In Love with a Tall Girl - Part 6

In Love with a Tall Girl
Part 6
An original story by Julia Miller

Chapter 6


My alarm went off, jolting me awake. Usually, I am awake before it sounds, but I had a full day yesterday with Sandra, and I slept soundly. We were back together, and only my stupidity had caused the breakup in the first place. I had to admit that it didn’t matter that she was once a man. She is all woman now, and what a woman. Every time I am out with her, she impresses the heck out of me.
The only thing that was concerning me was Trudy. What was she trying to accomplish this time? I had to call her up to get to the bottom of this.

I got up, started the coffee, and made a few pancakes for myself. After taking a shower and getting dressed, I took my phone and called Trudy using the number from my call display yesterday. I listened to it ring, and then I was forwarded to voicemail. I received a message reporting voicemail was not set up, and the call ended.

I would try it again later since this number was my only link to Trudy. I gave Sandra a call to see how she was doing, and she told me she was heading for work and would call me back when she got there.

I started another pot of coffee and got to work myself, looking at my latest project. I was working on it when my phone rang, and I answered it. Sandra told me what a great time she had with me over the weekend and told me she enjoyed dinner with my children. I told her she had no end of surprises for me, and driving on the racetrack was incredible.

She mentioned that her son Tom and Jessica called after I ended our call last night, and they were going to be on a double date with my daughter Sarah and son George. The kids have taken a shine to each other, and I am happy they are all getting along together.

“The only thing that worries me, Sandra, is my ex-wife Trudy. I don’t understand what she is up to, so please be careful.”

Sandra assured me that she would be vigilant and keep an eye out for anything that looked suspicious.

We talked together a bit longer. I heard someone come into Sandra’s office, and she told me she had to go. We both said goodbye and ended the call.

I kept busy with my project for the rest of the day. I took a lunch break to make a sandwich and ended the day after working the afternoon. My phone rang, and it was Sandra. Would you like to meet somewhere for dinner? Nothing fancy.

We met up at the Crackerbee’s and enjoyed a simple dinner there. Once again, it seemed like we couldn’t get enough of each other. We talked together until 11 pm when the manager told us they were closing for the evening. We left together, kissed goodnight in the parking lot, and we both headed home.

As much as I would love to move in with Sandra, it was still too early. We had only been seeing each other for maybe a month. But we did have that break while I was working through my insecurities. I thought it would be easier if we lived together while driving home. I would wait until Sandra brought this up, and then we would discuss it together.

I entered my condo, and my phone rang. I looked at the call display, and it looked like it was Trudy’s number. I answered the call, and it was Trudy. She apologized for missing my call earlier.

I sat down on my couch. “Trudy, what I don’t understand is why you are following me?”

“What do you mean?”

“When I left my condo yesterday, I drove by what looked like your car parked in front of my place. I didn’t think much of it until Sandra recognized you in the roadside café where we ate lunch Sunday. She said you were sitting right behind me, and she recognized you from a photo I had on my fireplace.”

Trudy paused, “That must have been someone else she saw, Robert. It wasn’t me.”

“Look, Trudy, I don’t know what kind of game you are playing here, but I don’t appreciate you following us like a stalker. I want to impress upon you that I have zero desire to ever get back in a relationship with you again. We were together in what I thought was a good marriage, and then you unilaterally decided you wanted to divorce me, and you turned my life upside down, so I have no desire ever to see you again.”

“Do you understand me, Trudy? There is no us! Would you please leave us alone? You wanted someone else in your life instead of me, so find them, but leave me out of it.”

I heard a click on the phone as Trudy ended the call. I hoped I had maybe gotten through to her, but I wasn’t so sure.


I woke up around 6:30 am and made myself some coffee. I made a couple of eggs with toast for breakfast and looked at the news on my laptop while I ate my breakfast. I cleaned up the kitchen, showered, and got ready for work. I went downstairs, walked to the back of my place, and went outside to get in my car.
I froze in my tracks, and I was stunned while looking at my car. Someone had taken a can of yellow spray paint and painted words like bitch, slut, and cunt all over my car. As well, they slashed all four tires. My car wasn’t going anywhere today.

I looked around and didn’t notice anyone outside. I quickly went back inside my home and called the police to report the vandalism. I had lived here for the last four years, and nothing like this had ever happened to me before. I thought about Robert’s ex-wife, and I bet that bitch did it or paid someone to do this.
I called up Robert to tell him what had happened, and he was as shocked as I was. When I told him I thought it was Trudy, he sighed. You are probably right, and if so, she has gone off the deep end. I told him the police were coming over and were going to investigate. I got Trudy’s phone number from Robert, not that I would call her, but I wanted to give it to the police. I told Robert the police had arrived and said goodbye.

I showed the police the car, and they looked around, took photos of the scene, and found a nearby empty spray can, which they picked up for evidence. They also called a tow truck to take the car away for repairs. I gave them Trudy’s number and told them she was the ex-wife of my new boyfriend, and we had seen her following us over the weekend. I couldn’t prove it was her, but I asked them to give her a call, so she might be scared off from doing anything further.
I called up work and explained to my boss what had happened, and my car was out of commission. I said I had to take the day off to take care of a few things here.

I looked at my open carport and realized it had no security at all, and I wondered if I could beef things up. I called up a local contractor, informed him of my situation, told him that I wanted to secure my carport, and asked him to give me options. He promised to come down later to look at it and see what he could advise me. I then called a security company and made an appointment to get a home security system and cameras for my carport and front door.

I also called up my insurance, started the claim, and told them to arrange for me to get a rental car while my Porsche was in the shop getting repaired. The Eurosport Autobody shop called me back and told me they would remove the spray paint since the vehicle was not damaged otherwise, except for the tires, which would all need replacements.

I spent the rest of the day getting quotes for my carport and security system work. The contractor figured he could install a steel rolldown door at the end of my carport and could fill in the sides and top with enameled steel siding to keep anyone from getting at my car. He would also fill in the space above the vehicle to be waterproof. I gave him the go-ahead, as I didn’t want Trudy to be able to get at my car again.

The security system would also have video recording and monitoring as well. My house would have all windows and doors on the basement and first and second floors monitored with opening and glass break sensors. When I was away, there were also motion detectors inside.

I called up Robert, and we made a dinner date for 6 pm. I got ready for our date and asked him to pick me up earlier since I hadn’t gotten a rental car yet, and I needed to stop over at a car rental place to pick one up. Robert was by early, and I kissed him, and he took me over to the car rental place, where I picked up a car and followed him over to the restaurant. We sat down at the restaurant together, and we ordered some wine. I showed Robert the photos of the damage to my car, and he agreed that it was Trudy.

“Robert, if she thinks she can scare me away, it’s not going to work. If she wants to play hardball, she had better watch out.”

“I don’t know what to do about this, Sandra. She called me back last night, and I told her to leave us alone, and this is the answer we got from her. I think she has lost it, but I don’t know what we can do. We could get a restraining order if she threatened either of us verbally, but she has played this calmly so far.”

“What is bizarre is that Trudy had not contacted me before I met you, and I hadn’t heard a thing from her until we started dating. I don’t know if that set her off or something else happened in her personal life. I suspected she was having an affair with someone else, though I have no idea who she was seeing.”

“Anyway, let’s talk about something else. Both my son and daughter called me today, and they both told me how much they enjoyed their dates with your kids. My son George is older than your daughter Jessica by a year, and my daughter Sarah is younger than your son Tom. They all have set another date together tonight, and I think they will be an item from the looks of things. I can’t believe how well they seem to be enjoying each other’s company. I think they are finding out they have the same chemistry that we have with each other.”

I laughed and said, “I agree. Our kids enjoy each other’s company. We don’t know the future, but if they like each other as well as we do, who knows what will happen?”

“I do want to discuss something else with you, Robert. While I am getting the work done on my carport to make the parking spot more secure, I wondered if I could stay at your place for a couple of days. I am also having a new security system installed. It’s not that I am afraid of Trudy; I don’t want to make it easy for her to vandalize my car before my carport is secure.

Robert smiled at me and said, “I was hoping you would ask me this, and although we are getting together because of Trudy, I don’t mind you staying over at my place in the least.

After a delightful dinner, we both drove back to my home, and I packed a suitcase of things to last me for a week at Robert’s place. I locked up my place and followed Robert over to his condo into his secure parking. I unpacked my things since Robert was only using a fraction of his closet, and he had some coffee ready for us when I finished unpacking.

We chatted for an hour, started kissing each other, and then went into the bedroom. We helped each other out of our clothes, and we both enjoyed the rest of the evening pleasing each other. Every time we had sex together, Robert gained more experience with me. He kept me in a high of an almost constant state of orgasmic bliss for an hour. I found that if I sucked off Robert at the beginning, he could work me up again just using his fingers and his tongue, and by the time he was again hard, he had staying power to fuck me for at least a half-hour. I lost count of my orgasms since they never seemed to stop.

I thought back to something Robert had told me. Trudy didn’t like his cock, and she must have been a lesbian since he was fantastic with it. Trudy was also someone that confused me. Why would she want to get back together with Robert? It made no sense.

“Oh! Fuck!” I then thought, “Another orgasm! Can’t think; Must enjoy.”

“Oh! God! Fuck me harder! Oh yes! Harder! Please! OH! FUCK!”

Robert had finally exploded inside me after he had utterly exhausted me at this point. I lay on my back as he slowly kissed me. I could barely move, and I felt I was after-glowing since I felt red hot.

“That - was - fantastic.” I just lay there panting.

Robert turned out the lights and kissed me goodnight, and I just drifted off to sleep in my bliss.

I woke up the following morning, and Robert was already up, and I could hear him in the kitchen. I put on my robe and went into the bathroom to freshen up and brush my teeth. When I came into the kitchen, Robert had just finished a batch of French toast. We kissed good morning, and we sat and ate breakfast with some coffee.

After breakfast, we both took a shower together. We managed to work the kinks out of each other, and I only orgasmed twice. We dried each other off, got dressed for work, and were off. Robert gave me a key for his place and a remote to open the parkade door.

We went down to the parking level, and I followed him out. Work was uneventful, I received calls from my contractor, and he was able to modify my parking spot and add the bits to make things more secure for my car. He had also let the security company into my townhome, and they installed a new alarm system complete with indoor and outdoor cameras and a video recorder. They sent me a detailed email on setting up things at my end. I installed an app on my smartphone, and it would notify me of any intrusion into my home, and I could access the cameras from the app as well.

I called Robert from work and told him the contractor fixed up my carport, along with a new alarm system, but they were still working on my car in the shop. I thought I only needed to stay another night at his place if he didn’t mind.

Robert sounded disappointed that I would leave his place tomorrow to go back home. I told him, how about we go out for dinner tonight? I can meet up with you downtown, and we can go to the Crackerbee’s again. I still had a couple of things to do at work, so I told him I could meet him around 7 pm.

I finished up at work and drove downtown. I found a side street to park on and walked towards the restaurant when I heard a couple of men laughing behind me.

One of them said, “Hey, look at this one in front of us. That bitch must be a tranny. Look how tall she is.”

I started to walk a little faster.

I heard those guys say, “Yah, that bitch must be a tranny; look at the way she walks just like a guy.”

At this point, I started to run towards the restaurant, but they soon overtook me, and they grabbed my arms. I was getting scared, and one of the thugs put his hand over my mouth. They dragged me into a nearby alleyway, and I went into action at this point. I bit the guy’s hand, who covered my mouth and kicked the other one in the shin. I started screaming my head off and fought them back. One of them punched me in the face, and I fell to the ground. They both started kicking me, and I continued to scream as loud as possible. Suddenly one of them went flying into a wall and was knocked senseless. The other one soon joined him.

I looked up, and Robert was standing there, breathing heavily while holding what looked like a long piece of wood in his hand. He helped me up and asked me if I was ok, and I told him I was sore all over. He had already called 9 1 1 and was talking to them. The police arrived a couple of minutes later, and the two thugs were still both unconscious. The cops pulled them both up, handcuffed them, and took them away.

An ambulance soon arrived, and they took me into it and examined me. My face was cut and bleeding, and I had a black eye, where one of those bastards had punched me. They told me that I might have broken ribs and wanted to take me to the hospital. They drove me over to the ER and took me in. Robert wasn’t far behind and joined me in the waiting room.

I didn’t know if Trudy worked at this hospital, but I didn’t see her. The ER nurse came out and got me to fill out some forms, and they took me into imaging to take a few X-Rays. A doctor examined me afterward. He asked what had happened. I told him that a couple of thugs mugged me, and my boyfriend knocked the crap out of them. The doctor examined my x-rays and told me I had no broken bones, but I would be sore for a few days from all the trauma my body had received. They told me to take a few days off my feet to recover.

The police showed up to take our statements. I told the police that the two thugs walked up behind me and started calling me a tranny as I approached the restaurant. They overtook me and pulled me into an alleyway when I tried to run away. I fought back as best I could and started screaming as loudly as I was able to attract attention. My boyfriend must have heard me, and he ran in and rescued me from them, or things would have been a lot worse for me.

They didn’t seem to want to rob me, but they did want to beat me up, which I considered strange. The police asked me if I had any idea who may have wanted me beaten up. I told the police I suspected my boyfriend’s ex-wife, as she had been stalking me too. I then told them of the previous day’s vandalism to my car, and I thought someone may have paid those guys to attack me.

Robert told them that he had parked behind my car and walked towards the restaurant when he heard screams coming from the alleyway. There was a broken shipping pallet at the end of the alley, and he pulled a piece of wood from it. Robert slowly walked down the alleyway and made out two men assaulting me. He charged them and swung the wood into the side of one guy’s head, and sent him flying. The other guy was so intent on kicking me he didn’t see Robert take a swing at him, and he went flying too.

Robert told them about his ex-wife stalking us, and I thought she probably had something to do with this as well.

Robert took me back to his place, as I was in no condition to eat out looking the way I did. I ordered Chinese food on my phone as we headed back to Robert’s place. We had just arrived, and they rang us with the food. We enjoyed the meal, and I felt better after eating.

We relaxed and watched a movie and just cuddled for the rest of the night.
“God, Robert, I hope I won’t have to continue to look over my shoulder for creeps. I am considering arming myself with a handgun. I never thought I would go there, but we both know she was behind this attack. If Trudy kept this up, I don’t know what she will try next. Arming myself may be the only solution.”

Robert got on the phone with one of his buddies.

“One of my friends is a gun collector, and I asked him about you carrying a handgun. He told me that you need to obtain a license for a concealed weapon, and if you did so, it was legal in our state.”

I went online and made out an application.

Robert and I took the rest of the week off and told me, “I’m worried about your safety Sandra. I don’t trust that you will be safe staying alone at your townhouse. Please stay with me here for at least a couple of weeks.”

I called up and explained to the rental company where I parked my rental car, and we made arrangements with them to pick it up for us. A driver would stop by and pick up the car keys.

Robert drove me over to a gun shop the next day, and I talked with them.

I said, “I would like to buy a small handgun for personal protection with a concealed holster.”

They showed me just the thing with a small 9mm Glock 43 that would fit into a holster that I could strap to my inside thigh when wearing a dress or strap it to my ankle if I was wearing slacks. Neither of these places was ideal, but I wasn’t going to risk carrying a gun in my purse.

“Do you have a permit to carry a handgun, ma’am?”

“I applied for a concealed carry permit, and the state will mail it to me soon.”

“We have a firing range in our basement, and you can buy the gun now and try it out downstairs, but you can’t take it away until you can show us your permit to carry it.”

I bought the handgun and a few boxes of ammunition, and we went downstairs to learn how to use it. The gun seemed made for a woman with minimal recoil and was very accurate. We shot at targets for a couple of hours, and both Robert and I got pretty good with it. We were both hitting bullseyes, and then they showed us how to take the gun apart, clean it, and oil it. They threw in a cleaning kit with the gun. I felt a bit more confident afterward, and I only had to wait for the permit to arrive, and I could return to pick it up.

For a couple of weeks afterward, Robert wouldn’t let me out of his sight. My swollen black eye healed up, and makeup concealed the bruising. Robert drove me everywhere. He would take me to work and pick me up after work, calling me on the phone when he arrived out front. My permit arrived in the mail a few weeks later, and I started taking my little handgun everywhere with me. There was no way I would let anyone get the drop on me again.

We talked to the police, and they charged the thugs with assault, but they were silent during questioning, and the police couldn’t get any answers out of them. They had found a photo of me in their possession, so the cops knew the thugs had targeted me, and it wasn’t just a random mugging. The thugs also had my home address, Robert’s home address, my work address, and the plate and description of my rental car on a piece of paper.

After the prosecutors offered the thugs a plea deal, they finally gave up Trudy. Robert had given the police her picture, and they used it as a mug shot. Both thugs separately identified her as the one who hired them to quote, “Beat the shit out of me.”

Unfortunately, Trudy was missing. They found her car parked at her home, but her house was empty. She had taken leave from her work, and no one had seen her recently. The police told us a warrant was out for her arrest and if either of us saw her, call them immediately. None of her friends or family had heard from her in weeks.

Trudy’s actions had unnerved me, but I said, “Robert, I know she’s your ex-wife, but I won’t hesitate to put a bullet into her if she comes after me or anyone I love.”

Robert just shook his head and said, “It’s just so unfortunate that things have come to this. I hope she comes to her senses and stays away from us.”

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