His Wife: A Horror Story (1 of 2)

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All the warnings! I always wanted to write a horror story. This is the one and I don't want it to be tame. It certainly isn't for everyone. There will be fucked up scenes. Check the warning tags, if there are any you'd rather avoid, please go read one of my other stories instead.

My eyes darted frantically around the cold, dimly lit room. I'd tried over and over to calm myself but failed each time. My hands were still shaking and my heart felt like it would beat out of my chest at any moment.

"Why don't you tell us what happened?" the police officer that sat on the other side of the metal table asked.

I jumped at the sound of his voice. I couldn't slow my breathing. I wanted to cry but there were no tears left.

"Would you like a female officer to take your statement? Sometimes women that have gone through traumatic experiences of a sexual nature might feel better talking to another woman"

"I'm not a woman" I said sharply. I didn't even recognize my voice anymore.

My face squeezed as I whimpered and broke down once more.

"Right, I'm sorry" I heard him say. "It is important we get your statement while it is still fresh in your mind"

It was still fresh in my mind. After all, I'd escaped him only hours ago.

"Okay" I steeled myself to tell the story "I'll tell you what happened".


I walked for several minutes before I reached the first house. Such tough luck that my rental car had broken down in such a remote location. I was going to have to get my money back and then some as soon as I got out of this mess.

The house was fairly beautiful which surprised me because it was essentially in the middle of nowhere. Who would build such a beautiful house all the way out here? Probably some rich recluse.

It wasn't like I had any choices anyway. I wasn't getting any cell service out here so I was hoping they'd have a land-line or something so I could call for help. Maybe whoever lived here might even know a thing or two about cars to get me running again.

I pressed the doorbell but didn't hear any sound. I repeated the action a few more times but still nothing. I knocked and then knocked harder.

"Please be home" I prayed. Who knew how far the next house was.

Just as I was about to knock again, I heard the lock click. Multiple locks that sounded like they spanned the entire height of the door. Must really be a recluse.

A rough-looking man who looked in his 40s or 50s opened the door. He had a scattered beard and wore only a dirty singlet and boxers.

"What do you want?" he said angrily.

He was so uninviting. I should have turned around and left at that moment but people always said not to judge a book by its cover so I pressed on.

"Umm my car broke down just down the road, I was hoping I could use your phone"

He seemed to look past and around me. He stuck his head outside the door and looked left and right.

"You're not from around here, are you?" he asked.

"Just visiting" I answered.

I'd come to this city for a business conference that had ended the day before. I had thought it would be a good idea to explore a bit before my flight back the next day.

He poked his head out and around again and then suddenly his countenance seemed to change.

"We don't get cell service down here. I have a land-line" he offered.

"Oh well could I just make a quick call to the rental place?" I asked.

He seemed to consider something for a few moments before he finally agreed and invited me in.

"Thank you" I told him happily.

"Have a seat, I'll get the phone"


While the house still looked quite beautiful on the inside, it was a mess with stuff scattered all over the place.

The man disappeared into another room and returned minutes later with a land-line.

"Thanks" I said with a smile.

"Do you have the number?" he asked. He was suddenly being very kind and helpful.

"Yeah, I have it on my phone"

"Sure" he replied with a smile and disappeared into another room.

I glanced around the living room as I dialed the number. There were lots of photos. Many were of a man I recognized as the recluse and a woman. He looked very different. Clean shaven, handsome. Other photos were of him alone or with other people. In those photos, they were all dressed the same. Doctors and nurses.

Luckily I was able to reach the rental place after a few clicks. I complained about the situation and how I was now stranded. They asked for the address and I realised I didn't actually know where I was.

"Mister?" I called out.

He emerged with a glass of water and placed it on the table.

"What's the address?" I asked.

"Oh, 55 Vattern" he answered.

I repeated what he'd said to the lady on the phone. To my relief, she announced that they could have someone over in 20 minutes. At the time, I hadn't thought it weird that they could have someone over so quickly when I'd been driving for hours. I was just overjoyed to be making progress.

I thanked her and put the phone down.

"I thought you might be thirsty" he said with a smile.

"Thanks" I returned the smile. I was thirsty actually and the water in the glass looked cold and refreshing.

I swear from the corner of my eyes, I could see him watching me as I downed the entire glass.

"What's your name?"

"Oh I'm Dale, you?"

"Call me Harold" he said as he took a seat on a chair to my left. "How tall are you?"

What an odd question. Why would anyone ask that.

"Umm..." I let my confusion and discomfort show.

"I'm just curious"

"Uh I'm 5'5" I answered.

He nodded approvingly. Dude was starting to weird me out.

"Slender, delicate features..." he continued.

What the fuck.

"I think I'm gonna wait outside. Thanks for letting me use your phone" I stood and walked towards the door.

He didn't respond. He simply sat back in the chair and crossed his legs.

This guy was a weirdo. I made my way quickly to the door and as I approached, I heard a series of clicks at the door that caused my heart to sink.

I turned the handle, it wouldn't budge. I turned back to look at him. The fear on my face must have been clear as day. He was still sitting on the chair paying me no mind.

What had I gotten myself into? I turned back to the door and pulled at the handle with all my might. Not even the tiniest budge.

I kicked the door. Solid metal designed to look like wood. That was the first time my heart rate truly elevated and it hadn't come back down since.

I may have been small but I could probably take this guy. It was fight or flight and flight wasn't my option. I turned back to him. I chose to fight.

"Let me out" I warned him.

No answer.

"Let me out right now!" I screamed at him.


I brought my hand up to my face in a fighting stance. People always underestimated me because of my small frame. I wasn't going to go down without a fight.

I took a step forward and staggered. The room was starting to spin. I shook it off and regained my fighting stance.

"I'm warning you, let me the fuck out".

I struggled to maintain my balance. I felt lightheaded and ready to keel over at any moment.

'He drugged me' The realization hit hard. What had I gotten myself into? Why was I here? Of all the places in the world to be, why here?

I shook my head forcefully.

'Stay awake. Stay awake. Stay... "


I woke in a cage. Yes, a cage. Not even tall enough to stand in for someone of my height. The first thing I did was cry and I hadn't cried in years. The worst was yet to come and I was already crying. I was helpless.

The cage was padlocked from the outside leaving me entirely helpless.

"Help!" I screamed at the top of my lungs "Help!"

The room was dark. The only light came from a single door that was left ajar. I couldn't make out anything else in the room. It was useless anyway. I couldn't do anything from inside this cage.

"Help!" I screamed.

Even then, I knew it was futile. There wasn't another home for miles and even if there was, I was probably in a basement or cellar.

I tried my best to stay calm. If I just kept my cool, an opportunity would present itself.

Harold didn't keep me waiting long because soon he was walking through the door. I could only see his silhouette until he flipped a switch and the room was illuminated.

There was junk all around me. My tiny cage was situated in the very centre of the room.

"Please, please, I'm begging you. Please let me go"

"Shhhh it's okay" His voice was soft, almost a whisper. "I'm not going to hurt you"

He approached the cage which caused me to crawl to the far side.

"It's okay" he whispered. "You're okay"

He raised open a slot at the bottom of the cage to pass a tray of food through it. This sent me over the edge once again.

Was he going to keep me here?

"What do you want?" I begged.

He passed his hands through the bars and slid the tray towards me. "Nothing yet"


And that's how I was for the next few days. At first I refused to eat or drink anything. When it began to feel like my stomach was eating away at itself from the inside, I was forced to take a bite.

For days he left me in that damned cage. Atleast it felt like days. There were no windows and no way to tell them time. Just left to my thoughts, giving me ample time to curse myself for my stupidity.

I was one of those people that screamed at horror movie characters for being dumb and here I was, stuck in the same exact situation because I'd missed the glaring signs.

I hated that cage. Tiny and uncomfortable. The only times he let me out was to use the restroom just outside my prison but he'd always tie my hands first. He always left that door ajar as well as if to taunt me. Freedom was so close but out of my reach.

It wasn't until days later before something happened. I was woken up by a soft hissing sound coming from the vents. It wasn't long before I could smell the change in the air. I covered my nose with the sleeves of my sweater but it was doing little to help. I coughed violently as I tried to expel the gas from my lungs. It wasn't working.

Just like before, I tried my best to stay awake with no success.


I woke up to find myself lying on an operating table. The lights coming from the ceiling were blinding, only made worse by my groggy state.

I willed my eyes to focus to just barely makeout a doctor standing over me. Even though he was wearing full scrubs with goggles and a face mask, I could still easily recognize him. It was Harold.

I tried to move but my hands and feet were restrained to the bed. I struggled to get free but no such luck.

"Please" I croaked.

"Shhhhhh" he placed a finger on my lips. I had the sudden urge to bite it but didn't want to piss him off.

I closed my eyes and shook my head slowly as the tears flowed down by face.

"What are you doing?" I asked frantically.

"It's okay, don't worry. I'm making you better" he reached over and brought a gas mask to my face. I shook my head with what little energy I still had left. My eyes begged him but he paid me no mind.

My vision clouded shortly after I inhaled the gas from the mask. I didn't even bother fighting. I was so tired.


I woke up once again in my cage. My dreams that were once my last bit of solace were now tainted. Even in my dream, I'd been in this cage. Even my spirit was trapped.

I felt a sharp pain in my groin which caused me to wince. I looked down to see and noticed I was wearing a hospital gown. I raised the gown to see I was wearing panties. I felt sick thinking about all that would have transpired while I was unconscious but that feeling didn't last long as I was confronted with a much greater injustice.

The panties were entirely flat. There was nothing there. I could feel nothing down there except a slight discomfort. I used my own hand to confirm the horror. There was nothing there. With shaky hands, I raised the panties once more. There really was nothing there. Just my bandaged flesh.


I was numb. Distraught. Praying for this nightmare to be over. He cut it off. The bastard cut it off.

I wanted to scream but I couldn't. I just sat there in that cage, like a broken toy.

"Good morning" I heard his voice from the doorway.

I was angry. I wanted to strangle him. I wanted to make him pay for what he'd done to me. But what could I do? He had all the cards.

"Breakfast?" he passed a tray through the slot in the cage just like he'd done so many times before.

This time though, I stared in disbelief at what was on the plate.

"Hope you like sausage and eggs".

I couldn't speak. I just stared at the plate then at the psychopath.

He laughed, "I'm sorry. That was cruel. Saw it in a movie and thought it was funny" he reached in and retrieved the tray "I'll bring you something else".

I remained speechless.


How long had it been since then? Weeks? Months? I'd had to dilate every day since then as if life in that cage wasn't hard enough already. I'd refused the first few times he'd asked me to do it but after he gassed me then did it himself a few times, I got the message. Better me than him.

Nothing prepares you for it. There was nothing I could say that would properly convey what it was like sticking a dildo into myself. That twisted pain then pleasure. I don't know how I didn't go mad.

I learned something about myself in those first few months. I learned about my mind's ability to adapt to inconceivable realities. Because even after everything, I still wanted to live.

The next time the gas came through the vents, I didn't struggle. I just sat there and cried quietly as I lost consciousness.

That time I didn't wake up on the operating table, I woke up in my cage with mounds on my chest.

I'd thought the first surgery had just been a humiliation thing. It wasn't until the second that I realised that the sick bastard was turning me into a woman one operation at a time.


"You're sick!" I screamed at the top of my lungs from inside my cage.

"Can you hear me? You're a psychopath and I hope you die a horrible death. Burn in hell!"

"Answer me! Why are you doing this? I'm going to kill you!"

"Burn in hell! Die slow motherfucker!"

My sanity was slowly fading away. As if I was going out in a blaze of glory, I was mounting one last act of resistance. At the top of my lungs, I cursed him in every way I knew how.

My voice was the very next thing he took from me.

To those that made it this far, please let me know what you think so far. This isn't a genre I'll be revisiting but wanted to try it atleast once. Btw, it gets worse from here so buckle up.

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A Horror Story?

joannebarbarella's picture

You're certainly succeeding!

Horror Story

I am not a fan of horror stories but it occurs to me that one persons horror story might be another's fantasy.

The thought of this happening is somewhat horrifying however its a good story so far as I can enjoy it, already knowing he lives through the ordeal unless you have a double twist and the cop is part of it.

Been There Done That

I've had "Penile Inversion Surgery" (2007), Grew my own Breasts (about C's), and voice therapy. None of this is new to me and you seem to have done a decent job of describing it all. I hope that the next chapter is a bit longer. Obviously "she" did not die, and the experience is traumatic as hell. I would hope that she adapts and learns to have a reasonably happy life. After, I never did form a close relationship with a man, and western culture seems to make that impossible. For pos ops, it seems that a reclusive life of seclusion is the only option.