
Today's Parable - 2017 - 06 - 06 - Brother, Can You Spare A Dime?

Brother, Can You Spare A Dime?
(c) 2017 Haylee V

Once upon a time, a rich nobleman had two fine sons, whom he was grooming to take over the family business. The elder son proved to be a shrewd businessman, tough on his customers, but quick to make a profit, sometimes overcharging his customers for their needs or using otherwise shady tactics. Anything for a quick buck seemed to be his credo.

Today's Parable - 2017 - 06 - 04 - Mapiya Woksape Creates the Moon

Mapiya Woksape Creates the Moon
(c) 2017 Haylee V

Many millennia ago, when the Earth was still young, a brave scout decided he would catch a rainbow. Few of the elders knew how or why they were made, or if they could even be captured. No one in Ahiyu Wigmuke's village had ever heard an idea so foolish -- or foolhardy.

Today's Parable - 2017 - 01 - 01 - Just a Bum

Just a Bum
(c) 2017 Haylee V

Once upon a time, a wealthy and respected king, eager to learn if the loyalty and compassion shown him was genuine, or just out of fear for his position, decided to test his subjects.

This king was known far and wide for his handsome baby face and regal bearing. I must do something to disguise my appearance, he thought, lest I be discovered and my plans ruined.

Today's Parable - 2017 - 06 - 02 - The Hen and the Hawk

The Hen and the Hawk
(c) 2017 Haylee V

Once upon a time, a beautiful, but somewhat misguided hen lived on a farm. She spent her days doing what most hens do -- scratching the ground for seeds and worms, preening her feathers, or laying eggs. She had a relatively good life -- safe and easy.

Unfortunately, though, she wasn't happy. She would often gaze longingly at the sky and watch the wild fowl fly overhead in absolute freedom -- a freedom she yearned for with every fiber of her being.

Today's Parable - 2017 - 06 - 01 - A Little Goes a Long Way

A Little Goes A Long Way
(c) 2017 Haylee V

Once upon a time, a poor baker decided to bake a loaf of bread. He gathered all of his ingredients, and set about making the dough.
After kneading and proofing it, he set the dough aside to rise in the afternoon sun, being mindful to pinch off a tiny bit and store it in a jar in his cupboard, for later use.

"Why do you ALWAYS do that, Father?" his son asked one day.

Today's Parable - 2017 - 05 - 31 - The Cog

I was reading my messages today, and was surprised (and very pleased) to find a message there from someone who is having a rough time of it right now. This parable is dedicated to her.

The Cog
(c) 2017 Haylee V

Once upon a time, a famous artisan in Bavaria was building a cuckoo clock for the Baron. Being an horologist gave him a great sense of pride. The work was laborious, as each tiny piece had to be meticulously placed by hand to make the clock function and the birds chime.


I thought of you today.
As my day began.

I thought of you sitting in your playhouse
Sipping your lemonade
Hair flowing freely
Dimpled cheeks, freckles, crooked smile and all.
Laughing freely as you played house with your dollies
All while twirling about in your silky yellow sundress and Mary Janes.

I thought of you today.
As my day began.

It shouldn't happen to a dog

Rick Mathews was a smooth-talking double-glazing salesman, who could talk his way into any deal, and virtually any female's bed.But he certainly wasn't expecting the latter when he visited Lady Markham at her country mansion.

A Princess of Jupiter

In the tradition of Edgar Rice Burroughs, A Princess of Jupiter follows the life of Captain Caelen Carter. Finding himself dying in a Mexican cenote he is flung outward to wake upon the surface of Jupiter. Not only does he have to survive in a strange world but he also has to do so as a woman.

The Will Chaser

When a solicitor's clerk arrives one evening with news of a legacy for an unknown relative, possibly his half-sister, Sam tries hard to help her inherit. If it had been a smaller amount, he probably wouldn't have agreed to stand in for her, but as it was…


----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

★ Definitive Gemstone Story ★

Many important moments in our lives pass unmarked by solemn ceremonies or other rights of passage, such as weddings, graduations, and funerals. Usually, they are far more fleeting, passing almost unnoticed. Even so, and how ever brief, they are often the very moments that define us as who and what we are; and just as importantly, who and what our friends are. This story is a collection of a few such moments, like steppingstones through time, in the life of a very special person named Emily.


By Sarah Lynn Morgan

Brianna and Jayden, Episode 2 a TG Dress Shop Story

Read my previous short solo “Brianna and Jayden - A TG Dress Shop Story” from 2015 for the back story. Reviewers asked for a continuation, but my mind has been away from fiction writing. In the last two years society has changed and Jayden has learned a great deal about herself. She is excited to talk again with Brianna. Let's listen in as they come to closure.

TeenGirl Logo.jpg

Box for Lolita

Sometimes you start changing a tiny bit at a time other times something gives you a push this time magic gets involved and takes you on a trip into a smaller cuter version of yourself to a darker side of life.

"You" are the character that gets a box. Resistance is fulfilling.

Hope I can pull you in with my story and properly represent the world of bondage.

The Stanley Hotel

The Stanley, Room 217

I finally managed to earn the copious amounts of money required to book a night at the famous Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado. Being a horror movie buff and a recreational ghost hunter, room 217 at the Stanley was the ultimate haunted room. Even though I had to book the stay six months in advance, I was beyond excited knowing I’d be able to stay there on June 25, the one night per year that paranormal activity was supposed to be at its highest at the Stanley.



Written by Dauphin
I need to stop a bully and my sister gives me a spell to turn a bully to a sissy. Things go wrong.
"A sentimental story of how real magic comes from the family" Diana
"The plotline is simple, the results of a spell opens a whole new life for a boy and family" Andrew

Yes, Mr President

There are an awful lot of decisions to make when you're an incoming president.

Author's Note: This is a light-hearted work of fiction and bears no relation to what really goes on in the White House – I think!
Copyright© Lin Dale 2017

The Fae

Shaelan ran through the stillness of the forest, silent accept for her ragged breathing. She didn’t feel the bitter cold or her snow-soaked clothing that clung to her like a second skin. She reached for the thick trunk of an aspen tree and wrapped her arms around it, grateful for its strength to keep her from collapsing to the ground. She was shaking from exertion, her lungs burning with every breath as if she was inhaling shards of glass. Her vibrant blue eyes were wide with fear as she paused to look back the way she’d come. Her hearing was exceptional as were all her senses.

Signed, Sealed and Delivered An Edited Re-post Part 2 of 2

I desperately wanted away from there and I was half afraid he would kiss me again and half afraid he wouldn't! Somewhere in the back of my mind, though I could hear Jim yelling at me and I realized that it had to be the programming that was making me act like this! Ginny had been in charge for the past several minutes and Jim wanted back at the reins of this runaway stagecoach! I made an effort to push the Ginny part of me into the background and I was

Signed, Sealed and Delivered An Edited Re-post Part 1

Signed, Sealed, and Delivered

By Cathy_t_

This was my very first attempt at writing anything for others to read. The idea for the story is mine but the inspiration for doing it at all comes from two wonderful angels I met on the net one dark night in my life. They stopped me from doing something very stupid that night and I would like to dedicate this story to them. To Prue and Neri. Without their help and encouragement this story would not exist. Nor would I.


Better Parents

.Better Parents

Written by Dauphin
A couple moves in next door and thinks they can be better parents.
"A fun heartwarming story of what a boy would do to be loved." Diana
"I hope this story makes people think of how important being a parent is!" Dauphin

The Beefeater

December 2016 Spirit of Giving Story Contest Entry

beefeater.jpgWhen Veronica Bottomly catches sight of the page girl at a relative's wedding, she dreams of taking her to bed, something she hasn't done for years. But a little problem thwarts her plan and it looks like it's going to be a miserable Christmas for both of them.


Audience Rating: 




TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



Quest for the Silver Cleric

Quest for the Silver Cleric


by Dorothy Colleen



"When the Empire was in flower, the Weres came to fight. The Sea-folk were threatened, and The Dead ruled the night. The situation hopeless, the battle was as good as lost. Then the Silver Cleric came to save us, no matter what the cost.”

And when the troubles returned, the Sea-folk reached across time and space to find a very special person, someone both male and female, to find to rid this strange world of darkness, oppression and misery.

Danica finds herself in a strange world with new languages, cultures, personalities and challenges on a quest to find The Silver Cleric.

It Won't Be Over by Christmas

When his mother dreams that the war won't be over by Christmas, and that he and all the other boys from school will be killed in the trenches, John changes his name to Joan and everything else flows from that.

Author's Note: This story contains non-violent rape, under-age sex, and cross dressing.

Eyes That Sparkle

Originally published December 18, 2002 to Classic BC

Eyes That Sparkle

by Keshara


A letter published in an agony aunt column I read many years ago inspired this story. It was from a lost soul who was desperate to find the true person they wanted be. You could say that it is based on a true story, but as for the answer to their dilemma I do not know?

Rebecca's Revenge

Complete story recovered and migrated from Classic Big Closet

Rebecca's Revenge

By Constance Grant

Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 by Constance Grant Manasquan, NJ all rights

This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to actual persons or events is

If it's illegal for you to read this - DON'T.


This began as a short story, so much for good intentions!

The Wardrobe

When Mark Walker accidentally discovers a door at the rear of his wardrobe, he finds an Edwardian scene frozen in time. But the four female mannequins are not just a display; Mark discovers they have an ulterior purpose - and a history.

Author's note: This story is different from my more conventional Big Busts stories, but I hope you will enjoy this Halloween special.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



A bridge between lives

A night sky full of stars - it's late - a young man slowly walks back  to the place they are staying at from a birthday party - walking across a bridge high above a small river the runs though town they stop as they look over the side - with tears running down they face all they can think about is how easy it would be to end it - to step off the edge  - end all the pain and suffering - no longer seeing any way out... 

Campbelltown Resident Claims Transgender Vaccine Link

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Earlier today I read a clickbait piece in which a mother claimed that a flu vaccine turned her son gay. Though I am firmly pro-vaxx (vaccinate your kids, folks) the idea of a child turning gay or trans as a vaccine side effect tickled me. Maybe I'll expand on this more in a future story, but this fake news article touches on it. Enjoy!

* * * *

4 October, 2016

Dress Like A Girl Pirate Day

Roland Heights, CA 0600 19SEP16:

Crissie Turner with an elder sister (Elizabeth) and a younger brother (Marty) was an early riser (to get the first shower). She was already dressed, makeup done and ready for breakfast. She could hear her sister taking a shower in the bathroom next to her bedroom. Having a few minutes to kill, Crissie turned on the TV to catch a few minutes of the news:

Proxy Pregnancy

When five month pregnant cousin Jessica needs a stand in, Joshua is both shocked and exhilarated she should ask him. No self respecting man would take on such a thing, but a cousin in need...


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



Stories from the Shepherd Moon - Interviews 2


Stories from the Shepherd Moon –
Interviews #02:  An Obsession with Royalty

“This is Bryan Seacrest, broadcasting from BBC Solar’s outside broadcasting van, or what we in the news business like to call the ‘OB Van,’ here on the front lawn of the Royal Castle of the Northern Territory here on Elyra Prime. We are covering the investiture of the Princess Amelia Liaran-Kerr-Steele as the new ruler of the Kingdom of the Northern Territory. As you know, this comes on the heels of…”

LIke a Woman Scorned


The women's self-help group was dedicated to making men suffer for their marital sins, and what more fitting humiliation could there be, than to force them to be the kind of woman they most desired. When the narrator wakes up as a Dolly Parton look-alike, he expects the worst, but actually gains more than anyone could possibly have imagined.

This story was originally published on Fictionmania in 2003 under my other nom de plume of Marianne Nettes. It is posted here virtually without modification. It's basically a light hearted story with lots of sex of all types. Please don't read it if that is not to your taste. Otherwise, sit back and enjoy!


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



Rebirth: A New Way to Love

REBIRTH (bela).jpg"Rebirth: A New Way to Love"
a Short Story by TGTrinity
Cover by bela04

Gary and Andrea are on a trip with the intention of recapturing something from their relationship that has disappeared, only after an accident they find themselves looking at each other in a whole new light.

Author's Note:
This is an entry into the May contest, so if you enjoy it please let me know. This is also the first new story of mine that has a cover provided by bela04, and I think they nailed my idea perfectly.

Michelle's Summer of Discovery

Michelle’s Summer of Discovery

Chapter 1
The move

Spring break wasn’t as much fun as it could have, that is, should have been. You’d think that when your mother won the lottery for 1.7 million dollars, that you’d be doing something really great on spring break. But no, my sister, Lucy, and I were packing boxes. Mom had this really weird idea. She grew up on the farm and thought there was nothing more wholesome than living on a farm. She sold the house and between her first year's annuity check and the equity in the house, she bought twenty acres with a house and an old fashion barn.

Dumb Bet

Dumb Bet

By Patricia Marie Allen

Edited by alys9

Author’s Note: While Alys9 did edit this for me,
I didn’t necessarily use all of her suggestions.
Any errors remaining in the text are mine.

“I don’t know why you can’t dress like a girl. I mean, I’ve never seen you in a dress and you’ve lived next door for five years,” I told Susie, the tomboy that lived next door. She was my sister’s age, two years older than me, and I was starting to notice girls and she was one I noticed. Under her jeans (boys) and loose shirt, there was a good looking body. The only time you could tell was when she put on a swimsuit. “And you should do something with your hair and maybe wear some nail polish or somethin’,” I continued.

“Leave her alone Frank. She can dress how ever she wants. I don’t blame her. I like to wear jeans and sweatshirts too,” my sister defended.

“Yeah, you’re nearly as bad as she is. You only wear dresses sometimes, when there’s some kind of special occasion. You’ve got a drawer full of nice nighties and all you ever wear to bed is flannel pajamas. The only difference between you and Susie is you polish your nails. Susie never wears dresses,” I complained.

“I don’t always wear flannel pajamas.”

“Oh yeah; I forgot. During the summer, you wear Dad’s old T-shirt and Boxers. Real girlie. I’ll bet Susie wears that kind of thing year round.”

Susie whispered something to Karen, who nodded. “I’ll tell you what,” Susie said. “Let’s have a contest. I’ll bet that I can do everything you do and that you can’t do everything I can do. If you win, I’ll wear whatever you say for a whole week and fix my hair all girlie. I’ll even let you go first.”

“What if I lose?”

“Well then,” she grinned, “you’ll have to wear whatever I say all week.”

“What ever we say… I’ll even do it too. And you’ll have to do something with the sorry mop you call hair to make it look better. I don’t know where you get off talking about Susie’s hair. At least she washes hers,” my sister Karen insisted.


An old fairy tale turned on it's head;

All transgenderella wants is to be herself and go to the ball, but her evil stepmother has other ideas. When Transgenderella stands her ground, insisting that it's time to come out, she is torn down and left crying in her room as her two stepsisters are whisked away to the palace. With the aid of her fairy not-quite God Mother, Transgenderella is transformed into the woman she always was, but is that enough to bring her happiness.

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