Castration / Male Chastity Devices



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By Portia Bennett

Introduction: In a sense there is a connection to this story and several other non-magic stories I’ve written. Two characters from Mike and Ashley show up briefly. They would be Mike and Ashley. This story, Like “Mike and Ashley”, “Discovery”, and “Cynthia and the Queen of Knight” takes its storyline from the work of someone else. In this case, a production by an Italian fellow named Joseph Green. The story is 16 chapters in length plus an epilogue. I’ve done as much tweaking as I can. Any errors are mine and I will gladly accept constructive criticism; as long as you’re nice.

Anita, Chapter 1

Chapter 1

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: In a sense there is a connection to this story and several other non-magic stories I’ve written. Two characters from Mike and Ashley show up briefly. They would be Mike and Ashley. This story, Like “Mike and Ashley”, “Discovery”, and “Cynthia and the Queen of Knight” takes its storyline from the work of someone else. In this case, a production by an Italian fellow named Joseph Green. The story is 16 chapters in length plus an epilogue. I’ve done as much tweaking as I can. Any errors are mine and I will gladly accept constructive criticism; as long as you’re nice.

We meet Anita Okoye at Fort Campbell, Kentucky as the trial of a man who drugged and raped her comes to an end. Anita had a stellar military career, and if she had stayed in the service, she probably would have gone very far in her career. However, after a very traumatic assault and rape, she decides to look elsewhere for a career. By the way, Anita is gay, and that is certainly not a negative issue..

Corey and Celia, Chapter 1

Corey and Celia
Chapter 1

I’m screaming from under the covers of my bed again. My shriek pains my own ears. It's a shriek that chills the blood. I rarely sleep at night. When I do, the lights are 'on'. I must have fallen asleep in the afternoon. The darkness and silence envelop me and fill me with fear. I can feel him in the room. Feel his presence. It’s like he’s watching me. Stalking me. Celia rushes into my room. Mom’s working late again. My younger sister pulls me into her arms. I tremble with fear. I didn’t use to be this way. This—afraid. Ever since… Him… His ghost haunts me. It’s been a year since we were rescued. Celia now dwarfs me. She’s bigger and now she’s my protector. I begin to sob as all of the fear melts with Celia’s presence. “Shhh. I’m here. Shhh. He can’t hurt you anymore." All the treatment and therapist in the world can’t free me from him. Even in death, he assaults me.

I calm down bit more, “I’m so sorry.” Her apology takes me back to our captivity. Celia was the lucky one. She was left unharmed… At least physically. She hugs me tighter, hoping to squeeze the memory from my soul. It just brings it to the surface…

The Devil Within

A college age man of questionable integrity makes a deal with a demon spirit, but not all goes to plan.

* * * *

Virginity is a cruel, cruel mistress, and it only gets worse as time goes by. Do you know how embarrassing it is to be twenty-one years old when you’ve never had sex? In a world where a man’s worth is measured by his virility I can think of nothing worse.

The Singer

This story was at the request of one of my blog readers who suggested the general plotline. It is NOT sweet, nor sentimental but at the same time is closer to reality.The person who requested it was pleased and that was the whole point of the exercise.

Discovery, Chapter 9 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 9 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

Mannie does some investigating at the place where Uncle Ben was murdered. It suddenly becomes very obvious who the murderers are. She is also learning about the operation of the Antelope Bar & Grill. She feels she might be able to bring some good ideas back to the winery. The roustabouts are a group unto their own. The local government looks the other way when it comes to some of their activities – such as poker. The opera continues.

Discovery, Chapter 8 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 8 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

Now the opera begins. Mannie meets with Sheriff John Craig. He is smitten immediately. He is nice but his heart is not in the same place hers is. He’s also about 20 years older than she is.

Discovery, Chapter 7 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 7 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

Mannie does not hesitate one bit. Each step just makes her that much surer that she is doing the right thing. Of course she is going to transition, and the details aren’t that important in this story. Let’s just say it was a wonderful three years, and then tragedy.

Discovery, Chapter 6 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 6 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

It didn’t take much to get Manny to seek out the psychologist Maria recommended. Manny is very impressed and opens up with her. She explains his options. Doing nothing is always an option, but that is not his choice. He will go forward, but when?

Discovery, Chapter 5 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 5 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

It doesn’t take much to get Manny to seek out the psychologist Maria recommended. Manny is very impressed and opens up with her. She explains his options. Doing nothing is always an option.

Discovery, Chapter 4 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 4 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

Manny heads south to San Antonio on what is basically a long and boring ride. His mother greets him with the news that she will be going in the hospital. She has to have gall bladder surgery. They have a long discussion about his gender issues. It seems everyone knew all about it but Manny. He learns a bit more about his uncle. It’s a bit surprising. Then it’s off to Arkansas

Discovery, Chapter 3 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 3 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

Maria tells Manny it’s time to go forward, that going nowhere is not the right solution. She gives him the name of a psychologist in Fort Smith.

Discovery, Chapter 2 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 2 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

Manny takes four days to make the trip to his uncle’s ranch. He listens to Sirius-XM most of the way; however, it’s mostly background music. His mind wanders over many things including something Maria, the wife of his uncle’s foreman said to him years before. She had said he was “Two Spirited”. He had done some research and learned what it meant. It bothered him a bit, but then, it didn’t.

Discovery, Chapter 1 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 1 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

Manfred Argerich grew up with a single mother. They had a great life, and as it would turn out his uncle helped his mother out quite a bit. There was a lot that Manfred didn’t really pick up on for quite a while. They never wanted for anything. Steve Chavez was Manny’s roommate at Humboldt State University for four years. Now the adventure was about to begin. Each was about to venture out into the cold, cruel world to conquer the unconquerable. Steve was joining Greenpeace to conquer the environmentally evil industrial world. Manny had a little less adventurous goal. He was going to work at a winery in central Arkansas. Each had something to discover.

In Too Deep - Ch 35-39

  • A morning news flurry while Dana and Sloan each contemplate their future.
  • Marco and Dave also make some new plans.
  • Danielle gets a bit more controlling while Thomas Dern and friends visit the hospital.
  • News at Eleven, Dana and Sloan make some choices, and Thomas Dern contemplates the past.
  • Sloan and Dana hit the Spa, then head to the party house to get ready for Sloan's big night.

Letters from Heaven

Letters from Heaven

By Jennifer Sue

The doctor checked Jimmy during his morning rounds. “Doc, I’d like to thank you for all you’ve done for me. Please tell the staff thanks for me too,” the brave boy spoke in a breathy gasping voice. Then he turned and smiled at his ever attentive mother. “Mom, I’ve fought this cancer but I know I can’t beat it. This will be my last morning and I want to die on my own terms. I don’t want to be hooked up to machines. All that will do is make my pain and yours continue. Doc, I’d like you to witness mom signing DNR paperwork for me, now, before it’s too late. Also Mom, I want to donate my body to the medical university where student doctors can see what the cancer has done to my body. It might help in finding a cure for others. Mom, those are my last wishes, please sign the donation paperwork.”

In tears Sally at first refused but seeing that Jimmy was so serious, she sadly acquiesced, signing the paperwork so that when his heart stopped, his epic war would be over and no attempts to revive him would be made and his body given for research. The grieving mother had no choice but to agree to her dying son’s adamant demands.

“Thanks, mom,” he smiled wanly. Exhausted by the exertion, Jimmy closed his eyes for a nap. Sally knew she had to stay strong for her dying son and stifled her anguish to sit by his bed holding his hand.

Jack & Jean visit the Amish in America Chapter 1

Jack & Jean visit the Amish in America
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 1 Holiday to Harrisburg

Jack & Jean were going on holiday to America. The last time they had been on holiday together was their honeymoon in 1949. Their eldest son Richard and his wife had taken over the running of the family farm. The farm was on the edge of Ilkley moor and the history of it could be traced back for at least 1000 years.

The Chrysalis Project Book 3: Ghost Moth Book 2


GM cover.PNG
The Chrysalis Project Book 2: Ghost Moth The Dark and The Angel
  Shawna is settling in to her new home but
  not advertising the fact. It seems there
  is a local stigma attached to her house.

WARNING: The Chrysalis Project may be hyper-violent for some readers!


Lady in Waiting Part 4

Lady in Waiting Part 4

Lady in Waiting part 1.jpg

By Christina H

This is a story set in the 1800’s about a family that has lost every family member except the youngest son and his twin sister. Then his sister dies of smallpox and he manages to persuade his mother to let him become his deceased sister. I realise that the language of the time is difficult to read (and difficult to write) so I have done an amalgam of vernacular (probably not grammatically correct.)

Lady in Waiting Part 3

Lady in Waiting Part 3

Lady in Waiting part 1.jpg

By Christina H

This is a story set in the 1800’s about a family that has lost every family member except the youngest son and his twin sister. Then his sister dies of smallpox and he manages to persuade his mother to let him become his deceased sister.

I really thank you for your very kind comments the really do help me a lot and make sure that I am on the right track with the story. Should I continue with the historical notes? I feel that the explain essence of life at this time.


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