Retro-clothing / Petticoats / Crinolines

My Summer In Europe

This is the third of four interrelated recollections by a man in the late summer of life, recalling the events of some unusual summers, and the members of the female persuasion who made them so unusual and worth remembering.

My Summer In Europe

By: Zylux

A Promise is a Promise - Sneak Peak -

A Promise is a Promise
By Angel O'Hare

Since the fire in our elementary school happened in the late summer, we all had to start this year in new schools. I was supposed to start the sixth grade this year, but since I’m one of the ‘brains’ they decided to have me skip a grade and start junior high school a year sooner.

Great, just what I didn’t want to happen. I mean I was the smallest in my class as it was; now, I’ll be the smallest in the whole darn school! Another year of utter torment, once I leave the house, get to the bus stop, the ride to school on the bus, and thankfully, quickly if at all possible into my classroom. I hope that the teacher will be there and I will be left alone. Safe until lunchtime, when again I am on the defensive until I make it into the library. Yes, I spend my lunchtime at the library, much safer and a lot more peaceful than anywhere else in school. After my so-called lunch and recess break, I wait for the last minute and head back to class. I wait with the others to board the bus; the ride home is anything but peaceful as the girls all the way home tease me.

My Summer In Wonderland


This is the first of four interrelated recollections by a man in the late summer of life, recalling the events of some unusual summers, and the members of the female persuasion who made them so unusual and worth remembering.


 © 2010-11 by Angel O'Hare. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of the copyright holder.


By Angel O’Hare ®


When David Bowie and T Rex were making waves in music and their hair my characters find a new way of living. Another dip into the world inside my imagination. Not sure the pictures will copy, sorry if they have not.

My Ken Doll Part 1 of 2

My Ken Doll

By Zylux

Part 1 of 2

After catching her younger brother going through her closet, a teenage girl strikes a deal, one in which she agrees to satisfy his curiosity and he agrees to help her realize a childhood fantasy.

The Ghost of the Summer of 85

The Ghost of the Summer of 85

Its a trip back the 1980s as Tony and Jeannie make new waves as new romantics in the summer of 1985.

Permission is hereby granted by Kozmik Alaska for the publication of this story on his behalf here at Big Closet Top Shelf only.

Shawn the Maiden Chapter 8

Shawn the Maiden

Book 1
Chapter 8
By Princess

The young son of a rich powerful man is abused by his step family after his father marries a manipulative woman. They subject him to horrible cruelty

Into the Looking-Glass - A TWILIGHT ZONE story (Part One)

This story is part of a trilogy, the first portion is more like a horror story, and the 2nd and 3rd portions have the TG in them.

ancient_mirror.jpg"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling


Into the Looking-Glass - A TWILIGHT ZONE
By Anon Allsop

A cursed mirror begins our trilogy of an evil, vain young woman's trip into the unknown. Ending somewhere between there and here, where the known and unknown intersect. Only to play itself out inside...The Twilight Zone!

Somewhere In Time - A TWILIGHT ZONE story

wedding.jpgYou're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE. -Rod Serling


Somewhere In Time - A TWILIGHT ZONE story
By Anon Allsop

Lee Parker loved hearing about his family's roots. His Grandmother has decided that Lee's interest should be rewarded, so she gives him the wedding gown that once belonged to his Great, Great Grandmother, Leeah. What Lee doesn't know is that his life is about to take an unsuspected turn, especially when you visit a relative in... THE TWILIGHT ZONE.

My Dream

My Dream

I have always wanted my wife to help me, support me in my crossdressing. I hope this happens…

Hello Cathy are you home? Yes, Bob I am in the other living room, please come in here.

What’s up dear? Her big smile told me something was up as she said, “Bob it’s your night, maybe even your weekend if you are a good boy. Would you like to go upstairs and transform yourself into Holly? I have all your pretty clothes we bought on your bed. I want you to shower, powder up and then I will be up to help you get pretty”.

The Homestead / Kodiak - Book 2 - Part 2


The Homestead / Kodiak

by: Anon Allsop
Book Two- Part 2

Chapter 6

We continued moving downward for almost an hour, eased left onto a flattened area for several hundred yards and then sharply right again, taking us down at a very steep angle.

"There's a creek at the bottom of this drop, just past this line of trees. Slide here any further and you'd probably be taking a dip in the drink." He smiled, showing his white teeth. "Not that I'd mind seeing you take a swim."

I wondered to myself about his comment, whether he wanted me to fall in because he would be amused at seeing me soaking wet. Or was it that he was dwelling on the thought of seeing me wet, forced to have to remove my clothing and allow it to dry, putting me in a compromised position?

The Homestead / Kodiak - Book 2 - Part 1


The Homestead / Kodiak

by: Anon Allsop
Book Two- Part 1

This story takes place just after Kodiak escorted Samantha down from his mountain where she would eventually meet and marry Quin. This story is Kodiak’s story.

Chapter 1

The short beady-eyed man reached back under the decking of the porch and dragged me out. "Let go of me, you asshole!" I hissed and swung at him. He pulled me up onto the steps and with a firm grasp of my hair and hauled me inside his saloon.

As we passed the bartender, he spoke as though it was any other day, "Snuff out the candle that this street rat had lit under my porch, I don't want this little shit causing a fire!"

Forcibly, I was thrown into a small room, knocking over a single chair. Behind me I heard the door slam shut and lock, with a very audible click.

The Homestead - Book 1 - Part 7 (The Conclusion)


The Homestead

by: Anon Allsop
Book One - Part 7 (The Conclusion)

Chapter 31

Sometime after 4:00 a.m., I heard a soft tapping at my door. I rolled out of the bed and quietly shuffled across the room and pulled the door open. It was the bar maid who had spoken with me, "How serious were you when you said that you'd help me get the necklace?"

I opened the door and ushered her inside, then looked down both directions of the hall to make sure no one saw her enter. "Do you have an idea on how to get it from him?"

She smiled, "I've already started." I glanced at what she was wearing; the silky sleeping gown was very provocative and sexy. "I've finally agreed to allow him to train me in the finer aspects of my sex, so he's supposed to come to my room in half an hour. You can hide out there and bash him over the head once he enters."

The Homestead - Book 1 - Part 6


The Homestead

by: Anon Allsop
Book One - Part 6

Chapter 26

I came inside from the barn, stood at the threshold of the door, and hung my hat. Grandfather was sipping his cup of coffee. The shaft of morning light split the darkness of the interior as I stepped through the doorway. Grandfather looked up at me and winked, at that same moment, Samantha stepped from the bedroom wearing the yellow dress that I bought her some time ago. "I trust you slept well?" he asked her.

She blushed and patted his shoulder as she passed, again he winked at me. "Yes, and I trust that you also slept as well, Grandfather." she replied coyly.

He almost spit out his coffee and began laughing, "Honey, it's been quite a long time since I've slept THAT well!" She shot me a smirk and I smiled back, it wouldn't take one of those big eastern college professors to know what had happened between us last night.

The Homestead - Book 1 - Part 5


The Homestead

by: Anon Allsop
Book One - Part 5

Chapter 20

I was up before the sun had risen; I silently brushed my teeth using the light that was from glowing coals in the fireplace. After spitting outside, I carried two logs to the hearth, and placed them in, banking the red embers around them. I quietly stood and paused at her door, looking in, gazing upon the woman I treasured. Samantha was asleep, her golden hair fanned around her face like the warm rays of the sun. I caught my breath; her look was so serene and peaceful. It was all I could do to not approach her slumbering form and smother her with kisses. It was best that I left and busied myself with chores.

The Homestead - Book 1 - Part 3


The Homestead

by: Anon Allsop
Book One - Part 3

Chapter 8

"No kidding? You saw him naked?" I whistled, "What did you do?"

Sam glared at me, "I did just what anyone would have done..."

*I screamed in surprise, as he realized that we were facing each other. He spun quickly, placing his chiseled backside toward me. I felt my heart race, as my eyes drank in the vision I had been so afraid to witness!

He quickly dashed behind the steps, "Damn, Samantha! I didn't mean for that to happen!" He hid himself behind a small chest of drawers, "It ain't like I planned that! I just forgot!"

The Homestead - Book 1 - Part 2


The Homestead

by: Anon Allsop
Book One - Part 2

Chapter 5

I rubbed my chin and looked at her, "That's some story!"

She scowled, "It's no story! It really did happen!" Standing, she moved to the table.

I shrugged, "Okay then, what happened with the bear? Did someone frighten it off?"

She sat down on a tall, straight-backed chair and held the sheet to cover her intimate parts. "There's more to it if you're interested."

"It's Sunday; I've already missed church. Please continue with your tale." I moved over to the table. Sam sat, she was scowling at me as I took a seat.

"I'm not making this up, it really did happen!" Her eyes looked as though I had hurt her, and I felt like such a heel.

"A guy suddenly changing into a girl is just too hard to believe, Sam! You've got to realize that much! You are asking me to believe that a stupid necklace caused all of that to happen to you?" I pointed at the feminine shape hidden under the sheet.

"It happened," she frowned. "Do you want to hear the rest of it or not?" she asked as she pulled the sheet tighter and folded her arms.

"Go on," I said softly, shrugging my shoulders.

The Yankee Belle - Part 4 (Conclusion)

Southern Belle

The Yankee Belle
Part 4 (Conclusion)
By Anon Allsop

Set in the backdrop of Tennessee during the American Civil War, a young, underage soldier is separated from his unit after a fierce battle. While trying to locate them, he inadvertently stumbles into mortal danger on a very dark and quiet evening. With nowhere to run, Jeremy must learn to accept the changes that have been wrought upon his body... changes that may prevent him from ever returning home again!

Chapter 16

I caught them all off guard. Over the last several weeks they had relaxed their watch over me. So, the first chance I got, Samuel, Jonah and I took our little buggy and headed off for a quick visit to town. That was the story I had given them, but I had no intention of stopping there... nor ever returning home. The youngster, Jonah, was my driver and at about five miles away from the plantation, I had him stop the buggy.

"I can take it from here, Jonah." I took the reins from his hands.

"Ma'am?" He looked at me with astonishment as I pointed toward the side of the road with a nod of my head.

"You can get out here, and head back home." I waited as he climbed down to the ground, then, without a second glance, snapped the reins and drove away leaving the perplexed youth watching me as I disappeared.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor...Chapters 23 & 24.

Absinthe, Honor and Opium…Chapters 23&24

Chapter 23

I take my drink upstairs with me sipping on the hard yet smooth scotch. I’m not that well versed in alcohols of any kind but I’m getting there. I’d actually love to know good stuff from bad even as far as maybe cigars and stuff like that too. Not that I’d smoke them, heck I don’t really smoke anything besides really smelly and not good for you. But I’d like to know it in case of conversations or to know what to buy as gifts

It’s be a nice skill set to have.

The Yankee Belle - Part 1

Southern Belle

The Yankee Belle
Part 1
By Anon Allsop

Set in the backdrop of Tennessee during the American Civil War, a young, underage soldier is separated from his unit after a fierce battle. While trying to locate them, he inadvertently stumbles into mortal danger on a very dark and quiet evening. With nowhere to run, Jeremy must learn to accept the changes that have been wrought upon his body... changes that may prevent him from ever returning home again!

This story has been two years in the making. I hope you find as much pleasure reading it, as I did writing, 'The Yankee Belle'.

Texas Gal-Chapter 52-Ashes, Ashes, All Fall Down

Texas Gal-Chapter 52-Ashes, Ashes, All Fall Down

By C.Sprite

Posted with author permission by Stanman63!

Synopsis:David is a young boy who is forcibly introduced to cross-dressing by his sisters, and their friends. The experience quickly changes his life, as he discovers what has been missing in his short life, for so long.

Texas Gal-Chapter 51-I See Rough Seas Ahead, Captain!

Texas Gal-Chapter Fifty-One-I See Rough Seas Ahead, Captain!

By C.Sprite

Posted By Permission By Stanman63!

Synopsis:David is a young boy who is forcibly introduced to cross-dressing by his sisters, and their friends. The experience quickly changes his life, as he discovers what has been missing in his short life, for so long.

Murder at the Vicarage - Part 4 of 5

Murder at the Vicarage
or Who Killed Sally Brown
by Charlotte Dickles

When Sam finally discovered the house where his mother lived and died, he thought it would be the end of his search. He little realised that events would soon plunge him into the search for his mother's murderer. Even less did he realise he would have to stand in for her in the re-enactment.

The complete story has been serialised into five parts which will be published at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Murder at the Vicarage - Part 3 of 5

Murder at the Vicarage
or Who Killed Sally Brown
by Charlotte Dickles

When Sam finally discovered the house where his mother lived and died, he thought it would be the end of his search. He little realised that events would soon plunge him into the search for his mother's murderer. Even less did he realise he would have to stand in for her in the re-enactment.

The complete story has been serialised into five parts which will be published at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Murder at the Vicarage - Part 2 of 5

Murder at the Vicarage
or Who Killed Sally Brown
by Charlotte Dickles

When Sam finally discovered the house where his mother lived and died, he thought it would be the end of his search. He little realised that events would soon plunge him into the search for his mother's murderer. Even less did he realise he would have to stand in for her in the re-enactment.

The complete story has been serialised into five parts which will be published at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Murder at the Vicarage - Part 1 of 5

Murder at the Vicarage
or Who Killed Sally Brown
by Charlotte Dickles

When Sam finally discovered the house where his mother lived and died, he thought it would be the end of his search. He little realised that events would soon plunge him into the search for his mother's murderer. Even less did he realise he would have to stand in for her in the re-enactment.

The complete story has been serialised into five parts which will be published at approximately daily intervals.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 


Manny and Maude - 4 - Who's the Fairest

With his journey more than half complete, Andy the Auroch sees a chance to rest his weary hoofs when his wagon reaches Everlong Faire. Their he hopes to renew his burgeoning relationship with with Angie the Auroch. However, since Angie has not yet arrived, which caused Andy to spend most of his time eating and sleeping, let us focus on the other members of our intrepid threesome, Manny and Maude. Particularly since a colleague from the past threatens to tear them team apart.

My boyfriend made the switch

Story name: My boyfriend made the switch

My boyfriend was perfect for my college thesis final. He already enjoyed wearing panties 24/7 and nightgowns every night. I think he secretly wants to be a woman, but he never admitted that.

So here are the people in my story…
Me, Cathy, the girlfriend doing my college thesis
My boyfriend of several years - Terry
Sue, my lesbian “friend”. Sue lives across the hall in our apartment complex.

My thesis…

Somewhere Else Entirely -7-

Garia's latest scheme for clarifying her position produces frustratingly mixed results forcing Robanar to intervene. Later a State banquet leads to an evening of danger, misdirection and subterfuge.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

7 - Unexpected Visitors

Somewhere Else Entirely -4-

The mystery woman has her memory back and struggles to make sense of her surroundings. Is this all real, or is she mad? If so, which is the reality? What of the man in black who insists she might really be a spy?

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

4 - Guest of the King

The Unplanned Adventures Part 4 - Uncertain Collaboration

Uncertain Collaboration

By Paul Calhoun

Dear reader: Things go in the predictable manner and we have our heroes making good on their previous decision. Not much else to say except that I've recently been told I ought to use paragraphs, and I can reveal that in two more sections, I'll post the PDF, which has all these problems that my poor understanding of HTML (would you believe I moonlight as a pro web designer?) cannot fix, like indentation and the abysmal leading you get on these things.

The Unplanned Adventures Part 3 - Unlikely Convergence

Unlikely Convergence
By Paul Calhoun

Dear reader: To describe much of anything about the story's content would be removing what little suspense I can manage to create. Instead, I'll admit to being somewhat influenced by Daria in the previous story and influenced a good bit more for this one and the ones that come after. The only reason why most of my own high school experience was not drawn from is because I'm afraid you'd never believe me unless you've actually seen the inside of the school I went to.

The Unplanned Adventures Part 2 - Unintended Grace

Unintended Grace
By Paul Calhoun

Dear reader:
This is where the main series really began. The TG elements get stronger as everything continues, as does the cumulative strangeness of the entire situation. Here we see Mike at age 15 and well into the 2030s going to his first con and meeting one of the main characters for the rest of the series.
Chapter 1:
Getting Out the Door

Eerie Saloon: Seasons of Change -- Winter; Part 3, March

Eerie Saloon: Seasons of Change -- Winter
By Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson

Part 3 -- March

Sunday, March 3, 1872

Trisha pulled her nightgown off over her head and tossed it onto the bed before quickly stepping into her drawers. Church services began in about 90 minutes, and she wanted to get there early, to bask in the praise for the dance the night before. As she reached for her camisole, she looked over to see how Kaitlin was doing.

"Trisha," Kaitlin said loudly, pointing, "what the devil is that on your chest?"


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