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Since you are reading this on this site you probably are pretty familiar with the basic situation I found myself in that summer.
Our family was a pretty standard one. Father working, mother working, big brother Bill that I absolutely admired and loved, me Scott and my pesky irritating, evil twin sister Sue.
Bill was on the baseball team in the high school I was to go to in the fall. Hank, the big star of the team had a sister, Carol, my age who went to another school than I. She was beautiful. I mean, really beautiful. She looked and acted many years older than me. Not that we interacted in any way but my brother was truly smitten by her. He really had it bad. The problem was that he didn’t know how get to know her. I was sorry for him but not my problem, I thought.
One of the first days of summer we three siblings were out together. Big, rugged, handsome Bill with a crewcut, tall skinny me with the long blonde hair that I liked and my dog sister. I know it’s not nice to say that but Sue is not beautiful or cute. Not near it which galled her. She had ambitions to be one of the popular girls but… All of us dressed in t-shirts and shorts. Just for the record, I’m not overly endowed with body hair and my legs are long.
As it turned out Hank saw us. He knew that Bill had a brother and a sister but he didn’t know who the “other girl” was. Of course the stupid git had to fall for the “mystery girl”. Yeah, all too familiar to you. Not to us. Bill was shocked when Hank asked. Sue who was also there at the moment happily stated that it was a cousin of ours who was visiting for the summer. My evil twin even suggested that Hank and Mary and Bill and Carol could double date. That way she firmly hooked Bill into her evil plan.
Then the usual thing ensued. By both push and pull factors I stupidly agreed (I really loved my big brother and Sue had knowledge of some embarrassing things I had done). Scott was away for the summer. Cousin Mary was here for the summer. Sue gave me intensive girl training. What about my parents you may ask? Did I mention that they aren’t really playing with a full deck? They loved the idea. It would be such a learning experience for me. Mum even took me clothes shopping. Besides being much taller than my twin Mum whispered to me that I could carry off wearing things that would look ridiculous on Sue.
So, the coming Friday night there I was. Dressed in a quite becoming dress and fully warpainted by mother and sister. Crash introduction course to Girl completed. I had no idea that the full Girl 101 was to follow. Bill actually wearing a clean shirt instead of his grungy t-shirts. We were duly delivered to the mall. Movie and dinner.
I have to admit that it went better than I had expected. Not that that bar was hard to pass. I had expected to be exposed (in a non-physical way). Disaster and all that. Actually, I had a good time once I calmed down. I did my best to fulfill my role. A once off appearance I thought. Apparently, I was captivating. Bad mistake.
I, and less enthusiatiacally Bill, were invited to spend the next day at the lake with them. Bill eagerly accepted for both of us. Early in the morning Mum and I went to the mall to get me some swimwear. A very modest one-piece. As it turned out Mary was a very shy and modest girl. Never wanting anyone to see her naked to the amusement of Carol’s crowd. Yeah, I was firmly integrated into Carol’s crowd that summer. Whenever I wasn’t with Hank I was with them. They didn’t even let me skip their training for cheerleading. They were determined to be cheerleaders when they started high school. They were popular girls weren’t they? Personally I found them to be class A bitches. Bill finally came to the same conclusion about Carol but by then I was too enmeshed in the Hank and Carol net to be able to extradite myself. I just had to endure my summer as a girl. Apart from Carol and her friends being bitches it wasn’t too bad. For one thing they weren’t bitchy to me. I was Hank’s girlfriend. Yup, I don’t know how that happened but there I was. Hank had fallen absolutely and hopelessly in love with me.
Oh, he knew very well that “Mary” would go after the summer but for the summer I was his official girl-friend. Don’t tell anyone but I sort of liked it. Hank really was a good boyfriend. Attentive, fun, generous and all that. I was confused about my feelings for Hank. I more and more looked forward to the end of summer when all this would end. I was relieved that there was a firm cut-off date. Not only for my sake but perhaps even more for Hank’s. That way he wouldn’t be hurt when this charade finally would explode as it inevitably had to do to had it had continued. Sue already had started hinting and had had to be bribed. Not too bad though since by exposing me she’d lose her place among the “popular girls”. She had piggybacked on me. However, I was relieved that I wouldn’t move in either Hank’s or Carol’s circles in high school. Just the thought of me, Scott, associating with jocks and “popular girls” was ridiculous.
Then the cut-off date date arrived. Hank really had pulled out all stops. Had I really been a girl I would have been totally smitten and devastated to go away. As it was, I just decided to make the best of the evening. I enjoyed it and made sure that Hank did too.
Then there was the last conversation late evening on our porch. Hank told me how much he loved the wonderful person I was. He told me how lovely a girl I was and encouraged me to try out for cheerleading in school. Having watched me practice with Carol’s posse he was certain that I would qualify. Yeah, exactly what a guy wants to hear.
- So, Mary. This is the moment to say goodbye to you. I will always treasure my summer with you.
He proceeded to kiss me. Hank is a very thorough person. I was still giddy from that farewell kiss when he asked me:
- So, Scott, will you be my date for the homecoming dance?
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Another lap around the trope
“Since you are reading this on this site you probably are pretty familiar with the basic situation I found myself in that summer.”
In the usual Bru tongue in cheeky way. Or in this case slightly deeper.
I love tropes
You can have so much fun with them.
Thank you for your comment. I do wonder about your last sentence though. With a warped enough mind that could have so many meanings.
Does the Pope have a favorite trope?
Imagine a Pope,
perched on a tight-rope,
clutching tightly a bar of soap and a...
radioisotope (yeah, let's go with that!),
crowned by a cluster of heliotrope,
reading Bru's latest,
smiling like a slice of... fresh cantalope.
And I thought you could cope
Now it appears that you broke the envelope
after some abstinence you'll get better, I hope
She out did herself this time. A one liner gotchu! Funny Bru can still shock me after all these years. Well, what does one expect from a Secret Agent? Reading this story I kept thinking I know what she's gonna do. All the way to the end I kept thinking I was one up on her until the very end. The story was cute and whimsical but SHE must have been mellowed out on Christmas and New Year celebrations? Maybe she scored big on some super secrete government expo?
Then Bru nailed the door shut with a one liner. Never saw that one coming!
Hugs Bru, beautifully executed
Life is meant to be lived, not worn until it's worn out.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
I try not to laugh too much at present
Laughing is quite painful actually since I was cut open on Monday.
If you think it was because I smuggled something out in my groin that is all your imagination of course.
Good that I didn't disappoint you.
So, Scott, will you be my date
What's that about the law of unintended consequences?
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
So many possibilities
I deliberately left open how to interpret the situation.
When did Hank know?
How does Hank envision any future relationship?
and so on and on.
One wonders
If Mary might not be gone permanently.
Maybe a little bit of both? Scott/Mary => Scary?
I wonder what Scary could do to the school and Carol's gang (including the sister).
So Hank was not so oblivious after all.
Homecoming Dance? That's a couple months away. How about joining him for lunch at school, and a date the following weekend?
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
That was another BRUtal ending. Way funny though.
Not sure...
Not sure about the reluctant part but otherwise sweet and cute and almost Bruish.
You may have a point there
At first it was certainly reluctant. Pushed by both admired brother and blackmailing sister.
Later it was also reluctant due to his conflicting feelings and his concern about how a revelations would hurt Hank.
In between? Probably not.
I finished this story and got a kick out of the twist. I enjoyed it so much I started at "a" and am working my way down to the bottom. If I keep reading I may never get around to painting my kitchen!
Bad news, good news
There are more than a hundred stories on the list.
Most of the stories are (very) short.
I leave it up to you to decide what is bad news and what is good news given your circumstances,
Please also have in mind that the the stories have been written over just over 14 years and alphabet and cronology don't coincide.
Summer girls
Summer girls, Some are not...
Summer Girl - Fall Guy?
Quite frankly I have no idea where Hank and Scott go from here.
Probably Just Me...
But did anyone else think of Laurie S.(aka Lsatori)'s "High School Confidential" after reading this?
Then again, in that one the narrator/MC tells us when it was that he caught on to the twist in that story. I just didn't believe him. (Hope that's not too much of a spoiler for anyone who wants to check it out.)
An odd ending
But I liked it.