men out the office to make sure they left right away and didn’t start any other trouble on the way.
“Thank you Carla.” Chrissy said in a shaky voice as she gripped hold of Becky. “I thought I was going to be arrested and locked up for protecting you.” Chrissy added as she finally started crying.
“I don’t think Brad and Mark were going to let them do that Chrissy.” Carla said with a chuckle. “They both stepped forward when the officer said he would have to take you in for questioning.” Carla added.
“I’m glad we got it all on video Carla, or I don’t know what they would have done.” Becky said as she rocked back and forth with Chrissy still sobbing into her chest while she calmed down.
“It wouldn’t have gone far Becky. I’d have just paid the two men off and brought it to an end that way.” Carla said with a shrug as she got up from behind the desk and walked over to help Becky and Chrissy stand up again.
“But they wouldn’t have deserved it Carla.” Becky said looking angry again.
“I know that Becky, but without that video, and with what Chrissy said, they would have a case against her, and even if they lost in court, Chrissy would still end up with her name and face in the paper.” Carla pointed out. “It also wouldn’t take long for someone at the paper to dig up Chrissy’s past and then they would never stop digging,” Carla pulled the two girls in closer for a hug as she said it.
“Always looking out for us aren’t you big sister.” Becky said as she let Carla hug her and Chrissy.
The moment was broken when the office door flew open and Mandy, Amy, Amber, Jayden, Kara, Sara, Cathy, Jenna, Vicky and Ann all come flying into the room. Carla broke the hug and took a step back as she watched Mandy and Amy run over to make sure Chrissy and Becky were okay.
Carla explained what the officers had come for and they all took turns hugging the two girls until Chrissy felt calm enough to fix her makeup and return to the VIP section to have a drink.
Chrissy seemed quiet for a little bit after she returned to the VIP section, but she was soon being dragged back down to the dance floor with Amy, and she seemed to forget about all the trouble from earlier.
Becky was grateful that Amy was there to help pull Chrissy out of her mood, but Amy was always able to make Chrissy laugh, just like Chrissy could make others laugh when they didn’t feel like it.
By the end of the night Jo had worn Danni out and finally let her take the shoes off as she was having trouble walking in them.
“I’m sorry you lost your bet Danni, but I do hope we see you here again, and I hope you had some fun with us.” Chrissy smiled as she gave first Danni a hug, and then Jo.
“I had a really good time letting my hair down, and I got to see a whole new side to Jo as well.” Danni said with a grin. “I’m glad you were able to use what Jo taught you as well, so don’t feel bad about all this.” Danni added in a firm voice as he waved his hand up and down his female looking body.
“The night’s not over yet my little sexy kitten.” Jo purred as she wrapped her arms around him and then kissed him.
Jo gave all the girls a hug before dragging Danni over to a car and driver, Carla had set up to take the two of them back to Jo’s place. Cathy had also given the driver a large black sports bag to put in the car as well. Chrissy gathered that it must have had all of Dan’s male clothes in, and the stuff he would need to remove the breast forms and wig.
The minibus pulled up outside the club and everyone got in so they could go back to Mandy’s house. Brad and Carla were stopping the night, and Sara, Cathy, Vicky and Jenna were going to be dropped off on the way. Brad was stopping the night so he could get an early start on setting up the bouncy castle and the barbecue. Ann had other plans for him though before then.
Kara would be stopping the night with Jayden, before Callum’s return in the morning so he could also help Brad with sorting out the tables and other stuff, while Jayden helped out in the kitchen.
To Be Continued Soon 
Story by SaraUK
Edited and Posted by SamanthaK
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Sadly this is all too common
... skunks counter accusing people who defend themselves.
OTOH, Chrissy is starting to grow up and she is beginning to discover she can be strong.
Thank you Sara! :)
Another enjoyable chapter as
Another enjoyable chapter as always, I'm amazed the men from the night before tried to get Chrissy arrested, I would have thought the embarrasment of telling police two small women attacked them would have put them off, some miscreants never learn.
Wonder if the officers will have them for wasting police time or if they'll leave cause of too muchcpaperwork lol
Looking forward to more
Lizzie :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
Thanks Sara
I'm looking forward to the barbecue and Brad's proposal.
As good as always!
I like Chrissy's new attitude too! Nice how Carl had her back-what cool friends!
Thank you so much, Sara!
You Have it All Wrong Three - Part 23 By SaraUK
Police everywhere hate it when cads use the system to hurt those that stopped their [the cads] stupidity.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine