Drug Use

My Super Secret Life-5

My Super Secret Life-5

Hey for those of you that’ve been reading, I’m not Sunny this is my story too.


“Go Shane!, Go Shane!!!” My girlfriend Mai-Ling screams as I circle the jerk off Kyle Rocker yeah his name is Rocker, you know like the famous writer. I move in and throw a few punches that he takes mostly on his arms and his shoulders and he returns fire on me with a left, right combo of snap kicks. I block one with my own left leg but he gets the other one into my ribs.

The Last Waltz - New Material in Musetta's Waltz

Today's posting is the next to the last for Musetta's Waltz. This is the first of the new material - the material that had been removed before publishing the first edition. The primary reason for not publishing this chapter was because it revealed the tunnel between the two houses. That was an still an important secret. When you read The Redhead and the PM, it will become obvious the reason they can now talk about it. The next and last posting is two chapters and they reveal something that wasn't even hinted at in the first edition. They reveal a slightly different Musetta.

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