Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 766.

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Wuthering Dormice
(aka Bike)
Part 766
by Angharad

I awoke aware that something was trying to insert itself between Simon and myself. Part of me felt irritated – I was tired. Last night had been emotionally tiring for both of us as well as rewarding. Now, all I wanted to do was sleep – but only for about a week. I tried to ignore the aliens – it was those ones who speak in a giggle language, who also have very cold feet which they shove in inconvenient places.

For a while it went quiet, then Messrs Humphrys and Naughtie* got going and suddenly I had to survive in the real world again. Next time they are giving children away, I won’t go for the buy one get one free offer – it’s too much hard work.

I came to and decided it was probably easier to leave the aliens pestering their pa, while I went and sorted out breakfast, than it was to stay there and get poked and tickled. I sloped off to the shower, maybe I’d get a few minutes peace and quiet there.

I was washing my hair, so had my eyes shut when the door opened and someone obviously entered, I felt the coolness of the draught. “Who’s that?” I asked rinsing the shampoo out of my hair.

“Mummy, can I shower with you?”

“Yes, Trish – tell me if the water’s too hot.” I felt her little body stand alongside mine and I reached for a flannel to wipe my face. “Hello, sweetie-pie.” I said and rubbed some shampoo into her hair. It was getting quite long, I’d have to ask Stella to tidy it up for her. I should really ask her to do mine as well.

“I missed you, Mummy,” she said hanging on to my waist as I washed the soap out of her tresses. Then I conditioned us both and a minute or two later rinsed that out as well.

We have a rule that we only touch the girls below the waist if there is a need, otherwise, I soap up a cloth and they wash themselves. Trish was doing this now – she was so girlish and yet her little winky dangled there contrary to what was otherwise so manifest. I needed to take her to see her shrink again soon, I’d have to check that date when I went downstairs.

We towelled off and dressed. The others had gone back to sleep, so it was just Trish and me, along with Tom, who had breakfast. It was only half past seven when we’d finished, and I dug Livvie out of the bed and after processing her in the shower, got her dried and dressed.

“Do we have to go to school, Mummy?” she asked in a whiney sort of voice which was unusual for her.

“Yes, you know you do, you’ve already missed a couple or more days, so be thankful for small mercies.”

“Where’s Trish?” she asked suddenly realising that her sister wasn’t with her.

“Finishing her breakfast with Grampa Tom.”

She yawned as I brushed her air and dried it, before putting it into a ponytail. She had lovely hair, thick and strong. My own was quite good, but Livvie’s was something else, better than Trish’s and even hers was pretty thick. Then there was Mima, hers was dark as coal and grew like weeds.

As far as I knew, Mima and Simon were still in bed when I took the girls to school. It made me feel very sad when they trotted off clutching their lunch boxes. However, I had loads to do, so I didn’t linger with my emotions and instead drove straight back home and got stuck into the housework.

Simon and Meems deigned to visit with us a short time after Stella and Puddin’ came down, which was a few minutes after I’d started the vacuum cleaner. It was half past nine, if Tom could get off his sick bed before then, surely the others could, too.

Simon was very quiet, almost subdued in his manner. He was still courteous and polite as usual, but even Stella avoided her usual barbs with him. He clearly had something on his mind. I left him to think about it and went back to vacuuming everything that wasn’t screwed down. An hour later, I’d visited every room, and was busy stripping beds according to my usual rota. This was followed by loading the washing machine and starting to think if we needed bread – we did, so I filled the machine and set it going.

“Stel, can you have a look at the girls’ hair when they come back from school?”

“What, a tidy up?”

“If you could?”

“Yeah, no problemo.” She grabbed Meems and marched her off to the kitchen, a quarter of an hour later, she came back trimmed – not much, but I could see how much tidier it looked. I thanked her and made some tea.

Simon went up to shower and reluctantly took Meems up with him. He was a little unsure about showering with a little girl with him. In the end I sent him off to shower and I did her when he’d finished. I dried her and her hair; Stella had given it a lovely shape. She was actually a very good cutter of hair.

Meems went off to play with her Grampa, so I was able to get Simon to one side. “Are you going to tell me what’s wrong or have I got to play guessing games?”

“You know what’s wrong. I betrayed you last night.”

“Simon, sometimes I feel as if I’m in a parallel universe to the one you’re inhabiting.”

“What d’you mean?”

“We discussed it last night and I thought we’d resolved it.”

“You did, I still feel guilty.”

“Why, for God’s sake?”

“I don’t actually know. Maybe it’s something to do with seeing Monica years ago.”

“I have to take Trish to Dr Henshell next week, maybe I should make an appointment for you as well.”

“Very funny.”

“Maybe you need to talk it through with someone, sounds like unfinished business to me. What about your natural mother? You never speak of her.”

“She’s dead, about four years ago. She and Dad split up about fifteen years ago – they were both having affairs – like Monica and he do now.”

“I’ve never understood that – sexual profligacy.”

“It seems innate in some people, like other are eaters or drinkers.”

“Perhaps it just seems so alien to my world, I mean, I don’t think my parents had sex with anyone other than each other. In fact, I’m pretty sure of it.”

“Yeah well, once they had Stella and me, they had sex with anyone but each other. Takes all sorts I suppose.”

“I’m trying not to judge anyone, Simon, but it’s very difficult when it’s so alien to one’s own values.”

“My grandfather was the same – randy old bastard. They reckoned half of the villages around the estate are his descendants.”

I winced and he laughed. “It’s good to see and hear you laugh,” I smiled at him and kissed him. “Can we put last night to one side, you agonising over it is making me feel really confused.”

“Confused? I thought that was my position.”

“No – oh, I don’t know, maybe I’m picking up your confusion and it’s affecting my own ambivalences. All I know is that I love you and I want us to work as a relationship.”

“For the girls’ sake?”

“Mainly for our sakes, Si, the girls are a bonus in this life. We were together before they came to us and although we have to take the responsibility they bring, very seriously, I like to think we’re together because we – um – love each other and also like each other.”

“Yeah, we do love each other, and we are a good team, as well as being good for the girls, for our girls. Yeah, sod it let’s stop looking at our faults and count our blessings – eh, girl?”

“That sounds more like my Simon, trying to market optimism.”

“Absolutely,” he said then drew me to him and kissed me.

*Presenters of Radio 4’s Today programme


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About Time

Although Cathy's hesitation seemd a bit disturbing. But getting that out in the open between the two has to be good. Now they need to work on the future, their's and the kids.

Damaged people are dangerous
They know they can survive

Cathy And Simon Have

Become Best Friends Forever, now. I liked how she got his doubts assauged. But I wobder if Monica and Stella ever got together? If Simon was to ever see Stella and Cathy in bed together, it very well might trigger a memory of seeing Monica and a very young Stella.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Finally sounds like Cathy

Finally sounds like Cathy and Simon are talking to each other than past each other. Actually sound like two adults now. Janice Lynn

I can understand...

Simon being "off" a bit in the morning... He's apparently feeling guilty for having ideas... But, why is Stella so nice and quiet?

The kids were good, which is nice to see. :-)


Atypical behavior

But, why is Stella so nice and quiet?

Calm before the storm? Or eye of the hurricane?

Damaged people are dangerous
They know they can survive

I must admit

that i was starting to despair of Simon and Cathy ever singing from the same hymn sheet, But at long last it looks like they may be doing just that.....And not before time! If ever two adults needed to take a long look at themselves it was our loving twosome!!

Great storytelling as usual Angharad even after all these episodes it's still as fresh as ever.



I am not clear what he's on about. Is it still something else. I hope not.


Managing to Keep Up

with this marvellous story.

As a point of related interest, I see in my local paper that a local woods has around 100 nestboxes for Dormice, and the rangers are asking for volunteers to come this weekend to do the annual audit. Seems the dormouse was re-introduced recently.


Some Folk Don't Know How Good They Have It!

I'm feeling a bit cross with Cathy and Simon, Angharad. They have such a great life togther, and so much going for them, compared with pretty well everyone I know. Why can't they appreciate what they have got and shut up with all this wingeing? I bet most readers would agree with me, they'd rather have their problems than their own!



Enough, Already!

When's the wedding? I don't mind you dragging it out some -- that's an author's privilege -- but, every second or third Part at least, please make mention of its coming?

Some of us are getting impatient, eh?

Yours from the Great White North,

Jenny Grier (Mrs.)


Yours from the Great White North,

Jenny Grier (Mrs.)

Beg, that's it

Wendy Jean's picture

Heh, when the chorus becomes unanimous the wedding is off. Then on, then off. Angharad is having fun.

I still don't figure Simon's

I still don't figure Simon's actions, I mean, he watched two beautiful women make love, other then being a peeper which would be tough not to do. What's the problem ?
