CAUTION: Violence

The Lyssa Kordenay Missions - Book 46 - Butterflies in the Fields of Blood


Book 46 of The Lyssa Kordenay Missions!
  The DemonWraiths' final test: Kill Zone
  Lyssa ventured deep into Africa before and returned
  Now she must go back to the Bloodfields, but with more
  on the line than just herself this time.

WARNING: The Lyssa Kordenay Missions may be hyper-violent for some readers!


Lucky girl

Lucky girlhorese-riding-porlock.jpg
There's more than one way to be lucky. Maybe, there's more than one way to be a girl?

The Caution is for a slightly oblique reference to self harm. For American readers a Stanley knife is what you might call a 'box cutter'.

Feral Saga Chapter 14 - Havoc!

Logan looking impossibly young

Feral Saga Chapter 14 - Havoc!

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

Fortune finds us at the fourteenth issue with Logan trying to reenter life and put the horrible events of the last mission behind her. But is she acting rashly, or just foolish to think that events will be so easily put aside? There is still much for the Uncanny X-Men to deal with in the aftermath and that is without turning an eye towards Magneto. Sabretooth’s manipulation and assault left Logan horrified at what he nearly turned her into, but just because she escaped that particular fate, is she any less altered?

Magic Child - Spirits of the Past. Chapter 2: The Window

“Muuuuuuum, do I really need to wear this?”

“Come on sweetheart, it’s only every once in a while.”

“It’s at least four times a year!”

“There’s worse than that. Now hold still so I can…”


“I told you to hold still…”

The Flaming Girls - Chapter 1

Flaming Girls.jpg

Chapter One – Better Off Dead

Charlie is a transvestite prostitute working the streets of Chelmsford in 1975. She is a sweet girl made hard by life on the streets. Charlie is also unlucky enough to become a 'Flaming Girl'. This is part-one of a six-part thriller following Charlie as she helps the police chase down the man who desires the Flaming Girls so much so that he must possess their very being.


Victoria and Cecilia are two best friends plagued by bullies. Victoria wants to protect Cecilia but she cant, there are too many witnesses. However, even in the darkest of times true love can blossom as long as you have patience.

Restless Spirits Chapter 2

Most of the day goes by pretty quietly. Sayen manages to take inventory and restock the shelves without to much interruption, which she enjoys. Especially setting up a new display for some products they had just gotten in. While she was busy setting up the display and stocking it. Sayen didn’t hear the approach of some guys behind her.

“Well, well, fellows who do we have here, on her hands and knee’s? The white chick that thinks she is an Indian.” As, a tall long black hair fellow with a scar running down the left side of his face glances at Sayen.

The Hunter, Becomes The Hunted Part 9

“Tammy?” Becky looks at the text message she just received from Stanley.

She couldn’t believe that Kat and the rest of the team were on their way to their location. All the message said, was that a pissed off Kat was on her way to them. When she responded about the rest of Kat’s team. She was informed they were heading to Walker, Kansas to stay with Kat’s sister.

“Tammy, where are you?’ Becky couldn’t find Tammy anywhere and the next thing she hears is the sound of a gun.

“Guys, Tammy is under attack.” Becky heads towards the sound of the gunshot.

Twice Removed... 23

Xia Phar had a good life for a human on Saer’kah. She didn’t wear a restriction band and the Saer’khi family that had raised her since the Migration treated her like one of their own. Others humans on Saer’kah though had no reason to love the Saer’khi . At least Xia had some semblance of freedom. So when the humans decide to rebel against the Saer’khi and she discovers the real reason for the presence of humans and other aliens on Saer’kah Xia decides to take action. Enlisting the help of her family and her friend Tarek she forms a plan to get everyone out of the alien barracks without arousing suspicion and get them off Saer’kah on one of the newly built colony ships. Sounds pretty easy right? Now Tarek’s crush on her is the least of her problems and leaving Saer’kah is just the beginning.

Twice Removed
Chapter 23
I Spy


“You should have come to see me about it sooner,” I said shaking my head.

Scald-Crow 1: Chapter 2 - Striking A Deal


Scald-Crow 1:
The Rocky Road To Whateley
A Whateley Academy Tale

High School is a living hell for Padraig, and his life is only made worse by bullying.
One night a powerful spirit offers him a deal, and his life is changed forever.
In a world where Superheroes and Villains are the norm, and mutants are hated by most of the populace
life get's complicated fast for our young hero.

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.22

“What the fuck just happened?” Grace had a confused look on her face.

Their SUV just shut down in the middle of the road. Anthony was trying to restart it, but nothing was happening. The next thing the two of them feel is an explosion.

All the glass on the SUV cracked from the explosion. The SUV rocks again, as another explosion hits it. Grace tries opening her door, but it wouldn’t open “my door won’t open.”

Anthony tries his as well, but it wouldn’t open as well “mine won’t open either.”

The Hero, The Mouse & The Cheshire Pt. 16

Lien does as her grandmother tells her. The other girls were exercising with her. All of them were wearing different color leotards. She had on a pink one, that she had picked out when she went shopping with her mother. Krisha and Catlin wore identical leotards that were high cut.

Omphile had on one that had flowers all over it. She loved flowers and liked anything that had a floral design to it.

Scald-Crow 1: Chapter 1 - Auld Acquaintances


Scald-Crow 1:
The Rocky Road To Whateley
A Whateley Academy Tale

High School is a living hell for Padraig, and his life is only made worse by bullying.
One night a powerful spirit offers him a deal, and his life is changed forever.
In a world where Superheroes and Villains are the norm, and mutants are hated by most of the populace
life get's complicated fast for our young hero.

New Tale to Tell Chapter 9: Assault and Battery

New Tale to Tell
Chapter 09
by Justin M.
Copyright © 2020 Justin M. All rights reserved.

We go after his freak girlfriend. ... We take her out and it will send a message that if he fucks with us we fuck with his girlfriend. That bitch Shelby has had it coming a long time. ... It’s time we showed her and him we don’t put up with freaks around here”

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.21

“They're moving out now, number one.” Nelson watched as the three SUV’s leave the parking garage.

“Roger, number two. Keep your eyes on them and wait for our signal.” Juan watches from his perch.

He hopes that the plan they laid out will pay off. The research he did into each bodyguard had proven very fruitful. It also revealed that he and the others didn’t want to get into hand-to-hand combat with a few of them either.

The Prophet Revised Chapter 20

By Jasmine Monica Chapter 20

The Prophet
Serinina takes on Italy and makes final preparations for her landing on the Golden Isles. Patinea finds herself more frustrated with her sisters success and events in her personal life.

Sissys Reckoning

Sissys Reckoning

By Julia Michelle
an abused stepson sissy returns for a little payback to those who took her life as a boy
Warning. This is a very violent story with extreme cruelty, torture and murder. Stephania is not the typical sissy.

Elizabeth and Sara

Elizabeth looks at her wife as she walks out of the bathroom. Her belly has gotten big since she became pregnant. The two eggs that had been artificially inseminated had split. Now, they were going to be a family of six, instead of a family of four.

She couldn’t believe that Sara was going to have four babies. Neither one of their family’s had a history of twins or any signs of multiple births in their family line. How the egg she gave Sara had split and Sara’s own egg split was a mystery to them.

Castle The Series - 0091 Morgelle, Jed, Otday, Turner, Treen



They rounded a small promontory of rock known as Eel Point because as Tuyere explained, “There are a lot of sea eels that live in holes in the rocks underwater.”



The memories of Warbler’s declaration of love maekt time stand still for Jed, but eventually Otday returned to consciousth.



For the first time since Quarterday Eorl could envisage a slight chance for his son to survive to fourteen.


OTIS (22)

Otis was convinced by the lack of reaction to his suggestive remarks they were acceptable to the women.


BEKKA (16), CARLEY (18) AND VIKKI (16)

Join the Folk or die. There is naught in between.

New Contract

New Contract
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I used to believe that the two most valuable things that I had were my custom-made CZ 75B and my penis. Now I have only one of those. My CZ 75B is my tool of trade, after all.

In addition to a good weapon, the other two ingredients for a success career in my chosen profession are a total disregard for human life and total anonymity. You lose either of those and you are no use. In fact, as far as my handler would be concerned, you are worse than useless - you are a liability.

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.20

Raven and Clair were entangled with one another in bed. Raven was on top of Clair with one leg in between Clair’s leg and she had her head tucked in the nook of Clair’s shoulder. The two of them had enjoyed each other’s bodies for a while.

What came as a surprise, was Clair getting a small amount of milk from Raven’s breasts. She had sucked on Raven breasts several times before. However, this time was different. Raven’s breasts had produced a mouthful of breast milk. It had surprised Raven like it did Clair.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin - Prologue

This is my first story. It is a fem!Harry/dark!Harry, with a twist. Holly Potter was raised in the muggle world. How will she adapt to becoming a witch, and how will lives be changed along the way?

Warriors way chapter 10...bad Penny part 2

Warriors way chapter 10...bad Penny part 2

So what will happen now, the story goes on!

New story in the growing Hekawi universe!
Read the others in this new universe

Meagan's Tail

“Necessity is the Mother of Invention” and “Déjà vu”





The New Recruits Part 18

“Hello, Uncle Frank.” Brittney looks directly at her uncle.

Frank looks directly at Brittney “you’re supposed to be dead along with that freak that took you from your family.”

“I would be careful calling my mother, a freak. She doesn’t take kindly to words like that.” Brittney was controlling her anger. She didn’t like it when people call her mother weird, or names.

“Why should I worry about her? According to what I have been hearing, she’ll be dead soon.” An evil smile appears on his face.

Stuck in a Rut - Part 52

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is dealing with the usual things that any Fourteen year old girl has to deal with. That is... if they are a girl in a world where girls aren’t born, they are transformed. Leaving her male life behind is difficult, and new threats are on the horizon.


The Prophet Revised Chapter 16

The Prophet

By Jasmine Monica

Chapter 16

Serinina deals with violence against the Helots, then she deals with the other greek states and marries Ares

The Prophet Revised Chapter 15

The Prophet

By Jasmine Monica

Chapter 15

Serininas begins to reveal her grand plan to contront her sister and reclaim what was taken from her. Some have serious questions about her plan

“Are You Happy” Stage 11 “Inside Sighs”

Stage 11
Inside Sighs

I still adore Amber.
Even after everything that happened between us…and that being almost nothing. Yes,s he talked to me, a but more so after what had happened to Scott. I stood by as a shoulder to cry on. To be honest, I should have been the one crying on her shoulder due to the situations in my life and the fact that I couldn’t tell who liberated her from the hands of the person who I once counted as my friend.

The Trouble with Binky

2020 January - Leap of Faith Story Contest

The Trouble with Binky
by Rosalie Redd

I screamed through the gates of the estate in my Testarosa. My name is Maximilian Wallace Brockton. I am a world-renown dancer and actor. I live on this estate with my sister. I suspect we have a man-servant or two that live on the estate somewhere. I don’t really know.

Coming into the foyer, I was greeted by my sister, Binky. She had been working in her workshop, as is her usual hobby. She ran in and lept into my arms.

Dissociative Identity Disorder

Dissociative Identity Disorder
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

“As you can see,” said Dr Theobald, “We have had to put him in restraints again.”

Her face was up to the window, but she kept her eyes closed. She could not bear to look. She knew what she would see. Her precious son. The one that she had held to her breast, and nurtured, was insane.

“I want to discuss with you a therapy,” said Dr Theobald. “It is a longshot, but with your consent we could try something.”

The Prophet Revised Chapter 14

The Prophet


Jasmine Monica

Chapter 14

Serininas adventure continues. She prepares her expedition to Sparta, fights the Greek blockade of Troy and faces intrigue in the Palace. On top of it all her relationship with Aries developed.

“Are You Happy” Stage 10 “Post Telecom Daydream”

Stage 10
Post Telecom Daydream

I used to work at a technical support call center. I was fresh out of high school and thought the idea of being a disembodied voice helping another disembodied voice would be the best thing for me. I could offer my support and in the end, hang up and never hear from them again.
Tragically, the same thing did not apply to my co-workers.

Killer Man-Eating Pussies

The title was originally a spam subject, snatched up as part of Malinov's "Exploding Nipples" contest in 1997-1998. I didn't actually write the story until years later, in 2006. Thanks to Denny Wheeler for proof-reading and catching some unfortunate blunders in the original ASSM post.

A Boy visits a Girl for a planned movie and dinner. Things get hot.


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