
The Pink Hoover - Part 2

Rona’s comment about me needing a housekeeper was like a punch in the gut. She hadn't passed even the slightest derogatory comment on the frankly tatty state of my home, but instead, she had suggested a solution. That’s what she was all about… Solutions to problems and sometimes the people on the receiving end didn’t know that they had a problem.

The Pink Hoover - Part 1

It is amazing how an unsolicited phone call can turn your day upside down. I’d been on the phone for almost half an hour with one of these before I ended the call feeling both mystified and frustrated. I sat at my desk for well over half an hour trying to make some sense of what had transpired on the call. Finally, I called out to Sue Fredericks, my No 2 and right-hand woman.

Holiday time!

I'm off on vacation on Saturday. Last year, I went to Norway and rode my motorcycle as far as the Arctic Circle. At the time, I regretted not going all the way to North Cape (Nordkap : 71.168032N, 25.781857E)
Well, this year, I'm hoping to rectify that and going right to the top and then returning through Finland.

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Roberta Galbraith - Rookie Days - Part 2 of 2

“Welcome to Tottenham nick, PC Galbraith.”

Roberta had reported for duty at her new assignment on the Monday after finishing at Colindale the previous Friday.
“I’m Inspector Foster. I have had some good reports about you from your old Inspector. Keep that up and you will go far in the force.”

Roberta Galbraith - Rookie Days - Part 1 of 2

Roberta Galbraith - Rookie Days

“Hello?” said Roberta slightly nervously as she stood at the reception desk of Colindale Police Station.
This was her first day ‘on the job’ since she’d graduated from the Hendon Police College two weeks before.

Bad Girl - Good Girl - Part 1 of 3

[Authors Note]
There are dozens and dozens of stories about a bad boy becoming a good girl on TG sites. This is a topic that I had not put my toe into until now. However, I decided to do something a little bit different whilst remaining within the ‘bad child changes and becomes good’ theme. This tale is about a bad girl who thinks that she is entitled to the world and therefore is in dire need of being put on the right path. I’ll leave it to you to fill in the blanks.

Families - Part 1

[Late October 2017]
“Good morning Ray. Shall I prepare your usual?” I said to the latest customer who had ventured into my coffee shop that morning. It was blowing a bit of a hoolie out there. A strong south-westerly wind that was predicted to become a full-on gale before midday was dragging rain squalls along with it. Not a nice day to be out and about.

how long before

before the works of Shakespeare are banned in US Schools?
I was up in London earlier today and walked past the reconstruction of the Globe Theatre on the South Bank of the Thames.
That caused me to remember that when his plays were penned, all the female parts were played by men because there were no women allowed.

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Quest for Justice - Part 15

I felt at a bit of a loss the next morning now that Sylvie was going back to her duties with the FBI. She had arranged for my stay to be extended by one more day and as one or other of the FBI or DOJ were picking up the bill. The only upside I could see was that I was under no pressure to check out by 11 am.

Quest for Justice - Part 12

Jared Raynes was a big man. Not that he was built like a linebacker, but he had a presence that was right there on the nail from the beginning. Using the word ‘Imposing’ did not do him justice.

Once the introductions had been made, he said,
“This is my show, ok? If I tell you to duck, you duck. Got it?”

Quest for Justice - Part 9

“Which way now?” asked Sylvie when she drove us away from the Post Office.

I thought for a moment before replying,
“I’m trying to put myself in the shoes of those two idiots and their father. They will have seen the North Carolina plates on this, and will more than likely be thinking that we’ll be heading back there as fast as we can.”

Divorce papers in the USA

I'm doing some research for a future story and would like a little bit of help.

How long would it take to prepare a set of papers for a divorce? If the side petitioning for the divorce knew what they wanted before contacting an attorney, how long before they could get the application for the divorce? I would like it to be pretty short.

I need this to work on the timeline for the story.

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Quest for Justice - Part 4

I slid, as quietly as possible, another ten yards down the hill and began to circle away from the Cabin and the track down to the road. The small bushes and trees that had been left to grow in recent years gave me plenty of cover. The ‘crew’ that my half-brother had with him were making plenty of noise like you do when driving hogs into a trap. The hog they were after was me!

Quest for Justice - Part 3

The Judge made me feel very much at home in the cabin. It felt odd. Not odd for anything bad but odd for me to actually like a place. I’d been on the run for so long that there were times that I thought that I was destined to be a ‘queen of the road’ for good but there was something about the place that got to me within a couple of hours of me seeing it for the first time.

Quest for Justice - Part 2

The Judge was good on his promise to take me not only out of the city but right out of the state. Our journey was hardly discrete due to a three Police cruiser escort complete with lights and sirens out of the city. Then the county cops took over and four of them followed us right to the Washington State line. A local TV truck complete with a huge satellite dish joined in the convoy but according to the local radio, I was being run out of town because I was a threat to society. Not true but small-town politics are messy at the best of times. Thankfully, the state line was just over an hour away but it was clear in that the message they were sending me was very clear… ‘Do not come back or else!’

Quest for Justice - Part 1

The unseasonably cold wind from the north offered little protection for people like me, who lived on the streets despite it being well into spring. Two blocks away from me, there was a hostel that at least offered a warm shower and some hot food but it didn't open until 6 pm. That was hours away and I’d already been warned off from two places where I’d tried to shelter from the wind.


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