Uplifting. Part 2

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Uplifting Two

Wondering just what I had agreed to, I opened the door to the apartment. I had never been in one of the top floor dwellings before and did not expect to see a wall of windows in front of me with a great view over the river. There was a small lobby that led directly into the lounge with the view.

It was tastefully furnished and much better than my modest purchases. I had often thought that Justine would be living in a period surrounding, maybe French, but this was ultra-modern and all very Swedish. There were a couple of recliner chairs that would have cost more than my own entire flat full. The kitchen did not disappoint either, being sleek and modern as well, even with a built-in dishwasher. Off this there was a small laundry room with a powder closet.

The master bedroom was all girl; from the frilly curtains to the stuffed toys on the pink bed. The walk-in robe was packed with elegant dresses and the drawers, no doubt, would be full of silks and satins. It also had an ensuite which held an amazing array of lotions and potions.

The second room was much more my style and was ready for me to bring my own clothes over when I moved. Next to this was the main bath-room which was also fairly empty except for shaving tackle and normal soaps and shampoo.

The third bedroom had a lock on the door, unlike the other two. Keith took a key from his own fob and unlocked it, taking a deep breath as he opened the door. Inside there was a double bed with an iron frame and bed-head.

There was a chest of drawers and a free standing wardrobe which contained a number of items, some of which looked like they were made of rubber. He sat on the bed and indicated that I should sit on a heavy looking chair by the wall.

“Gerry” he started “when we were a lot younger my brother was a total bully. I believe now that it was overcompensation for the feelings that he experienced.”

He closed his eyes as he carried on. “He would take me out into the garden shed, tie me up and leave me there, sometimes for hours. Sometimes he used to beat me with a strap and, as we got older and he discovered that he needed gratification, he would force me to suck his dick until he came in my mouth. I am not proud of what we did but, at the same time, I can understand what it made us in later life.”

We left that room and went back into the kitchen where he put the kettle on.

“You know” he said “you now know something that I have never told anyone before and I feel as a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.”

I had been quiet as he had told me all of this and, as I sipped on the tea he had made, I said “Look, I understand now why you don’t want this apartment to be inspected by anyone you don’t know. I gather that the bedroom had only been used when you came around and I do understand what drove you to creating it. My question is, how often did you need to use it, will you need to use it again, will I be required to help and does your wife know? Oops, that’s more than one question.”

I finally saw him smile as he said “Thank you, Gerry, for not running out the door screaming or even giving me a thump. The answers are simple. Not often, maybe once a month depending on how wound up I get; yes, it is likely I would want to use it again; maybe, if you are willing and no, she doesn’t know and has no need to.”

After a couple of minutes I then asked “So what would my place be in your role-playing?”

He told me that his sister would tie, handcuff or shackle him to the bed, depending on how she felt at the time. Sometimes he was naked, sometimes he wore the rubber suit and sometimes he dressed in one of the outfits in the wardrobe. He no longer wanted to be beaten but his sister would often sit on his head so that he was forced to lick her pussy. He said that she often dressed as a dominatrix when she knew he was coming and his visit always culminated with his own ejaculation.

I know that it may seem strange to most men, but I did not feel too revolted by the scenario. Cheap lodgings in an upmarket apartment with just a session a month looking after his needs did not ring alarm bells in my head.

Let’s face it; I could blindfold him and tickle his dick with a feather so wouldn’t even have to touch him. On top of that I would be living next to the three most gorgeous girls I had ever seen. I had inhaled their scent as we came up in the lift. I could smell that perfume every day if I agreed to his offer.

I put my cup down, held out my hand and said “OK Keith, as long as I don’t have to kiss you!”

He laughed as he shook my hand and then he gave me another key. “This is the fun room key, just so you can check out everything in it is clean and so you can vacuum it when you clean the apartment. I am so happy to know you, Gerry. I am sure that it will not be too hard for you when I come around. Oops, let’s rephrase that. I hope that I am hard enough for a little while. It may be that my release could only be attained by my sister. If that is the case I would still want you to stay here while we quietly clear that room out.”

We washed our cups and I had another look out at the view before we left, locking up behind us. The lift was down at the ground floor and we waited for it to come up. When the doors opened, Margo, one of the models, stepped out.

She gave a little squeal as she asked what we were doing on her floor. Keith explained that Justine was in hospital and likely to be there a while. When she turned her pretty head in my direction he told her that I was to be their neighbour until things became more certain.

At that she smiled and said “I am sure that Geri will fit into this floor perfectly, the girls and I have long had the thought that he needed a bit of spice in his life and that we are the gals to give it to him.”

She gave us both a hug and a kiss on the cheek before going to her own door. I was almost dizzy when I stepped into the lift – the models wanted to put spice into my life!!!

Over the next few days I moved all of my clothes into the middle bedroom, added my knick-knacks and electrical goods, pictures and bathroom goods. I thought about taking my favourite armchair and then decided that the Swedish ones were all that were needed.

With the fridge cleaned out and then the entire flat being cleaned ready for a new tenant I walked out of there for the last time and along the road to my new, upmarket, apartment. We already had a tenant ready to walk in, even happy to pay a little extra to get it furnished.

In the apartment I made sure that I cleaned though and made sure I had an idea of what was in the fun-room, even if there were some things in there that puzzled me on how they could create happiness.

I tidied up the master bedroom, stripping the bed and washing the sheets. I left a cover sheet on the bed and spread the soft toys over it. When I explored the drawers I found that I was right, in that they held a lot of very sexy womens underwear.

One drawer had a range of items that I took to be stuff that Justine had needed while still Justin. I also found her secret places that held her passport and quite a bit of money. She had certainly come a long way from a squat.

I was already getting notes in my new post box so my work carried on as before. I made all the changes needed with the utilities and my mailing address.

After a couple of weeks I was starting to feel comfortable when Keith called my mobile and told me that he wanted me to let him in the next afternoon and that he needed to be away around eight. My first visit was upon me.

I got home early and opened up the room. When he arrived I was dressed in leather pants, heavy boots and a leather jerkin I had found in the room.

He looked shocked when I opened the door and said “Get your arse in here, slave, get into the room and strip. Then lie on the bed and wait for me.”

He quickly made his way to the room. I swallowed and followed him a few minutes later. He was on his back, on the bed, and his dick was standing proud. I took some lengths of soft rope from the drawer and tied his wrists to the bedhead and then tied his ankles together and then to the bed frame.

He went to say something but I said “Silence, until I tell you that you can speak.”

I had found a hood with a ball-gag that attached to it so I slipped it over his head so that he was unable to see. I then put the gag in his mouth and clipped it into place. I then left him alone for about half an hour. When I went back into room he was in the same position and was moaning quietly into the gag. His dick was now totally hard and I only needed to tickle it with my finger before he shot his load, almost covering his chest.

I left the room again and, as I went back into my own bedroom to change, I felt some wetness on my hand and licked it off before I realised that it had been some stray cum.

“So that’s what it tastes like?’” I thought. Once I had dressed in my usual clothing I put the kettle on and went back to the fun room where I took off the hood and untied him.

“I’ve got the kettle on” I said “clean yourself up and I’ll make the tea.”

I heard him go into the bathroom for a quick shower and ten minutes later he walked slowly into the kitchen where I was brewing a pot.

“Thank you for that” he said “I really needed that but my main reason to visit you was to tell you that we had to put Justine on a life support and that you may well be here for a while. By the way, have you done anything like that before? You were so convincing I was almost afraid.”

“Only almost!” I said. “You were supposed to be shaking in your shoes! I will have to go back to that acting book and put more sternness into my delivery.”

We both cracked up laughing and, at that moment, I felt something that had happened today which changed our dynamics for ever. Only later did I realise that it was because I had given a man sexual release with just the touch of my fingers. The feeling of power was truly uplifting.

Marianne Gregory © 2022

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I like this so far,

but I hope it doesn't get too far into the X rated and/or dom-sub stuff. Those are not my cup of tea.


It looks like a good start, I can hardly wait till the models get involved. Will he go to them to enhance the experience or will they suggest a change in lifestyle just for fun? So many scenarios I can hardly wait to see what happens next.

Time is the longest distance to your destination.

Best be careful

Jamie Lee's picture

Gerry needs to be careful with that power feeling, and reserve it for Keith. What he's feeling is not the same as self confidence, so he needs to step softly around others or he may put them off.

Wonder which spice the girls want to use on Gerry? And if he'll use his new found power?

Others have feelings too.