Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1179.

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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike)
Part 1179
by Angharad

Copyright © 2010 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

“Wouldn’t you be better helping your friend with the accident over there,” I pointed to the inverted car and damaged ambulance.

“Oh yeah, and let you run away?”

“You know who I am.”

“Yeah, so?”

“You also know where I live.”

“What’s that got to do with anything?”

“I have five other children there, I’m not going anywhere except to see how my daughter is.”

“Gunshot is a series offence.”

“I didn’t shoot her, but I know who did.”

“Who’s that then?”

“Alfie Bird.”

“Didn’t know ‘e used guns. You’re still under arrest.”

“Go and help your friend, I’ll speak to your superiors later.”

“That sounds like a threat.”

“I wouldn’t threaten a member of the county constabulary despite their stupidity.”

“Don’t push your luck,” he pulled himself up to his full six feet.

“I could say the same to you. Talk with your colleagues and mention my name, listen to their advice.”

“Who do you think you are?”

“I know who I am, it’s you I’m unsure about–oh, does testicular cancer run in your family?”

“What’s that supposed to mean.”

“The injury you got, what two years ago? I’d get it checked out quickly.”

“What d’you know about that?”

“Very little, but more than you it seems.”

“Look ‘ere, if you’re pissin’ me about...”

“If you don’t get it sorted in the next few months, you have five years to live. Now excuse me, I have to see my daughter.”

I pushed past him, leaving him standing in a daze, serves him right if he loses his dangly bits. I didn’t offer to heal on him because–well could you see me standing in the car park with my hands round his–um, you get the point, besides I had Julie to deal with. Maybe I was losing it but I didn’t feel she was under any great risk–perhaps I am losing it.

I spoke with reception, “Yes, it’s me again.”

“She’s in theatre.”

“I’ll wait–oh who’s the duty surgeon?”

“Mr Nicholls, why?”

“I just wondered.”

I sat in the waiting area and called home, Jenny agreed to sort out the baby and collect the girls. I sent Simon a text. ‘Ju shot, back at QA. Cx’

Half an hour later I got his reply, ‘WTF? Si.’ It might have been easier to respond to a specific question, so I let it go. Minutes later he called my mobile.

“Where are you, Babes?”

“I told you, the QA. I went to collect Julie and she was shot as I drove towards home.”

“Shot? Who shot her?”

“I think it was Alfie Bird, in which case he should be here somewhere too.”


“I hit him with the car.”

“You did what?”

“He tried to stop us after he set us up with two other cars to crash us off the road. I could see he had something in his hand, so I clipped him with the car. Looks like it was a gun. I was being chased by two cars and I didn’t notice for a moment that Julie had gone quiet and was bleeding. I rushed her here only to be arrested.”

“For what?”

“Probably dropping litter.”

“I’ll give Dad a call, I’ll get there as soon as I can–how is she?”

“In theatre, Ken Nicholls is the duty surgeon, so I’m hoping he’ll let me see her soon.”

“I’ll call Dad and see if he can call the plod off, better see if you can help Julie.” He rang off and I sat down to wait. Some while later, Ken Nicholls arrived, he looked very tired.

“Lady Cameron, this is becoming a habit.”

“It’s not my fault, I didn’t shoot her.”

“No–I know that, but this poor child.”

“Can I see her?”

“If you can bring your healer’s hat with you, yes–otherwise no.”

“I’m wearing it.”

“Follow me, kimosabi” he wandered off in his scrubs and I followed. He led me to a recovery room where Julie was linked up to oxygen and all sorts of machines. “Can you manage? The machines, I mean.”

“I’ll cope, thanks.”

“God, I need a drink, you?”

“A cuppa, white no sugar, please.”

I saw him nod to a nurse or technician and she left. I sat beside Julie and started talking to her.

“I’m here now, sweetheart, you’ve been hurt but don’t worry–you’re going to be alright–I promise. I want you to listen carefully wherever you are, I want you to start coming back to me–follow my voice and use the light I’m shining for you. Just look for it, it’s the brightest light you can see, brighter than the sun, just head towards it and let me know when you see it, then I’ll know you’re on your way.”

I watched her; she was lying very still, the machines bleeping gently in the background, then I saw her eyes moving under their closed lids. I knew then she was coming back to me, she was searching for the light. “Just follow it, I’m sending it to you like a beacon–follow it and my voice, feel the light contacting you and bathing you in its energy. You know only too well that it’s healing you, so hurry back to me, darling, so we can heal your hurt and then we can go home.”

I felt her clasping my hand tightly and her expression became one of pain. I poured energy into her and told her to relax and trust me. Eventually, she got the message and relaxed–then all hell broke loose. A huge man, the size of a large ape burst into the room and pointed a gun at me and by association, Julie.

“Who are you?” I demanded.

“So, she survived did she? Oh well, I’ll kill two birds with one stone.” As he spoke the nurse came in with the cup of tea.

“I’m a bit busy, nurse, oh and he’s got a gun.”

“You don’t expect me to fall for that old trick do you?” he laughed at me.

“Not really, I mean if there was a nurse there with my cup of tea, she’d fling it all over you wouldn’t she?” Thankfully, she got the message and he turned and swore as the hot liquid went all over him.

I only had one chance, and I grabbed a drip stand and smashed it against his back and side. The gun discharged and he fell down. I jumped towards him and kicked his wrist, dislodging the gun, then I kicked him under the jaw and his head jerked back into the leg of another bed. He lay very still. The nurse screamed and half a dozen people ran in including Ken Nicholls, a security man and a copper who was in the building.

They dragged Alfie Bird out and loaded him on a gurney, he had a suspected fractured skull–well those beds are quite substantial.

“Jeez, Cathy, I’ve got enough to do without this,” Ken moaned.

“He’s had two goes at her now, if there’s a third I’ll kill him.”

“You’ve damn near done that now.”

“No, I hit him with the stand, he fell and banged his head.”

“Is that why his teeth are all over the floor?”

“He might have clamped his jaws together when he fell.”

“On the bed leg?”

“Yes, absolutely.”

“And I was going out for dinner tonight–the missus ‘ll kill me.”

“Do you know that rather large hotel at Southsea?”

“The posh one?”

“Yes. How about you take her there tomorrow night and send me the bill–go to the Green Room–the menu there is delicious.”

“Are you joking?”

“No–I’ll tell you what, I’ll call them and arrange it–eight pm?”


“To thank you for helping my various kids.”

“It’s my job–it’s what I do, and besides, you’ve done just as much for some of my patients.”

“It’s what I do.” I shrugged and we both laughed.

“Mummy?” said a weak voice behind me.

I turned round and smiled at a little face which was blinking at me.


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Oh, goodie...

Puddintane's picture

How nice.



A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style




A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style


I think that's all I can say! Good old Cathy, Good old Doc, I hope the tea was at McDonalds superheated coffee temperature :)

I'm still not convinced

that the copper who tried to arrest Cathy isn't one of the baddies. If he isn't, then he must be awfully thick or inept.

Alfie Bird sounds like a piece of work. Perhaps someone can let slip in prison that he twice tried to kill a sixteen year old girl; I'm sure that the other inmates would make his sentence very interesting.

Thanks folks. Even with the same cast of characters, it's still exciting and something to look forward to each day.


Only twice?

He may only have tried shooting her twice, but if you include other methods and his mates, the total's probably closer to half a dozen - the bonfire, at least two attempts at a hit and run in the car park, the car chase may count as a few, plus the shooting on location and in the hospital.

So - treating Ken and his wife to a slap-up meal at Henry's Hotel - it's the least she can do. Although knowing Cathy's luck, his surgical skills may unfortunately be needed on his date... (am I being cynical or am I being cynical?!)

Nice to see Julie's recovering well - with Alfie not going anywhere fast, and the driver of one car probably in the hospital, there's just the other driver to locate. While he's on the loose, I wouldn't accept anything less than an APC for transport back home.


Bike Resources

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!


So maths isn't my strongest subject.

There is solid evidence for two attempts; the others could be said to be assumptions, and a good lawyer could probably have accusations disregarded.

'Fingers' Heywood.

Possession Is 9/10ths Of The Law

In this case, the mere fact that the Vulture possessed a handgun in the U.K. is probably enough to send him away longer than most people would get in the U.S. for deadly assault, hate crimes and attempted murder, altogether.

Three Times, Not Two

1) There was the Julie-on-pyre incident.

2) The shot in her chest from outside the car.

3) Barging into her hospital room, gun drawn, saying he's going to kill her and discharging his weapon (you could quibble over this last thing, but I don't think a jury would). Which part of "attempted murder" does this not fulfill? If not for Cathy's defensive measures, they'd both be dead, and probably the nurse, too. Just because neither Julie nor Cathy were injured (except for Cathy's toe), that doesn't mean it wasn't attempted premeditated murder.

UPDATE: I just saw mittfh's comment. Yeah, I think we have to count the attempted vehicular homicides, too.

Bike pt 1179

Wonder where that bullet landed?

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

More action

That Alfie Bird is certainly a persistent bastard, but hopefully Cathy has put him out of commission for a good while.

I'm also surprised that the Hampshire Constabulary does not appear to have a "Lady Catherine Cameron awareness" module as part of their training courses, or ongoing professional development.

Now that it appears that the perps have been neutralised, I hope some answers will soon be forthcoming. Like 'what's been going on?' and 'why were they after Julie?'

Thanks A+B: lesser authors would struggle to maintain a cliffhanger for this number of episodes.

Poor Julie has had a fairly horrific run of injuries since joining the Cameron Clan, and I hope you'll be able to look after her a bit better from now on... maybe Simon should rehire those bodyguards?

Peaceful Sentiments

Bike Resources

but why?

We still don't know why Alfie and his mates have been trying to kill Julie so frantically.

The bonfire method was particularly gruesome, it doesn't seem like it's a simple way to kill somebody who's seen something she shouldn't, more of a hate crime. And if he had a gun, why not use it then?

But if it's a hate crime, how do they even know about Julie?

The remaining attempts were definitely attempts to kill Julie before she could testify for the first crime, I imagine.

Still wonderin'

what the motive for attacking Julie was in the first place.

Probably tried his luck and threw a wobbly when things didn't turn out as expected.

Still lovin' it, write soon, love and hugs,




I'm just wondering

What the story is with mr Bird? Seems to be going to a huge effort to get Cathy and Julie. I don't understand it. Hoping A&B give us some clues.

After seeing the movie

After seeing the movie "Trailer" last night for the upcoming movie "the Green Lantern", I am wondering if Cathy can't become the "Blue Lantern" or "White Lantern"? She definitely fits the bill, with all her crime fighting abilities and healing powers. Great job by the nurse to understand what Cathy was getting about regarding the hot tea. Jan

Tuff Guy

She seems to have knocked him flying with her car when the shooting happened. Yet he managed to escape the plod, and make his way to the ER. He maybe needed treatment? But he was strong enough to wander around, find her and then try to kill them all. I would think he was in real need of treatment after being knocked flying by a car. That should have broken a few bones at least. Funny he seemed to know where they were, must be an awfully small place. Ragged looking civilians wandering around surgical suites and recovery rooms tends to be frowned upon, yet he managed. And after the shooting, here comes the plod to save the day. Funny how he just happened to have placed her under arrest and then let her wander off unsupervised, like the arrest never happened. Maybe he IS working with his buddy Alfie


Angharad's picture

You've spotted all the holes in the plot in one hit.

Angharad ;)


Au contrare

yeah like I can spell it. I don't consider them plot holes. I consider them as twists and plot devises. That way the author can take the story wherever it is headed. Besides, that makes you look good.


Although unlikely, it's possible that when knocked down he avoided breaking any bones, escaping with just grazes and scratches. He could have been given a lift to the hospital by one of his two drivers. It may have been visiting hours, which was why he was able to saunter around the hospital without attracting attention. Although as Julie was in an ICU bed, the unit must have been a little short-staffed if no-one spotted him...

All improbable, but by no means impossible :)


Bike Resources

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

Horror films

Think of the large number in which someone is in IC with absolutely nobody in attendance at all!

Damn it

Damn it Angharad, this is not on. I try to be a good adult and delay my gratification by printing off each day’s episode and have a good long satisfying and enjoyable read on a Sunday morning.
So jumping out of bed on a Sunday morning, to read this episode is so unsettling for my poor constitution. Would you be a dear and keep the cliff-hangers to midweek please.
I am only joking; if it wasn’t such a compulsive read I would not be so totally hooked.
Love to all
Anne G.

Is this the same

Angharad's picture

Poor constitution that overtook me while we were cycling up the hill during the Gabycon? (But she can't do roundabouts :p)



Yes it is.

Yes it is.
I still cannot do roundabouts,even in a car. Only this week a lorry decided he needed my lane as well as his while I was driving home from work. Ah well, time to look for another car.
I am going to spend the next few months getting my confidence up cycling in traffic, to be honest I still prefer the seafront.
Lots of Love
Anne G.

Just a thought

But if Cathy in hitting Alfie Bird with the drip stand, Had put his life in danger, Would she have used the blue light to try and save his life ?



Angharad's picture

they need to question him, it gets more difficult if he's dead.



Mind you...

...there's always that thing with the entrails... what's it called again? Probably more reliable than questioning these toerags who lie like flatfish.

Positive Spins

Bike Resources


Angharad's picture

as performed by a haruspex.


You heard about the chap who went to the doctor for something for his liver? The doctor gave him a pound of onions.



Ah yes, lets get old fashioned!

i keep thinking

back to when Cathy met julie, the cop that banged her up, was he ever really dealt with ?


Instant tears, you could bottle this stuff.