Tricked / Outsmarted

Blonde Joke-07

Blonde Joke
Chapter Seven
by Jeffrey M. Mahr


Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, a dumb blonde,
and a smart blonde are walking down the street
when they spot a $10 bill. Who picks it up?

The dumb blonde. There’s no such thing as
Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, or a smart blonde.

The Assignment


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"The Assignment"
by Jengrl

My Creative Writing teacher at Kennedy High School always told us to write what we know. Ms. Jacobs always liked to challenge her students to use our imaginations to the fullest. Little did I know how my life was about to change the day she gave us "The Assignment"

The Assignment - Part 1

"The Assignment"
Part One
by Jengrl

My Creative Writing teacher at Kennedy High School always told us to write what we know. Ms. Jacobs always liked to challenge her students to use our imaginations to the fullest. Little did I know how my life was about to change the day she gave us "The Assignment"

Blonde Joke-05

Blonde Joke
Chapter Five
by Jeffrey M. Mahr


How many blondes does it take to make chocolate chip cookies?
Three. One to mix the dough and two to sort the M&Ms to remove the “W”s, “E”s and “3”s.

Project Phoenix Part 1

Project Phoenix Part 1

By Meg

Kevin Barnett, a renowned investigative reporter, has been pursuing conspiracies since the beginning of his career. One evening he accidentally stumbles upon one so big, he needs to enlist the help of an FBI agent, Hannah Fox, to attempt to crack it. Together they set off to investigate a secret installation, one of many being built all over the country. What they find inside will change Kevin's life. Just not in the way he expected.

Terri's Vengeance-3

Terri's Vengeance
Chapter 3

By Stanman63

Edited By Nora Adrienne

Synopsis: As Terry continues to help Delano's estranged 'family', he devises a plan to destroy Delano. But before he can enact his scheme, Mandy breaks his Heart as she cries for him.

Cissy's Story Final Chapter

Cissy’s Secret

By Wargamerguy

Chapter Three

It was late and the four girls were giggling around the fifteen-year-old boy wearing a pink silk nighty and panties, sitting in a pink Barbie sleeping bag that they set on the floor for him. It was really humiliating and the sexy girlish thing he was wearing and the humiliating aspect aroused him. He couldn’t stop himself from just loving the pink nighty.

The Girl in Me -4-

The Girl in Me
by Erin Amelia Fletcher
Please keep in mind most names, and some specific details, have been altered, to limit the amount of Strife within those associated within whom may come in contact with this.

This is the parody story to my poem I am a Girl, please enjoy...

The Girl in Me -2-

The Girl in Me
by Erin Amelia Fletcher
Please keep in mind most names, and some specific details, have been altered, to limit the amount of Strife within those associated within whom may come in contact with this.

This is the parody story to my poem I am a Girl, please enjoy...

The Girl in Me -1-

The Girl in Me
by Erin Amelia Fletcher
Please keep in mind most names, and some specific details, have been altered, to limit the amount of Strife within those associated within whom may come in contact with this.

This is the parody story to my poem I am a Girl, please enjoy...

To Shape One's Life - 1

This was written about ten years ago. The idea was to answer the question,
"What would you do if you could do absolutely anything?"
It's presented here in sections. All 4 parts are now posted

Part 1 of 4
Prelude and Chapter One: Showtime.

by Jeffrey M. Mahr

You see things; and you say "Why?"
But I dream things that never were;
and I say "Why not?"

-- George Bernard Shaw

Cissy's Secret - Chapter 1

Cissy’s Secret

By wargamerguy

Chapter one

15-year-old peter was feeling rotten about himself as he walked to his house. He didn’t how he was going to fix it but he felt like a ass. He hung his head down as he walked down the sidewalk. He couldn’t help it, he felt really ashamed.

Cotton Trail


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“It isn’t fair.” was the last thing I said, running out the back door. How come I always have to do it. I could understand if I was a girl. I was mad. I just wanted to get away from my prying parents eyes. I was going to stew about this for a while and then I would come back and do what they told me to do. Just like I do every time.

Cotton Trail

By Msmith111

Cotton Trail Part 2 - The Ending

I was really starting to hate those dogs. I just wanted to go home. I was scared and even my little friend was showing he was scared. I was really hoping that I would not run into anyone. I have no idea what I would say to them, and this stupid machine isn’t giving up any of its secrets either. Why would anyone make it so hard, to find the rules to this game.

Cotton Trail

Part 2

By Msmith111

Cotton Trail Part 1

“It isn’t fair.” was the last thing I said, running out the back door. How come I always have to do it. I could understand if I was a girl. I was mad. I just wanted to get away from my prying parents eyes. I was going to stew about this for a while and then I would come back and do what they told me to do. Just like I do every time.

Cotton Trail

Part 1

By Msmith111

Working Girl ~ A Day In The Life ~Final Chapter

I stared at the fly going round and round the light bulb. I think it was a she fly but that might just be my flight of fancy.
Working Girl ~ A Day In The life ~ Final Chapter
By Susan Brown


The Floral Tales


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The Floral Tales –J Morose 2009


This story is based on a real club that existed in Southport, England in the 80's and early 90's. The events and characters are entirely fictional.

This story contains political incorrectness, intolerance,swearing, sexual references and the usual vernacular references as made by teenagers when their parents are out of earshot. If you want a Disney piece, this is not for you.

The story centres around two teenage boys, their girlfriends and their underage exploits when attending the local rock club.

The Floral Tales - Part 1

The Floral Tales –J Morose 2009


This story is based on a real club that existed in Southport, England in the 80's and early 90's. The events and characters are entirely fictional.

This story contains political incorrectness, intolerance,swearing, sexual references and the usual vernacular references as made by teenagers when their parents are out of earshot. If you want a Disney piece, this is not for you.

The story centres around two teenage boys, their girlfriends and their underage exploits when attending the local rock club.

It is my first attempt at writing this type of story, normally its more verse, song or functional design specifications! (Although it might be an idea to write a Spec. out for what I would like to be)....

Lastly, let me know if you are interested in me posting the next bit.

May the blessings of the day be upon you and yours – J

Momma's Boy

.Momma's Boys

Written by Dauphin
Two Boys going down the wrong path. Their mothers take them in a world of magic, brainwashing, threats and more. The Mothers want their sons to be daughters. One boy accepts, one boy does not accept. Who would you be?
"This story is a classic! It shows two boys journey, one of which fights any change. It has a dominant woman that we hate and yet would love to know." Diana
"This story was fun writing as it used many cliches and is not a sentimental story. It was also a hard story to follow up on, as many wanted the same sort of story. It was hard when people still talked about this one but did not think the new ones were as good. " Dauphin

The Softening of Jessie - Part 53 Conclusion

His body was so hard and muscular. Being held in Ryan’s arms made her feel like the safest girl in the world. She pressed her breasts against his chest as their lips met for a brief moment.

Ryan was all too aware of his girlfriend’s boobs pressing against him. His eyes glanced down at them for a brief moment. They were so amazing he thought as he caught a small glimpse of her lacy bra from that point of view.

“Oops, I got a little lipstick on you.” Jessica giggled as she used her finger to wipe his lips.

The Softening of Jessie

Part 53

By AshleyTS

Unexpected Mommy


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Unexpected Mommy


By Trish5160


Alix is a boy born blessed with boobs known as gynecomastia. His mom already had two boys and in her last ditch effort to have a daughter, Alix was born to her dissatisfaction. Cindy their neighbor (and a Registered Nurse) wants a live-in baby sitter to care for her two kids so she can pursue her career goals. Cindy tries to convince Alix’s mom that they share a common goal, suggesting they work together for their mutual benefit. This is Alix’s journey from lowly pre-teen boy with natural boobs who’s brain possesses a rare and obscure chemical disparity whereby a chain of events will open a flood gate of hormonal adjustments that simply run out of control. Mother Nature will stake her ultimate claim upon him eventually adding one more female to the human species. After all, there’s always plenty of room for one more mommy.

My Mum Turned Me Into a Girl Part 4

It is decision time for Ollie. Will his dad rescue him? Does he want to be rescued? Can he bear to turn his back on the new things in his life? Maybe, being a girl is what he wants after all.

My Mum Turned Me Into a Girl

Part 4

By Ollie

My Mum Turned Me Into a Girl Part 3

There have been changes to Ollie's life since his mum's new friend and her daughter arrived on the scene. Ollie spends more and more time playing with his new best friend, Hannah, and the changes mean he spends more and more time with the girls at school.

My Mum Turned Me Into a Girl

Part 3

By Ollie

Cresswell Industries Chapters 70-71-72

My Mum Turned Me Into a Girl Part 2

Ollie's mum has a new friend called Alison. Together with her daughter, Hannah, they are spending a lot of time with Ollie and his mum. Ollie finds himself playing with Hannah's games; something which led to him wearing his first leotard and his very own pairs of tights.

My Mum Turned Me Into a Girl

Part 2

By Ollie

My Mum Turned Me Into a Girl

My mum turned me into a girl. Well, actually it was her new friend, Alison, but my mum played along and, being my mum, she has to take the blame. Looking back I realised that Alison and my mum were very clever. I didn't see it coming and by the time I did, it was too late. It started when I was nine years old and by the time I was ten you could say that their mission was pretty much accomplished.

My Mum Turned Me Into a Girl

By Ollie

Pen Pals - Part 1


Synopsis: It is estimated that twenty five percent of the girls on any given forum are actually guys posing as girls. One study put that number higher. Pat Goodman was one of them, Steve Carter another. What Pat and Steve are about to discover is that the girls they have been talking to are not nearly as sweet and innocent as they imagine.

Pen Pals

By Mary Beth Sanford


The Plaintiff


"...Why do you like dressing up, if you do like dressing up? You do like dressing up don't you? A little," Aby asked.

"I suppose I do," Mark said trying to find a way to explain this in a way that made sense.

The Plaintiff

By Mary Beth Sanford


The Mystery of the Missing Frocks

bridget_mod_face.jpg       Everything a great crime mystery should have: romance, a detective and a road chase - except that this is no "Love Story", "Sherlock Holmes" or "Bullit" and there certainly isn't a great crime. Follow our intrepid narrator as he falls in love with a girl in London, becomes a woman in Seacombe, then on to modeling in a West End fashion house and, in a "Not The Thirty-Nine Steps" finale, to the Scottish Highlands to uncover…
The Mystery of the Missing Frocks
by Charlotte Dickles

In Memory of Andrea

(whose Petticoat Detective stories provided the inspiration for this story.)


Something Feels Strange - 5

Something Feels Strange…

Feels Strange

As we say good night, I notice that she is wearing a new necklace. I don't know why I hadn't noticed it earlier. I guess that I am not all that observant at times. Anyway the necklace looks disturbingly familiar. Hanging from a delicate gold chain around her neck is a gold colored charm in the shape of a running shoe.

As I look at it, she says “It reminds me of you,”

and winks at me before heading inside.

Chapter 5: Not Again!

Accidental Magic - Chapter 18: World Tour

Synopsis: Grandma may be dead, but she doesn't sleep, and now Terri won't either. Something in the note about avoiding a trash can, and roller blading?
Accidental Magic

Allystra Krane

edited by Sephrena Miller
Chapter Eighteen

World Tour

Without a Trace - Part 6: Baiting the Trap

Without a trace part 6
Baiting the trap

JR after his mom hugged him smiled as his stomach again made its presence known and sheepishly grinned. His sister and her partner grinned and even his mom laughed, as a group they decided to head down to the cafeteria and get something to eat. They walked through the hospital corridors in an uneasy silence JR’s mother holding tight to his hand. He felt a bit uncomfortable but his Kylie side was comforted at the close contact. He had to be honest he was scared at what his sister wanted him to do but also proud.

A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol

by Charlotte Dickles

Ben Scott, otherwise known as Ebenezer Scrooge, was the company hit man, and his idea of a Christmas gift was to announce the downsizing of the medical laboratory, along with huge redundancies, on Christmas Eve. But as he found to his cost, always beware scientists bearing gifts.


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