Mature / Thirty+

Project Wolf Den Part 14

The Ranch:
Alya helps Ada back to the house. She took a bullet to her leg from one of the attackers. Clair was covering them with one of Jack’s custom tri-barrel shotguns. Her shoulder and arm were hurting her every time she fired it.

Becky had picked up one of the guns from the attackers and was rushing towards the house. She still had her sawed-off shotgun, but was out of ammo for it. Her lip was bloody from being suckered punch by one of the attackers. Her jaw was hurting as well.


Authors note - This story is in the format expected for the new 25th anniversary contest. I enjoy writing these stories, but I am not too fussed about entering or winning contests. I hope this may act as a stimulus for other authors to enter when entries are allowed on 1st May.


by Columbine



Arbret law was quirky and it gave all the right to whatever medical procedures they wanted, providing of course that they could pay for them. What the law did not do was allow any privacy, so medical staff could legally take money for informing any one they chose concerning the GRS treatment of the trans or the psychological problems dealt with by psychiatrists. It was a system that ensured conformity due to fear and any who was in any way different was hounded and victimised mercilessly.

The Dance Coach - Chapter 1

When Kathy returned home later she was quite chirpy but deep in thought, but later over dinner, she raised the subject that was on her mind.

“I was talking to some of the girls during the meeting and the conversation got round to Morris dancing and the fact that their husbands seemed to spend more time with the Morris team at practice and in the pub than with their families. Laura suggested that it would be good if some of us joined the Morris team to become more involved in their interests, what do you think?”

“No chance ! There are some mixed teams but most prefer to be traditional and all male and the Mayfield Morrismen is one of those groups, it would send shivers down their spines to let any women join. If you really want to be involved with Morris it would be better if you set up your own women’s team.”

“That’s what I thought you would say. So, how do we go about setting up our own team, we would like to keep it local rather than travel elsewhere to an established group?”

”To start with you need a coach, someone to teach you the routines and lead you in practice, unless any of the girls already have some experience.”

I was thinking that you might be able to give us a helping hand to start us off, you’ve been involved for years and know all the traditional routines. I’ve sort of already volunteered for you to talk to us, teach us the basics and see what can be done.

Niaroo Part 8

Chapter 8 – This is your big night, Bro !

The next day I was nervous once more. I was meeting Kelly who I knew I had strong affection for but at the same time I had sensed she was nervous about me in my Angus mode. She had loved me when I dressed as Susan and tonight I would dress as my alter ego once again and take Kelly for dinner. Could I rebuild the fences that had been damaged by Angus and is there a future in a relationship that requires me to be en-femme full time?

Niaroo Part 7

Chapter 7 – Thank you for being a friend

When I woke the next morning I realised I had a lot of things to do – things I had sat aside while attending to my presentation as Sally. I needed to do a grocery shop for one thing, as well as vacuum and dust the house and there was the small matter of finding myself some meaningful work to pay my expenses! I DID have an exhibition stand to furnish in a few weeks but I really needed to find something in the interim and it would involve me taking the initiative and seeking out the work.

Without This Ring

“Don't forget. Friday is my girls night out.”

“So soon?” Michael said. “No, wait. I guess it's been over a month. What do you gals do on these girls nights out?”

“Nothing really,” Barbara said. “Jennifer, Latitia, and I just go to a bar and have a few cocktails. Talk about our husbands. The normal girls night stuff. If you are curious, you can always come with.”

Niaroo Part 6

Chapter 6 – My new life feels good.

“Good evening Susan, can you just sign here please” Moira said as she welcomed me. “Flowers for mum? Not sure she has a vase in her room – I’ll get one of the staff to bring one through with a little water in a moment.” She checked the clock on the wall and said “We’re organised tonight so you can go in a little early, its OK!” I thanked her and walked down to mum’s room. I took a deep breath and then chapped the door as I opened it up.

Niaroo Part 4

Chapter 4 – And it was all going so well, too . . .

This evening as I walked along the pavement I did see some people react to my appearance but it was all positive. A couple of young girls looked at my ensemble with genuine admiration while a man ogled me for longer than he should have and was rewarded with a thump on the arm from his wife who had clearly noticed. I wondered it I wasn’t a little overdressed for the Care Home but I knew Susan was rarely underdressed and I was maintaining an appropriate presentation as my sister.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 51 Coneys, Bees and Fish

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 51 Coneys, Bees and Fish

Continued on from GOM 50 on a Saturday evening in the Green Dragon Inn taproom

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 51⅒ So Just Where is Bearthwaite? is included before the footnotes

For any as don’t know a coney is an adult rabbit. The lasses’ cuniculture business, that word always makes me snigger, but honest to god it is what the tax man refers to it as, so maybe they’ve not all had their senses of humour surgically removed.

Niaroo Part 3

Chapter 3 – This could work, you know!

As I walked back from the Care Home the adrenalin that had built up all afternoon finally dissipated from my body and I realised my mouth was bone dry after the long monologue I had performed and the nerves I had endured. I needed a beer. I knew I was still at least 10 minutes from Susan’s house and another 10 before I got to my flat and I wasn’t sure I could wait for either.

Niaroo Part 2

Chapter 2 – The first deception

My resemblance to Susan was not exactly carbon copy but I considered it close enough for people to believe without raising too many alarm bells, and certainly mum’s diminished state should allow the new look Susan to pass muster. I practiced walking in the heels to make sure I would not look like a some drunken ostrich and reminded myself of the mantra “small steps, hip sway” which was always the advice to models at shop fashion shows I had decorated over the years.

Space Queen Chapter 12

The idea of visiting Terra, my home planet, with Minsha filled me with a mix of excitement and trepidation. I knew that it would be a monumental occasion, not only for us personally but also in terms of world politics and societal norms. The prospect of upending the established order and revealing our presence to the entire world was daunting, to say the least.


Part One - A son's sense of duty . . . .

Mum’s health had been declining for a couple of years now and in her late eighties everything seemed to be failing. That was why my sister and I decided she could not look after herself anymore and putting her into a care home was the kindest thing for her.

Prison Dolls - Chapter 4

Prison Dolls  Edited.jpg

Chapter Four - Consequences

Is Bobbie really dead or was it an elaborate hoax? The consequences of Bobbie's assassination in the prison parking lot reverberate through the Siceresso crime family. Allie Katt and her boyfriend arrange a suitable resting place for Bobbie while Tony Siceresso turns against his fellow criminals in the ultimate act of revenge.

Strange Manors, Chapter 4

SM Cover small.jpg

She took a measured sip of orange juice, apparently considering the best approach to her self-appointed task. “It’s been six months, and you're still acting like a mangy old cat who’s been dumped in a puppy farm.”

Prison Dolls - Chapter 3

Prison Dolls  Edited.jpg

Chapter Three - Red Roses Dropped On Fresh Snow

Bobbie's release date is approaching but she is confused and conflicted. Bobbie has taken over Robert's life and she feels more comfortable being a woman than she does a man. To make matters worse she is falling for Tony and her family life is falling apart. A new prison doll is required to take her place.

Prison Dolls - Chapter 2

Prison Dolls  Edited.jpg

Chapter Two – Sometimes It’s Good To Be a Girl

Bobbie completes her training and makes her debut in Seg with the Siceresso crime family. Robert's wife visits him in prison but he is in emotional turmoil about his secret life as a prison doll. Confessing to Mandy would be too dangerous so he resorts to deception

The Demon and I Chapter 6

As the years passed in our secluded mountain sanctuary, time seemed to slip through our fingers like grains of sand. A decade had passed in what felt like the blink of an eye, yet the peace we had enjoyed was now tinged with a sense of unease.

Our recent excursion into town had brought unsettling news – rumors of a cabin with signs of demon activity. It was a stark reminder that even in our remote refuge, danger lurked just beyond the horizon, waiting to disrupt the fragile tranquility we had fought so hard to maintain.

Prison Dolls - Chapter 1

Prison Dolls  Edited.jpg

Chapter One – Pretty Boys Make Pretty Girls

Robert Valentine is blackmailed whilst serving time at a correctional facility. A fellow 'Prison Doll' Allie Katt feminises 'Bobbie' and turns her out to be the plaything for a group of hardened criminals. Robert soon discovers that 'Bobbie' is beginning to not only accept her fate, she is falling for a dangerous criminal.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 50 Conversations in Both Sides of the Green Dragon

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 50 Conversations in Both Sides of the Green Dragon

Aggie telt Anneliese, “Unattached women on the hunt make them all gey nervous. They need to have the illusion that they’re the ones that do the hunting, so don’t go letting the side down by shattering their delusions.”

Adio was famous, or maybe that should have been infamous, for his catch phrase, ‘Bribes are always cheaper than taxes.’

26472 words (including footnotes)

Buyer’s Remorse - Chapters 21 - 22

The Man in Red

Buyer’s Remorse Chapters 21 - 22

by Maeryn Lamonte
Copyright © 2023

Still a little bad language, otherwise one more pothole in the road to happiness. Enjoy.
Slight hiccup in the formatting forst time round. fixed now.

Something Borrowed

Something Borrowed
A Vignette
By Maryanne Peters


That is my sister Amelia. You can probably see the family likeness. And that is me – dressed as a bride. And looking at Amelia in this photo it now seems pretty clear to me that this was what she wanted all along, although maybe not dressed this way.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 49 Needles Fell

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 49 Needles Fell

You’ve only ever seen women like me power dress to do business. Then she waltzed in like a pretty little girl wearing that low cut flower print summer frock with a man who looked old enough to be her father and you assumed he was the chief negotiator and went to shake his hand first. She knew you wouldn’t have done your homework, so she set you up to look like an idiot, and you fell for it, all of it, hook, line and sinker. Her cleavage had you off balance and thinking she was the older man’s decorative plaything from the moment she came in, and from the moment you realised your mistake you were stuffed. No one can recover from a mistake of that magnitude, so you were even less useful to me than usual. That confirms that as always she did her home work on us and on you in particular.

Almost Captive In A Box

3/30/2024, 6:20 AM

Completely True Account.

Almost Captive In A Box

This is what I can remember of a completely true story that I have never written about or talked to anyone regarding the creepy people I met. It was so traumatic that I blanked it out until now.

This took place between 2005 and 2006 near Sherwood, Oregon. Later when I returned to make sure I was not remembering a hallucination, The place was gone, and tract houses had been built there.


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