Disguises / On the Run / In Hiding

Camp Kumoni : 39

Camp Kumoni Ch. 39

by Anistasia Allread
Assisted and proofed by Nick B

She stopped just outside the door, “I’ve got to get back to the cabin. What would you like me to tell your cabin mates?”

Erika joined Rachel and Phoenix in looking to Samantha for a response.

“I don’t know,” she said. “Tell them whatever.”


Stand and Deliver - Part 4

"Dear Genevieve, we cannot be intimate here, we will be seen," he whispered, before turning to unsaddle Prince.

"Please Malcolm, I want you so much, will you come and pleasure me later," she asked, smiling at her lover.

"Of course, my sweet lady, how can I refuse such a request," responded Malcolm.

Stand and Deliver - Part 4

by Alys

Stand and Deliver - Part 3


Oliver, wearing just his breeches and shirt, walked quietly into her bedchamber.

"Good evening, my dear," he said in a gentle voice.

"I am ready Oliver," she responded.

Stand and Deliver - Part 3

by Alys

Stand and Deliver - Part 2


"How does this miracle manifest itself, Percival?" asked Genevieve, even though she knew the real answer. She inwardly cursed that she had not left a mark on the odious Lordship's face.

"Not a scratch, not a mark on his person, truly wondrous," replied Percival, with his conviction as to the veracity of the report clear in his voice.

Stand and Deliver - Part 2

by Alys

Stand and Deliver - Part 1


"I would aim to relieve you of your purses" said the masked woman.

"And how do you intend to go that young woman?" asked Lord Parsimon.

"It's a matter of your money or your life, as they say in the parlance " was the woman's reply as she cocked her pistol and pressed it against the fat Lord's head.

Stand and Deliver - Part 1

by Alys

Camp Kumoni : 36

Camp Kumoni Ch. 36

by Anistasia Allread
Assisted and proofed by Nick B

She opened her eyes to see the angelic face of Samantha facing her, her eyes still closed in a peaceful sleep. Erika’s heart almost broke right then for want of caressing her velvet like lips; to feel their silkiness against her own. A tear slid gently down her cheek . . .


Rhapsody, Chapter 4 - Scherzo Energico

Chapter 4 — Scherzo Energico
By Jillian

“Wait!” I said in a surprised tone. “A safe house? You mean like witness protection? What about my work? My apartment? What am I supposed to do with my stuff?”

“Slow down,” he said while holding his hands up to emphasize things. “We don’t know how long it’ll be, but I wouldn’t expect it to take too long. For now, anything you don’t have to have with you should stay here. I’ll have a uniform posted here as a guard, okay?”

“Will there be room for my upright?” I asked.

“I don’t know why not,” he responded before adding, “Which one is that?”

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 7

Chuck was checking his watch when the stranger approached him. “Those were a couple of nice looking ladies you had.”

“Thanks.” Chuck said while not looking at the guy but in the direction of the ladies room door. ‘Come on Hiromi, we got to get going or we’ll miss the boat.’

“If you’re done with them, would you mind giving me their number?”

Chuck immediately turned around. “What did you just say?”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Seven

Synopsis- Hiromi sees a fortune teller and goes to a casino in Macau, Gabrielle has a chat with Dr. Wagner and meets a close friend, Midori and Stewart Slater get very bad news, plus Operation Swan Song takes an unexpected turn.

Becoming A Sister

Alright, first off, this was originally a bio for an RPG character for the online forum RPG MSF High, baised off the webcomic of the same name. It was suggested by a friend of mine that I put it up here as it is still TG-Fiction and a damn good piece. (According to her) So here it is. It takes place on some random world, and you may not get a joke or reference here and there, but you should basically understand it. Not too much dialogue until the end, but it really doesn't need too much.

Oh! And MSF High and any related characters, races, planets, or concepts belong to
Wraith and Aakashi.

No stealing!

(I don't even directly reference anything specific...)

Camp Kumoni : 35

Camp Kumoni Ch. 35

by Anistasia Allread
Assisted and proofed by Nick B

The sound of the hail was almost deafening as it beat down on the roof sounding like a million tap dancers tapping all at one time. ‘shuffle, ball, change. Shuffle, ball, change’ was the mantra running through Samantha’s head. The only sound louder was the thunder that continued to follow the flashes of lightning as it forked across the sky in shades of scarlet, blue and purple.



Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 6

After climbing two steps and being provided a gentle boost from Chuck, Hiromi was seated on the mare known as Dolly. Hiromi began to laugh hysterically almost from the moment her butt landed in the saddle.

“Having a good time?” Chuck asked.

“Yes,” Hiromi said as she continued to laugh uncontrollably.

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Six

Plot synopsis- Ripley visits Australia and Hong Kong with Chuck, Chrysanthemum is debriefed, A family prepares for a cross country move, and Dr. Wagner’s superiors face a crucial decision.

Camp Kumoni : 34

Camp Kumoni Ch. 34

by Anistasia Allread

As the storm rages outside . . . :

Erika approached the table with a smile, wanting to know what they were whispering about. Samantha’s head popped out of their meeting and gave Erika a look. She shook her head, signaling her that she wasn’t welcome right now.



Rainbow Girl - Part 12 - Conclusion - A Revolution

".....please go now Hywel and remember what ever happens," I said.


"I love you," I said as I gave him a last kiss and then pushed him out into the corridor.

"I love you too, Enfys," he responded....


Rainbow Girl - Part 12 - Conclusion - A Revolution

by Alys

For King & Country (part 10)


For King & Country (part 10)

by Miss K

Masters' mission nears its conclusion as she penetrates the security surrounding Room 497. But Sato has a final surprise up her sleeve. Who lives and who dies...?

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 5

As she approached the office, Hiromi saw something amiss. Her office door was ajar. Hiromi walked straight into the room only to find someone seated at her desk.

It was the computer programmer Omar Rafique also known as 'The Indian' within the Watanabe Yakuza. He was operating Hiromi’s computer.

“Get out of there!” Hiromi growled. “At once!”

Omar stood up from the chair and immediately became apologetic. Saying he was only doing a software upgrade.

“I don’t care, get out of my office now.”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Five

Synopsis- Captain Slater continues her Swan Song mission while at the same time undergoing both physical and mental changes.

Camp Kumoni : 33

Camp Kumoni Ch. 33

by Anistasia Allread

“How long do you think Phoenix be gone?” Erika inquired of Rachel, then let her gaze wander to Samantha, Victoria, Dani and Katie.

“That depends upon how long winded Director Hobbs wants to be….. Why?”

Erika’s palms began to sweat as she glanced over to her cabin mates. Samantha and Dani both smiled, Katie looked away and Victoria squinted through sore eyes at her. “We need to talk.” Her voice broke as she said it.



Orphan ~ 10

The coloured lights were flashing and the bomp; bomp of the music was entering my very soul. Pinball Wizard reverberated around the confined area of the discothá¨que and Roger Daltrey’s incredibly loud vocals was making my head spin.

Orphan 10
Susan Brown

For King & Country (part 3)


For King & Country (part 3)

by Miss K

British Intelligence agent Anthony Pierce, 004 is transformed into someone quite different as the Service prepares to reinsert him into a perilous terrorist situation in the Far East. Will sparks fly as Bond returns to supervise the transformed operative's embarkation?

For King & Country (part 2)


For King & Country (part 2)

by Miss K

The beginning of a new life for disgraced British Intelligence agent Anthony Pierce, 004, as he prepares to embark on a mission into enemy territory in a deep cover disguise he didn't expect to be wearing in his wildest dreams. The transformation begins...

For King & Country (part 1)


For King & Country (part 1)

by Miss K

The beginning of a new life for disgraced British Intelligence agent Anthony Pierce, 004, as he prepares to embark on a mission into enemy territory in a deep cover disguise he didn't expect to be wearing in his wildest dreams. Set in the near future, this is the first part of a novel length sci-fi shemale spy thriller!

Rainbow Girl - Part 11 - Lights


"I can't leave you to them, Enfys," He said as he took me in his arms.

"You have to, Hywel, there's no point them getting both of us" I responded.

I looked up, our eyes met and my lips found his, we kissed, a desperate embrace..


Rainbow Girl - Part 11 - Lights

by Alys

Camp Kumoni : 32

Director Hobbs walked up the trail towards them. “Rachel, I’m going to borrow Ms. Martinez for a few minutes."
“Uh….. Okay.” Rachel looked from the Director to Erika and back. “I’ll save you some food.”
“Could you come with me please, Ms. Martinez.” Director Hobbs asked. She led Erika down the path and around the mess to the infirmary
“What’s this about?” Erika was starting to get nervous.
“I just need to have the nurse give you a quick check up….. It shouldn’t be much or take long.”

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread
Edited by Nick B and Alexis

Orphan ~ 8

Paula had her transistor radio and switched it on. In no time, we were laughing shouting and stomping to ‘Bits and Pieces’ someone said that the Dave Clark Five were splitting up and that was sad cos they used to make good songs.

Orphan 8
Susan Brown

Camp Kumoni : 31

“Whoah, Erika, are you all right?” Rachel asked, studying Erika’s chest.

Erika looked down to find that a flap of her breast form had gotten torn in the scuffle. Shit! She screamed internally. How am I going to explain this to Sasha. She quickly slapped a hand over the loose flap and started back to the bathroom.

“Why isn’t it bleeding?” Rachel inquired, concerned for her cabin mate.

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread

Camp Kumoni : 30

Erika stood stunned. Her breath still held; she wasn’t prepared for this. For all three and a half or so feet of her size, Dani seemed to tower above her.

“I, uh……… I, uh……..” Erika stammered.

“Come with me.” Dani demanded breathlessly as she turned and all but stomped to the bathroom.

Once inside, Erika closed the door, making sure that no one else was awakened by their retreat.

“Why were you sneaking back in?” Dani whispered harshly. “What were you doing out of the cabin in the first place?”

“I was just taking a walk.” Erika lied.

Rainbow Girl - Part 10 - A Spark


"Tell me one thing" he said.


"What are you mostly? A boy or a girl?" he asked me very quietly.

"I'm a lot more a girl I think" I answered truthfully.


Rainbow Girl - Part 10 - A Spark

by Alys

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 4

“So what do you have for me?” Hiromi asked as she pulled out of the parking lot. Reina then began to explain what the Swan Song committee was requesting of Ripley.

When Reina was finished explaining, Hiromi shook her head. “Are they nuts?”

“I’m just the messenger Ripley-san.”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Four

Synopsis- Hiromi Sato (Captain Tom Slater) and Operation Swan Song continue to make slow progress in their efforts to topple the Yakuza family led by Goro Watanabe.


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