Adult Oriented (r21/a)

Tales from the Closet Book 01 Candy Cane Part 2 of 3

Tales from the Closet One: Candy Cane

Chapter Three: RIP Candy Cane.

Becky led Candy out the police station and over to a waiting car. Brad helped Becky and Candy get in the back before he got in the front next to the driver. Brad gave the driver directions and they were soon driving away.

The car pulled up outside a Victorian looking house that had the remains of a sign saying it use to be a boarding house at some point in its past. Becky opened the door and walked right in.

Tales from the Closet book 01 Candy Cane Part 1 of 3

Tales from the Closet One: Candy Cane

The Closet is a club from my ‘You Have It All Wrong’ series, but the tales that I am about to tell you in these stories are about some of the people that go to the club, or work there. It may help you to understand some of the people that will appear in these stories if you have read my other parts in this series, but I hope that you may still enjoy these stories even if you haven’t.

Happy Reading.


Chapter One: Candy’s Painful Birth

Footprints in the Sea Vol 5

Footprints in the Sea Volume 5
Continues where Volume 4 ended and there are more adventures for Charlotte, Will and their friends in the struggle to build an island community in a deserted and lonely part of the South Pacific where transgendered and intersexed people work together. Despite Mother Nature and the criminal activities of others, new discoveries are made and the mysteries surrounding the origins of the Charlotte Acrhipelago increase...

Wandering Princess

Days turn to weeks, weeks turn to months, and months turn to years. Five years is how long a young girl laying in her comfy bed had been wandering. Five years since her parents murdered and her home and nation burned and annexed like a forgotten child’s toy. The memories were vivid, the smell of smoke and ash, of iron and blood. The bodies laying candidly in their beds. The shrieks and cries of her siblings and the hooves of the horses.


The Black Ring


Audience Rating: 


My name is Jack and I have a mental illness. I am not ashamed to say it. It was something I was born with. The closest diagnosis anyone has made is schizophrenia, but I don’t fit all the symptoms of it. Some call it dissociative disorder. My condition is super-rare and unique to anyone else. I don’t suffer from it either. In fact, in many ways, I am blessed by it.

The Black Ring

By TGFictionStv

The Black Ring V

Jacky takes a few steps backwards as she encounters on old flame that works for a clinic that promises to reverse her sex change and eliminate the persona known as Jill. Given the chance to get her life back as a man, Jacky goes down an unknown path that will lead to personal revelation and sacrifice.

You're My Bitch Now part 8

Rick scurried into work, determined to stay away from Rhona as much as possible. It was as busy day and he had to go sort out the Marketing Director’s laptop, which she had screwed up somehow. Rick spent an hour trying to fix it remotely, but in the end had to her office to pick it up and take it back to the office. Rhona, of course, was there and wanted to know what he was doing. “She’s important, Rick, don’t screw it up. Don’t make me mad with you.”

Pennies, Charcoal and Latex

I have already mentioned in my blog that I have published another of my works on Kindle Ebooks, a trilogy of two novellas and one short story; ‘Pennies, Charcoal and Latex’.
A few stories down on this page are the beginnings of two of those stories Cosmetics, Charcoal and Champaign, and Latex Lady. This is the opening chapter of the third in the set, ‘Searching for a Penny’.


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