Book 2 - The Reluctant Cheerleader


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Now available on Amazon Kindle!
Christopher is now in high school and has tried to bury his being Ed's reluctant girlfriend in the past. But now his school is one cheerleader short...

The Reluctant Cheerleader

by Melanie Brown
Click to go to Amazon!

Copyright © 2003, 2009, 2016 Melanie Brown

Mercedes by Morgan Preece on Kindle


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She knew how to treat him - exactly as he deserved...

He made his living meeting women and giving them what they wanted. But what did the woman in the Mercedes want and would he be willing to give it? And if he did, what would he become.

An erotic tale of lust, greed and transformation on the Gilded Coast as a young man looking for a sugar mama finds out what life is like as an object of desire.

Mercedes by Morgan Preece

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still having trouble logging in

Today, I have logged in three times. Each time, I have been taken to Part 25 of a story instead of arriving at the BigCloset Topshelf webpage. If I then click on the Topshelf icon, I arrived there logged out. If I log back in, as I have done three times now, I arrive back at Part 25 of Ian's story.

What is going on?



Looking for a story

Looking for a story and author. May only be available on Kindle now. A deputy sheriff has a heart attack saving a ET child from a flash flood. The ET commander feels he owes a debt of honor so he has the deputy revived, but to cover up what happens he transfers the consciousness of the deputy into a female body that can't be connected to the deputy. The Air Force gets wing of the woman and is trying to track her down for her extra abilities.

There are at least two books about her, the second I know is only available online, not sure about the first.

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grad party hijinks

yesterday, we went to a graduation party for my daughter's friend Jason.

And while there, I was introduced to a 4 year old girl who apparently decided I needed a hat to complete my look, and gave me hers.

We traded the hat back and forth, and then she upped the ante by giving me not only the hat but a small suitcase filled with her toys.

The whole thing almost made up for being called "Todd" the whole night.


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Random writing question

Oh hey! It's been a minute.

This seems really random, but do y'all think that the name Isskalt Abyss a little on the nose as a name for an artic region in my story? Isskalt means freezing cold in Icelandic, but I just thought it made for a funny pun because it sounds like "Is cold" when it's pronounced in my American accent.

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lynn conway passes away

Lynn Ann Conway—a computer scientist, electrical engineer and a trans-rights activist—died in Jackson, Michigan on June 9 of heart trouble. She was 86.Conway was fired in 1968 when it became known that she intended to transition. IBM later apologized for that action. That same year, Conway consulted Dr. Harry Benjamin and became a patient. She completed her gender transition, also in 1968. In a divorce, she was denied the right to visit with her then-minor children.


Progress On Light Book 6

Prompted by a query from an eager reader (hooray for those!!), I thought it time to post another 'here's where it's at' progress statement for Book 6 of the Light Saga, Hope's Light.

As of an hour ago, the draft just crossed 100k words. There's likely at least another 20k to go to wrap up (maybe more?), but it's on the rapid slide to the ending as things all come together. Current plan is to finish the draft by end of summer, and by end of autumn have the entire work proofread and ready to start posting on a regular schedule.

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By Any Other Name. Part 23 of 35

Chapter 23

“Thanks, Agnes, see you later.”

I went to where David was trying to answer fifteen questions at once.

“David, we have a security screen. They’ll help us get out to the cars. I don’t think that we’re going to be able to answer everyone, or to make the fans happy, but we have to get out.”

He nodded so I went over to the leader of a very fierce looking group of guys.

“I believe that you’re going to help us get to our cars, lads. Can we do it without blood on the floor?”

Ruth's Reunion - Chapter 4

It was around 8 am the next morning that I ferried Jackson downstairs in search of breakfast. He'd already been up for thirty minutes at that point but I'd been up thirty minutes prior trying to decide what he and I were going to wear for the celebration.

Deciding on Jackson's outfit had been simple enough. I'd chosen a button-down shirt and khakis, a timeless choice for any event. Dressing a young boy was easy, if a bit boring.

A bit more difficult though was choosing an outfit for myself.

Rebirth And Retribution Chapter 02

By the time Genesis finished explaining her dream to Charlotte, her friend's jaw was hanging open.

"You've got to be kidding me," said Charlotte. "Mirna actually decided to make you her successor?"

"She did," said Genesis. She looked down at her hands, wondering what it would be like to conjure light or fire or something from them. She felt no different, which made sense-Mirna had said she'd have to do some kind of Awakening ritual to unlock her powers.

"Why would she do that?" Charlotte asked. "I thought she didn't like you."

Happy Solstice!


The solstice marks the beginning of summer on our calendars, but back when people thought about these things differently, the longest day of the year was called "Midsummer." Whether you call it Litha or Midsummer (or, for my antipodean friends, the start of THAT season), I hope that yours was lovely.

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Rebirth And Retribution Chapter 01

"One, two, three, four, we're the tigers, do the roar!" Genesis cried as she and her fellow cheerleaders shook their pom-poms. In response, all the spectators in the bleachers cheered. The cheerleaders watched as Eastern Plains High's star batter Rupert Lacey hit a home run and ran all three bases before skidding onto home plate. There was another round of cheering as Rupert beamed with pride.

"Yeah, Rupert!" said the cheer captain and Genesis' stepsister Ramona said. "You're the man!"

"And look at that!" Rupert said, looking at the scoreboard. "We won!"

My Computer not MicroSoft

Last week MS automatically installed two new programs on my computer without my permission. A year earlier I turned Win updates off via Registry Edit. Somehow with reboots over the past year Win 10 refreshed all it's command prompts for Win startup. I didn't catch it as it was stealth. The programs MS installed last week was MS Edge and One Drive. I only noticed because my HD was running excessively. Started a search for the guilty program taking up loads of memory and HD intercepts. It turned out to be MS Edge and One Drive. Searched for the install date and it was last week.


The Angel On Her Wing - 13 - The Hound Or The Wolf?

May 2024 Anniversary Contest Follow-up

Sorry for the delay on this folks!

So as of Saturday night the contest was officially closed. But what does that mean for things from here on out?

We'll be giving everyone 2 weeks to catch up on stories from the contest, and later this week I'll create a blog with all the stories linked just to make them extra easy for people to check out.

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Ruth's Reunion - Chapter 3

Sometime later, one of the staff arrived with the news that our dinner was ready, and that signaled an end to our time out in the garden, and not a moment too soon.

Aaron wheeled my father back indoors followed closely by the rest of the family.

"Jess?" I called out to her as we approached the house's entrance.


"I hate to bother you again but could you help me watch Jackson?" I asked, "I need to make a call"

"Oh sure thing" she answered, "Come on, sweetie," she said after turning to him with a smile.

Allison Zero - Book 1 - Part 12

A dark metallic hallway on a space station, functional and industrial with signs of advanced technology, with a large hexagonal window with a view of a star field. Faint pink text with the words ‘Allison Zero’ are centred on the window to the star field.

Allison found some way of slowing things down at the start of her week; on Monday, the day women mostly had to themselves. Up until then her mind had been racing but a message from Des — delivered to Jenny’s — helped her put things in the correct place. It was right around the same time Dr. Grace said what Allison was going through was normal; the standard effects of the disruption Allison had been through.

Dr. Grace booked an appointment for Allison for the Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, saying Allison could see her on any of those days, whenever she needed to, simply walk in. Just to talk, if she wanted. But no later than the Thursday. Whatever she ended up doing it would mean yet another round of fun with doctors on her journey to womanhood.

Charlotte Had A Boyfriend : 6


"I'm sorry," I told him, "but I'd prefer to keep this to myself."


"Because you — and the pair of cops who just left — laughed when I told you my name.
None of you call me by my name. Not Perry, not Mason. You keep calling me Deeny. You don't believe me."



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