Lead Shoes-6

Lead Shoes-6

Chapter 6

Okay despite how bouncy I was I’m really scared and nervous as we get to the YWCA. There’s the fact My CP makes me stick out and there’s this fear of being found out. Aunt Holly gets out with a bag and I get out with her and we head inside and sign in and head to the changing rooms and…I see this guy?..girl..in the ladies locker room.

He looks at me and he’s Hindu? Hindi? And I can’t help but sneak a few peeks until he looks away shyly and sort of hides behind the locker doors.

“Aunt Holly? Uhm is he like me?”

First time 18.......

First time…..

Musings from WannabeGinger

The years at Uni passed so quickly. Reflections of my life beforehand come flooding back, together with those from my years of academic study. I reached graduation with the greatest sense of gratitude for the ending of my life in the classroom/lecture theatre. Ready for a new life, I had some decisions to make about my special interest, my “Major” (in fashion, haircare and beauty)!

Chapter 18

Mistaken Girl chapter 4

Mrs. Peterson leads me by hand out the back to where the other girls are. Its strange but all that tape has altered the way I walk. Its more fluid or graceful. Me graceful now theres a laugh. I try stalling but she has a firm grip on my hand. She leads me to a walk of windows. Beyond that is the girls.

Christmas always made me think of Charlie...

Christmas always made me think of Charlie… CUchstms1.jpg
It was that time of year again; that time of year the last week before Christmas when everyone else around me was busy thinking of what last minute gifts to buy for whom. What sales to hit for the best bargains what parties to go to. Me, I mostly thought of Charlie…

A funny thing happened on the way home...

My brother and I had just finished watching Interview with a vampire. We were staying with our grandmother for the night. As usual my brother was playing the part of the evil vampire and I was the damsel in distress. As the younger brother I was never allowed to be the vampire.

He was chasing me around and around the living room when Grandma walked in.

"What are you boys doing?"

"Playing Vampire and maiden. I'm the Vampire I vant to suck your blood." I squealed and ran to grandma.

"Boys sit down. I am going to tell you a story my mother told me when I was your age."

Snakes and Ladders-18

Snakes and Ladders-18

Chapter 18

I let Shaya lead me away and I’ve been here, that right after a really good scrap feeling only it’s different too. I talked her out of that toxic hole they shoved her into…but more than that or at least to me I didn’t lose my shit as Bear. I mean it’s not like I used to be nuts or a psycho and even when I had to fight like this I tried to keep it calm but once Bear got his claws out that’s when I was this person I didn’t like.

That part of me scared and made the girl hiding in me cry alone and often in the dark once things were said and done.

But today, as bad vas this got this was me. The real me. Wren Phoenix. And the fight ended the way that I wished all the fights I’ve been in could’ve been done. With honor and understanding and truth.

The stuff I’m really about.


The little girl with the auburn pigtails moved silently down the passage in the dark tower keep. She was noticably small.

Actually she is full grown its just that she is a gnome. She is dress all in dark leather that is well oiled. Her intent is simple she is hungry and she knows that the mage of this tower has some food. Not that conjured food like her sister makes. Its ok has no taste and you get hungry again after awhile. No real food like fresh sweetened goats milk, or Roasted talibuk. The thoughts of such foods made her almost drool.

First time 17.......

First time…..

Musings from WannabeGinger

Ready to leave home for Uni, I had endured a “purge” — my first — something that comes to us all at times, deciding to leave my stash at home. I knew my clothes might be found hidden away, but equally felt that my co-students at Uni wouldn’t be ready for a fully-fledged crossdresser in our first semester.

Chapter 17


I know I know is she ever gonna finish one story ...Its not my fault every time I sleep a new story comes and this gosh forsaken muse will not let me alone till I doth write it.

Quit that!

Child prodigy. Simple words and when one is found you hear that they are usually sent or trained and then are in papers and such. But what of the ones that are not discovered.

Good question isn't it? I should know it turns out I am one such. My name is Dane Thomas. I do not have a middle name. However many of you may know me by a much different name. Sailor D. Yes I am she from that rock group. It all started about a year ago...

A Christmas To Remember

A Christmas To Remember
By Anon Allsop

I looked at her from the corner of my eye, she was definitely flustered but I could care less, she was their mother and the behavior of her children were her own concern...my problem was that they were most likely going to distract me with their constant banter and shenanigans throughout the entire church service.


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