Senior / Sixty+

What is Justice?

One definition of justice is the administration of law according to prescribed and accepted principles. Which means it varies according to who is doing the prescribing and who is doing the accepting, and as all should be aware it changes from one place to another.

Another is that which is handed down by a judge, magistrate or other person or body socially recognised as authorised to so do. Which of means such a person or body can not hand down injustice for that is a contradiction in terms.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 06 A Double Act

Amidst the roars of laughter Gladys arrived with a tray of fresh pints to exchange for empties. “Sasha, one of these days someone is going do you a serious mischief for your tales. Have you even heard of PC?”

Denis took a good pull on his pint before saying, “Teaching an all girls class is different. Teaching sciences to an all girls class is definitely different. You have to have a sense of humour and remember not to take their flirting seriously. They’re just practising.”

Ignorance is No Excuse for Hating Someone Part 4

237 W 12th St, New York, NY:
Hatter snuggles close to Shade as he laid next to her. He had asked his boss for the next few days off to stay with Hatter and look after her. He loved being with her. He didn’t care that she was a little crazy or the fact that she could be very vindictive when she went after someone.

Great Granny’s Corsets

There were a couple of hundred brassières in every style and fashion from the last seventy-odd years, including ones with cups that couldn’t possibly have reached as high as the nipples which I thought were like what my sisters called quarter cup bras, but Mum told me they were referred to as décolleté brassières in their day, and Granny had worn them with some of her evening gowns.



A story in the MORFS universe

The honky-tonk roadhouse was rocking when she rolled up on the vintage hog. She walked the motorcycle back towards the stairway that led down from the front door and porch. Taking the mirrored aviator shade off, she surveyed the area for people standing around and spotted only two. They were on either side of the entrance. Both were over six two and looked like they had played linemen on the local community college football team.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 05 The Arrival of Denis

“So how come you’re here starring at the weekly bullshit session?”

“Belinda went out to get her hair done this afternoon. She got to yacking with another lassie in the hairdresser’s, and seeing as they were both going shopping at Tesco after they had coffee together. This lassie Gwen mentioned her old man was going out to the pub tonight. She said it was the men’s story telling night and invited her round for a girls night in with some friends and a bottle of wine or two. Now I ask you, how many retired professional liars do you know called Sasha? She found out which pub and here I am. I only live twelve miles a way. Christ, man, it’s good to see you. I’d wondered if you were dead.”

“Nah. Mark Twain had the right of it when he said, ‘The report of my death was an exaggeration.’

Water in the Sky: a TG Mixed Tape

An adventurer announces their retirement... and reveals the secret burden they've been carrying. A couple of exes try to salvage their friendship from the ruins of their relationship... and maybe something more. Two U.S. Marshals hunt for outlaws in 1876 Arizona... and find monsters. A fox running for his life from a trigger-happy farmer encounters a strange being... and finds a new life. Dive into these and three other stories by Dark Sun Morrigan, Desert Willow, Morrigan Q.R., MrSimple, Paradox, and Trismegistus Shandy.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 03 The Constabulary

Yeah, yeah! I know Alf. Your granddaughter rides a motor cycle for plod down Devon way, and I’m sure she’s a wonderful girl. She probably gives pennies to the poor too, but I’m talking generalisations here. I’m not having a go at Sylvia. Get him another pint to settle his nerves, Stan.

Ladies who Lunch

Today is going to be a “Girly day“ for me, my wife, Jacquie, is having one of her occasional lunches out with the girls, which gives me a chance to indulge in one of my hobbies. As long as I can remember I have I have had strong desires to dress in female clothes, and have whenever the opportunity arose, in secret, borrowed clothes from my mums wardrobe, or even from the occasional stopover guest. However this is all a close secret, I am so far in the closet that I am almost through its back wall.

I'm so very Tired of Being Me

My three older siblings were girls. I enjoyed dressing in their clothes and liked pretty things, but there was nothing desperate about it. I think I could easily have lived without it, but by the time I was old enough to go to school such games stopped on pain of my father’s belt.

A Grumpy Old Man's Tale 01 The National Health Service

Any early attempt at first person writing concerning an old man’s reflections on recent life with a group of his friends and some fascinated tourists all drinking in an old fashioned village pub one summer afternoon. I suspect this particular obviously experienced raconteur hadn’t had to pay for a drink in years.

A wish for Joy

A wish for Joy

The old man fingered the ring, then summoned the genie.

“What is thy wish?” the genie asked.

“I’ve come to realize I never gave happiness to anybody. So my wish is that for whatever time I have left, I would be a person who makes others smile when I come into a room. To be a source of happiness wherever I go. “


Some time later, in a hospital across town, a baby is presented to her parents.

They say “Let’s call her ... Joy ...”


Angel of Haven: Part 14

Part Fourteen

Malak flew down towards the green of the roof garden on the Chicago City Hall. He was planning to land where he could see many emergency responders waiting on the cordoned-off street. However, the sound of breaking glass diverted him. He saw a fire axe come out of a window on the top floor of offices, which was shortly followed by a woman. This was definitely not the Mayor; in fact, the window was on the county offices side.

Angel of Haven: Part 12

Part Twelve

"I hear you've been taking lessons," said Melody, raising an eyebrow. Thanks to Blackpool providing transportation, she was currently spending several hours a week at the repository. This wasn't helping her writing productivity, but the inside information she got - even just what she could share - was invaluable. Right now, she was in the small office Aaron had recently been assigned at the repository. "Couldn't you find a better teacher than Mannequin?"

Angel of Haven: Part 10

Part Ten

Later, as they lay together after their lovemaking, Melody put a hand on John's chest.

"Does it bother you that I still think of her?"

He took her hand, pulled it to his lips and kissed her fingertips.

"Honey, I still think of her. She's the kind of person who is difficult to forget."

"You're very good at that," said Melody, amused.


"Speaking the language of a man trying not to offend a woman."


She settled in closer to him and closed her eyes.

* * *

The Old Wolf Visits the Swamp

Jack looks out the window of his private Lear as it approaches Washington D.C. He hated coming to Washington D.C. The place was filled with backstabbing hypocrites and lairs. The only reason he agreed to fly out to Washington, was the Attorney General had contacted him personally. Plus, there were a bunch of senators and representatives that wanted to talk to him.

Angel of Haven: Part 9

Part Nine

Malak needed little exploring to find the control room for the operation. It was the second largest chamber in the building, after the internal garage. While most of the building was nearly empty, this place was full of people busy doing things which at first glance would not have been out of place in any modern office. At the far end from the double doors of the main entrance was a large desk, on a low dais. There sat someone Malak was surprised to see. Though he was not nearly as surprised as the occupants of the room were when he became visible.

Angel of Haven: Part 8

Part Eight

His name was Hiram Ledbetter. His wife Constance was also his chief partner in this project. Blackpool and Aaron already knew this, as well as that she was his largest source of investment. Though there were many other investors, some of them rather surprising.

"The most telling of the items are in the vault," said Ledbetter, ushering all of them in that direction. "That's one reason I rented this building! This stuff is valuable and needs protection!"

Angel of Haven: Part 7

Part Seven

The next morning everyone at the repository was still buzzed about the rescue. Including the federal employees working to destroy the chemicals, even though they hadn't been involved. Melody managed to get several interviews with various participants in the operation, as well as updates on how the refugees were faring. Then she just hung around the computer room, where the performance of the new device in planning the operation was being evaluated.

Angel of Haven: Part 2

More talking heads, I'm afraid. This novel will have a slow build to action.

Part Two

Melody looked up as Aaron approached her open door, seeing him even before he knocked on the frame. She rose, smiling, to welcome him.

"I am very glad to see you. I've tried to keep up with what's happening to you and your town and clinic, but you people are all pretty quiet."

A lifetime of reflections, Joanie’s final purge: (part 6 of 6)

A lifetime of reflections, Joanie’s final purge: “You Hook My Bra and I’ll Hook Yours”
(This story is semiautobiographical adult fiction. Explicit content.)

Chapter 6 of 6

Our story follows 72 year old Joanie from a confused childhood to her Golden Years. Joanie reflects on the events and quirks of fate that led her to becoming Joanie. Her story culminates in her final purge.
Joanie gets married, does her military duty, looks for answers and grows old: a final purge


A lifetime of reflections, Joanie’s final purge: (part 5 of 6)

Chapter 5 of 6 (Not work place safe)

Our story follows 72 year old Joanie from a confused childhood to her Golden Years. Joanie reflects on the events and quirks of fate that led her to becoming Joanie. Her story culminates in her final purge.
Have you ever taken the road less traveled road? Joanie reflects on how she evolved, on her first purge and how she became a living dress form.



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