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Chapter 37
By Susan Brown
He was still talking as if I was a friendly acquaintance and anyone looking at us would think that nothing was wrong. Fear made me dumb so I couldn’t speak, let alone do anything else.
‘Nigel feels that it would be best for you, Olivia and the baby for you to return home. He believes that you don’t really know your own mind and when you’ve had time to reflect, you’ll realise that it makes sense for you to return to the real world. This is the only time that you will have this advice. You have two days to think things over and come to your senses, after that, things might get a little–difficult. I’ll leave you now. Oh, and by the way, tell anyone about this conversation and things might start happening. Goodbye, Tom–oh, I like those children; Dawn’s aren’t they?’
He got up and left. At no time had he raised his voice or shown any outward signs of aggression, but I knew he meant every single word he had said and that was what started me shaking.
And now the story continues…
I was oblivious to passers by. It was as if I was in a world of my own. I was sure I looked a wreck and certainly felt like one.
I became vaguely aware of someone sitting beside me. I looked up, fearing, wondering if that awful man had returned–but no, it was a woman, about my age or perhaps a bit younger. She was looking at me.
‘Yes; do I know you?’
‘No, but I know you; look we need to talk about that man who has just left you. I work with Katie in a roundabout way. Look, can we go somewhere to talk?’
Looking at her, I wondered what all this was about. She seemed all right, but after what had happened, I didn’t want to do anything stupid.
‘I need to call my friend.’
I pulled my ’phone out of my handbag and ’phoned Abby.
‘Abby, hi–are you coming soon?’
‘What’s wrong, love, you sound upset?’
‘S—something’s happened. Look, I have someone with me and I want you to come, if you can.’
‘Of course, honey, I’ll be with you in a jiffy. Are you safe?’
‘Yes, but come soon, please!’
‘Okay; hang in there, love.’
I put my ’phone in the bag and looked at the woman. She was staring out to sea and seemed to be wrapped up in her own thoughts, and then her ’phone chirped.
‘Hello? Are you sure, okay, I have her with me now…yes, I’ll explain but can you have a quick word with her? Alright.’
She smiled and handed me her ’phone.
‘It’s Katie.’
With a slightly shaking hand, I took it.
‘Hi, Katie, what’s happening?’
‘Hello, Sam, sorry about all the cloak and dagger stuff. Tammy’s working for me, well you really; look would you like to come to my office, then we can speak in peace and I can explain everything, okay?’
‘All right, I’m waiting for Abby––oh here she is. We’ll see you in a minute, bye.’
I gave Tammy her mobile back. She smiled and put it away as Abby came rushing up, looking first at me and then Tammy.
‘What’s wrong, Sam, you had me worried there.’ She looked at Tammy curiously.
‘It’s okay. This is Tammy and evidently she works for me though I don’t know why. Katie arranged everything.’
‘Sorry,’ said Tammy,’ the last thing we wanted was to scare you. Let’s go to Katie’s office and I’ll explain, we can’t talk here, it’s too public.’
It was only a few minutes walk to Katie’s office. We were ushered in and sat down with coffees and teas. I was on tenterhooks while all these niceties were going on. All I wanted to know was what the hell was going on!
Katie took the lead. ‘Right then; first off, Samantha, Tammy here is a colleague of the private investigator we put on Nigel.’
‘–Have patience and all will be revealed, Sam. The investigator–whose name is Robert Gregg by the way–has been continuing his investigations of Nigel and has discovered some interesting facts about him that are not generally known. First, apart from his many legitimate businesses, he has other interests that appear to be not so legit. One of them being the fact that he’s a money lender. Oh, he’s been clever, hiding his ownership through nominee directorships and other smokescreens, but Robert Gregg is something of a wiz with ferreting out that type of thing. That’s why I use him.’
‘So Nigel’s a money lender,’ said Abby, ‘but that’s not illegal, is it?’
‘No, not illegal, as such, but the methods he uses aren’t what one calls mainstream. First of all, his company preys on those who are most needy and can’t get credit in the usual way; secondly, he charges up to 1,000% interest and thirdly; if someone can’t keep up with repayments, he uses strong-arm tactics to intimidate his clients–broken arms and legs and threats of violence against family members–being common. I was very concerned about your safety, Samantha, being worried that he might get nasty if he didn’t get his way with you. Robert suggested sending a couple of people down to discreetly keep an eye on you. Tammy is one and Mike Amos is the other. Perhaps I should have told you, but until we were sure that these vicious tactics were going to be used on, let’s face it, a member–albeit a tenuous one–of his family, I didn’t want to worry you. I understand that things have been happening and you have met with what, for want of a term, one of his representatives.’
‘You could say that,’ I said dryly.
I told them what the conversation was about and Abby almost exploded at hearing about the implied threats on me and the children.
‘He can’t be allowed to get away with that!’ she cried, ‘he has to be stopped!’
‘Well,’ said Tammy speaking for the first time, ‘we are in luck there. Up until last week, Mike had been tailing Nigel who, I think, feels that he is above suspicion because he hasn’t really gone out of the way to hide any meetings with his henchmen. Mike recognised the man you were speaking to down at the quay. His name is Colin Statham and he has a record of violence, extortion and other crimes. Don’t be taken in by his suave manners, he’s a very nasty character and one to steer clear of, if at all possible. Mike always carries equipment that can eavesdrop on conversations at a distance and can also record such exchanges. When he saw Statham approach you, he switched on the equipment and called me.’
‘I never saw him!’ I exclaimed.
‘No, he was behind that upturned boat at the top of the beach; it was the only suitable place and more or less out of sight of others.’
‘So, did he manage to record the conversation?’ said Abby.
‘Yes, it’s all recorded in high quality MP3. After Statham left you, Mike followed him and will let me know later where he went.’
‘Good,’ said Katie, with satisfaction, ‘now we have a recording of the threats against you and your family, we have yet another lever to use against Nigel.’
‘So, d’you think I’m safe?’
‘Not yet, but very soon. We’ve got enough to make things very sticky for Nigel and, by inference, Olivia. Soon we will be in a position to present Nigel with the facts and then he will have to make a decision, continue on this ridiculous course of trying to coerce you into doing something you don’t want, or take the consequences.’
‘Which are?’ I asked.
‘We take it to the police and if they can’t or won’t do anything, we approach the press who would just love to run a story about all this.’
‘I don’t want the press involved. It would result in my being outed. All I want to do is get on with my life.’
Abby held my hand and squeezed it.
‘I’m sure it won’t come to that love. Just the threat of exposure should be enough. Nigel still wants his ”K”1, though how he could possibly get through any form of vetting with all his shady business interests defies belief.’
The meeting sort of broke off there. We all agreed to meet again the next day at my cottage so that we could get an update on what was happening.
Katie gave me a hug before I left and said, ‘We’ll get the beastly weasel, don’t worry.’
‘Thanks for all you’re doing for me.’
‘My pleasure; anyone who messes with my friends, messes with me. And don’t worry about payment for the private investigator and his team. I called in a favour and anyway, I adore the excitement, it beats wills and probate any day!’
Abby and I went for a belated lunch at the Toad and Tart. We sat eating pasties and slurping wine overlooking the harbour.
‘Penny for them?’ Abby remarked, looking at me inquisitively.
I looked at her cute face, a sort of metaphorical rock in the midst of the storm of my life. Then I smiled.
‘I’ve just likened you unto a rock,’ I said, thinking I sounded biblical.
‘I don’t understand.’
‘You are my rock. Everything is going pear shaped, but you are there for me. Nigel and Olivia are trying to get me. Why, I don’t know. Olivia is pretty; she evidently never had a problem getting blokes. Why did she pick me in the first place? I was, and am, transgendered, an under-achiever and someone who didn’t satisfy her needs in or out of bed. She could easily have got someone else to pretend to be the father of her child. Nigel’s not short of a few pennies so he could have paid to have someone. There are people out there who will do anything for money. I just don’t understand it.’
With a shaking hand, I picked up my wine and drank deeply.
‘Slow down, love; you know what drink does to you.’
‘I’m too numb to get drunk,’ I said as I refilled my glass and took another deep draught.
‘Eat some of your pasty then, it might soak up the alcohol.’
I looked at her fondly and did as I was told–like a good girl.
‘Look, Sam, you don’t need to beat yourself up over this. Why other people do things is a mystery sometimes. Nigel is a man who likes being in control. Olivia is her father’s daughter; she wants things her own way all the time. She’s like a spoiled child whose father indulges her every whim.’
‘So you think I was a whim then?’ I said taking another large swig.
‘To her, yes. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure in her spoilt brat kind of way she loved you and she probably thought you were different from other men she had been involved with.’
‘You can shay that again!’
‘Look, Sam, I think you’ve had enough to drink. Let’s go home.’
‘Lemme finish thish itshy bitshy drop of wine firsht.’
Before she said no, I downed the last of my second glass and stood up. It was strange, I felt a bit giddy for some reason and promptly sat down again.
‘Sam, let me help you.’
‘Okily dokily!’
Somehow I found myself out on the street again, leaning heavily on Abby’s arm. The fresh air seemed go to my head and the road was weaving about. I had to check to make sure I hadn’t taken the wrong route and wasn’t on a ship in the heaving sea. Talking of heaving, I deposited my pasty on the pavement and was fascinated at seeing bits of carrot…
‘Come on, love, let’s get you home.’
‘I feel a bit shquiffy.’
‘Yes, love. My fault, I forgot that you can’t take your drink.’
‘I can, itsh, just that it can’t take me.’ I frowned at that, not quite knowing if it came out right or not. As we made our way up the hill, I saw some people walking two dogs. ‘Coooee, Jocassshta!’
Jo and the girls approached with the dogs, who were making a fuss and jumping up and down, nearly knocking me over.
‘Heel! Bad dogs, heel!’
I sat down on the pavement and my face got licked while Abby and Jo talked about things. The Jen and Phillipa were giggling and pointing at me. I didn’t know why.
Vaguely, I was able to take in snippets of what Abby and Jo were saying.
‘Had a shock…man following her…nasty Nigel.’
‘Girls, take the dogs back home, will you, I’ll be back soon,’ said Jo loudly, making me jump.
‘Byee, shee you later.’
For some reason the girls were giggling again as they led the dogs away.
‘Come on, Sam; let’s get you on your feet.’
I was hauled to my feet and with Jo on one side and Abby on the other, I weaved my unsteady way home. I was so happy to have my friends helping me; I just had to sing the first thing that came into my head.
‘I’m a little teapot short and stout, Here's my handle. Here's my spout. When I see the teacups, hear me shout: “Pick me up and pour me out!”.’
I wasn’t sure of the rest so I just kept repeating myself.
‘I’m a little teapot short and stout, Here's my handle. Here's my spout. When I see the teacups, hear me shout: “Pick me up and pour me out!”.’
Eventually, we arrived home and somehow they got me indoors and sat me on the sofa.
Jo swam into my vision.
‘Are you going to be alright?’
‘Yesh––I love you, Jo; you’re my frien’.’
‘Yes, dear. I’ll see you tomorrow, all right?’
‘Mmm…I love David too and the shildren, mustn’t forget the doggiesh…’
‘That’s right. Bye now.’
‘Byee!’ I flapped my arm, it seemed a bit rubbery.
Abby went out of the room with Jo and I could here some murmurings, but I couldn’t catch what they said.
I shut my eyes and dropped off for a minute. When I woke up it was dark outside and the little lamp was on in the corner. Abby was sitting reading a magazine.
She looked up and smiled. ‘Hi, feeling better.’
‘A bit, but I shtill feel a bit funny.’
She shook he head. ‘I think you should stop drinking alcohol altogether. It doesn’t agree with you.’
‘Mmm, I think you’re right,’ I said, yawning, ‘shorry for being sush a pesht.’
‘Well, if you are a pest, you’re my pest. Come on let’s get you to bed.’
I sort of zoned out again and the next thing I remember was being in bed with Abby next to me.
I shut my eyes for a moment and then opened them again.
‘I love you, Abby.’
‘Love you too, honey.’
I gazed at her face, just inches from mine. She was looking at me, smiling and stroking my hair with her long thin fingers.
‘What love?’
‘When I have my new gevina, can we do naughty things with it?’
‘Gev–oh, I see. Like what?’
I leaned over and whispered, ‘Vibratorsh.’
She giggled. ‘I’ll have to show you what I have in my bedside drawer. But are you sure you want to have surgery. It makes no difference to me. I love you for who you are not what you have between your legs.’
I thought for a moment. I was still a bit worse for wear, but my head was clearing a bit. I took a sip of water from the bedside table and turned back to her. Before long we were cuddling up close and I could feel her warm vibrant body through the softness of our satin nighties.
‘I want to be a whole woman,’ I continued, ‘I was never much good as a man, although I used to kid myself that I wash a shtud. Olivia and I had shecksh all over the place, but she wash the one to do the pushing and, on reflecshun, although she always said how wonderful I was, I don’t think that I was that great in or out of bed.’
‘Being a woman isn’t all about sex though.’
‘I agree. I love everything to do with fem–femin–being a girl. I love the clothes, the look and feel of things, being able to be pretty for you, having lots of girl friendsh. Not being aggresshive or mashcu…line…oh lotsh of things. It’sh the whole package.’
‘That’s how I feel,’ she said, rubbing one of my nipples through the thin fabric, making it rise slightly and stiffen. I returned the favour and soon we didn’t feel like talking any more and our tongues were exploring each other in a most interesting way––
Next morning, I wakened with a slight headache and a tongue that felt like leather. I was alone, but there was a note on Abby’s pillow.
Had to go and see to the cats. I’ll meet you down at the pottery a bit later and we’ll go into your new gallery to sort out what needs to be done before opening.
Love you heaps.
I smiled and got up. After showering and washing my hair, my headache had near enough gone. Wearing just my silk robe, I had some tea and toast, then brushed my teeth and my tongue began to feel a bit more normal. I dressed in a white top and denim skirt, looking in the mirror, I thought that I looked semi-human but just about presentable. I swore that I would lay off anything stronger than Abby’s ginger bear in future. Soon, I was out of the door and making my way down the hill.
The day was fresh and it looked as if it was going to be another scorcher. I joined the gentle throng heading for the quay and the beach. I tried to rid my mind the things that happened yesterday, but I was continually looking at faces to see if that Statham bloke was around.
It seemed like no time before I was on the quay and at the door of the pottery.
There were a few people in there watching Abby doing her thing at the wheel. I loved the way her hands caressed the clay, remembering those hands doing rather nice things to me just a few hours ago. My nipples hardened at those rather naughty thoughts and I came over all unnecessary for some reason!
She looked up and smiled at me and then concentrated on the pot she was making.
Looking around the shelves, I could see the skill and beauty of her work. She was a true artist who knew what was popular and tasteful. With amazing swiftness, she finished the pot, placed it to dry out ready for firing in her kiln and then switched to sales mode and sold a couple of figurines to the punters. When they had gone, she came over and gave me a quick kiss.
‘Hi, love, saw my note then?’
‘Yes, I love your work.’
‘Mmm, it’s my hobby, passion and an important part of my life, like you.’
‘Awww, you really say the nicest things.’
‘Let’s pop next door and see your new domain.’
We left the pottery and Abby put a sign up saying “Back in thirty minutes”.
As we entered the gallery-to-be, I turned to her and kissed her several times.
‘What’s that for?’
‘I’m falling a bit behind on the rent.’
‘Not after last night. My lips are still sore!’
We giggled and then got down to business.
After fifteen minutes or so of measuring, making notes about what needed to be done and generally making plans, the door of the gallery opened.
‘Katie, hi!’
‘Hello, girls. I thought that you’d be here; look I’m in a bit of a rush. No developments re Nigel yet, but I have received an email from Olivia about the paintings you have stored at her house.’
I sat on a packing case and just looked at her.
‘She says that she will not give them to anyone but you and you have to go and collect them yourself.’
My heart sank. ‘When?’ I asked.
‘That’s rather short notice!’ exclaimed Abby.
‘Yes, it is.’
I looked at them both.
‘I’ll have to go,’ I said, ‘in her state of mind; she might destroy them if I don’t.’
My friends looked at me and I felt rather sick again. I had to go back to my old home and see Olivia again. Something that I never really wanted to do; and now I had to.
1 K: A trendy way of referring to a knighthood.

Please leave comments...thanks! ~Sue
My thanks go to the brilliant and lovely Gabi for editing and pulling the story into shape.
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the way this started out. Good someone's got Sam's back, Nigel is revealling himself to be a lot more of a thug than I thought. /////// Cute drunkeny bit, surprised she remember enough of it to tell us. ///// Since 10:30 Saturday morning I've got to read almost all my favorite series here. Football Girl, Homecoming Princess, Princess & the Plague, Changes. I'm a heppy heppy puppy!
~~~hugs, laika
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
Art Rescue
Thanks for another dramatic issue. :) I wonder if there are any hidden challenges in store in this up coming retrieval. It'll be interesting to see Olivia's reaction to the full Samantha...

It's a trap...
The way Sam was told to be there on a specific day and at short notice, Olivia and daddy are planning something - physical.
You have a suspicious mind ...
but you could be right, PB.
I wonder, would Nigel be dumb enough to use the occasion to try and *accidently* publicly announce Olivia and her husband are expecting and that they are getting back together? IE go the embarrassment route vs the threat route?
An earlier commenter is right, I think that Olivia in her spoiled, selfish way loves Tom/Samantha. He's probably the only one she's ever loved other than herself and I'm not sure of that. A woman or man that needs that much sex ... does she in her heart have such low opinion of herself she NEEDS the consolation of being desired to reinforce her frail ego? She must know all the men she has cheated with are only interested in sex and not her. Thus the more she cheated the more it may have undermined her opinion of herself, IE the *fix* of sex was less and less effective thus her need to up the ante and cheat more blatantly.
At a minimum, Tom was a safe haven, the one constant in her life, the one who would never leave her. Whether that be because she thought she had him leashed or that she counted on his decent nature is hard to tell. Could be she just wants to see him. Even spoiled brats have their weaknesses/good sides. Just far too late now.
Go to the meeting Samantha, just make sure to wear a wire and have the detectives near by and ready. Olivia may be okay but daddy could try something nasty.
And no more alcohol EVER, Samantha.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
When Sam Goes Back,
She should take a LOT of back up. Say the Lady Fairbaines, and a few tough blokes from the quay. Those old Seadogs are known to be rough, and ready.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
First and foremost,
First and foremost, Sam should take Katie along. When dealing with a difficult ex during a bitter divorce, one should always have his or her attorney along to prevent the ex from later falsely claiming some sort of impropriety. It would also be a good idea for Sam to bring Jocasta and Abbie along with Lady F. to serve as witnesses to Olivia's and, potentially, Nigel's actions should either of them try anything. And I agree that bringing some of the local seamen might be a wise move; but they will most likely be out at sea attempting to earn their livings.
Bring backup
Yup...Sam needs to bring, oh, half a dozen people or so with her. ;)
Don't go alone
Don't go there alone; I wouldn't trust Nigel and Olivia to arrange for an accident or a kidnapping. FWIW, someone should be keeping an eye on Abby and their respective homes while Sam is gone.
Agree with others
Regardless of what can be, with that couple assuming the worst is SOP, so no qualms about calling a group of support! I wouldn't put it past Nigel and Olivia to chuck Sam into a loony bin to be kept drugged, or to call a few favors and turn Samantha's dream into a nightmare by means of Forced Feminization.
On a lighter note, I have a perfect explanation about Sam's alcohol remembrance. While she is really unable to drink and not become giddy, she needs so little of it that nothing gets lost in the drunken haze.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
KATIE to the rescue
As they would say in the U.S., for "a small country lawyer", Katie is on the ball. Not only does she have some quality P.I.s working for Samantha, they come with the best equipment possible. She was available to rescue the day.
Samantha needs to go to the meeting, with substantial back up. She should also go dressed and made up as a very beautiful sophisticated lady. I am not sure how Tom dressed when he was with Olivia, but he should make sure that Samantha will outshine Olivia in every possible way. Clothing, makeup, poise, etc.
Since she does not have her own car back yet, still waiting parts from Japan, I assume, Samantha should ask Lady Fairbarin to lend her her car along with her chauffeur/body guard, etc. That will serve several purposes. Transportation with a large car able to carry the paintings. An excuse to have a body guard present Allows Samantha to show Olivia, but more importnatly, Nigel, that Samantha has friends who are true royalty and not presumptive asses.
Samantha needs to keep away from the bottle. She could ruin everything she is trying to accomplish.
How can she go?
Samantha's car is still in the garage being fixed, or has everyone forgotten including, Sue baby!
Sorry Sue!
Just being funny- oops!
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Fairbarin's Car
I suggested that she ask Lady F to lend her her limo with driver/bodyguard. That will show Olivia and Nigel a thing or two.
I am sure that there are also cars owned by Abby or the church that she could use.
Depending on the number of pictures, she may need a van.
Bodyguards, ,definitely bodyguards
She needs to have Kate send the P.I. who's the biggest along with her, maybe in a rented van to carry the paintings.
The gentleman should be large and imposing of course, and easy on the eyes (just to keep Olivia busy).
So, in a sense, she ~was~ "wearing a wire" (my comment on Ch. 36). Good show!
I am so glad to see you resume installments on this series. It is the one I for which I search first every time I go to this site.
Thank you,
Don't go Sam
unless you have back-up!!!
Nasty Nigel is not to be trusted!!!
But then you know that......Don't you!!!
Nothing there
There's nothing in Olivia's response that indicates Sam has to go by herself (not that I would let that stop me if I were Sam). So I would take at least two people with me. A large man as has been previously suggested, and a woman (maybe Jocasta) who would be able to stay at Sam's side anywhere she goes, even the bathroom.
And I don't know the ins and outs of British Police rules, but here in the U.S. you can request of the police a "stand by and keep the peace", which means an officer goes along with you while you retrieve belongings from a former residence when there is a separation or pending divorce. Even Daddy Dearest might think twice about trying anything with an officer of the law standing by watching. In the U.S. it doesn't matter who the owner of the residence is on paper, it was Sam's legal residence and she has every right to enter for the purposes of retrieving her personal property.
They know they can survive
I Just Thought Of Something
Olivia COULD ry to get a DNA sample from Sam in order to fake the DNA test and make Sam look to be the sperm donor, since they've NOT had sex in a while.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I don't think…
…it is possible to fake a DNA sample, but I may be wrong. In any case there there is bound to be plenty of Tom/Sam's DNA around Olivia's house.
Same page....
Looks like Olivia and Nigel are setting Sam up. Will Olivia Let Sam pick up her art or insist that only Tom Can?
Over here in the colonies, an injunction or restraining order would be appropriate to prevent Olivia from doing anything with Sam's Art. There is certainly enough probable cause to warrant extreme caution in dealing with the Brat. Given the threats to Sam, she should have constant protection until Nigel is brought to heel.
To keep it low key how about taking the local constabulary with her, as well as the life boat brigade.
Nice cliff hanger Sue. Are you studying Angaharad? You've come up with some great ones in both this series and Football Girl.
Thanks for you're superb story telling.
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
Weaving Changes
Oh my! I'm so glad that Sam got help, especially so quickly. The previous chapter really had me wound up!
I hope Sam does give up alcohol. I can relate. It really isn't fun to drink when one has a very low tolerance. Bleah.
The scenes with Abby continue to turn me to mush. I love it! I love this story.
Now we just have to get through the next bit. I'm sure it'll be a grand adventure when Sam gets her paintings back from Olivia. Yikes!
Thanks very much for the chapter. Please keep it coming!
- Terry
I'm Disappointed...
Nigel as described in this chapter doesn't seem consistent with his previous description -- someone with an active crooked business that two days' investigation can uncover isn't looking for a knighthood, he's trying to avoid official attention.
And now that Samantha knows that contact with Nigel and by implication Olivia could lead to physical torture and lasting damage, and still realizing that she can't trust a word Olivia says, she's about to head back, most likely alone, in response to a threat to inanimate objects, albeit ones she's attached to.
Sorry, I just don't buy it.
I'm disappointed too, Eric...
…That you feel that you don't buy it. I don't normally respond to this type of comment but feel that I should in defence of the story.
>>'Nigel as described in this chapter doesn't seem consistent with his previous description -- someone with an active crooked business that two days' investigation can uncover isn't looking for a knighthood, he's trying to avoid official attention.'<<
The investigators have been delving into Nigel and Olivia's affairs for a lot longer than two days. If you read the story in full, you will see that. Katie used to belong to a firm of London solicitors and has a lot of contacts from her old days, the PI being one of them. I know of more than one or two crooks in the UK who have managed to get honours and have been able to hide their shady dealings. Nigel likes power and prestige. No one says that he is avoid official attention, he feels that he is safe.
>>'And now that Samantha knows that contact with Nigel and by implication Olivia could lead to physical torture and lasting damage, and still realizing that she can't trust a word Olivia says, she's about to head back, most likely alone, in response to a threat to inanimate objects, albeit ones she's attached to.'<<
Once again, I don't know where you get the idea that she is going alone. I don't think I said that she would in the story and, as Sam, she is a lot wiser now. Also, I would like to point out that, to an artist like Sam, her paintings are not just inanimate objects, but could seem to her to be part of her, as much as an arm or a leg is part of her.
I hope that you enjoy the rest of the story but if you do not want to read it because you feel that you don't buy it, I will be sorry to lose you as a reader.
Hugs Sue
pillars of society
One needs to look no farther than Bernie Madoff to see that pillars of society aren't always what they appear.
I'm enjoying the story.
Money Lender
When I read about Nigel being a "Money Lender", I was somewhat taken aback. That term, relating to a legal business, is not from my experience, common in the United States. The term "Money Lender" standing alone, brings up visions of Shylock, and raises issues concerned with that character including anti-Semitism.
I therefore did a Google search and found an interesting Wikipedia article. The link is below. I think you need to copy and paste, rather then click it, to get there.
In the U.K. Money Lending is indeed a legal business, with some questions of it being somewhat shady. I guess the line can be crossed from a legal but usurous business to something illegal quite easily. The term apparently while having some negative conotations does not carry the same negatives as in the U.S.
A similar business in the U.S. would be what we call "Pay Day Loans".
Payday loans
Living as I do in a state that made the payday loan business legal since I became an adult, I have seen the criminal side first hand. It is a very nasty business, and once the victim is snared, they are usually trapped for good. The "lender" m.any times will add extra charges on if the sucker looks as if they might actually get free.
And yes, several of the upper people in the "business" were so-called pillars of the community. People like that tend to seek public recognition, perhaps as a way of "buying" forgiveness for their crimes.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Can you hear me now, Olivia?
But these loan-sharks worst crime is their horrible television commercials, with their wooden acting and bad computer graphics, like the one for Gambler's Friend Loans in our area.
Speaking of commercials (apologies to those of you in the UK who probably don't know what I'm talking about here), maybe Sam needs to join the Verizon wireless network. Show up for her paintings with that tech-support army filling the whole street behind her. Just a thought...
~~~hugs, Laika
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
Or Best Buys Stadium or the New Burger King King
Cute thought. Another is Best Buys Stadium full of people. But the best would be to use the new Burger King King (after all it is the U.K.) who could scare a person real quick.
Disappointed Eric
I agree with you Sue, It seems that Eric is one of these people who likes to read the ending before starting to read the story. If you take the current situation in English politics, there are a lot of shady characters trying to run this country. Commiting offences which would see the resat of us locked up.
i like the story to unfold and wait and see, as for what people regard as minor objects are treasures to somebody. Sam left Olivia so she must have some common sense and i can't see her friends letting her come to harm.
I've read the story in full. I just didn't go back to read it again after the two-week layoff between chapters. If I'm guilty of something along those lines, it's wrongly anticipating the next move -- I thought the implication at the end of the chapter was that our heroine was for some reason determined to face Olivia alone.
Thanks for Responding, Sue...
I do appreciate it, and apologize for my foul-ups. (Yes, I've read the story in full, but didn't feel the need to go back and re-read it after the two-week break between chapters, and apparently lost more of the thread than I thought as a consequence.)
On the first point, I did telescope the time between Katie's investigators' first and second reports. But that report that Nigel wasn't hiding his contacts with the enforcers who physically maim borrowers who can't pay suggested to me that while he was keeping his loan business out of the public eye, he wasn't quite concealing it, either. And it certainly sounds like a disqualification for a knighthood -- the enforcement part, I mean.
On the second point, I guess I anticipated wrongly on the going alone part. (It looked to me as though she would let her friends talk her out of it at the start of the next chapter, and then secretly go anyway. I hadn't thought of the car problem.) And yes, I can see why she'd be concerned about her old paintings -- I can sympathize. But she knows she can't trust anything Olivia says. Olivia may well have hidden the paintings, or given them to Nigel, or even sold them. (It'd be counterproductive for her to have destroyed them already, if she really does want Tom back and isn't simply trapping him for some more nefarious purpose.) So going after them herself doesn't necessarily solve anything for Samantha, since Olivia's terms -- not only moving back, but becoming Tom again, permanently -- are a clear non-starter now.
Bottom line is that I found (and still find) Nigel more credible as a blowhard than as a criminal, and I'm disappointed that you decided otherwise. (It comes down, to some extent, to something I think I've mentioned before in a general comment somewhere: it annoys me when authors turn characters with disagreeable personalities into out-and-out villains, seemingly just because they've gotten their readers to dislike them already. Not that authors don't have a right to do that; of course they do. But it bothers me.)
And I'm glad that I was apparently wrong about Samantha's next step.
Again, thanks for your answer, and I'll keep reading.
Best, Eric
I Hate It
When everybody has already said everything and beaten me to it with all the clever things I was going to say. So (pout) the only thing left for me is to say "I love it",
I like, totally know
what you are talking about. Lucky me, I did have something to say here, but... It is a bane of commenters everywhere.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Since it was the lawyer who told Samantha about Olivia ...
refusing to release the art stuff unless Samantha came in person, you know she will not let her client go alone. Samantha may be an innocent but her lawyer is very aware of the darker of life.
As another pointed out the lawyer was once from a powerful London firm and left it voluntarily, for a quieter life I imagine or even to start a family, thus maintaining many important contacts such as the investigators. Nigel and co think they are up against a small town solicitor, not the great white shark/Perry Mason/Matlock in sheep's clothing they really face.
We know Olivia is pregnant. the lawyer's own investigators found that out, is she as far along as daddy admitted or not? Will Olivia even speak the truth or lie yet again? Is she in on any plot against Samantha or being used by Nigel? Will she rant and rave claiming Samantha broke them up or will she make a last plea for his/her return?
I had a sick thought, I wondered if ovarian cancer or something like it could mimic pregnancy for a while. Jeese have I gone negative on Olivia. I love to see something salvaged of her but with no mom and Nigel as a dad, at almost 30 it's likely too late. What a waste as there was something good about her or he, now Samantha would never have loved her.
As to Samantha feeling she did not satisfy Olivia in bed, hogwash! That's all the years of negativity from Nigel speaking and the last lingering memories of Olivia's adultery hitting home. The lovely pottery lady is VERY satisfied with her. No one has ever satisfied Olivia for long, thus her incessant adultery and her multiple boyfriends and abortions BEFORE they ever met. Olivia needs mental health help for her sexual and relations problems but refuses to see the need. In spoiling her daddy ruined her.
Oh as to him, look at big crooks who stayed undetected for years because they were big campaign contributors, had big name friends and investigations got squashed. Plus he thinks he's insulated enough from his shadier businesses. And he's arrogant.
Very good, Sue Brown.
I sure like that last name of yours
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Uh..., we don't know that Olivia's pregnant. We know that she's claiming to be pregnant, while saying that it took months before she found out -- she even continued to have periods -- and it never really showed until after Tom left.
Thanks Eric...
For replying to my comments. It's nice that you care enough about the stories to comment on them and that we have sorted out some misunderstandings. I hope that you continue to enjoy my writing and I look forward to hearing your views and everyone else who kindly comments.
And now for something completely different...
And believe me it is a big stretch.
Olivia is tired of being her Daddy's (ugh) Girl. Her latest pregnancy has driven a wedge, and a considerable one at that, between her and her father. And it was not the only one. She has been neglected in her childhood and the only behavior she learned that allowed to "communicate" with him was her promiscous and scandalous one, and the results of it. She liked Tom, maybe, but was unable to keep him around, feeling that his then-unnamed femme self was robbing her of her husband. She then started to try and keep her husband's attention by resorting to the only behavior that she knew worked before, ON HER FATHER. Tough luck, Tom left and Samantha has emerged and plays for keeps. After attempting a few more times (That One Accursed Letter) she has realised (in her guts, maybe, and not in her brains (does she have any?)) that she has already lost Tom forever, and the one who took his place would rather die than return. And she, knowing her father, realised it was not a mere figure of speech but an actual possibility. In desperation, she decides to bait Samantha with the one bait that would work - Tom's painitngs. And to bait her father on Samantha, asking law enforcement to keep an eye open on the whole affair.
Told ya.
P.S. Oh noes. I've just finished this comment and 38th part has came immediately! Woe to me and my Epileptic Tree.
Oh well, off I go to eat and then to read! ;)
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
In honor of Patrick Swayze. "Ditto." (His character's response when his girl friend says "I love you." in Ghost).
Michelle B
Enjoying it so far but
Enjoying it so far but wait... Nipples hardening? I thought she was completely male? Did she start hormones and I just missed it? I carn't remember that happening yet.
Ohhh, Abby!.....
... my dream of a lover to spend my whole life with. She gives sam the chance to reconsider SRS..... I'd give that a lot of thought if I were Her! xx