Dorothy Colleen


Sometimes, I feel like God is teasing me. Something that would lead me out of my current dilemma appears, like this job offer, but as soon as I reach for it, it gets taken away, leaving me worse off than if I had had no hope to begin with. I am really struggling with anger with God at the moment. Ah, well. Guess that teaches me to hope for anything but death as a solution..

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in pain, but not without hope

Well, despite my continued pain, I am feeling more hopeful. I got a call from a possible workplace, and i am going to check it out tomorrow. I am working on a ret-con story starring Amanda Waller, and hope to make some progress on that front soon. But if you are religious, could you pray that this job thing works out?

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I really don't know how much more I can take. After every shift at my work, I am in such pain I can hardly walk. I wake in the middle of every night having to stifle a scream from the pain. Something has to change, and soon. The only good news I have is that I now have a picture of myself that my counselor took on my last session:

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single, and not loving it

I know that its not a big thing to complain about, but I really am feeling the lack of a companion in my life. As I have become more intergrated, I have found that the desire for a partner has gotten stronger. Its more than a desire for sex, but a wish for someone to hold me when i am upset, tell me I am beautiful when I feel ugly, and who will stand with me come what may. ah, well.

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pity the father

I was thinking yesterday about the portrayal of fathers in stories here. It seems like for the most part, if they feature in the stories at all, they are a barrier, rather than an aide. I wonder if that matches reality? Do fathers struggle more with a child who feels like they are transgendered? If so, what could we as a community do to help them? Just a thought.

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Phoenix Rising: A Ret-Con Story

Phoenix Rising

Astronaut John Grey, returning from a routine satellite repair mission, encountered something much more than a total systems malfunction.

John Grey swore, and punched a control panel. “Great” he said. “It’s dead, and so am I”

He was miles above the Earth, after having worked at repairing a satellite for a private company. He had always wanted to be an astronaut, and when NASA had turned him down, he went to the private sector.

trying to hold on

Well, I am struggling a bit, trying to not get discouraged with my job search. That, plus my mom and I are both fighting a cold, and we almost lost our dog yesterday. The little critter ate a mouse that had been poisoned, and my mom had to rush it to the vet. Fortunately, it looks like she is going to be ok, but still, its not fun.

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what a wonderful day

Well, today was fantastic. I met the girls at the restaurant, and they were super nice. After brunch, we went to a local arts district and walked around together. It felt so good to do some normal stuff like buying some 2nd hand books and looking at dresses. After I left them to go home, I stopped at a convenience store and got some pop and picked up a few things at a dollar store. Now, i am off to pride, so i can share with the guys. hugs to all.

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When Worlds Collide, a Vision Spring Story

When Worlds Collide: A Vision Spring story

(Authors note: Its probably a good idea to read the first two stories before reading this one)

Last time … (From This is how a Heart breaks)

“He told me his story Itzel, and it doesn’t change anything. I . . I love him anyway.” Sara said

“Love?” the creature said, “You can do more than summon shadows Sara. Look into his heart, and see the darkness there!”

No more guilt?

well, its kinda snuck up on me, but I have noticed its been a while since i really struggled with guilt over my tg issues. I think my decision to be honest with myself, my family, and my God has paid off. Its such a relief to not beat myself up every time I wanted to dress up. That feels like a major victory, to me.

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found a local ts group

Well, I am feeling a little better. I think I am just getting anxious about school. I am stuck waiting for info so I can get my approvai for funding, and I cant do anything but wait, and time is running short. Meanwhile, however, I was able to find a local TS group online, and submitted a application to join. Assuming that I am accepted, they have a brunch at the end of the month that I could attend. It would be great to have some local girls to help me really get started on this journey.

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well, i had a busy day today. I sent off a couple of resumes, i phoned some colleges regarding the program i want, i got a doctors appt. for tomorow to get a letter for the funding people, i also phoned the goverment to get a copy of my tax form that i needed, and even got a little writing done for my next story. As a reward for my hard work, i took all the bottles i have been collecting and took them to a depot, and took the money and went to a consignment shop and found a couple of new items to wear as dorothy. All in all, a good day.

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well, i put a little make-up on for pride tonight. bought some eyeshadow, blush, and lipstick (although it wasnt a stick, but with a brush - so more like lip paint) from a dollar store and am trying it out. I am not likely to get much chance to practice, so I am stuck wishing i looked less like a clown.

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Nice card from my mom

My mom gave me a nice card for a DAUGHTER for my birthday, and I would like to share it with you.


I'm wishing you all the good theings you deserve

For your birthday,
I wish you the confidence to begin this year as you would open a gift,
certain taht it holds something special just for you.

I wish you strong trust in yourself and faith inthe future,
the belief that you will make the right choices to bring you closer to the happiness you deserve

I wish you friends to surround you in the circle of their caring and love,
and people to help you laugh at life.

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This is how a heart breaks - A Vision Spring Story

This is How a Heart Breaks - A Vision Spring story

Six months ago . . . Sara woke from her usual nightmares. Weak and shaking, she barely managed to get herself up and deal with the waking world. She had thought things were getting better, she had made such progress, but lately things had gotten worse again. The first set of dreams involved the case that had sent her on leave from being a social worker.

a character changes

well, i am discovering that every once in a while, my stories can surprize me. I dont want to give too much away, but one of the major characters in my latest story has made a 180 degree turn that i honestly didnt see coming when i started this series. I just hope the end results are enjoyable.

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odd dream

I had an odd dream the other night. I was in a moterized chair, heading for a hospital. On my way, i bumped into someone I knew, but I didnt recognize them at first because they had aged. Then I went in, and joined a very long line up for help with my gender stuff. The line actaully went from one building to another, it was that long. I joined the line, and then I woke up. weird, huh?

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I am doing something i have never really done for a story before - do some research. Its actually kinda fun, to look up stuff, even if it may not end up in the story, but just to have in my head as background as I go. Meanwhile, I am kinda up and down emotionaly and in terms of my faith. I dont feel as bad as before, but now I kinda feel exhausted, numb. I am not sure if thats actually better or not

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A little nudge: A Vision Spring story

A Little Nudge: A Vision Spring tale

Michelle sat in the transgender pride meeting, feeling terribly out of place being the only one not dressed as her feminine self. The rest of the girls were moving forward, and she was being left behind, again. She sighed. It was her own fault.

struggling with guilt

I find that I am struggling with guilt in regards to my rape. I had a moment of clearity in my counsiling thursday, when i realized I actually missed my attacker after i stopped seeing him. This, coupled with the fact that i experianced pleasure on some level during my attacks has really thrown me, and I am having trouble wrapping my head around it. Sigh.

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Maybe its not over?

Well, I got a repreive at the agency today. They have decided that even without the medical, my gender issues are enough by themselves to qualify me for assistance. I will have to get the doc to say he is sending me to the specialist, which shouldnt be as much of a problem. So, i go from no hope back to some hope in one move.

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some thoughts on life

Some random thoughts on life:

"Life . . . don't talk to me about life" Marvin the Paranoid android

"Life is a paltry player who struts and frets his moment apon the stage and then is heard from no more. It is a tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,

signifying nothing." McBeth

"life is pain, princess! anyone who tells you otherwise is selling something" Wesley, from the princess Bride

"One sure thing about life. Nobody gets out alive" Annon.

"The secret to a happy life? Lowered expectations." Me

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Well, its been a frustrating week. I have been trying to get a letter from my doctor regarding my physical health so i could qualify for the assitance to go back to school, but no luck. Then today, I tried to get it from the local medi-center, and instead they sent me for an x-ray, and i have to go back monday. I am starting to fear that I could end up not being able to get it, and the whole dream of going back to school and maybe transitioning is going up in smoke. sigh.

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The View from Heaven, a Dream


thanks Angela Rasch for the assistance

One night, as I slept, I began to dream. In my dream, I passed through the clouds to the gates of Heaven. I was met by an angel, who said to me, “Welcome, child of Adam. I am called Brigthtwings. I will be your guide today.”

“Did I die in my sleep, Brightwings? How can I be here?”

The angel said, “No, my friend, you have not died. God has permitted you this dream, so that you may understand his purposes better.”

My brain chemistry is kicking my butt

Well, I got most of what i need to do to go back to school done. If I can get my doctor to sign off for me wednsday, I will be as ready to go as I can be. I just wish I felt better, but I was due for a chemical down anyway, so now is as good a time as any, i guess. ah, well.

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