It's Dorothy's fault...again.

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Dorothy and I were once again chatting when a turn of phrase got my muse going.. Well this being Bigcloset and well you know...

We have the Technology.
We can rebuild him.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the press. I welcome you to our new facilty for the rebuilding of victims of accidents.

Today I am going to show you our first victim. Steve Ashton was a pilot who suffered a major crash. Over 20% of his body was burned from the fuel igniting. His arm and both legs were crushed and severed. His pelvis was also crushed at the same time.

In previous cases such as this the victim who maybe live a day or two at most before the body succumbed to the injuries. We were lucky to have a team on standby who could operate and save most of our subjects internal organs including his brain and heart. There was also some damage to the lyranx and throat region.

First we had to clone him some of the missing internal organs as well as a new arm and leg. However we also improved upon the original with some judicious gene splicing.

Really all in all I am quite proud of my teams work.

I give you the worlds first rebuilt man!

"Mr Oldsman that looks like a woman." said the reporter from the new york times.

" I'm sure it just... What the flagnar!"


"Steve? Steve can you hear me?" asked the worried nurse.

"Yes I can hear you why do I feel so strange?"

"You were in a really bad accident. I'm afraid your going to have to get used to a few things."

Sitting up as best I could I looked down at myself and at first I noticed the breasts on my previous flat chest. My hands and arms were definitely feminine as well. A few things... I looked her right in the eyes.

"You think!"


Mr Gary Oldman was pacing back and forth in his office so much the previously plush carpet was starting to look matted. The Doctor in charge of the project one Dr Ruby Welsh stared at the floor in embarrassment.

"You didn't notice that he was male? You didn't... Do you have any idea how much of a laughingstock you made us look with your slight clerical error!"

"I honestly thought she was a girl named Stephanie "Stevie" Ashton. I'm really sorry for the mistake and my staff and I are looking into where the clerical error could have come from. Please sir if you just give us another chance." She creeped out through her tears.

"Another chance you say! Another chance! Oh my god woman do you have any.... nevermind.." still pacing back and forth Mr. Oldman picks up a folder and tosses it to Dr Welsh. "Here see if you can get this one right!"

"Thank you sir! We won't make the same mistake again sir!" With that the slighty cheered up Dr leaves the office. Opening the file the name at the top states James Summerston. Tennis pro. Skydiving accident.

Giggle comments are welcome.

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sure is

sure is as u put it in her head

My oh my!

Must have been Army Suregeons huh? LOL!



It's Dorothy's fault...again.

For a retelling of the Bionic T.V. serials? OK.

May Your Light Forever Shine

Could happpen - did happen !

Some folks might think that such a mistake is impossible, but it did actually happen, in Birmingham ! That's Birmingham, England, not the one in Alabama USA.

It just so happened that 2 patients who were both called Peter Jones were admitted to this hospital on the same day. One for a knee operation but the other for SRS. This was about twenty years ago now, I think things have changed a bit since then, Anyway, they did of course get mixed up and sent to the wrong surgical team in the wrong operating theatre, so when one of them awoke he was disappointed to find his knee was all plastered up, but the other was even more surprised to be addressed as Miss Jones !

The whole things was hushed up, and both Peter Jones's were paid compensation / hush money, the one who was mistakenly turned into a woman got rather a lot more than the one who had a perfectly sound knee messed up, but I only heard about it through some work one of my team was doing in a different part of the hospital. I did not get the names of those concerned for several years later, so the hush-up was pretty effective.

I'm told that the would-be SRS candidate actually went back and had SRS performed later, at the same place. What happened with the unwilling new woman I have not heard.


Very effective hushup,

Extravagance's picture

if they were able to contain/muffle the inevitable "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU MORONS DO TO ME?!?" ...

Catfolk Pride.PNG