Authors / Stories / Books / Writing

I need some advice for the next Atalanta book

I am working on the third book now and in this one I left open the possibility of Atalanta taking the Theater class. I can "see" some fun in her as well as myself learning the stage and plays. But I'm ignorant about the whole production angle, the plays, and even the costumes.I don't know enough to ask what I don't know. But one of the questions are what plays are used in high school and which of those could contribute to any sort of mayhem?

Because with her something unexpected always happens.

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Thank You

To everyone who has supported Gaby by buying the latest volume - you've made the Wunderkind a winner again - she's number 1 in kids sport books ahead of literally dozens of horsey novels!

So thank you again, the next arc is under way which will be much more adventuresome than the first bit!. I hope you're enjoying it, it's quite a challenge writing in three languages!


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At the risk of being redundant, MOONGODDESS!

I've grown more and more concerned about you. Please let us know that you are okay? If there's anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to message me. You can even call me on skype at Cathy_t_. If you've tried to do that under a different or male name, I don't accept skype messages from males unless I know them from some other venue.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Keep Carla in Prayers Please

Please keep Carla Ann, my editor and closest friend in your prayers. I have been swamped with real life this week and was getting worried I hadn't heard from her... Yesterday she texted me and told me she had a stroke about a week ago not long after she must have just written me. She's an amazing friend and I hope she bounces back quickly from this!

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El Goonish Shive pointing out a rarely used GB sub-trope


Today Dan Shive posted a comic on his EGS:NP section that was very funny, and was a scene, dealing with the gender bending genre that is rarely mentioned, let along discussed.

The comic can be found here:

I found that comic to be hilarious.

The scene dealt with that two gender benders, in their female forms, not having any body hair, with the natural girl being clearly jealous for them not having to shave their legs, among other things.

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Shakes My Doubting Head

It happened again!

After a very busy RL phase when I have had limited access to a computer, I am once more back into my regular routine.

So far, I have posted up to #55 of my 'background' tale to Penny's S E E.

I have the next three episodes in varying stages of completion, and Penny and I have been in touch about the tie-ins between these and her tale.

This made me re-read #55 to add some stuff into my #56.

Despite at lease five read throughs before posting it, and other pairs of eyes too, I today spotted two minor typos in #55.

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Looking for a story

I can't remember the name of it or the characters. I remember a couple lives across the way from an older woman who turns out to be a witch. She feeds the man herbal tea that over time mutates his soul so it resembles her body and no longer fits his own. Eventually he feels extremely broken down and she uses a kiss or mouth to mouth to swap their souls.

Familiar to anyone? I have been trying all sorts of search variations here and FM and striking out.



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A Heads Up

I've finished writing the first part of Gaby Book 14 and as has become habit it will be available via Kindle and Lulu from Sunday, yes the 25th of October!

Overall i'm running a little behind schedule but not so much I can't catch up! The next segment should be @ 3 weeks away so after a long wait there will be a quick succession of Gabyness for the fans, I hope it's worth waiting for!

The completed book is still due over Christmas / New Year and with a following wind I might have the next Nena out about the same time - it's 2/3rds written already.

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Please challenge me

I'm really annoyed today for lots of different reasons, and I can't really concentrate on work or the stories already in progress.

So to get my head in order, I'm asking for some challenges and ideas.
If you can please give me one or more of the following:
1) a really strange plot hook, 1 to 2 sentences.
2) three or more things, settings, locations, characters, etc, that don't seem to fit together.
3) a single sentence, the stranger the better, that has to be properly used in the story.

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To Sleep, Perchance to Dream - New story release at Crystal Hall

Ok... first thing. Go find a box of tissues. Bring them to wherever you plan to read. I'll wait.

Tissues ready? Good. You're going to need them. I certainly did, when I first read this in drafts and again while editing.


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I might not have been to Interlaken

this time but the reason for delay in posting was a trip to Switzerland by yours truly last weekend! Quite fitting really and although I had a fun weekend it was nothing like Gaby's adventures!

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Historic tram in Basel last Sunday!

I know I keep saying it but regular postings should resume again now, at least for a few weeks!

In other news, Book 14 part 1 will hopefully be ready next weekend so look out for the announcement.


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Favor from those publishing stories!

I am not one to complain about things that I can't control and WILL not complain about the BC authors and the publishing of their work. BUT, I do have a suggestion to those which do have their work published and post the information here at BC. Could you PLEASE post a price or at least an estimate of the cost per title for each title! My idea will allow people to set aside the money even if it's a little bit each week to be able to purchase the works of their favorite author at that site.

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Writing the first draft. Is it always

Is it always the beginning of writing a story that's the hardest? Forcing yourself to lay down the words that you want to tell, only to find later as you edit it over that that part is now easier to do then the first time while looking endlessly at a blank screen or piece of paper? Hell even when you had some words down it was hard to continue as you fought the urge to edit what you had.

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Moongoddess, are you okay? Redux.

It's been almost four weeks, or maybe it just FEELS like it's been four weeks, without a chapter of THE ENHANCED TRI or SLACKER. I hope this only means that you are working hard and feeling better.

If there's anything I can help with, please let me help?

Catherine Linda Michel

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Betareaders wanted

I'm starting a new YA novel, post-apocalyptic, fairly dark but realistic dark not just dark for the fun of it, and where the female MC cross dresses for safety. The story involves a trip halfway across the continent on a scientific recovery mission, with giant monsters, bandits, raiders, and other problems plaguing them.

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Mother's Child

As much as it pains me to say this, I fear that future chapters of Mother's Child will be coming far less frequently or even regularly. When I started posting I was seven chapters ahead, having started writing this tale in January. Between the necessary re-edits, changes in story lines as things developed and other life issues, I have now caught up with myself. Chapter 10 only exists as a rough draft still in the process of re-writes, and future chapters are only concepts.

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For "Wine, Women, and Ayla" Part 2 - Today's Crystal Hall story release

The Crystal Hall forums still being offline, today's story release of Elrod's "Wine, Women, and Ayla" (Part 2) can be commented on here. Once we get a working non-hackable forums and commenting system up and going, we'll transfer details over. In the meantime, we'll do what we can to ensure our authors receive their regular feedings of kudos and praise. Enjoy:

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I made my players cry

Early this summer I concluded the first part of an epic fantasy role-playing game. This was the third time I had run this story on different groups. It begins with the unrestful dead walking into town and trying to buy a beer.

This first part ended with the final death of a giant wildboar named Sourbelly who had swallowed an undead wizard's soulgem. Sourbelly had become unkillable while his flesh rotted off his giant bones. His mate, Sweettooth, and his offspring defended him against attempts by the players to destroy the undead swine.

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Sensory Processing Issues

I have sensory processing issues and just got hammered with sensory overload. I was about to post a rant, but I think it might be more helpful to start a discussion.

So you know, we might better understand each other, or better understand characters with sensory processing differences of different kinds. I'm currently reading Bailey Summers' Encrypted, and Maddie comes to mind.


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I saw it on the News...

It's been done before

Some fanfiction author is going to sue. The 10th anniversary (has it been that long?) Twilight is going to have a genderswapped version of the story.

(I included NSFW based upon what people are likely to say when they see the story. I couldn't find a Caution for horrible things.)


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Another Gaby chapter

Yes, another chapter of Swiss Cheese to munch through.

On another front I can report that Book 14 is coming along, 6 chapters complete so for the impatient the first quarter book should be ready in a fortnight - I'm away this coming week taking a party to look at some Swiss Archaeology.


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Glimpses status

Ok, things are going to slow down for a bit. Most of what I've been posting was already written and only needed editing/rearranging.

Now I'm getting to new stuff (or at least newly completed/expanded) and things are likely going to be more spaced out.

Also, my muse decided that now was the time to take the note (and a couple paragraphs of actual story) I had for Don & Alice and go with them.

Don and Alice are *different*. VERY different.

I suspect that many people aren't going to like their background a lot. Alas, they are what they are. And their background, interests, etc are a big part of how they wind up at Whateley as well as how & why they have their abilities.

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The transgender argument

Often while I'm driving I come up with a lot of thoughts. I've been thinking a lot about explaining transgender to people and this is what I came up.

The argument for those who don’t understand how a person can be transgender:

If I stripped you of your anatomy, would you still identify as a male/female?

(I assume the answer is yes)

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MB2 - Momma's Children and Interview

MB2 - Momma's Children

The long awaited sequel to Momma's Boys

Released: October 20, 2015

Momma's boy was written 4 years ago, and is one of Dauphin's best known and acclaimed stories. Dauphin never has done a sequel, however after many messages asking him to do one for this story, he has finally agreed. The storyline of this one is a secret, so you just have to wait.

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Vaginal Fantasy

This Sunday, October 4th, Felicia Day and friends will be discussing 'Rosemary and Rue', the first book in Seanan McGuire's October Daye urban fantasy series. Vaginal Fantasy is a 'romance book club', which meets once a month to discuss a book. Strictly speaking, 'Rosemary and Rue' and the series as a whole doesn't fall into the romance genre, but there is romance involved, sandwiched between the bloodshed. It should be a good time, though be warned, there may be spoilers.

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What the Pope said about transgender folk

So, I was not vitally interested in the Pope's visit but did hear that he had something to say about transgender folk. Avoiding the hype and hate crowd, I didn't look it up until this morning. It seems that T folk were compared to be Atom Bombs. Is that all bad?

So, does anyone know what he actually said? I can't seem to penetrate the media fog to see. I did find one youtube video that seemed promising but it was the usual ignorant bile.

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Wonder City stories: I am lost in the city.

Since Tris Shandy posted the link to the Wonder City stories I have gotten totally lost in this amazing collection of tales. Am I the only one?
The writer is simply dead on with characterizations and the plots interweave and leaves me breathless from trying to keep up. Simply amazing stuff. Thank you Tris, for this great headsup.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Review: Wonder City Stories

Wonder City Stories by Jude McLaughlin is a series of novels and short stories set in a world with superheroes, but the stories are not primarily about active superheroes (or supervillains). Most of the main characters are ordinary people with minor superpowers, who work regular jobs (construction work, barista, architect, journalist, therapist, etc.) and don't have codenames or crimefighting identities; some are retired superheroes, others young trainee heroes. Several characters are transgender, gender-fluid, or non-binary.

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