
Christian's Gender Problem Chapter 3

Mia promised Christina that at school the next day, she would talk to Emma and get her book back. Meanwhile, Christina would have to put up with another day as a girl. Even though she pined for her old life as a boy, Christina would have to get used to being a girl.

Christian's Gender Problem Chapter 2

Christian's mom opened the bedroom door. "Oh, you are home," she said. "How was swim practice?"

Christian looked at her mom like she was crazy. "I-I mean, it was fine, but..."

"What's wrong?"

Christian was apalled at her mom's lunacy. "I just turned into a girl!" she exclaimed. "Aren't you-"

"Christina, you've always been a girl," her mom said. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Christian opened her mouth, but realized that there was no point arguing with her mom. "Yes," she said.

Christian's Gender Problem Chapter 1

Christian Aceves was one of the few people who still went to libraries. Every kid he knew spent their time poring over video games, Netflix, and Instagram. Christian liked those things too, but he also enjoyed reading a good book. He liked reading from almost any genre, be it fantasy, mystery, or romance. The most recent book he had read was Dark by L. J. Williams, and today he was going to the library to return it.

Olivia and Saige vs. Miss Johnson-Alternate Ending

(I've been wanting to do this for a while. I know some of you may have forgotten about my previous stories, as I wrote them FOREVER ago, but, well, they're still up for you to read. This is an alternative ending to Olivia and Sage Vs. Miss Johnson-which, in itself, is an extended ending to New Home. But if you've read all those, then you should be familiar with the characters.)

A Perfect Match

Derek wasn't sure why he was going to the speed dating place. He'd never successfully found a girlfriend in his life. He'd been on a few dates during his college years, but nothing ever lasted. It wasn't just the girls, either; Derek had never really "felt it" with any of the girls he'd dated, hence why it never lasted longer than one or two dates. By this point, he'd basically given up on dating anyone. He didn't think the human race would be missing much if he failed to reproduce.

My Real-Life TG Experience

My name is Jordan Smith. I'm sixteen years old, and I live in Florida. I was born a boy, and I've loved being male. But since I was five years old and my twin sisters were born, I've fantasized about being a girl. There's just something about wearing those longer swimsuits, and doing hair, and being able to read magazines on the toilet that fascinates me. I've wished many times that I could be turned into a girl, but to no avail.

Slowly Changing Into A Woman

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Hello there. My name is Patrick Robert Walker, and I'm writing this blog because I'm worried. I've had some weird things happening with my body lately. I haven't had to shave in several weeks. I'm 26, and I used to need to shave four or five times a week. But ever since Labor Day, my facial hair has been growing less and less. At first, I didn't mind not having to shave, but now my whole face is perfectly smooth.

Gone Swimming

Emilio and his family were going to the town pool for the afternoon. Emilio's dad was at work, so Emilio had to go with his mom and his two sisters Lucy and Kendra. Emilio was sixteen, Lucy was four, and Kendra was six.

When they got to the pool, the family split up. Mom went with Lucy and Kendra through the women's locker room, while Emilio went through the men's. Emilio changed from his regular clothes into his Speedo. Then he went out to go swim in the swimming pool.

Gabriel's Mistake

Gabriel was a stalker. He spent his days following the school's hot chicks, finding out where they lived so he could spy on them. He had a real talent for following girls without them knowing. They were always fooled into thinking he was just another pedestrian, walking home from school, not doing anything wrong. But they didn't know his habit of putting cameras outside the girls' windows to catch videos of them changing.

Olivia and Saige vs. Miss Johnson, Part 10

Olivia pushed Miss Johnson aside and ran out of the cafeteria, with Bailey right on her heels. Yelling for vengeance, Miss Johnson followed right behind them. She chased Olivia and Bailey out of the front doors and towards the hotel.

Olivia had never ran harder in her life. Her arms were running like windmills, and her breasts were swinging around like mad. She wished she had a bra to give herself some support. But it hardly mattered. All that mattered was that Olivia and Bailey would lead Miss Johnson into their trap.

Olivia and Saige vs. Miss Johnson, Part 9

After Saige had finished with her shower, she put on some clean clothes and went out to the cafeteria. Just like Piper said, there was Olivia, locked in a glass case and on display for everyone to see. The moment she saw her friend, Saige ran up to the glass case and pressed her fingers against the glass. "Oh, Olivia," Saige whispered. "Look what they've done to you."

In spite of her pain, Olivia looked down and saw Saige outside her case. Olivia wanted to scream at Saige to get out of here, to save herself while she still could, but she could not.

Olivia and Saige vs. Miss Johnson, Part 8

Piper was lonely.

Several weeks ago, she had had a lovely family of dormmates at the Y. F. F. H. Bailey and Valeria had been nice to her, but when Olivia showed up, it had made their happy little family even happier. They had all had an awesome time living together, and doing things together. But all of a sudden, Olivia and Bailey had gone poking around in Miss Johnson's lab under the hotel next to the foster home building. Piper had gone with Valeria to save them. Olivia and Bailey, along with Stephanie, had escaped to an unknown fate.

Olivia and Saige vs. Miss Johnson, Part 7

"Saige, you okay, honey?"

Saige's eyes fluttered open. She found herself lying on her couch, with her mother standing over her. She looked around and realized she was in her house.

"Mom," said Saige. The events of the failed date last night were all coming back to her. "Where-where's Olivia? Where's Tony?"

"Calm down," said Saige's mom. "You're safe now."

"What happened?" Saige asked. "How did I get here?"

"The Red Lobster manager saw you and Tony lying on the floor," said Saige's mom. "He called the police, and they took you and him home."

Olivia and Saige vs. Miss Johnson, Part 6

Saige was nervous about asking Tony out, but she had to do it. She went up to him after Fourth Period and said, "Hi Tony."

"Hey Saige," Tony said back. "What's up?"

Saige managed to find the words, "Want to go out tomorrow night?"

Tony smiled. "Sure. Where did you have in mind?"

"Well, Olivia bought tickets for me and her to see Wreck-It Ralph 2," said Saige. "Maybe I could talk her into giving her ticket to you?"

"Yeah, sure," said Tony. "And we could go out to dinner at, I dunno, Red Lobster."

Olivia and Saige vs. Miss Johnson, Part 5

For the rest of the week, Saige continued to hang out with Tony, Olivia, Bailey, and Stephanie. During that time, Saige got fully acquainted with her new girl body. She could take a shower, change her clothes, and brush her hair without help from her mom or Olivia. She even got rid of all the boy stuff she used to have and bought some new things to satisfy her new, girly interests. Now her room was painted pink with a Justin Bieber poster hanging on the wall. Saige was surprised to find herself liking Justin Bieber now. As a boy, he had HATED Justin Bieber.

Olivia and Saige vs. Miss Johnson, Part 4

The next morning, Saige woke up to her alarm blaring. She hit the Snooze bar and got up for the day. She went down to the kitchen, still wearing her pajamas. While she was making herself a bowl of cereal, Saige's mom came into the kitchen.

"Good morning, princess," Saige's mom said.

"Hey Mom," said Saige. "Hard to believe I was a boy 24 hours ago."

Her mom laughed. "I know. I have to leave in twenty minutes, so you should take a shower real soon."


Olivia and Saige vs. Miss Johnson, Part 3

After their kitchen-table conversation, Saige and her mother went out to go clothes shopping. They first got dinner at Panda Express (Saige no longer felt a desire to go to McDonald's), then went to the mall.

Using the tags on Saige's current clothes, Saige and her mother were able to find underwear that fit her. Saige tried on a few sizes of shirts and pants, eventually finding the perfect size for her. Saige and her mother purchased ten shirts, three pairs of jeans, four pairs of shorts, a couple skirts, and a bikini swimsuit.

Olivia and Saige vs. Miss Johnson, Part 1

[Note: This is a sequel to "Wrong Bathroom" and "New Home." I decided to write this after comments on both of those stories saying that I should continue them.]

After having her gender changed in the school bathroom, Saige went to her last class, which was Algebra. But when the teacher, Mrs. Gillmore, was taking role, she did not see Saige Johnson on the list. There was a Sage Johnson, yes, but no Saige Johnson. Saige tried to explain to Mrs. Gillmore that she was Sage, that the bathroom had changed her gender, but Mrs. Gillmore didn't believe her.

Wrong Bathroom

Sage was walking through the school, looking for a bathroom. He had to poop really bad. He'd been holding it for half of English class, and he was going to burst if he didn't find a bathroom. Luckily, he saw the bathrooms just down the hall from where he was. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him toward the nearest bathroom, dashed inside, and went into one of the stalls. He locked the door, pulled his pants down, and sat on the toilet. He let out a sigh of relief as his poop fell into the toilet bowl.

The Locker Room

James was just another boy in high school. Every day he went to class, played baseball, and dreamed of getting a hot girlfriend. The girl he wanted most was Meghan. She was in his P. E. class, and she was the most popular girl at school. James was hardly the only boy who wanted her.

New Home Chapter 6

Olivia was paralyzed with fear at the sight of Miss Johnson in the doorway of the lab. The woman was just as angry as she had been last night, when she had took Stephanie away. She was looking angrily between Olivia and Bailey. "Why are you two down here?"

"Olivia made me," said Bailey.

"And why did you stick your nose where it doesn't belong?" Miss Johnson asked.

"I-I wanted to know how you turn boys into girls," said Olivia.

Miss Johnson snorted. "Well, perhaps I should tell you, since you're gonna end up terminated anyway."

New Home Chapter 5

Olivia slept in the next morning. When she finally woke up at around 8:00, she reached for the spot where she usually left her shirt and pants when she took them off before bed. But then she remembered that after the fiasco last light, she had simply put on a new bra and pair of panties to go to bed.

"Hey Olivia," Valeria said as she walked into the dorm room from the bathroom. She had a towel wrapped around her body. "You ready to go get breakfast?"

New Home Chapter 4

For the next week and a half, Olivia continued to live her life at the Y. F. F. H. with her newfound friends. They spent their days going to the mall, watching TV, having sleepovers, and swimming in the swimming pool. One evening, Olivia even went to the movies with Bailey and Stephanie.

But it all changed one day. Olivia had arranged to hang out with Valeria, Piper, Stephanie and Sarah at Stephanie's and Sarah's dorm. Bailey was supposed to go too, but she had to stay in her dorm because she had gotten the barfs earlier that day.

New Home Chapter 2

The next morning, when Oliver woke up, he no longer had a cramp in his stomach. But he could feel a need to go to the bathroom, down from his bowel region. He groggily lifted his blankets and stood up. He walked over to the bathroom. As he walked, Oliver felt something brushing against his back, along with a strange sensation on his chest. All the while, he felt strangely light.

New Home Chapter 1

Oliver sat in the police office, awaiting his fate. A lot of things had happened in the past few days. Oliver had came home from a friend's house to find that his house had burned down. Oliver soon found out that his family had died in the fire. The firemen had done everything they could to save them, but they were not able to.

Journal (Cheerleader TG)

Friday, November 2, 2018

Yeah, so I'm grounded this weekend, and I found this journal my grandma got me a few years ago. Beyond the smell, it's a pretty good journal.

Anyway, explanations. Today at lunch, Christine was acting like a jerk as usual-your stereotypical blonde. I overheard her trash-talking my friends, and I went over to her and slammed my lunch tray in her face. It was worth it to hear her scream. She deserved it.

But I had to go to after-school detention today, and my parents grounded me. Whoopty-doo.

Monday, November 5, 2018


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