On The Run Part 16

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Sara was snuggled up close against Emma. She had her face buried against Emma’s chest and was sound asleep. Sara had a nightmare last night and had crawled into bed. She felt safe sleeping against Emma. She had cried when she was told Lucas wasn’t going to be joining them anymore.

Sara scoots closer against Emma’s body. She felt Emma hold her tighter against her body. Sara was enjoying being close to Emma. She felt extremely safe.

Emma glances down at Sara as she hugged her against her body. She had crawled into bed with her last night and could tell that she was scared. It felt weird to have Sara sleeping against her, but right at the same time. Even though she didn’t give birth to Sara, the maternal instinct inside of her wanted to protect her baby. She just lays there on the bed with her baby snuggled close to her.

She knew sooner or later, they had to get up and go back to the boat to meet Lucas replacement. She had received a phone call yesterday, that a new agent was being sent out to them. His name was Max Gibson and was a former Navy Seal and had been with the Bureau for seven years. She didn’t know much about, except he was coming from the Miami office.

Emma runs her fingers up and down Sara’s spine gently to see if she could wake her little baby.

Sara felt Emma rub her fingers against her back and just scoot closer to Emma’s body.

A playful smile appears on Emma’s face as she felt Sara scoot closer against her. She moves her finger down to Sara’s ticklish spots and tickle her. She keeps tickling her little darling.

Sara moans and tries to wiggle out from under her mother’s fingers, but she was unable to. She starts giggling and squirming under her mother’s gentle fingers. Sara wiggles some more as Emma kept tickling her.

Sara sits up and looks over at Emma. She crawls over and straddles her mother’s waist as she looks down at Emma’s face.

“Mom, do you think Lucas is going to get better?” Sara plays with a lock of Emma’s hair.

She liked playing with her mother’s hair. She was thinking next time they dye her hair. She wouldn’t mind getting her hair dye to the same color her mother’s was. Her natural blonde hair made her stick out.

“He’ll be fine, Sara. We got him to the hospital in time and they managed to save him. Lucas has to stay in the hospital for a while, so Lucas won’t be joining us. This new agent the Miami office is sending us is a retired Navy Seal. So, he knows how to handle a boat and he could teach you how to swim and scruba dive.” Emma holds Sara’s hand.

She notices that her fingernails needed to be repainted.

“So, I’ve been meaning to ask you. How do you feel about becoming a girl?” Emma could already see that Sara was developing some breast tissue.

“I don’t mind. I want to be just like you.” Sara watches Emma’s face.

“I know baby, but being a girl can be kind of dangerous. I know you already know about what some men will do to women.” Emma wanted to make sure that Sara made the right choice.

“I know mom, but I want to be just like you. I’ve found that I enjoy being treated like a girl.” Sara lays down on Emma’s chest.

Emma wraps her arms around her and just hold her. She rubs her back and kiss her forehead. Emma holds her for a little while, till her bladder forces her to get up.

“Alright, sweetie. I need to get up and use the bathroom and we need to take a shower and get ready to meet the new agent that will be replacing Lucas.” Emma lets go of Sara as she feels her roll off her body.

Emma heads towards the bathroom and relieves her bladder. Afterwards, she pulls Sara into the shower with her and wash her hair. She also checks the tattoo that Sara had been given to covered up the tattoo that marked Sara as a sex slave. The tattoo artist they took Sara too, did a good job in blending the design into something that couldn’t be recognized.

Once they were done showering, Emma helps Sara get dressed and head downstairs to meet the new agent in the restaurant.

Glover restaurant:

Max had arrived early to meet up with Emma and Sara Williams. He found out from the director of the Miami office, that Agent Emma Williams has adopted the witness as her own child. Also, that the child had originally came from Austria and had been forced into sex trafficking by the Russian Mafia. This same child was at the place where a New Jersey City Council member and Federal Judge’s body had been found. Even though they had a recording of what took place at the cabin in their possession, they still needed the child to act as a material witness on why a city council member, Federal judge and a police officer was there.

He was also given information about the boat. It had been heavily modified to act as a reconnaissance and surveillance vessel for the DEA, but the program had been cancelled. There was a hidden weapon locker, along with upgrades to the boats engines. Certain areas of the boat were bullet resistant. The hull had been reinforced.

He takes a sip of his coffee as he spots a woman with light brown hair that resemble Emma Williams with a black hair preteen girl walking beside her. The young girl looked cute in the sun dress she was wearing. Her description matched the latest picture they had of the witness. He had been expecting a boy, but that was no boy, but a preteen girl.

Emma spots a man that resembled Max’s description. She walks over towards his table, while holding Sara’s hand.
Sara was walking next to her mother and had her sunglasses pushed up on her head.

“Do you mind if we join you Mr. Gibson?”

“Please, sit down.” He watches as Sara and Emma sit down at the table.

A waitress comes over and pours a cup of coffee for Emma and a glass of orange juice for Sara. She also places a basket of muffins in the middle of the table.

“I took the liberty of ordering coffee, juice and some muffins for you two.”

“Thank you. Have you been brought up to date of what is going on?” Emma watches as Sara takes a warm muffin and break it in half and spread butter on it.

“Yes, and I have already stowed my gear and checked the boat out.” Max went down to the boat first to check it out, before coming to the hotel.

“Cool, so that means we can get underway as soon as we finish breakfast.” Emma looks at Max.

“Yep, I know you guys have been port hopping form one port to another, but I think we need to travel a little further to put some distances between us and the people looking for Sara. So, I’ve decided that we will be staying out at sea for awhile till we get to the canal and on the other side of Florida.” He takes a sip of his coffee.

“I think we have enough supplies to do that. We stocked up on a lot of groceries a few days ago.” Emma takes a sip of her coffee. She glances at Sara, who was eating the other half of her muffin.


The three of them finish breakfast and head towards the docks.

As they get closer to the boat, Max and Emma spot three guys looking at the boat. He could tell they were people who weren’t uses to being around boats. They had on fancy dress shoes and dress slacks. They were a little better dressed then most mafia people he has run into were.

“Stay near Sara and be prepared to jump onto the boat.” Emma saw the three people as well.

“Good morning gentlemen, what can I do for you?” Max approaches with his good ole boy charm.

“We were admiring your boat here. I was wondering if it was for sale?” Marat was sure that this was the boat he was told the boy was on, but from the looks of it. He wasn’t sure.

“Nope, I just got this beauty seaworthy and can’t wait to get her out for her sea trails. I’m thinking about heading up north. This weather is too much me.” Max wipes the sweat from his forehead.

Pavel and Nestor were looking towards the light hair woman and the little girl standing next to her. The woman looked like she fit the description of the agent protecting the child they were looking for. The little girl on the other hand, didn’t look like anything they were told about.
They were looking for a twelve-year-old boy with blonde hair. He also had their tattoo on his back.

Emma moves Sara closer to the boat. This way they could jump on and up to the pilot deck. Emma had her gun in her hand, concealed behind Sara’s back. She kept watching Max to see what he was going to do.

Marat was looking at the man. He wasn’t the male agent he was informed about. The woman he was sure about, but the little girl he wasn’t. He looks at the man standing in front of him. He looked like someone that spent a lot time out on the water. He had that weather look about him.
He motions with his head for Pavel and Nestor to move closer to the woman and child.

Max noticed the nod and moved closer towards Marat “You know, here is something you might like about this boat.”
He gets close enough to slam his fist against the guys jaw.

Sara jumps onto the boat and for the door. Emma told her that the safest place in the boat was the galley in the boat. All the windows were bullet resistant, including the door.

Emma shots the one guy coming towards her. She makes sure Sara was onboard the boat. She ducks in time as the other guy that she didn’t shoot comes after her. She blocks his fist and elbows him in the throat. He drops as she puts a bullet into him.

Max knocks his guy out and cuff him.

“Get the boat going.” Emma signals Sara as she unhooks the boat form the pier.

Max hears the engines on the boat start up and start moving away from the pier. Sara was piloting the boat from inside it. It was easier from the fly bridge, but there were controls inside the cabin. Max jumps from the pier and heads up to the fly bridge to take control of the boat.

He was in his element as he speeds the engine up and leaves the marina in a hurry. He was an experience seaman. He knew how to handle the boat at high speeds. He manages to get out of the Marina and out to open seas in no time. He doesn’t slow down till he gets close tot eh entrance to the canal.

Sara and Emma didn’t think the boat could move like it was doing. They never really brought it up to any speed, except what was required of them. Sara holds onto Emma as they moved out to open sea.

“I didn’t think the boat could move this fast, mom.” Sara just watches as they pass a few people out on jet skis and smaller boats.

“Neither did I.” Emma hugs her daughter and after a few minutes, both head up to the fly bridge where Max was sitting and steering the boat.

“Sorry for surprising you ladies like that, but the more distance we put between us and them. The better off we will be.” Max was watching their speed and fuel. When he checked the boat earlier, they had a full tank of fuel. He figures by the time they get to Coca Beach, they were going to need to stop for fuel.

“Where are we going?” Emma was curious.

“We’re heading towards Cocoa beach and we’ll refuel there and go out into the ocean for the night.” Max figure within a few days, they will be in the Gulf of Mexico.

Emma goes back down on the main deck and checks everything. Sara remains up top with Max and watches what he was doing. She had to teach Lucas what some of the controls did on their last boat. But as she watches Max, she saw that he seemed to know what everything did and how to use it. She sits down next to him on bench seat.

“So, how old are you, Sara?” Max already knew, but he wanted to make the girl comfortable around him.

“Twelve years old, sir.”

“I have a niece that’s around your age. She lives out on the West coast with her my brother and his wife. How about you? Do you have any siblings?”

“No sir. I don’t have any brother’s or sisters. The only family I have now is Emma’s family.” Sara pushes a loose lock of hair behind her ear.

“Sorry to hear that. What hobbies do you have?” Max glances at Sara as he kept a lookout in front of him.

“I like reading, listening to music and fishing. Lucas taught me how to fish. I also like history.” A smile forms on her face.

“Do you like eating seafood?”

“Yes sir. I never had it before and when I tried it, I fell in love with it. What do you like to do?” Sara was curious now.

“I enjoy swimming with dolphins and feeding ducks. I use to surf, when I lived on the West coast, but I haven’t done any surfing lately.” Max
use to go everyday with his brother.

“You swam with Dolphins?” Sara was amazed.

“Yes, I use to swim with Dolphins. They are amazing animals.”

“I hope I see one while we are sailing. I haven't seen one before.” Sara would love to see one up close.

“I think something can be arranged.” He smiles as he kept them on course.

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Good thing Max was there.

Handling those guys would most likely have been much harder without him.

Shoot, found them again !

I like that, a SEAL who swims with dolphins. As good as Lucas was, I think Max brings more to the table.


Great Story

winterwolf12's picture

I hope they can figure a way to disguise the boat
or they will have to change boats again.
This is a great story