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Cliffhangers and writing

Going back over my Transit of Venus I've read comments about my frequently leaving cliffhangers. I've read similar comments about other people's posts and it made me question whether some of our writing on BC is structured differently to the classic, magically produced for the audience, completed novel. The term cliffhanger comes I think from serials that left a bit of bait to encourage the audience to return for the next episode.

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Gender-Specific Teleportation

I know that in the Starforce Trilogy, and in Spinrad's "Void Captain's Tale," space travel depends on gender-specific teleportation abilities. Usually female-only.

I wonder what people think of using the idea in stories.

I was planning to use the idea, with modifications, in some space opera stories, because it dodges the physical objections to faster-than-light travel, and it complicates the gender politics of the societies involved. I figure it could involve a drug and/or cybernetic implants that help people do this, but make some people too dysphoric to do this.

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Replacing a published story

The talk of Gor, and Gorean stories ignited an exploration of my own stories that are similar. I found one that was written back in 2007 when I was even nuttier than I am now and while reading it, found serious sentence structure issues. I have copied and pasted it back to Word for a tune up and plan to replace it at BCTS later today.

My plan is to cut and paste it above the existing story and then cut the old out of the bottom. This feels laborious, and knowing the level of my own "skills" feel there is an easier way. Any suggestions?


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Gor: I don't get it

I don't get it. You see, I have stumbled across stories from it here on this website and elsewhere, and i've done some research into it. What I've learned is that it seems to be an extremely sexist, hyper male power/sex fantasy where females seem to be nothing more than worthless abuse toys. I...I just don't get it. If someone can help me try and understand this I'd be grateful because I don't understand why anyone would find this attractive or would want to be part of it.


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Story Character Research

In doing research for a story character, I am building a little boy, the heir of an Arab family, who was kidnapped from the UAE at age 4 and brought to the US, castrated, and raised as a girl slave by criminals. Her nanny, also kidnapped, but from Saudia, has raised her, teaching her Arabic, and the things expected of a woman. The child is very bright. This is still developing.

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Looking for a story

Hi everyone. I'm looking for a story. I can't remember if I saw it on here, or the old Chrystal's Story Site, or even in Fictionmania.
What I do remember about it, there was a boy who was transgendered, and he got involved with this girl and her friends, and they made some sort of movie or something using Barbie Dolls.

If anyone remembers that story, can you please tell me the title.



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Some Updates

My muse is resting at the moment, but she might kick in next year. I have a lot on my mind right now. I'm trying to find a professional agent for "A California Saga". I've been going through those listed on the "Predators and Editors" web site and have found several that look acceptable. I started at M's and am through the R's at this point, I'm contacting only those that work through email. I've sent queries to around a dozen so far.

I have a glimmer of an idea for a story in the Cynthia Chronicles series. Not even close to putting anything in print.

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Muse News!

And so it came to pass - A writing fest!

Yep, the muse is back and it being Christmastide I've tapped out a short Chrimbo tale - well it started out short but its ended up with three parts, each edited on Boxing Day by Angharad! Its a bit of a Marmite but if you do enjoy it please hit the kudo button! Parts 2 and three will be posted very soon.

You get the usual chapter of Gaby too so there's something for er, someone.

I've put my own Christmas Day disaster (dead cooker) behind me, guess I'll be using the microwave a lot for a few weeks!

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Just a quick update

Well it's been a more interesting day than i'd planned but certainly not the worst.

So from the top, I did have stuff to unwrap that I didn't buy including from my offspring.

I did have my Christmas lunch - that's where things went a bit awry! I lost my power and heat just after starting to cook so I ended up cooking on a tiny camping stove! When the electrician got here he quickly identified the problem - my cooker is no more - oh joy, at least the freezer and microwave are still running.

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Bike rap

I wrote Trish's rap quite spontaneously then had to try and organise some rhythm to it. It's not a medium I enjoy as few of the exponents of it don't possess clear diction and it tends to sound like a series of rhythmic groans. However, I can accept like all presentation forms, it isn't easy to get it to balance in meter and rhyme. I doubt I shall try it again, which might please some of my regular readers, but felt the inclusion of it given the abilities of the character involved was a distinct possibility. However, she is much cleverer than the poor old dear who reports on them.

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Where to Begin Writing?

I'd like to write a couple stories.

Right now I'm struggling with pain and rsi, and busy with work and other hobbies. So it'll probably depend on my health, and my trouble typing.

I've tried typing breaks, which seems to help, a lower desk, which definitely helps, a small tilted keyboard, which seems to help, speech-to-text, which has not helped, and a drawing tablet software, which has not worked with my disabilities. I'm not sure what else to try on that end.

But in the near future I'd like to write:

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A Place By The Sea

I had a particularly bad shift involving yet another transphobic assault, and in my down time the rest of the Ebrahimi story emerged, as linked to in the story comments. Tired, fed up, hormones doing the things they do, I wrote a brutal story in one sitting. Trouble is, all I did was hold a mirror up to the reality of 'welfare' at the moment.

I wept as I typed. Enough said. I cling to my professed faith in family and friends, but then I look at poor Mr Ebrahimi and, well, shit.

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Good news; bad news; good news

Well I got some good news today. I don't have MS. A brain MRI scan came up clean. The bad news is I have virtually no vitamin D in my system (3 ng/ml - minimum needed to not be consider severely deficient is 30-60 ng/ml - depending on who you believe), the lack of which can mimic MS. I am now taking 5000 units of vitamin D a day. Doctor says it will take at least 3 months to get it up to where it needs to be. More bad news - They found that I also have severe multi-layer spinal arthritis, which is causing the weakness in my legs by abrading and compressing the sciatic nerve bundle.

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Should I be worried?

The first chapter of "Mercy" has more kudos than anything i have ever written, by a lot. But each successive chapter has dropped in the number of kudos.

Should I be worried?

Has the story's quality dropped?

Are people frustrated with how long it has been taking me to publish pretty short chapters?

Is the pace not working?

If you kudoed on the first chapter, but havent since, I'd be curious as to why ...

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Great News

Well my muse returned and so you can look out for the next arc of Gaby Book 14 on Kindle later today!

I've also got an electronic version of part 2 for you on Lulu, part 3 will be available there as soon as I can manage it!

Oh and of course there is a new chapter of Book 12 posted here.

So I send you all Seasons Greetings and urge you to look out for a Gabyfest over the 'Twixtmas' period!


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Five years of SEE

I just had a look at "My Stories" and I notice that there is activity all along the line back as far as Chapter 1. So, people are still re-reading it! I admire your stamina.

I also noticed the date I posted the first chapter, 22nd December 2010. Wow, a whole five years! I swear I never intended for it to take this long!

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Selling ebook in Amazon for non-US citizen

Hi all,

Perhaps many of you know that I've been readying Felicia's Second Life for publishing on Amazon. What everyone doesn't know is that I'm wracking my brain trying to understood this whole withstanding tax thing.

It stated there that Amazon will withhold 30% withholding tax for non-US citizens. To overcome this, I need to give my income tax number. The problem is I don't have a tax income number because my income never reach the taxable rate.

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Looking for a story

Looking for a story in which the father buys gifts for his son exactly the same as he buys for her daughter as punishment or something...
I love a story which is unfortunately incomplete with the name Mrs. Cavendish by Paula Hanson on fictionmania. Does anybody know where is the complete version or stories with a theme like that?

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My Writing and win10

I've been working to complete a story that I started years ago and trying to fight off the relentless win10 boogieman. With so many open projects, I don't want to allow that onto my desktop while not knowing how to use win10.

So, I have an aged Toshiba laptop that has been running the upgrade since 9:00PM last night. It is 9:33 AM and it seems to have finished.

What have I done?


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Of missing muse, markets and all that.

Here we are, 12 days before Christmas, the extreme weather is about and my muse has taken a stroll - it may be gone sometime! Well I hope not but what it'll come up with is anyone's guess.

I might not have been to the German markets this year but I've visited a few around the country instead, Birmingham, York, Lincoln, Leeds and of course Sheffield. I've managed to acquire some gluhwein mugs for the collection, eaten a variety of German goodies, drunk oodles of gluhwein, bought a few prezzies as well as some treats for home!

All in all I'm feeling quite festive.

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Delays in Mother's Child

I've had a rough week. I woke up Monday feeling poorly. Later that day, I fell down the steps to my apartment twice. My knees just turned to jello. My legs have been so weak that I couldn't stand up from a chair without using my arms. I'm stumbling on level ground. My mind feels like I'm drugged. My hands are shaking such that I can barely write this.

Yesterday, I saw the doctor who wants to test me for MS. I am going in for a brain MRI the 27th. Some Christmas present, eh!

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Comment size limit?

This afternoon I notice that a comment I was posting on "Jenny's Story, Ch 6" was having the last paragraph cut off. Is this a temporary issue or is there a space limitation on comment sizes?

If so, a size limitation on comments seems reasonable, I just did not know about it. How about PM's, will they be limited also?


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Looking for a story

Can anyone help please , I'm looking for a story about a young boy who has to stay with friends while his parents fly to a sick parent . The boy has an accident whilst playing in the yard when an elderly neighbour drives into the yard and pins him under the car , the story then revolves around the hospital and the wait for the parents to return which is delayed by 9/11 . I can't remember who it is by or the title just that it is a good read , thanks in anticipation .

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Meltdown Update

Sorry it's so late but real life and being diagnosed with diabetes in this past year and all the resultant changes to life have kind of occupied most of my time for the last while. I had a bout of pneumonia a while back whose infection contributed to pushing my sugars to 29 (normal for most people is between 5 and 8) and my A1C hemoglobin to 16.9 ( normal apparently is under 7). Let alone still doing all of the travel I was before as well as work and looking after my elderly parents who have both had health issues this past year.

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Another Update

While I wait for my creative juices to get flowing again on some of the tales I've left hanging---there is quite a few now, I've decided to dip my toe in the hero ink. I am currently developing a superhero story which will lead into a universe for others to write in as well. Right now I'm only in the early stages of the first story but I hope to get it all done and running soon.

I just wanted to let everyone know that I haven't fallen off the face of the planet or something lol.

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A Holiday Gift

Dear readers, as a Christmas gift, of sorts, to the fans here and as a way of apologizing to all for being such a turd bucket from time to time when commenting here on TS/BC, I have discounted the price of all Kindle books written by myself and Persephone.

The new price, across the board is 3.99 USD per book, which represents a saving on many of the books of up to fifty percent. They are still not prefect. They are, however, good stories that are unique and far ranging.

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News on Nick B

I need to tell you about Nick B.

He's had a bit of a mishap with a circular saw, which came very close to taking his thumb off. He's perfectly alright now, but he's been told in no uncertain terms not to do anything to a) keep his thumb safe and free from infection and b) to allow it to heal properly.

So all wood working is out (which is what got him in this pickle in the first place), as sadly is washing up, making the bed and his favourite pastime of cooking.

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a quick update

RL has delayed my writing a bit this last few days - that and a vagrant muse, so the expected third arc of the new book may be delayed by a few days.

The good news is that I have plenty of writing time scheduled over the holiday period so with a bit of luck part 4 shouldn't! Be delayed by any significant amount!


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I guess we've seen the last of The Enhanced TRI.

It's been a couple of months since Moongoddess' last posting and I hope she's all right. I know what it's like to write oneself into a corner, or to have real life jump up and smack one in the face, limiting or even stopping a creative process.

Even though I know the story is complete (it's on Amazon and Kindle) My very limited financial resources prohibit me from ordering it on Amazon, and I don't have Kindle access so I'm gonna have to hope that: A. Moongoddess gets through whatever it is that's keeping her from communicating, and B. She can finish posting the story here.

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