
Halloween 2000

"We love you and if this is part of you, then we have to accept it. We don’t necessarily approve of it, but you are our friend/brother/son and we will always care." This, to me, was a revelation and, to not have to hide anymore was the most wonderful feeling in the world!

Halloween 2000

By Catherine Linda Michel

Rules Are Rules: 36. So Busted!

For my part, I kept looking down at my breasts. They weren't very big, but they were mine. Home grown. I grew them myself, I said to myself proudly, from all-natural ingredients. They were the same size as the little bags I used to use for padding, but these babies were real, and they wouldn't shift or fall out.

David's Story - Chapter 1

David’s Story

Chapter 1.
How it all started.

I fell in love with David in high school and married him right after college. What was it about him that I loved so much? In this chapter: He tells all. Or, does he?

Rules Are Rules: 35. Half-Apples

Denise and I both stayed out of school on Friday. I had my tea with me, and made sure I didn't miss my daily cup. By now I had breasts like little half-apples, and no longer needed padding to fill my bra. They weren't big breasts, but they were mine, and I hoped the tea would keep them growing.

The Foster Mom's New Daughter -- Part 2

Orphaned at 14, Angelo is a shy, sensitive boy who is helped to become the girl he always felt he was by a caring new foster mother. He becomes a prettily dressed teenaged girl who finds new friends and enjoyment. At the same time, a dark cloud is overhead, threatening his future.

Rules Are Rules: 33. More Tea

"Yeah, whatever," he said. "Hey, I can only give you a quick kiss with my parents watching."

I smiled. "I understand." I got up on tiptoe, and he gave me a peck on the lips. Resting my head on his chest, I hugged him tight. Then I noticed that my left foot had "popped," like the girl in The Princess Diaries, so I put it back on the ground and let go. "Thanks. I had a lot of fun."

Rules Are Rules: 32. The Bathroom Conference

"Maybe your little breasts are growing."

I didn't realize she was joking, so I said, "Maybe. Maybe wearing a bra is making it happen."

"Oh, right!" she laughed. "Are you serious? If that was all it took... Oh, wait! Your breasts are growing? You're not taking hormones, are you?"


This story deeply touched me when I read it a many months ago. I asked JulieChristine for permission to translate it into german, which she kindly enough granted me. You may like or not like that story, so feel free to comment.

Saphira Leonie Gardner

Diese Geschichte ist genau das, eine Geschichte, aber dennoch sollte sie sehr ernst genommen werden. Diese Geschichte wurde inspiriert von Vorfá¤llen in meinem eigenen und den Leben von anderen, die ich kenne. Alle Charaktere in dieser Geschichte sind vollstá¤ndig erfunden, genau wie die Vorfá¤lle die hier beschrieben werden.

Rules Are Rules: 30. Special Delivery

An upperclass girl came in to use one of the toilet stalls. I didn't look at her, but I heard her sit down. At the same time, there were noises from the boy's bathroom, which is on the opposite side of the wall. In a vague way I remembered Carla once telling me to never use this bathroom, but she didn't have a chance to explain why. I suddenly found out.

Rules Are Rules

30. Special Delivery

copyright © 2006, 2007 Kaleigh Way — All Rights Reserved

Rules Are Rules: 29. Eden Makes A Splash

"Wow," Eden said. "You made me look beautiful."
It was true. Eden was standing under the window in the third frame. Cory had obviously spent most of his time drawing her. The clothes, the hair, her face, were all exactly as they were that night.
"Earth to Eden," I said. "That's how you look. You *are* beautiful."

Rules Are Rules

29. Eden Makes A Splash


copyright © 2006, 2007 Kaleigh Way — All Rights Reserved

Rules Are Rules: 28. Suspension And Confusion

"Do you want to start again?" I asked.

"No, no. Let's just... Okay. Here's what we'll do. I'm going to tell you what I see and hope it makes sense to you, because it doesn't make any sense to me. Okay?"

Rules Are Rules

28. Suspension And Confusion

copyright © 2006, 2007 Kaleigh Way — All Rights Reserved

Rules Are Rules: 27. My Permanent Record

I thanked her and went into the inner office. Mr. Bryant and my aunt were there, waiting. "Well, well, well," he said. "My favorite student."

That didn't sound good. I didn't want to be the principal's favorite student, did I? "Am I in trouble?" I asked.

Rules Are Rules

27. My Permanent Record

copyright © 2006, 2007 Kaleigh Way — All Rights Reserved

Short Chapters: 10. Madison And The Half Cardigan

"So," Miranda asked, grinning, "Is that your doll?"

"Yes," I replied. "Her name is Madison. I named her myself."

"That was very clever of you," she replied, "especially since her name is already Madison when you buy her in the store."

Short Chapters by Kaleigh Way

Rules Are Rules: 26. Marcie Time

No one had ever called me "babe" before (of course), and I wasn't sure that I liked it. In fact, the whole phone call left me feeling uncomfortable, as much as I liked talking with Jerry.

Rules Are Rules

26. Marcie Time

copyright © 2006, 2007 Kaleigh Way — All Rights Reserved

Rules Are Rules: 25. Oh-So-Funny

She started laughing, but I cut her off.

"I know that everything I do is oh-so-funny, but I'm really scared. Should I tell my parents? Or hope that they won't find out? And are you going to narc me out just so you don't get in trouble?"


Rules Are Rules

Rules Are Rules: 24. Miss No-Secrets

"So...," Mom began, "What are you going to do about boys?"

"Uh, boys?"

"Yes, what are you going to do when boys start showing interest in you?"

"What do you think I should do?" I asked (and I think I managed to sound very innocent).


Rules Are Rules

FutureTech World 01

FutureTech World 01: The Replomat

by Unknown Subject

Having a magic wishing stone wasn't enough. Karyn and Jon explore an alternate reality where tomorrow's technology exists today.

The Nostalgia Train

The Nostalgia Train

by Maggie O Malley and shalimar

After we tried some of the normal rides in the amusement park Eric and I saw a ride called the Nostalgia Train and were curious what it was all about so we went to the information booth connected to it and found out.

Rules Are Rules: 22. Good Comic Material

Dad shook his head. "Your Mr. Bryant told me that in case we were in witness protection, our cover had been blown. I told him we aren't, but of course he doesn't know what to believe. How in the world do you get into these messes?"

"I don't know," I protested. "I don't do anything!"


Rules Are Rules

Rules Are Rules: 21. Laying Down The Law

"You certainly owe me and your mother an apology," he said. "If you wanted to do this, you should have called and told us before you did it."

"Would you have said yes?" I asked.

"No," he replied. "I wouldn't."

Rules Are Rules

Leeway, Ch. 23-24

Chapter 23: There's a first time for everything and
Chapter 24: Don't judge a book by its cover, comprising Leigh's first day of school.


Chapters 23 - 24

by Justme

Special thanks to Daphne for spending the time to look this over before I put it out for the world to see. Her notes were of inestimable value. Any remaining errors are mine of course, and at least some of them are deliberate....

Short Chapters: 9. The Situation Is Contained

"It was pale yellow," she recalled. "I could sort of see it through the dress."

"Uh, it wasn't a bra," I replied. "It was a bathing suit."

"Oh," she laughed. "A bathing suit?"

I sighed. How much was I going to have to admit to?

Short Chapters by Kaleigh Way

Rules Are Rules: 20. Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?

"Anyway," Ms. Tandy continued, "Why are you trying to keep a low profile? You're not on witness protection, are you?"

A student walking by overheard that remark, and his eyebrows shot up.

Rules Are Rules: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Rules Are Rules: 19. Remedial Girly Stuff

It was a nice evening, and Jerry walked me home. He put his arm around my shoulders and steered me so I could dig into the bag. There was a little coral-colored teddy bear, a brand new Barbie, and a small baby doll.

"Ah," Jerry said, as I showed him my presents, "It's remedial, you know? She's trying to get you caught up on the girly stuff you missed."

Rules Are Rules: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Short Chapters: 8. Diana Turns The Page

"Look, Diana," I said, "I'm sorry I had to tell you no. I wanted to go with you, and I thought that I could." She started to say something, but I put up my hand. "Wait. The thing is, Miranda is smart. She's fun to be with, and she's the same size as me —"

"Come on, Chapters!" she scolded, "Nobody gives a bleep about your bleeping height!" (Yes, she really did say "bleep" and "bleeping"!)

Short Chapters by Kaleigh Way

Rules Are Rules: 18. Big Brother Is Watching

"Miss Donner?" he asked, "Is your life usually so... exciting?"

"No," I said. "Just since I came here."

"Hmm," he said. "If things keep up at this rate, I won't need to watch television any more."

Rules Are Rules: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Rules Are Rules: 17. Throw The Doll From The Train

"Good Lord!" my aunt exclaimed as she looked at my arms and listened to my story. "How many days is it? Not even four days as a girl, and your life is an adventure!"

Rules Are Rules: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Rules Are Rules: 16. An F in Home Ec.

"Nina," I asked, "Do you think anybody knows this is just a doll?"

"Nope!" she replied brightly. "It looks too real."

"But it doesn't move," I said.


Rules Are Rules: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Short Chapters: 7. Washed, Burnt, And Buried

I'm glad to say that nothing wild happened in church. No one recognized me; there were no slapstick moments. I think Miranda was a little disappointed, until we ran into the odious Robert outside.

"Hey, baby," he said to me. "Did you get my little gift?"

"Don't call me 'baby'," I told him, "and yes, I did get it."

Short Chapters by Kaleigh Way

Rules Are Rules: 15. A Fate Worse Than School

I won't go through every detail of the day, but I will say that it didn't take me long to realize that Alice was joking when she said that waxing was fun. AND that it was nothing like waxing floors.

Rules Are Rules: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

All It Would Take -03-

All It Would Take

Fan Fiction Sequel of the 1986 movie Willy Milly

3 - Surprise

By Sasha Zarya Nexus

This fan fiction piece is based on the original work, Willy Milly aka Something Special; by Willy Milly Associates, Concorde, copyright 1985.. All original characters and plot lines are the property of the owners, and any resemblance to individuals either living or dead is coincidental. This piece is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended as a copyright infringement. No income is being derived from this fan fiction piece.

Rules Are Rules: 14. Not A Real Baby

"We'll also get your legs waxed, and we'll take a peek at your chest and back to see if you need any waxing there."

"Waxing?" I asked. I'd never heard of it before. "What is that like? Is it like waxing the floor?"

"Ahhh, yeah, it's a lot like that," Alice said, tongue in cheek. "It's fun, you'll like it."

Rules Are Rules: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Rules Are Rules: 13. It Gets Personal

He stopped walking. "How can you ask me that? Have you ever looked at yourself? I mean, it isn't even that... I don't know. How could I pass up a chance to be with you? I remember the first time I saw you, when I was walking up the stairs from the basketball court, and I saw you, lost, in that cute little dress...," he was grinning, and I had to smile too. I could see that moment in my mind, too. "I had to talk to you. I had to try to go out with you. I couldn't not try. I really like you."

Rules Are Rules: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Short Chapters: 6. The Most Interesting First-Kiss Story Of Anybody

When I was finally alone, lying in a huge bed in a huge dark room, I felt terrible. It wasn't just the residue of the waxy toy makeup. It was a crippling cosmic guilt like I've never felt before. I don't pray, but that night I slipped out of bed in my Hello Kitty nightgown and got on my knees.

Short Chapters by Kaleigh Way

Rules Are Rules: 12. The Third Degree

Cassie cut in with a question to me. "I was thinking about what you said before. You came here to Tierson without any clothes? Without any at all?"

"Were you naked?" Nina giggled.

"No," I said, blushing yet again. "I had some clothes, and I did bring a big box, but it was all boy clothes."

"WHAT!?" Cassie cried. "Boy clothes?"

Rules Are Rules: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Short Chapters: 5. The Big Piehole

"The only thing I want to change," I informed my parents, "is that I want to go to Lou's party on Saturday."

They glanced at each other for a moment, then Dad said, "As Tinkerbell, or Lite Brite?"

"It's Rainbow Brite," I corrected.

Short Chapters by Kaleigh Way

The Dream Part 1

‘Princess? Now I’m confused. I know I’m a boy, but did Mom just call me Princess?’ I opened my eyes, expecting to see my blue room with Spiderman posters on the wall, but was shocked to see Barbie posters, Faeries, and horses on PINK walls. Looking down at my bed, I found I was in a pink toddler bed with Tinkerbelle sheets and a pink comforter with Tinkerbelle looking happy on it. Shaking that off I looked at my clothes. I had gone to sleep wearing my blue Spiderman shorts and top, but woke up wearing a long shirt with little ponies on it..

Rules Are Rules: 11. My Weekend As A Pariah Begins

"Oh, my God, Jerry!" I said when he emerged, "Everybody thinks this baby is real and that's it's mine!" At that moment, the baby stopped crying and let out a soft coo. I sighed in relief...

Rules Are Rules: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Jack's Christmas Wish

Having to reveal my thoughts on transition to Saint Nicholas made me a little uncomfortable. I wondered secretly whether he even had the power to fulfill my desire. “Sir, it seems that my feeling that my body was of the wrong sex was prevalent even in my preteens. I suppressed those feelings thinking the it was not natural and a passing fad. As I reached my teen years and found that I would be different from my mates, I found myself questioning my masculinity."

Jack’s Christmas Wish
by Michelleokc08

Rules Are Rules: 10. Baby Thinks-A-Lot

Ms. Tandy held up the doll and asked if anyone knew what it was.

One girl said, "A doll."

The teacher replied, "Come on, if it was that easy, I wouldn't have asked."

"Oh! Oh!" another girl called. "I know! I know!"

Rules Are Rules: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Short Chapters: 4. The Donut Tree

It wasn't just that she had me trying clothes on. She insisted that Miranda and I change at the same time, so we could open the curtains together. Miranda's face spoke volumes. I knew she felt pretty much the way I did. She was embarrassed by her mother's manner, but happy she wasn't suffering alone. Neither of us spoke, but it was a bonding experience. Like being in the Army together.

Short Chapters by Kaleigh Way

Jack's Christmas Wish

Having to reveal my thoughts on transition to Saint Nicholas made me a little uncomfortable. I wondered secretly whether he even had the power to fulfill my desire. “Sir, it seems that my feeling that my body was of the wrong sex was prevalent even in my preteens. I suppressed those feelings thinking the it was not natural and a passing fad. As I reached my teen years and found that I would be different from my mates, I found myself questioning my masculinity."

Jack’s Christmas Wish

by Michelleokc08

Rules Are Rules: 9. A Reminder About Rules

"That's not what I meant," she countered. "I mean that you have to behave. You can't be tricky and get around the rules. Rules are rules, and if you don't watch out, they can really bite you in the butt. If you're going to be a girl and not get caught at it, you have to keep your nose clean, keep a low profile, and not draw attention to yourself. You might think that teachers and adults are old and stupid, but they ignore a lot of stuff. They let a lot slide. If you flaunt the rules, people will notice, and when they have their chance, they'll lower the boom on you. Do you get me?"

Rules Are Rules: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Short Chapters: 3. Clarkina Kent

I wasn't sure how we were going to play it, but when Mom reached into the changing booth and rolled my boy clothes up into a tight roll, I got it: for the moment, I was Juliette.

Short Chapters by Kaleigh Way


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