
Does This Ever Happen To You?

Last night, after I got through reading the latest "Bike" chapter, I went to bed early. But for some reason, sleep was hard to come by.

I was sleepy, but as soon as I lay down, I began to have chills and I felt like I had just run a marathon. I finally went to sleep after a bit, but I still feel weak.

Oh well, this happens every now and then, but I wish that it did not.

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"Ah, greetings my young friends, how may I help you this fine and wondrous Day"

"Sir, Does this bike actually work or is it a ruse to sell bikes?"

"Good lady, this bike does work as promised, why do you ask, surely you don't wish to become a man?"

"No way!! Quite the opposite, I want to become a woman!!" Fanfics

There are several Fan-fictions posted at that are not posted elsewhere. They are a most wonderful contribution to Maddy Bell's Gaby-verse. There are some Fan-fictions posted that are by authors here at Big Closet/Top Shelf. It would be a shame to not read these most excellent stories.
May Your Light Forever Shine

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Good News About Sephrena Lynn Miller

She has arrived safely in Seattle Washington as is visiting Princess Chelsea. I know that we want to sent her a Private Message, but please remember that she had to get up very early to board the plane and deal with the Time Zone shift. Washington is some three hours behind her home state's Time Zone.

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I Am Wondering About Something

In the Blog posted about Sephrena flying out to Seattle to see her girlfriend Princess Chelsea, only two of the comments actually wishes her well as she travels.

The others are all about the blog itself. Me, I can't understand why there are not more well wishers. Sephrena has done a lot here and has been a friend to everybody.

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Point Of View: And Stories -ll

I want to thank the authors that have given me permission to do a P.O.V. on their stories and characters. I promise everybody that I will only do a P.O.V. on those that I have permission to do.

As you can see from my P.O.V., I have done my best to keep it within the basic story and try to sound like the character. I want to thank everybody for their comment both for and against.

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Point Of View: Professor's View Pt 0

I am Professor Olivia Stacie Turner; my friend call me Post. I am a Psychoanalyst from the far future. I have been sent back in time to gather data upon certain people whose lives due to unforeseen circumstances have caused ripples far beyond the normal scope of influence.

Seven Ups For Life

1. Wake UP! Decide that you will have a good day today. A positive attitude can brighten your day.

2. Dress UP! The best way to dress up is to wear a smile. A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.

3. Shut UP! Say only nice things and learn to listen to what others have to say. We have two ears and one mouth, so let's do twice as much listening as we do talking.

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Seeing a Psychologist: Woe Is Me

Well, i just got back in from Dr. De Witt. It will be awhile before the operation. I am the one to blame too. I have a history of mental illness. I use to go to the East Side Mental Health Center. It was in walking distance. I was going because a college counselor advised me to seek treatment.

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Going To The Doctor AUGH!!

Well, I have been going to Doctor De Witt about both my lower left leg and my hernia resulting from my gastric bypass back in 2001.
I 2001, I let the doctor open me up and perform the operation that should have helped me to weight. It did for awhile, but I regained all my weight and then some.

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Stan The Man

Lenore was beside herself with worry from that day onward. She loved her husband, but he didn’t understand his son’s limitations. The problems intensified when Stan Sr. showed he had no time to waste teaching his son, he was often frustrated, and he took his frustrations out on Lenore.


Stan The Man

By Angel O’Hare


What Being A Member Of Big Closet Means To Me

I am a confirmed cross dresser. It took reading stories here and finding friends that are cross dressers for me to finally admit this truth about myself.
I find that many authors truly amaze me when I find out something new about them. When I do, I celebrate finding out that new facet about them.

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To My Big Closet Family- I Have Returned From Court

I am going to court tomorrow. It is civil, not criminal court.
I was at home, with the door open, a safety gate barring my doggies from harm.

A member of the "Green Police" called me to the door. "I" was charged with litter in the yard and abandoned vehicles.

Well, I had not been outside to patrol the yard that day, so I did not know that some "local yokel" had left several bags of litter on the side of the road.

As for the "Vehicles", they belong to my brother Randy, with whom I have the "pleasure' of living with.

Well, the yard is taken care of, but his cars are still a

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Facing Reality

Today, I faced the fact that I am not alone. John Smith, a fellow Church member. He volunteered to come do my yard work on Sunday, he showed up today.
He handed me the extension cord for his weed eater. I dutifully plugged it in,silently laughing because my brother Randy decided to play hooky from work today.
Randy complained because he thought he was being humiliated.
HELL! I am the one to feel humiliated!!!
If that Jackass had gone to work, he would not have been seen on the couch, sleeping.[he had a sheet covering him, so no porn in this blog.]

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