Hair Salon / Long Hair / Wigs / Rollers

Life of Avery 3

I knew it was going to be bad. They never call us into the living room this late. It’s their television time together they call it. This time the television was off though. Definitely something bad, and were part of it. I don't think we did anything. Were we too loud? I was just reading I don't know how that was bad…

“I’m sorry kids.” Mr. Lopez said. “There's really no easy way to say this. I haven't been working for a few weeks now. I was hoping I could find something. It’s just not happening as soon as we wanted.”

Life of Avery 2

“What?” Stella says into the phone. It’s her cousin from the clinic. “Hold on, start over and let me put you on speaker phone. Pedro, you need to hear this.” Getting his attention as he was coming in from mowing the lawn. Both sat at the kitchen table, phone in the center on speaker. “Okay Michelle, Pedro is here. Tell us what happened.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 171

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 171

Thank you, Chief Clah!
The Eagles. Where are the Eagles?


A meeting with Chief Clah at Cousin Ahiga’s shop. Why? ~o~O~o~ Cousin Ahiga, that was not nice! ~o~O~o~ We met Chief Clah's wife Mai and she's writing a book. ~o~O~o~ The Eagles don't show up. What the heck. Where are they?


Life of Avery 1

Join Avery and follow along as the hard life starts to show a silver lining. Things may not be great at first but there is still hope. Dangerous hope. To have hope and lose it may perhaps be one of the worst things of all. Walls of protection firmly in place around Avery’s heart and despite the past hardships and a lot of personal issues. Avery finds people who care and finally starts to feel good about the future. Tainted future. Past experience and unplanned secrets threaten to unravel. Will hope shine or will dispare wall Avery away from the world for ever?

Model Makers 23: Payback can be worse than hell part one

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The prosecuting attorney told Karen he didn't believe they would get a conviction against the three men who allegedly raped her. It was her word against three men who had an alibi collaborated by the bartender. He told her to forget about it and let it drop. She should consider herself fortunate to be alive.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 170

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 170

Me counsel Naainish? Help a girl?
Meet with Chief Clah tomorrow. Why?


How can I counsel Naainish, who is many Moons older than I am? ~o~O~o~ How do I help her, I'm not a healer? ~o~O~o~ I felt a strong spirit in her. But, did I do any good? ~o~O~o~ Why does Chief Clah want to meet with Ajie and me, and at Cousin Ahiga’s shop in Old Town?


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 169

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 169

A meeting over Peshlakai.
Chief Clah and the silver jewelry.
A night rescue by the mica mines.


Who is he? And, why is he here? ~o~O~o~ Is it Peshlakai himself or is it someone else? ~o~O~o~ We stop at the display of the silver in the hotel. And have a talk with our visitor. ~o~O~o~ Uncle Gaagii makes some phone call. He didn't put out a contract. Did he? ~o~O~o~ Ajie and I hike to the cliff, and meet some other people who love winter hiking. ~o~O~o~ Two people are missing somewhere in the area of the Mica Mines. Time for a search party.


Model Makers 22: Understanding

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David knew he was skating on thin ice with Comm Tech. He let his lab go while he went down to Karen's lab every night and back to the hospital to be with Karen through the day. This way he hoped no one would get suspicious about the duplicates coming out of Karen's lab. The only reason the board didn't fire him was they thought he was able to do what all the computer engineers couldn't. That was make models almost as good if not as good as Karen made.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 168

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 168

A letter. A talk and a meeting.
Oh dear Great Spirit, not him!


A letter from Los Alamos. No background check. No research. ~o~O~o~ Do we stay in New Mexico or not? ~o~O~o~ Amy's level head makes me see the light. ~o~O~o~ I meet with the Assistant Director of the Los Alamos Laboratory ~o~O~o~ Why in the hell is he back in the picture. And a talk about him. ~o~O~o~ Everyone is happy. Am I?


Model Makers 21: Death has your name part three

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That there was a total look of disbelief on Randy's face would be an understatement. "Mother of Mary, that thing really thinks better than we do?"

He stooped over to see if he could find any answers under or behind the desk. Picking up the keypad he felt along the top of the desk.

"Please Mr. Shells, if you must call me something, I would prefer you call me the same thing Karen does. My name is Henry. Although 'thing' may be appropriate in your mind when you refer to the unknown, it does not endear you with me. I understand the nature of humans to do name calling when they’re mad, frustrated, and scared. It serves no useful purpose to do so at an inanimate object."

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 167

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 167

Dinner with Vickie and Chief Tom.
The resort, the hogan, and a talk.


Il Hózho? ~o~O~o~ The campus rumor mill had failed, so we had to tell. ~o~O~o~ A change to Amy's seminar and a doctoral thesis? ~o~O~o~ Naainish surprises us at the remote hogan. ~o~O~o~ Tears and a quiet talk.


Model Makers 19: Death has your name part one

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It had been several weeks since the initial attempt and now their plans were in place. "She usually leaves the building almost the same time everyday. Normally it is close to eight or there abouts when she walks out to the parking lot. She gets in that damn rocket of hers and drives home followed by the tail she picks up when she passes the gate."

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 166

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 166

It figures. And, back to Los Alamos.


I just knew that would happen! ~o~O~o~ I tell the people at Los Alamos about Kai. No, not everyone. ~o~O~o~ I'm going to break my hand one day doing that! ~o~O~o~ It was a big surprise to our liaison people at Los Alamos.


Model Makers 18: Desperation part two

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Karen knew she needed to have another talk with Henry. If he was playing like her agent now, he was in deep trouble. Taking care of her finances was one thing, but this was something entirely different. Maybe it wasn't Henry? Bob Kincaid would gain a lot if he could pull off this trick. Someone always seemed to be manipulating her life lately and she wasn't being consulted. It use to be so simple before the accident. All she had to do was go to work and do her job, nothing more, nothing less.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 165

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 165

Did I hurt you, Mr. Richman?
Lieutenant Zimmerman and I talk.
What do we do now?


He works for who! ~o~O~o~ Yes, a gun Mr. Smith. ~o~O~o~ Yes, Lt. Zimmerman, I'm a guy. ~o~O~o~ Surprizes at the apartment. ~o~O~o~ A meeting with the Dean.


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 164

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 164

The box and the FBI. Getting hit on!?
The Rio Grande River Trail.


What's in the box? ~o~O~o~ Young man, are you sure you want to date me? ~o~O~o~ You're taking a gun? ~o~O~o~
A walk and a sit on the bench. ~o~O~o~ FBI! Stop! Stop!


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 163

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 163

Mr. Smith, and the FBI. Aoó!


School's in session. ~o~O~o~ Is this whole thing a test? ~o~O~o~ What do you want, Mr. Smith! ~o~O~o~ I wonder what the FBI will say. ~o~O~o~ Navstar? You've got to be kidding me!


The Curious Boy - Part 1

Tom was sitting on his bed when he heard his mother leaving the driveway with the family car. He knew he was alone. His sister was at school. He was home sick with the flue and was curious to go through his sister's things, especially since she seemed so against him doing that. She had told him time and time again: If I catch you in there Tom you'll regret it.

Model Makers 17: One down part three and Desperation part one

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He didn't like anything he was looking at. The gauges didn't show any signs of life when he flipped the switches. Everything was dead. This wasn't good. There was no noise from below to tell him the little diesel was even trying to start when he turned the switches on.

He dropped down into the galley where Karen was pumping water into the sink. "I don't have any batteries this morning. I think I forgot to turn off the radios last night and the mooring lights drained everything."

He opened the hatch leading into the engine room. Karen could hear him complaining about boats in general, as he tried to crank the diesel over by hand.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 162

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 162

Mr. Mayor, you are so wrong! That title is not good!
This is funky.


Mr. Mayor, do you realize who you're talking to? ~o~O~o~ Yes, we are doing it. ~o~O~o~ That title is just so wrong! ~o~O~o~ We have the research project writeup. ~o~O~o~ Something is just not right.


Model Makers 16: One down part two

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David reached across the seat and played with her hair. "Can we kiss and make up?"

"No! I’m still mad at you for doubting me." She folded her arms across her chest.

"It wasn't you I doubted and him I don't trust."

"Same thing. I designed him and he’s a part of me."

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 161

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 161

What is this hózhó thing? The nest site and company.
A talk about silver Jewelry. A dinner invitation.


Yes, it's cold. Yes, we're crazy. ~o~O~o~ Why are they at the reservoir? ~o~O~o~ Why the camera bag? ~o~O~o~ Happy New Year! ~o~O~o~ An informal dinner with Chief Tom and Vickie.


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 160

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 160

Some people! Charlie and Jackie are back.
The trip to the Taos Pueblo. What’s Hózhó?


I'll pay for their dinner! ~o~O~o~ A phone call from Quah Ah? ~o~O~o~ I guess they don't want to sell to us. ~o~O~o~ Charlie and Jackie are back and I'm going to hate doing this. ~o~O~o~ A quiet drive to the resort. ~o~O~o~ A feast, Hózhó, and Iz.


Model Makers 15: One down part one

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There wasn't one single company capable of matching the quality of work Karen and Henry were doing. Most of them tried to duplicate her work by ordering a model and disassembling it to find out how she accomplished it. Piece by piece, their lab technicians would dissect her models. At the end they experienced the same results as the medical research laboratories. Except for being polymer instead of skin and bone, it was an exact duplicate of the entire human anatomy. The programming she was running to complete one model had to be horrendous and yet she never made two models alike. The bytes of data Karen was using was incomprehensible to most model makers. They weren't programmers though, most of them were chemical engineers designing the plastics used in their manufacturing. Karen was a computer engineer who worked on the design of the models from a graphics equation perspective. Henry helped research the plastics used to build the models. Same problem to all the companies competing in the model market. Different approach by the engineers.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 159

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2019 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 159
Tommy wants to come back. We say so long.
Put on a seminar? A dream, a wolf, and an Eagle.


Take the '57 Chevy back? ~o~O~o~ No Tommy. Tommy, I said no! ~o~O~o~ A dream. ~o~O~o~ The summer plans. What's a barbecue? ~o~O~o~ The dream.


Model Makers 14: Betrayed

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The days and weeks settled into some resemblance of order for David and Karen. By the end of the month, David had over two hundred mice with fuzzy feet. Karen laughed at him as she told him it would take very tiny clippers to shear them. She certainly didn't think the sheep industry should be worried yet. It would take a lot more mice than what David had to make one pair of mittens.

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 158

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 158
Even in church! Christmas.
A future sister-in-law?


Lady, You've got it all wrong. ~o~O~o~ Oh no! ~o~O~o~ Oh come on! Even buying a typewriter. ~o~O~o~ We tell Charlie and Jackie. Not good. ~o~O~o~ A feast to honor the Governor.


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 157

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 157
The lone Eagle. The crew, Billy, and Bridget.


Is he or isn't he? ~o~O~o~ A deep talk with the crew. ~o~O~o~ Mom, dad, the crew, pizza, and more talk. ~o~O~o~ Bridget is surprised to meet the author of the paper. ~o~O~o~ Bridget is in for a bigger surprise.


Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 156

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 156
The doctor’s surprise. A talk with our friends.
And, Miss Bridget MacDonald.
Yes, the thermal pools and the spirits. ~o~O~o~ Dr.Joe! I thought it was going to be after the break. ~o~O~o~ Who is this cute redhead with Amy's brother? ~o~O~o~ Why has Larry's paper on Kai come back into the picture? ~o~O~o~ A decision?

Model Makers 11: The Real Model part five

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What went before:

The phone was ringing and Henry put it on speaker as he answered it. "Department Fifty Four, Karen Long speaking, may I help you?"

Boy, was he good. Karen thought he sounded just like her.

"Karen, this is Bill Chambers secretary. Mr. Chambers wants you in his office immediately. Do you understand?"

Henry hesitated as he contemplated telling her, no, he didn't understand. For a fact, he was tempted, except he was sure it would cause trouble for Karen.

Karen picked up the phone. "Yes Betty, I understand."

Model Makers 10: The Real Model part four

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If you read this and think "I have read this already, please return to part nine, that was a glitch in posting. Part nine has new content, that needs to go before this, Sorry!

As Beth walked back to her office Karen started up her car. Now if she could get by Max, she would see if she could find a parking space in the tower. People who showed up late for work usually ended up parking across the street from Comm Tech and walking a half mile to work. If she was lucky someone would have already come and left today leaving her a spot.

Model Makers 9: The Real Model part three

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I am terribly sorry guys, but I had my preparations wrong so what I put here first was chapter ten. I have changed it now and apologise. Please if you read chapter nine before read this and then return to chapter ten, sorry sorry sorry. :( Monique.

An attractive brunette was standing in front of Bob's looking at the model Karen and Henry made that fateful night. Hanging back behind and looking everywhere was a teenage girl. She began tugging on her mother's purse.

"Mama, she's alive."

Her mother reached back and slapped her hand. "Would you stop that? She only looks real. She’s a dummy."

Tommy - The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl? - Chapter 154

The Trials and Tribulations of a Girl?

A Novel By Teddie S.

Copyright © 2018 Teddie S.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 154
No, I’ll drive. An envelope. The little tree.
Some sad news.

No! I'll drive. ~o~O~o~ I made the newspaper. Well almost. ~o~O~o~ A private envelope from Dr. Joe? ~o~O~o~ Please, not Mr. Yazzie!

Acceptance: Spousal - (mild version)

Spousal Acceptance: Perfect wife, perfect life

It was another Friday evening following a hard week at work. Jack was taking his customary after work shower and his wife Joanie was putting the finishing touches on their evening meal; 30 minutes in the oven and dinner would be ready. Joanie would shower after Jack or join him in the shower. It was large, recently renovated and could hold four people. The built in bench seat was a convenient addition.

Rio de Janeiro Blue Chapter 3

We flew back to Rio on Tuesday morning and went straight back to Maria’s place where we made love for the rest of the day. On Wednesday, she took me shopping again and we came back with bags and bags of new clothes. She was incredibly generous. Wednesday afternoon I modelled my purchases in between bouts of love making that lasted the rest of the day and most of the night.

Rio de Janeiro Blue Chapter 2

Maria had gone when I awoke. Glancing at the alarm clock I saw that it was past noon. I stepped gingerly out of bed, wincing slightly as I made my way to the en-suite. My feet were a ruin after spending all night in heels. I surveyed myself in the bathroom mirror. The make up that I had neglected to remove last night was now re-arranged in a far more abstract pattern all over my face. The hairpiece dangled lopsidedly over one ear, mirrored by one remaining earring in the other.

Rio de Janeiro Blue Chapter 1


Thursday October 19th 2000

The bell above the door to the salon tinkled as I entered, and a young woman bounded enthusiastically from the rear of the shop to meet me.


“Hello. I, er, have an appointment for nine this morning…”

“Yes. It was me you spoke to on the phone. I’m Lucy, by the way.” She beamed engagingly. “So…you’re here for the works, pretty much…”

“Yeah. Hence the early appointment.” I smiled back.

“Hot date tonight?”



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