Identity Crisis

Through the years: Troy's Story part 16

“Come on Vance. I got something to show you.” He stood up and led Vance through the kitchen to the garage. He shut the door to the kitchen and flipped on the light switch. There in the center of the garage was a large car shaped lump under a tarp. “Now I got a few rules involving this. No eating. And no sitting on it.”

With that, Frank pulled the trap off, revealing a light blue mid sixties muscle car. He folded the tarp up the best he could and put it in a corner. “This is my baby. A nineteen sixty five Pontiac GTO.” He gestured to the drivers door. “Go ahead. Hop on in.”

Vance stood there for a moment, mesmerized by the gleaming beauty. Then he slowly went to the drivers door and opened it up. “This is cool.” He said as he slid into the drivers seat.


This chapter will focus on the two Patterson kids. A mix of Vance an Tracy and the fun they have around the Livermore/Dublin areas


Through the years: Troy's Story part 15

“Yeah, I know that now. I was young and stupid and I messed up big.” Rachel said. “But I understand, at least I think I do.” She patted at the seat once more, this time Tracy sat down.

“How? I barely understand it. I...I just want to feel right.” Tracy said. “I used to think that being Tracy was a release, the chance to not be Troy.” She shook her head and looked at her feet. “Now....hell I hated the fact I felt that I needed to be Troy when I was here. I can't wait for the weekends where my Grandfather is out of town so Tracy can be out.” Her eyes misted up and she just sat there.

“Hey. No need for the tears.” Rachel slid closer and slipped an arm around Tracy.

Tracy leaned into Rachel. “I don't know what's wrong with me.”

“I do.” Rachel replied. This caused Tracy to look up at her. “You're finding yourself.”


Marked Target - Chapter 10

Marked Target
~ Chapter Ten ~

Danielle Krieger
(c) 2011

Lawrence "Lex" McKinley lives about as average a life as one can with metahumans popping up everywhere. Well, as normal as someone who spends their free time as an MMA fighter really can. He's about to get the shock of his life--the punch he never saw coming.

In this installment: Talon reacquaints herself with the members of Posse. Agent Helligan's investigation continues and seems to come to a head. Lex receives a little surprise as she plays the game she was working on at Orion Software. Then, receives quite a shock.


Deep Into That Darkness Peering Part-13

Deep Into That Darkness Peering-
Part Thirteen


With Rachel missing, Lori decides to take matters into her own hands and decides to look for her absent friend.

Through the years: Troy's Story part 14

“So no Tracy?” Shelly asked.

“No, and I told her it'd be okay.” Maggie sighed.

“It that why he was so glum?” Shelly glanced to the door, making sure it was still shut.

Maggie nodded. “Tracy was so lively on the way down here. I think she talked from home to Tracy, the town, where she changed. Once she changed, Troy was miserable.” She shook her head. “Maybe I shouldn't have let her be Tracy for the ride.”


Through the years: Troy's Story part 13

A frown appeared on William's face. His voice was a whisper again. “I have been pretty bad to him, Vance too. Hell, I'd be surprised if he doesn't hate me by now.”

“He loves you. He's just afraid that you'd punish him for this.” Maggie said.

“A few months back, before mom called me on it at her place, I would have. But I'm trying to get better.” He squeezed his wife once more. “So, no letting on that I know. I think I can do that.”


Through the years: Troy's Story part 12

“And you're worried that you're doing something that may hurt him later?” Shelly asked.

“Yeah.” Maggie choked on her reply. She wanted to help her son, but this had been a growing fear. She didn't want him being a mental wreck in the future, something he could blame on her.

“I see. Does he do it because he wants to be a girl? Or does he get some form of enjoyment out of the dresses? Maybe sexual pleasure.”

“He's only eleven. He doesn't even know about that yet.” Maggie groaned. “At least I hope he doesn't. I'm not ready for my baby to grow up that soon.”

Deep Into That Darkness Peering Part-12

Deep Into That Darkness Peering-
Part Twelve


Ryan Roth is a college freshman with a good life. He has a great girlfriend, a good best friend and seems to be starting his college career off on the right start. But something dark and dangerous comes into his life and things go from bad to worse.

Marked Target - Chapter 9

Marked Target
~ Chapter Nine ~

Danielle Krieger
(c) 2011

Lawrence "Lex" McKinley lives about as average a life as one can with metahumans popping up everywhere. Well, as normal as someone who spends their free time as an MMA fighter really can. He's about to get the shock of his life--the punch he never saw coming.

In this installment: Lex and Olivia have an anti-climactic discussion. Agent Helligan begins her investigation. Talon saves a young girl from a situation that would scar her for the rest of her life, sparking a contemplation that could change Lex's outlook. Though, by how much?


Marked Target - Chapter 8

Marked Target
~ Chapter Eight ~

Danielle Krieger
(c) 2011

Lawrence "Lex" McKinley lives about as average a life as one can with metahumans popping up everywhere. Well, as normal as someone who spends their free time as an MMA fighter really can. He's about to get the shock of his life--the punch he never saw coming.

In this installment: Lex gets led around by the hand. Questions get answered. Will Dr. Hank McCoy have good news? Is getting the DMA involved going to be a good idea?


Deep Into That Darkness Peering Part-11

Deep Into That Darkness Peering-
Part Eleven


Ryan Roth is a college freshman with a good life. He has a great girlfriend, a good best friend and seems to be starting his college career off on the right start. But something dark and dangerous comes into his life and things go from bad to worse.

Through the years: Troy's Story part 8

“Vance, please just go.” Tracy pleaded.

“That's a great idea!” His wicked grin got bigger. “I'll go....and call Bruce and Frankie. They'd love to hear this!”

“Please don't.” She began to make her way down the steps, tears began to race down her cheeks. “Don't tell anyone.”

“Too late for that, Fag. It's all your fault anyway.” Vance turned and ran out of the yard as Tracy made it to the bottom step. She fell to her knees and began crying hard.

When he heard Vance's voice Peter had already been moving to the door, But the older boy was gone by time he got to her side. Modine stepped out and looked around for trouble, concern on her face. “Tracy, what happened.”

“Vance just seen her.” Peter replied, helping Tracy to her feet. “He's going to call his punk friends.”

Please note, there is a few harsh words in here so I left the rating at PG15. It also has Petticoat Punishment

Through the years: Troy's Story part 7

Peter could feel that they were uncomfortable, so he began to go to the side of the house, turning his head to talk to them once more as he went. “Well ladies, have a nice.....” His steps stopped and he turned to look at Tracy again. He stood there for a moment, then asked. “Troy? Is that you?”

The young boy didn't reply. Instead, the young girl who was there knew she was caught, so she jumped from the table and flung the backdoor opened, running to the safety of the guest bedroom. Peter stood there for a moment, unsure what to do. Modine and Maggie both stood up, the older woman patting Troy's mother on the arm. “I got her.”




Written by Dauphin

"A fanfic of a TV show, this story has enough magic for everyone. One wonders what happens in Dauphins' head?" Diana
"It was fun to write and does not follow TG stories, as there is a bit of everything. I suppose this is why some did not like it" Dauphin

Marked Target - Chapter 7

Marked Target
~ Chapter Seven ~

Danielle Krieger
(c) 2011

Lawrence "Lex" McKinley lives about as average a life as one can with metahumans popping up everywhere. Well, as normal as someone who spends their free time as an MMA fighter really can. He's about to get the shock of his life--the punch he never saw coming.

In this installment: The pace slows down a bit as Lex tries to find where she fits in the world. She gets a little advice from the fellow Posse members. Valentine's Day, however, takes its toll on her. Although, she catches the eye of a certain hero. Is it good news or bad news for our "juvenile" delinquent?


Deep Into That Darkness Peering Part-10

Deep Into That Darkness Peering-
Part Ten


Ryan Roth is a college freshman with a good life. He has a great girlfriend, a good best friend and seems to be starting his college career off on the right start. But something dark and dangerous comes into his life and things go from bad to worse.

Through the years: Troy's Story part 6

He slipped into the nightgown and slowly Tracy began to be emerge. When she was fully there, she went into the kitchen where her grandmother was waiting, already working on her crossword. Tracy stopped by her grandmother long enough to give her a light kiss on the cheek. “Morning Grandma.” She said as she moved to the cupboard that held the skillets.

“Good morning to you too, young lady.” Modine replied, not looking up from her paper. “You need help?”

“Maybe.” Tracy replied as she pulled out a skillet. “But can I try it on my own first?”

“Sure thing sweetie. You just let me know when you need help.”


Through the years: Troy's Story part 4

“Joy.” Troy's sarcastic tone wasn't lost on Peter. Together the two boys walked up to the line, waiting to get on to the ride home. Peter moved off and got on his bus, leaving Troy alone with his jerk brother. Steps away from the bus, Troy felt someone shove his side and he fell to the ground.

“Ooooohhhh.” A tall, thin boy sneered down at him. “Did the wittle baby fall?”

Troy scrambled to his feet and glared at his attacker. “Go to hell Vance.” He spat out.

His brother stood half a foot taller, which gave him the ability to loom over the smaller Patterson boy. Vance's arm cocked back as though he were going to throw a punch, making Troy bring up his arms to block. “Fag.” His brother laughed at him before getting on the bus. At the top of the steps he stopped and looked at his brother who was just watching him. “Come on little baby. Maybe we should get you home and change your diapers!” The kids on the bus started to laugh loudly.

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-6

Don’t Blame Me I’m a Martian-6

Chapter 6

Okay she might look different somehow but yeah, that was just completely Amy.

“Uhm Yeah…It’s kind of a long story. Are you okay?”

She blinks still staring at my chest. “Yeah…I’m good…” She’s still staring.

“Uhm…Amy, I’m up here.” I can’t believe I actually had to say that.

She yanks her head up and looks at me and gives me this sheepish grin and moves some of her hair out of her face. “Whoa, sorry Dylan, their nice?”

Whose Irish Eyes Be Smiling? 5

Whose Irish Eyes Be Smiling?
Anam Chara

Sean considers another request to stand in for Kelly, his injured cousin. Also, Sean is asked to reconsider his own abandoned career in music.



Chapter 3

Oh yay they’re still coming over.

I grab my burger again and stuff a lot of it into my mouth. I’m not a pig, but I can be. One of the easiest unladylike things I can do is to take this big ole chomping bite of something I’m eating and be as messy as possible. There’s ketchup on my face and dripping out my burger.

Marked Target - Chapter 6

Marked Target
~ Chapter Six ~

Danielle Krieger
(c) 2011

Lawrence "Lex" McKinley lives about as average a life as one can with metahumans popping up everywhere. Well, as normal as someone who spends their free time as an MMA fighter really can. He's about to get the shock of his life--the punch he never saw coming.

In this installment: The time is at hand. How will she handle the return of her captors? Lex falls into a bit of despair following the encounter with Julia. There is only one option on the table for making discoveries: moving to San Francisco. Lex falls in with some otherwise unlikely compatriots.


Deep Into That Darkness Peering Part-9

Deep Into That Darkness Peering-
Part Nine


Ryan Roth is a college freshman with a good life. He has a great girlfriend, a good best friend and seems to be starting his college career off on the right start. But something dark and dangerous comes into his life and things go from bad to worse.

Through the years: Troy's Story part 1

Northern California

Troy Patterson stood in the kitchen and watched as his mother's car pull out of the driveway that early August morning. His father was already gone off on a week long fishing trip with his friends. His older brother, and constant tormentor, Vance, was with his mother to go to hang out with friends for the weekend. In the background he could hear the beginnings of another cartoon. Yet, unlike most eleven year old, he wasn't paying attention to the TV anymore. He had been waiting patiently for the house to empty....well maybe not too patiently.

Marked Target - Chapter 5

Marked Target
~ Chapter Five ~

Danielle Krieger
(c) 2011

Lawrence "Lex" McKinley lives about as average a life as one can with metahumans popping up everywhere. Well, as normal as someone who spends their free time as an MMA fighter really can. He's about to get the shock of his life--the punch he never saw coming.

In this installment: Two months pass. Lex's training intensifies. There are two discoveries brought before her. She learns, the hard way, that not all surprises are good ones.


Magnetic Personality - 1

Magnetic Personality-
Part One


Lawrence Dane, a 45 year old Systems Engineer, feels his life has been wasted.When his Meta turns, what will he do with his second chance?

Deep Into That Darkness Peering Part-8

Deep Into That Darkness Peering-
Part Eight


Ryan Roth is a college freshman with a good life. He has a great girlfriend, a good best friend and seems to be starting his college career off on the right start. But something dark and dangerous comes into his life and things go from bad to worse.

Marked Target - Chapter 4

Marked Target
~ Chapter Four ~

Danielle Krieger
(c) 2011

Lawrence "Lex" McKinley lives about as average a life as one can with metahumans popping up everywhere. Well, as normal as someone who spends their free time as an MMA fighter really can. He's about to get the shock of his life--the punch he never saw coming.

In this installment: Finally free of imprisonment, real life sets in. Lex learns who her real friends are. The new body takes a little getting used to. One visit may mean the difference between life and death. Real life ain't all peaches and cream, bub.


Marked Target - Chapter 3

Marked Target
~ Chapter Three ~

Danielle Krieger
(c) 2011

Lawrence "Lex" McKinley lives about as average a life as one can with metahumans popping up everywhere. Well, as normal as someone who spends their free time as an MMA fighter really can. He's about to get the shock of his life--the punch he never saw coming.

In this installment: The imprisonment continues and some insight is given to Lex about her captors and why she's in captivity. Is she ever going to get out? Will she ever get her life back under her own control?


Evanescence 16

Evanescence 16

Chapter 16

There’s a funny buzzy feel of majik in the room as Alecia and I get out of the bathroom after fixing our make up. It’s only a little strange now doing that. My old self seems so far away at times and yet coming in from the bathroom I’m smiling at Shaun, My Shaun sweet and handsome and before we became an item he was my best friend.

Deep Into That Darkness Peering Part-7

Deep Into That Darkness Peering-
Part Seven


Ryan Roth is a college freshman with a good life. He has a great girlfriend, a good best friend and seems to be starting his college career off on the right start. But something dark and dangerous comes into his life and things go from bad to worse.



Chapter 2

The secretary looks long and hard at me and the letter I gave her from my dad and our lawyers and my doctors saying basically my needs and stuff. I stare back at her from behind my hair and sunglasses. I can almost feel that you’re a freak stare coming off from her.

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-5

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-5

Chapter 5

Kaylee’s hand felt so…so…oh..good. There was this tickle tingle that turned to warmth that danced in under the skin there and was spreading through me. It’s so hard to explain it in guy terms. Nothing like having your balls licked or sucked on but more equal to a light touch on the sensitive underside of a guy’s penis. As good as sensitive and erotic as that but still Totally different.


Deep Into That Darkness Peering Part-6

Deep Into That Darkness Peering-
Part Six


Ryan Roth is a college freshman with a good life. He has a great girlfriend, a good best friend and seems to be starting his college career off on the right start. But something dark and dangerous comes into his life and things go from bad to worse.

Irene Munroe: The Girl Of Steel


Audience Rating: 


TG Universes & Series: 

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Irene Monroe
Irene Munroe: The Girl Of Steel

By Stanman63
Thanks To JennaFL For Proofing And Nora Adrienne for editing!

Synopsis:Arnold Munroe becomes a new superhero and learns of her legacy.

The Half Lilin: By The Light Of The Moon (Chapter 11)

I spread my wings wide and glided down onto a patch of broken earth. As I folded my wings, my eyes scouted around, looking for any sight of movement. There was none. The park felt as tranquil as it looked outside, despite looking like it got hit by a meteor shower. I would've thought the place abandoned, if not for my pair of overclocked* eyes. Despite not having Wedjat in my forehead, I could still see how fresh the two mana trails here were.

Some of the mana trails retained their shape as they fought all over the place. There was a lili punching a large upright-standing wolf who evaded and the lili's fist punched a hole in the tree'd trunk, where the werewolf was leaning on just moments before. There was the werewolf biting off the lili's left wing. I couldn't see their faces, but I was pretty sure that the lili was Tell and the big, upright-standing wolf was the werewolf we were looking for.

The Half Lilin
By The Light Of The Moon (Chapter 11)

By Shinieris

Sweet Dreams-11... Am I in a daydream?

Sweet Dreams-11...Am I in a daydream?

Chapter 11

Adam was being as much a douchebag as I though he was going to be. But I’ll get back to that later. The rest of the day had gone pretty well with me getting out of school and headed over to my job where Hali and I talked and stopped and had a proper cuppa.

Anyway work was actually cool and I actually learned a lot of stuff about fashion but not just the better points of how to put together a look but of what is exactly classic and vintage and the differences of both and how to put things together in a look or an outfit.

Deep Into That Darkness Peering Part-5

Deep Into That Darkness Peering-
Part Five


Ryan Roth is a college freshman with a good life. He has a great girlfriend, a good best friend and seems to be starting his college career off on the right start. But something dark and dangerous comes into his life and things go from bad to worse.

Deep Into That Darkness Peering Part-4

Deep Into That Darkness Peering-
Part Four


Ryan Roth is a college freshman with a good life. He has a great girlfriend, a good best friend and seems to be starting his college career off on the right start. But something dark and dangerous comes into his life and things go from bad to worse.

Deep Into That Darkness Peering Part-3

Deep Into That Darkness Peering-
Part Three


Ryan Roth is a college freshman with a good life. He has a great girlfriend, a good best friend and seems to be starting his college career off on the right start. But something dark and dangerous comes into his life and things go from bad to worse.

Masque in D Major: I. Allegro non troppo

Masque in D Major

To an audience, the conductor's technique & art are the most mysterious of all the orchestra. Whether it be a world-class philharmonic orchestra, or a youth orchestra of yet-blossoming talent, only a small part of the conductor's work is visible on-stage, glimpses seen perhaps now, as a wave of the hand or baton & maybe then, as a wild dance atop the podium. And the conductor must always perform turned away from the audience, appearing to the outside world as if his or her face were hidden behind a mask…

Deep Into That Darkness Peering Part-2

Deep Into That Darkness Peering-
Part Two


Ryan Roth is a college freshman with a good life. He has a great girlfriend, a good best friend and seems to be starting his college career off on the right start. But something dark and dangerous comes into his life and things go from bad to worse.

Deep Into That Darkness Peering Part-1

Deep Into That Darkness Peering-
Part One


Ryan Roth is a college freshman with a good life. He has a great girlfriend, a good best friend and seems to be starting his college career off on the right start. But something dark and dangerous comes into his life and things go from bad to worse.

Whose Irish Eyes Be Smiling?


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Whose Irish Eyes Be Smiling?

Cousins Sean and Kelly are as close to one another as they are to their siblings. Yet as close as they all are, their outlooks, interests, and aspirations have diverged while growing up— until circumstance binds them together again.

When Irish eyes are smiling
Sure, 'tis like the morn in Spring.
In the lilt of Irish laughter
You can hear the angels sing.
When Irish hearts are happy,
All the world seems bright and gay.
And when Irish eyes are smiling,
Sure, they steal your heart away.

Katrina: Good Girls Finish...What?


The Katrina story arc comes to an exciting close!

Seeing the unmistakable outline of my best friend’s rear end at the at the baggage claim, I couldn’t hold back my excitement any longer.

MARISA! I screamed. She turned around and looked, embarrassed, then smiled. KAT! We ran to each other and hugged. I was crying, so relieved that she was finally here. She was crying too, and we were both so excited to see each other. We were making a total scene, and we didn’t care. The only person in the world to me right then was my friend.

Katrina: I'm Out!


To: [email protected]
From: Kat432578@
Re: I’m out!

Ok girl, I know you’re on your way. Week three point five and I am outta here! Doc just gave me the go ahead, and I am already packed. Phi took all my bags to her car, and all that remains is to wait for you. My exercises are going super, and the pain is gone. Even the doctor is impressed. I looked at myself in the mirror, and I couldn’t tell the difference between mine and a real girl’s.


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