Simon(e) - Book One: Chapter 7

Book 1: Chapter 7 of 9

by D.L.

Copyright  © 2011 D.L. All Rights Reserved.

“I have a few skeletons in my closet that I don’t want people to know about. Julie thinks I’m being dishonest and should reveal them,” I say.
“She’s blackmailing you?” Jill asks, “You know the best way of stopping blackmail is to reveal the secret yourself.”
“I know, but I'm frightened that everybody, including you, will hate me,” I say as I start to cry.

Hellgirl: Aww Crap (Part 6)

Hellgirl: Aww Crap (Part 6)
Lilith Langtree

Have you ever woken up on a slab in the morgue and wonder how in the world you wound up there, with no memory, and with a coroner about to make a Y-incision in your chest? Neither had Gemma Saunders.
Revelations come at a price.

The Tales of Misrah - Tale 3: "A furry tail"

Spells R us - The tales of Misrah, the apprentice
Tale III: "A furry tail"

by Misrah

"...and then guys, and I'm telling you the truth I swear to god, I bended her of that table and so fucked the shit out of her." The whole crowd of his friends was laughing their hearts out, as Ryan was mimikring the act he just described, while waving his bottle of beer like a lasso above his head.

For My Princess: Part 2

For My Princess - book cover image

Now that Princess Helene has found a friend she does not want to give her up. Lady Ysabel has a serious and complex decision to make.

Throughout the meal Ysabel watched her son, he didn't notice at first but it didn't take him too long to realise.

"Mother is something wrong, am I in trouble?"

"It is nothing, I am being foolish, pay no attention."


Rock Star Makeover, Part 12

Rock Star Makeover, Part 12:
(Author's note. Well, this is the end of Rock Star Makeover, folks. I hope you enjoyed it. Will Noah, Gabbi, and company be back? You never know....)
After church, we were hanging around, when Adam came into the living room and asked, “Would it be okay if Lisa came over for supper?”

“Sure, Adam.” My mom said

What Light Through Yonder Shadow... - Act 1; 7

Primal forces, fallen angels, vampires and metahumans -how will one girl find out what she wants to know?
This is the final scene of act one as all of the main characters are now in play.
As always thanks to Top Cow for their characters. I introduce an aspect of a DC Comics character in to this now. Maybe you can figure out what it is.

Trailer Park Baby Chapter 29 & 30

Part III: Tyke

Chapter 29: Dave

January passed quickly. I spent some time with Sarah, and tutoring Ashley. She would come over for tutoring in all of her subjects, even though she really didn't need help in all of them.

Evanescence 14

Evanescence 14

Chapter 14

I relaxed for a bit while mom was still recovering from everything that happened. I close my eyes and kind of drift and review everything that had happened. The Fae, this Kelpie by the name of Shea had come here apparently after Alecia.

Alecia wasn’t the same person that Joanna had remembered at all and by the will or the grace of THE GODDESS was reborn or recreated into something else than a vampire entirely.

At Last ‘A Life’ ~ Chapter 43

At last ‘A life’
By Julie D Cole
Chapter 43 Meeting with Kate

I’d no idea what Kate meant when she asked me to help her and I thought that I would just have to trust her to explain later.But she told me more or less straight away.

‘Jessica is my niece.’


‘Yes she is my elder sisters daughter who was born when she was only sixteen years of age, whilst she was at school.

Why would I paint my son's nails?

Last week J. Crew caused some controversy with an Ad they ran portraying a mother painting her son's toenails pink. One of the commenters stated/asked "Why would I paint my son's nails?" I couldn't help myself, but answer them with a story.

You Meant it for Evil - 22

You meant it for evil - 22
by Maeryn Lamonte

MAJOR CAUTIONARY WARNING: Ultimate cliff-hanger ahead. Not for the squeamish.

“I was wondering when you were going to get round to proposing to Sharon again.”

Ok, so maybe he was right. Maybe I didn't do subtle. He was looking sheepish and evasive. Warning bells started to ringing at the back of my mind.

“Actually, I've been giving that some thought, and I'm not sure I'm going to.”

The day Samantha caught the train (part two)

The day Samantha caught the train (part two)

What Samantha did not know was that her new parents had arranged for a hotel for the night as they knew that the last train would have left before the party had finished.

Trailer Park Baby Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Dave

When we left Joe and Judy's, Bob came with us to help carry in the presents. That was good, I didn't think I'd be able to carry the cookware he'd gotten me. I grabbed what I could in one hand and went to unlock the door. Sarah and Bob grabbed more and followed me.

I clicked on the light and walked into my living room. I saw three Christmas presents sitting under my little tree. When Bob and Sarah came in I asked them about the presents. They both denied having put them there. We brought the rest of the presents in and took Sarah's into her house.

The Angry Mermaid 26 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon

Drustina sets out on the last lap to Egypt and the Nile

Pharos Light

The Angry mermaid 26.


Y Morforwyn Dicllon 26.

Mabina. The youngest daughter and Twin to
Drustan Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin the twins grandfather.
Giana The twins grandmother
Caderyn The twins father.
Herenoie The twins wise and beautiful mother.
Morgaran The Twins oldest brother.
Aiofe The twins oldest sister. Famous for her beauty.

Rock Star Makeover, Part 11

Rock Star Makeover, Part 11:


(Author's note: I hope that if you are enjoying this series, you will take the time to leave a comment. Kudos are good too...)

My brother Adam came from the kitchen, and Lisa flinched.

“Its okay. Adam was just here in case something wasn’t on the up and up.” Gabbi said.

“I... I heard you introduce yourself, Lisa. I promise, you are safe in this house, okay?”

“Th....thank you.”

Transition: Of Love and Acceptance

Where to begin is often the most difficult thing to sort out, but sometimes the best way to begin. For as long as I could remember, and having my first thoughts of why I wasn't like the others was when I hit puberty, or around twelve years old. I seen girls and saw how pretty they were, with long hair and breasts and somehow I knew I was plain jane as it were and could not catch their attention. I wanted to look like them, to have a body like theirs and be pretty

The Wizard Of Mid

The Wizard Of Mid
by Barbara Lynn Terry

On a sunny Monday morning in the small land of Mid, the king sat on his throne, his crown a little off to one side. He was deep in thought when when the wizard came in the throne room.

"Why so glum on a beautiful day, sire?"

"My nephew told me this morning that he can't be king of Mid when I die."

"Did he say why, sire?"

"Yes he said that he would rather be a princess married to a prince."

"Oh, dear! This is serious. But have no fear, your trusty wizard is here."

Under his breath the king said, "that's what I'm afraid of."

A P.I. Story - 3

Mark is not sure if he should be happy or sad. The truth comes but it don't sit well with facts. Still there is a plan for a happy life, But that life will truly have to change. For the better or worse you will have decide.


It had been 10 months now for Melody and I. We were still together and all seemed to be well or at least as far as I could tell.

Mike and I were recuperating from our wounds and I hadn’t worked a case in almost a month. It’s not like I was in any shape to be out working, but I sure had cabin fever now.

I Am The Night Part-7

I Am The Night-
Part Seven


Steven Brown has a rough time, wanting to be a girl and hiding it from his angry abusive father. But when Steven gets a chance to express his hidden side through a fantastic opportunity, things change, including himself.

The Boston Bubble: Lora's Story Chapter 7

By Lora Guy

Cross dresser is caught up in a sudden, massive group transformation in downtown Boston.

"...for chrissakes, girl, have a little modesty. Don't make it so obvious that you just grew those tits a few days ago."


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