My Summer In The Big City


This is the second of four interrelated recollections by a man in the late summer of life, recalling the events of some unusual summers, and the members of the female persuasion who made them so unusual and worth remembering.

My Summer In The Big City
By: Zylux

Hunger Pangs Part 9 of 9

Hunger Pangs - Part 9 of 9

By Daniela A. Wolfe

Archie was an orphan who never suspected that there was anything out of the ordinary about himself. After bedding a beautiful stranger, he soon finds a strange hunger has awaken within him and learns he is anything but ordinary.

Bears Know Best - Part 5

Bears Know Best

Part 5 of 28
by Tiffany Shar

Edited by Carla Ann

Thirteen year-old Taylor Landt’s step-mother believes that he should be the next great football player for the high school he’ll be attending in the fall. Having a dad who is an accomplished professional linebacker, and growing up surrounded by professional football coaches and players should all but guarantee his ability to dominate on the field. Unfortunately he hates playing football, and knows his height and build will never allow him to be successful at the sport. Faced with an obsessive step-mother who ignores his obvious talents in other areas but instead thinks he is a blight on his father’s reputation, Taylor does the unthinkable and moves to Ohio to live with his mother who abandoned their family and left him with his father eight years ago.

Soon after his arrival, Taylor discovers there’s more to his inability to follow in his fathers’ footsteps than just his height. Will it be possible for him to make friends in a new town in the middle of nowhere outside the shadow of his dad's fame? Will Taylor be able to finally make peace with his mother who abandoned them all those years ago? And how long can he keep his secrets to himself?

Extra Time 16

It was still sitting there, at the back of my mind in one sense but so dominant in others. Larinda. I had said she was special, and it was true, but each time I looked at her Von’s words leapt at me. I was gay, there was absolutely no doubt in my mind. It was as much a part of my life, my soul, as my gender, and something I had found just as difficult to express.

Mandy Collins - My Story - Part 1 Chapter 1

Mandy Collins - My Story
A novel by Bronwen Welsh

Part One Chapter One   'To thine own self be true'

Author's note: Mandy Collins appears briefly in my first full-length story “A Foreign Country” when her path crossed twice with that story's heroine Lesley Brodie. Apart from both being transgender the two women had little in common, but there is more that connects them than is apparent at first.

The First Queen in the Village 18

The First Queen in the Village 18

by WannabeGinger

The Invitations are ready, the Jockey Club knows what they want and the only question now is, “will they?, or won’t they?”…. come to the party!!

Chapter 18 — Publish and be damned!

A Decade of Big Busts Stories - No 6 - Sun, Sand and Seacombe

Sun, Sand and Seacombe
by Charlotte Dickles

SYNOPSIS: Apart from sun, sand and Seacombe, there was one other essential ingredient for a good holiday for aging Abigail. Unfortunately, as she lay on the beach at that British holiday resort on the first day of her holiday, it looked as though that particular component might be in very short supply. Until, that is, the bloke just in front of her goes for a swim in the sea and has his clothes stolen. But how on earth can Abigail ensure that he doesn't go dashing off home as soon as his immediate problems are resolved?

Author's Note: To celebrate Big Busts' tenth year, I have decided to republish all my Big Busts' stories which are not already on Big Closet, which I'll do at intervals throughout the year. It's worth saying that this, like most other of my stories, is meant to be fun (and I don't think there's enough of it on this site) often combined with sex and mayhem. Whether you're a new reader of my stories, or you have read them before, I hope you sit back and enjoy, without becoming too serious about it all.



Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


His Girl

The Valentine Divergence


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 

The Valentine Divergence
Setting notes

by Trismegistus Shandy

Updated 2015/9/15 re: neospecies featured in "Nora and the Nomads", and other telepathic neospecies

Before I start talking about the world in which my stories “Butterflies are the Gentlest” and “A House Divided” are set (warning: this will contain spoilers for those stories), let me clear up a couple of possible misunderstandings. This isn’t exactly a “story bible” like the writers of Star Trek episodes or tie-in books have to religiously adhere to, or a set of “rules” like those that ElrodW wrote for his MAU setting.

You are What you Read - Chapter 24

You Are What You Read
Chapter 24
by Freya

When Asuna opened the door she saw a familiar face exiting an old fashioned station wagon with fake wood paneling on the sides. “Spaulding!” Asuna shouted and ran to hug him.

Bliss Behind A Stalk of Rose Part 1


Hazrin, born Azrina, was born a boy and he was genetically a boy. Then his mother registered him as a baby girl. When he was 2, his mother sent him away to live with his aunt, deep inside the vineyards of France. Without knowing anything, he lived almost twenty years of his life as a girl. Now he has returned home, to his home country, and decided to care for his little brother and sisters, as a man.

Can he untrain himself of all feminine gestures and become a real man?

Enter Iskandar, the nephew of one of the wealthiest tycoons in Southeast Asia. He had a plan, of becoming independent from his uncle, but that would cost him to betray the only one he holds dear. Will he sacrifice all for Azrina's love? Or will he sacrifice Azrina instead?

Then comes Max, a german man from an impoverished noble household. For the past fifteen years, Rina Sofiana de Havensall, has always been in his mind. Now that he had fulfilled his promise, he came to find Rina, to ask her to honour her part of the promise.

Bliss Behind A Stalk of Rose Part 1

By Shinieris

What a good boy...Chapter 9

What a good boy…Chapter 9

Chapter 9


My lord she has these breasts with coffee and cream tones tipped with these little chocolate chip nipples. She’s such a good kisser, her breasts feel damned good…so soft…perfect erotic and pills or no pills the hormones in my blood are just boiling like shaken up soda pop and pumping though my down into my new sex…my new sex that has Sophie’s hot wetness grinding against mine and her arm so jockettes strong holding my legs both apart and for leverage as we grind our way to…


Snakes and Ladders-21

Snakes and Ladders-21

Chapter 21

I’m a little freaked by jumping into this sucking hole in the air but I steel my nerves and jump into the thing and sort of try to prepare myself for the whole thing.

There’s this pause barely there but enough that you know that it happened then you’re sucked through to the other side with this fastest roller coaster ride ever and you see everything you pass by or through too fast to track but like the pause something in your head tells you yes…this happened.

Wild Magic 45

I’d had a particularly difficult day. It’s really hard to explain, but I’ve been working with my understanding of these new perceptions. Sometimes it’s a strain, and it gives me a nasty headache. It wasn’t going to be hard to get rid of (I hoped), I just had to meditate for a while and let my body deal with the pain.

Curse the Protagonist

Curse the Protagonist

"Cold. So...very....cold."

"Oh come on Jim, you could've used a less cliché dieing line."

"Dude!" John nudged his unorthodox friend, "Show a little respect, he's just been hit by a freaking lightning bolt!"

"Oh please," Kyle laughed, "Jim's the main protagonist, he won't die."

"Ummm dude." The fourth member of the group, Gary, interrupted. "The story's just started."

"What?" Kyle turned around in confusion.

"The story's just started meaning there's been no character development yet and thus there is no protagonist."

Schoolgirl Mixup - First day of school

Susan Discovering Herself


Janet L. Stickney

[email protected]

As the sun set, it cast a glow through the trees that were reflected in the mirror, and what I saw made me feel a bit better about what was happening. I once again checked myself in the mirror, still shocked at how I looked. The dress was snug but not tight, my legs looked long and sexy, my makeup wasn't overdone, and my hair looked perfect to me. It took a bit to get used to the longer nails and the heels, but I finally managed to figure it out. "Susan" I had been dubbed by my mother for that night.


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