Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.

Invasive Characters

I seldom wake up rembering my dreams, but this morning I woke up from an argument with a red headed, asshole boss in an office setting. After a few minutes I realized the redhead was an adult version of the photo I used for Lucy in The Elliptical Path. Good thing I'm not planning a sequel, I will hate to see my character turn into an asshole.

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Another Set of Comments on Contest Stories

Wow! We have received eighty-four entries for our contest.

Thank you.

We appreciate the effort it takes to produce a story for a contest. We also appreciate that all of you recognize that judging a contest like this is highly subjective and certainly not a science. All Emma and I can do is give this our best efforts, which I'm confident we're doing.

For most of the participants, the only compensation they will receive will be your kudos, comments, and reads. The following list might help you find a few more stories to read. The titles are a link.

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I am cheating in the Story Contest.

And this is how I am cheating.

There has to be scores, perhaps hundreds, of on-line grammar and spelling checkers, free, free trial, paid, and perhaps other arrangements.

I 'landed' on (thank you Google and your rankings):

They have >a lot< of paid services, so it took me a lot of poking around to get to their page ( that said "type (or paste) your your text here."

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Quite The Progression...

I just finished typing up and publishing the seventh chapter in my new series titled The Most Extreme Punishment-which, if you haven't already started reading, I suggest you check out. ;) But I was surprised to see that this chapter has over 2200 words. Which is longer than any of the other chapters I've written thus far. It's kind of funny, since the first few chapters had progressively fewer words, but now I've got the longest chapter yet. Wow!

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Nice Bras

While doing the wash, my wife picked up my new bra and grumped that I had nicer bras than she did. It was my first underwire style and closed in the front, an experiment for me. (The experiment has been a success.) She said she wouldn't mind one in that color for herself. So what could I do besides log into Amazon and get her one in black and one in rose?


Contest Update & More Story Comments

January is winding down, and we are now four weeks into our 2024 writing contest! If you’ve missed it — well, I don’t know how you’ve managed, but if you have — the rules are here. There are still over two weeks left to join the fun, so get those stories posted. :)

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How I found the confidence to write here.

Hey everyone,

It's been a journey of over thirteen years with BCTS, a journey filled with laughter, tears, and moments that left me utterly captivated. When I first stumbled upon this place, I was here for the erotica, but soon, I found myself falling deeply in love with the community and the stories it held.

I've been a bit of a lurker, gobbling up stories from many authors, sometimes sneaking in a DM or two. Watching the comings and goings of some fantastic writers, I've been the silent spectator in the corner, hand metaphorically (and sometimes literally) in my pants.

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Second Tranche My Comments on Contest Stories

Resolution Revelations

Aylesea has written an above-average story that brings us inside the life of a depressed young lady. This story is a good example of what humor can add to any story.

View From a Bridge

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Possible Site Downtime

Heya folks!

Just a head's up that the site might be seeing some downtime later this evening (24th January 2024.) There are going to be some updates coming through, and while they're going to be processed as quickly as possible, they might result in the site being unavailable for a while.

If I get any more information on specifically when to expect such outages I'll try to let folks know here.

Thanks for your patience!

Melanie E.

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Begging For More, A Sequel?

I was just looking over "Melanie Brown's, Captive". For me, the story just yearns for another chapter or perhaps a post script or something. Here "Scotti" is at least at the end of the second year and declared an Art Major in chapter 1. Then in chapter 3 Scotti is sitting in the bathroom putting makeup on. For me, it is not surprising that after 3 years of brain washing, she would embrace being a woman. I assume that she was subjected to medically harsh doses of Estrogen, plus forced SRS.

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Story Summaries/Blurbs - Main Page

At this point in my "career" on BC I've written nine entries in my Toni With An i serial, and one entry for the New Year's competition, Marking Your Card. And I've been thinking about how a story appears on the front page, and whether I should include a story summary or blurb. (You should all enter the competition, it's a challenge and enjoyable but not too difficult. Flex those writing muscles! It's fun, I promise!)

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2024 New Years Contest - a possible entry

I was thinking this morning (definitely cause for concern) and was wondering if I had anything in my arsenal that could maybe be converted to a contest entry.

Originally, I was thinking about my unposted things, but then, on review of the rules, I didn't see any prohibition on previously posted works. Turning my attention to those works, I discovered that I do in fact have a wonderful story for the contest!

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Contest Musings -- Emma's First Comments

A few days ago, Jill provided some thoughts on the first fifteen entries in the contest, with the goal of getting more of our readers to check out some of the amazing stories that have been posted so far.

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The First Transgender Clinic-Hospital

Erasing all trans was begun close to ninety years earlier by Hitler and the Nazi regime. Dare I say it, this is exactly the same path Hitler started. Most of the history was destroyed but it's still there for those who dare look.


had a frustrating day with Sharon

Well, I spent 7 hours trying to help Sharon get medical treatment for her hand, which was swollen and apparently painful.

Rather than go to her own doctor, she insisted on going to an emergency room instead.

Well, they are called "emergency rooms" for a reason - they treat the most critical cases first.

So after 7 hours, she gave up and wanted to be taken home.

Any suggestions we gave to help were dismissed, and it seems that she has given up on getting help from doctors, and will go back to prayer and faith healing.

ah, well.

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Comments Leaderboard

Comments Leaderboard
By Joannebarbarella

First let me restate that this is in no way an endorsement of any of the stories submitted for the 2024 New Year’s Contest. That ain’t my job.

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Howard Jacobson

Howard Jacobson is a famed British author .... quoting from an article in the Telegraph 20/1/24:

'Complaints about realism often dog him.
He had to fight to keep a character in his last novel, Live a ­Little: a 90-year-old man who has never had a relationship, being ­crippled by shame at having been caught trying on his mother’s underwear as a boy. Jacobson’s publisher found this implausible. “Then I asked a group of Jenny’s psychologist colleagues if this was likely, and they all said ‘Of course, it’d ruin your life, no question’.”


Completely editing a posted story

I need to completely edit one of my stories. Completely as in reformatting it; breaking out chapters into individually posted chapters; reworking each chapter, and changing the end tag.

Can I simply remove the main body of the story and leave a story under construction in it's place?

I'm asking because the story I'm currently working on will reference that story. Plus, I've learned a bit since posting that story and I want to clean it up.


Contest Update: But Wait -- There's MORE!!!

WOW! We've been getting some fantastic stories for the contest. And let me tell you, picking the best of the best is not going to be easy. You can rest assured that Jill and I will be careful, thoughtful, and diligent -- it's why we're getting the big bucks! Nonetheless, we recognize that every reader will have their own favorites.

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Gender dysphoria and suicide……..

Yesterday I read a story posted here by Emma Anne Tate, For Us, the Living. Like all of her work, as well as the work of many others on this site, it had me crying. But more importantly, it had me reflecting on my life, my family, and the lives of others.


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Wrabel - The Village, new MTF version

I always loved Wrabel’s The Village. Even though it was written from a FTM viewpoint, I could still identify with the pain, and the freedom when he finally goes ahead despite his families pushes.

Now Wrabel has recorded a MTF version, would love a new video, but that may be too much to ask.

Anyway here it is with some subtle changes for MTF transition.


I Can't Be The Only One

During the night, I slept for a while semi-seated on the couch (a "skill" I inherited from my father).

I had a bit of an idea for my next story, but only that.

But after trying to fall back asleep again in the same position, I didn't quite get there. What did happen, though, was the ending part of the story decided that was the perfect time to announce itself in my brain.

I had to turn the lamp back down, grab a pen and paper and write it down -- the plot points, a few lines of dialogue -- so I'd have it down and not forget it.

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small victories

So, about a week and a half ago, mom and I switched internet providers, and then after the technician had done the set-up, we realized he had forgotten to set up my mom's computer.

This led to me spending the better part of 2 days trying to get help to set things up by phone.

But today, I asked someone at a store belonging to the provider, and he showed me what I needed to do - there was a password on the bottom of the tower I needed to put in.

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My Thoughts on Some Story Entries

Jo, Emma, and I love to write. We love to have our stories read and appreciated.

A primary goal of the current contest is to spur more people to read more stories. With that in mind, I've prepared remarks about fifteen stories entered in this contest. Eventually, I will post remarks about every story entered. Emma will be posting similar lists.

Please give these stories a chance.

Finding Joy

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A day without contest stories?

Well, we had a bit of a lull yesterday. Can’t have that!

The contest has drawn over sixty wonderful stories, and we’ve had new authors as well as stories from some of BC’s most beloved. But some of you haven’t jumped in yet. :(

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Sometimes it just goes like that.

Y'know, I was gonna put out a story for the current contest.

I've been working hard on it, and had every intent of entering it!

Except that I'm currently 9,250 words into what's supposed to be a 5,000 word story, writing on the fifth chapter of what's supposed to be a one-part-complete affair, with one chapter left to go after this 'un.

Funny how that happens, ain't it?

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Transgender is NOT a One Size fits All

Professionals, politicians, most everyone wants to make transgender a yes or no situation. Either one is or one isn't . There are only perfect males and perfect females in so many minds as they refuse to accept the birth defects or problems in life. Intersex divides the only male and female ideology. One can not be made transgender if they aren't nor can't they be made not transgender if they are. There is no medical science that can treat it and "cure" it.


In a recent blog

In a recent blog I posted a picture of a sign that turned up next to the restroom signs proclaiming that restrooms were open to use by gender variant people. Just now, I was delivered a document (electronically) a document that contains their nondiscrimination notice, quoted below.

Nondiscrimination Notice

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What's Wrong?

Why are readers so mean in giving kudos? I'm not talking about comments, which actually require engagement and effort, but those little things which need just a push of a button. Even excellent stories like Jenny Walker's.

What's so hard about letting an author know you appreciated the effort they put into entertaining you?

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One Month Left to Enter

There’s about a month left to enter a story in the current writing contest. The more-than-expected number of stories have sparkled with quality. Of the sixty-one stories, I scored fifteen in the excellent category. There’s plenty of great reading to be had here.

To date, the contest has generated:

Stories: 61

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What happened to last week's Bike?

I was about to start writing this weeks and need to read the previous episode to maintain continuity and lo and behold it's no longer on the front page although other stories posted before or on Saturday are, no wonder my hit numbers are low these days. Is it worth it when I could be doing something like cleaning up after the flood in my lab?

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Dreams Collide With Existence

Years ago, about 20 of them, I had what I called lucid dreams in which I was flying, and could control where I went. Psychological people said that I was trying to escape something. My then spouse got really mad at me when I told her about them. Now, I see that I was trying to escape from her abuse of me. We were married 38 years because I kept trying to make it work. In the latter years she was a "dry alcoholic", refusing to go to AA.

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why would I apologize for crying ?

So among my nightmares and flashbacks over the last couple of days, I had a dream where I was sitting with a woman, and for whatever reason my abuse came up, and I started crying.

But as I started crying I also began to apologise for losing it like that.

Now this was just a dream, but the fact is I usually apologise if I start crying, regardless of the cause of my tears.

I am not exactly sure why, it might be the "boys don't cry" thing, but something tells me its something deeper.

I might have to do a deep dive into my memories to find out, which scares me.

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bad news, and PTSD

Well, bad news about the apartment search. we had to cancel the walkthrough because of a blizzard, and since then, despite me phoning the man who was supposed to lead us through the place several times, he has not let us know if we can reschedule.

I've come to the conclusion he got a renter for it, and isn't bothering to even tell us.

If that wasn't enough fun, the last two days I have been dealing with nasty memories, flashbacks, and nightmares related to the abuse I suffered as a kid.

Hugs and prayers appreciated.

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Joanne’s Take

Comments are oxygen to authors, lifeblood. They show that somebody has read their story and cared enough to respond with some encouragement, or not, as the case may be, but at least appreciated the effort that went into posting.

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A Warning

I've not seen hardly any stories here that have Butt Plugs in them, and I think for good reason. After my own very short term experimentation with one and the accompanying medical intestinal issues, from my point of view, they are dangerous and should not be done, even as a way to induce a prostate sexual stimulation full stop.

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Bio for Jo Dora Webster

Mini-Bio for
Jo Dora Webster, pen name of Ariel Montine Strickland

I'm an auburn haired, blue eyed, southern belle hailing from the great city of Denver, CO USA. While I feel like a forty something that may be me trying to will time to stand still. In all truth, I'm glad that it doesn't since I kept my millennium resolution to transition as a transwoman on my original rebirthday July 6, 2000.

I can trace my heritage to lowland Scotland and Ireland but I'm an American. I enjoy passing my time reading the latest romance, comedy or mystery from (BCTS) and getting outside for a weekend camping with my SCA friends emulating a lady of the nobility in a world where chivalry is alive and well. I also enjoy my time as a Starfleet International member where I hold the fictional rank of Captain.

I've been around BCTS for more than seventeen years. What I think of as my first real story was 'What Would Jesus Do?' that I published under the name 'Jesus and the Transwoman' on a Christian website which was just getting started then and has since disappeared called Faithvine. However, I also twenty-eight years ago put one story, 'Beauty and the Vial' out on Usenet and it made its way to BCTS unknowingly since I wrote it under another pen name. At present, I've completed nine novels all initially under my pen name, Jo Dora Webster. I also have three short stories written under the pen name Jo Dora Webster.

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The Beekeeper and The Devil's Bountyhunter

Has anybody seen the teasers for a miniseries being plugged on cable, on HBO, called the Beekeeper? He's an off-the-books agent that steps in when corrupt politicians and businesspeople are escaping paying for their actions. He is under no control by anybody. He goes by the title The Beekeeper.

Does that sound like anybody we've read about here on BC? Like Jack Bounty, for instance? Sounds really damn close.

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Where have I been?

As the title suggests, this is about what has been going on since I last posted anything or even interacted with anyone on here. I think my last blog was over a year old and my last story was like two years ago at least. I guess to paint a deeper picture on how I ended up where I am now I need to go back to when the Covid Pandemic started.


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New meaning of TG

I've been doing some preparatory work/ study for some surveys I'm doing and also some teaching I'm doing next week. As you probably know I have an interest in freshwater macroinvertebrates (Mayfly larvae etc) and I came across TG being used in a dictionary of entomology - it stood for tracheal gills. There will be more of those than transgender people, so should obviously spring to the ordinary person's mind (or what passes for one). I knew you'd be glad to read that.

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An Aussie Girl

My name is Joanne Askew
I am an Aussie girl
A glass of wine with you sir
And the ladies I will swirl
All New South Wales and Queensland
Is measured up by my own hand
It was my fate from birth
To make my mark upon the earth

Apologies to Mark Knopfler for mangling his beautiful
“Sailing To Philadelphia”

And apologies to Andrea Lena for giving me the idea which I have stolen.

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Latent Homosexual ???

It's been years coming but lately I seem to subconsciously be on the prowl for a man to plow me. Would I do blow jobs? Come to think of it... Does that mean I was always a latent homosexual, or have the hormones finally done their job on me. My only worry now is that I do not wind up with some sort of sexually transmitted disease. Questions, questions.


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Great Start for Contest

By the end of today, the blog announcing the New Year’s Resolution Writing Contest will have received over three thousand hits. That level of activity has resulted in thirty-seven new stories published on BC.

We don’t have comparative statistics, but it appears the level of comment activity is up.

A new author is among those who have posted a story entry.

Given that the contest opened for submissions less than a week ago -- we’re pleased with the initial results.

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we had a fire at our building

so about 2 AM this morning, a fire alarm went off in our building. at first, we didn't take it seriously, as we get false alarms all the time.

but when 3 firetrucks, an ambulance, and a fire chief showed up, plus when we started smelling smoke, we realized this time it was the real deal.

Now neither my mother or I can climb down 14 floors, and the elevators were turned off, so we had no choice to wait and hope for the best.


A bar and two funerals - The backstory behind my story 'Kissing Cousins'

I know this post is a self-indulgent, and I hope any readers will forgive the impertinence. Inspiration can come from anywhere and I feel confident saying my latest story, 'Kissing Cousins', has a weirder origin than most posted on this site. It is also an apology of sorts, but you'll have to read to the end to understand.

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Two authors whose stories I’ve been following — one an old BC hand, and one new — seem to have vanished in the last couple months after posting industriously. I hate to see good stories unfinished, naturally, but I am more worried about the authors. I don’t know if it’s considered poor form to ask, but does anyone know whether either Domoviye or Ms. Woolly are safe?

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Opinions Welcome (Needed)

In a previous life (BC) I was an executive recruiter for over 35 years. I actually got into the business by accident when as a struggling CPA, I spoke to a recruiter to help me find a new position. Instead, he suggested working along side him at a place called Source Finance. It turned it to be a job and industry that suited my skills to a T.

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Brianna Ghey, Teenage Trans Girl

Ms Chambers pointed me to the murder of this beautiful girl. As usual, i had to research it. I strongly suggest everyone read this from beginning to end even if one doesn't live in England. There is a whole lot of what is right and a lot of what is wrong with everyday aspects and the legals involved for transgender.
Knowledge is strength. Understanding comes from knowledge. Thank you Gillian

